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Avril Lavigne

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Everything posted by Avril Lavigne

  1. Soooo this question mostly has to deal with Luna because it's the only one I know that negates resistance regardless of how high it is. I really like this tome and its effect, but I really don't want it to have an effect on ONE class. Is this possible?
  2. Fixed him up a bit to make him taller. Here is the hopefully final product.
  3. The new Gerik replacement! I had that other guy before, but he'll be recast as someone else :) This guy is more fitting in my opinion!
  4. Wow. The impact of a project... this is amazing! Goddamn Belle looking BADASS
  5. New ones! The red-haired lady is work of CobyTheGoober! Great work!
  6. Been using APE (Advance Palette Editor), and it's kinda hard to work with. It's for editing each individual character's palettes, not the battle sprite itself, just so you know. Yes, I'm finally adding custom characters!
  7. So this thread has been pretty inactive because I have a full-time job along with driving between cities looking for houses because I'm transferring my studies to a different university. I FINALLY got a house after looking for a month and a half, and will try to continue to resume the portrait making process. It might be while until the first batch are all complete, but that's okay. It's better not to rush it! THANKS FOR EVERYONE'S HELP!!
  8. Okay, well the maximum size I believe is 43x36. And I have no idea what int, string, bool, float means. I have never even heard of that. So that's probably why in any tutorial doesn't explain that. I've followed many tutorials regarding Tiled and that was not in any of them. Where are you seeing this prompt that asks you if it should be in bool, int, string, float, or whatever the hell that weird language is?
  9. Here's "not-Darin" I know he wasn't on the list, but The Grand Archipelago is getting a story touch-up which will feature this guy.
  10. K yeah, but Nightmare is not something where you add battle animations or add portraits or spells. Most of the time you usually use a dropdown menu to adjust a setting to your preference. You have to use FEditor or GBAGE then make a connection in Nightmare with those programs. That's why I'm trying to say. You need multiple programs if you want to add your own custom class and character.
  11. You actually can't insert characters in Nightmare. At least I'm pretty confident you can't. What you told him to do was basically make changes. Nightmare is the place where you make connections and adjustments to things you've inserted in other programs. So yes, it might seem like inserting, but it's actually just making changes.
  12. Nightmare is not used for inserting. Nightmare is mostly used for changes and not insertions. FEditor is the program that let's you insert custom battle animations, which is what it sounds like you're trying to do. I'm not sure if you know how to script battle animations, but it could be a lengthy learning process. You're going to need to Google some tutorials on that if you don't know. So no, it's not possible to insert a "custom character" on Nightmare. Plus a "custom character" really only means a custom portrait, unless you want that character to be unique with its own class. I would explain everything to you if I had time, but there is plenty of tutorials that will help you make your own "custom character" and use it for whatever you like.
  13. I'll use my current Chapter 1 map from my hack, seeing as I'll be getting rid of it and replacing it. So here's my map open in Tiled Notice how there's an arrow pointing at "Main"? Well that's what I named that layer, because it's the main layer. The map with no tile changes. What you name layers does NOT matter AT ALL. So once you're done making the main layer, have that layer highlighted and click "Properties". You will be able to re-name it, name it whatever you like. However, the important part is adding your own custom properties. Click the + and add a custom property named "Main". YOU MUST NAME IT "Main". And I think it's case sensitive so just do as it shows in the following picture. Now that you've done that, you can add more layers. I'm gonna show you what "0" does. I named it 0 because that's its ID. When "0" is selected, the top left tile gets changed, as pointed out. Make sure you got your tile change placed exactly where you want it. Afterwards, you must add custom properties to that layer. And you must add these custom properties to every layer after "Main". Example here: These are pretty self-explanatory. The only thing you need to know for height and width is, if it's more than 1 high, or 1 wide, the X and Y values will be in the top left of that tile change. Understand? I hope that was clear. Tiled will also show you the coordinates of your tile if you have the cursor hovered over any place on the map in the bottom left corner, so you can help you. Here is all of my layers selected and changed. I must add, however, that Tiled reads values in Decimal, and Event Assembler reads values in Hex. So what that means is when you give your tile change an ID of "10" in Tiled, it'll be "0xA" in Event Assembler.
  14. Thanks to CobyTheGoober for working on this beautiful updated not-Neimi from my original
  15. That's cool! I just noticed that one of the chapters names were "Equivalent Exchange" (basically the theme of the show), then the bandit having the name "Mustang" (Colonel Mustang/Roy Mustang, one of the capital's main units). So perhaps I am wrong, but it would be cool!
  16. So I have this weird feeling the writers watch Fullmetal Alchemist. Just a feeling. This game is awesome though, LOVE THE STORY.
  17. Agallitor against an alligator! (Probably not even an alligator...)
  18. Okay, I actually added quite a few more that have featured in my story so far. And I think that's it, aside from the 6 bandits that aren't on there, but I'm not too concerned with them because their time with the story doesn't last too long (they don't matter too much now). Thanks for all of the help so far!
  19. Okay! Well keep me updated. I would for sure like to see your work in the future! (Especially on Karla and Bartre) Announcement: I will update the list, I'm also going to add Boies, Bool, and Zagan as replacement characters.
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