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Avril Lavigne

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Everything posted by Avril Lavigne

  1. Well, it looks like Frozen_Blades has been summoned! And sure, you can do that. And sounds great if you wanna work on Bartre and Karla! The more help, the faster this game will be on its way to its next release! Thank you very much. Also, just PM me if you wanna show me some of your previous work, or whatever... haha. Wow... was NOT expecting that. Haha I am impressed. Not-Vigarde looks very intimidating and I love it. Damn, like he scares me. Great job!
  2. Okay, I'll answer the last question first: Yes, the classes will remain the same. Only for the replacement characters. There will be new characters after that with whatever fitting class comes to mind. I don't mind if you make adjustments to the existing portraits that I've made. As you can see earlier CobyTheGoober said he'll custom them up (make them more...unique I'm guessing). So I dunno, I think I might have to make a group conversation or something for the contributors to see what they think instead of people messing with all of the same stuff. Also, I would probably like if Karla and Bartre were focused on as opposed to Forde, because I'm pretty sure Frozen_Blades may be working on it...not really sure..... Aannnnnd no, I don't need all cavaliers to have the same armor. In fact, I don't want them to. Btw, that cavalier replacement for Kent with the red armor is kinda lazily done, it was one of firsts. I wouldn't mind seeing some of your work though too! Maybe you can PM me? Thanks for the reply!
  3. Well, I started with paint... then headed over to usenti, then realized that they are not really that great. It all depends on your taste. I ended up turning to photoshop. I find it the easiest, because you can take pieces and elements and organize them way easier. You can also recolor portraits EXTREMELY easy on it. Furthermore, you can merge those pieces/elements you've spliced whenever you want. I mean, this might all sound like gibberish to you right now (it might not). But I would say that it takes a lot of practice...for me at least. I've made far more than what I've posted and that's because I've made a lot of bad ones before making good/decent. I mean, even still my portraits aren't top of the line. I don't go full-out with every portrait though either. I'm sure they would look better if I did. But making one is time consuming, and finding fitting elements and pieces are another hurdle for me--so I don't really have patience to go completely crazy with one portrait at a time. I'm the type to tweak later. I'm lazy-ish. I'd say practice, get some feedback, and you'll get the hang of it! It's not hard after that. You always gotta remember to have the portrait be 15 colours (because background counts as the 16th colour). So there's my reply to that :P
  4. Wow, that sounds like a pretty fantastic offer! I'll PM you! Thank you :D :D
  5. Well, the body isn't too unique but hey, at least he's done (for now...might tweak it up a little later).
  6. Colours are not final, but here's the Renault replacement so far!
  7. Finally finished Lyn replacement. I was busy these past few days!
  8. I haven't had time to play through this quite yet, but watching the Let's Plays, it looks really amazing! Another good FE coming to life I see. CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY :)
  9. I probably won't have the body done until late tonight, but here is the Lyn replacement so far!
  10. I see everyone in their signatures have photos which you can click on and will be directed to somewhere. When you click on mine, it leads you to the photo... I really have no idea how to do it! Thanks.
  11. Dream of Five Gotcha. I had a hunch maybe I was doing something wrong of course too little too late. A serious lack on common sense here on my part.
  12. I'm just gonna go ahead and mark this as solved because this seems like it'll work. Haha I'll try it out later. Thanks!
  13. You could say that the elements of them were stolen. I spliced parts from the DoF characters, completely uncredited. I realized last night that maybe this should be discussed with the project manager of DoF and I swear to God I messaged Astra. I opened my laptop and saw this, realized the message had actually not been sent, and boom. Lesson here is ALWAYS DISCUSS YOUR BOUNDARIES. This is totally the worst thing I've ever done and I feel horrible.
  14. Yeah. I guess one could I did steal it for the lack of credit. I'll take the ones from the original GBA for future. I feel stupid and horrible.
  15. Hello, sorry I messaged AstraLuna about it last night and I did not realize. I thought that I was able to reuse them as they had bodies that were suited for my faces. I apologize for this. They are removed.
  16. I messaged you....? I remember messaging you last night before I went to bed about using the portraits. EDIT: Well this certainly puts a shit stain on me right here, but I do remember messaging you last night to make sure it's okay. I found all of the portraits from this project shared somewhere and I will show you the photo. I will message you. I apologize and they are now removed.
  17. I love when I search for music for my project and think I'm so dang cool when I find a good tune but then figure out that Bloodlines already uses it. hashtag beatentothepunch <3 really good choices you got there I gotta saaayyyyy. I especially really like the track you play for 1-0 and 1-1, where's that from? It's damn catchy I sometimes just turn Bloodlines onto a new game so I can jam haha (I'm so lame)
  18. Awe thanks! But between her and 'Lyn replacement', I'm digging 'Lyn replacement' Finally got her done jeeze never thought I'd figure one out for her.
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