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Posts posted by SwordofAeons

  1. I'm recording my run on Twitch, and I'll also post updates here.

    How are we all interpreting the "50 EXP worth of BEXP per chapter" rule in regards to the first time we acquire a character? Do they get their listed starting amount +50, or just their starting amount and the +50 starts on the next chapter?

  2. Mia starts with 70 points in strength, so it's expected for it to be above her average. With Steel Sword and Fighter Band, she would have 10.2 strength at level 11 assuming perfect conversion. A growth rate of 50 is never disadvantaged by rounding, so any time Mia earned an odd amount of experience she'd earn "free" growth points. 11 strength isn't impossible by any means.

  3. I've been itching to play this game again. Are you still using the standard BEXP rules and just didn't copy them here, or?

    Reyson isn't free? I haven't drafted FE9 before, but isn't the dancer usually free?

    Are Marcia/Jill as dominant here as Haar/Jill are in FE10? I doubt it but any thoughts?

  4. [spoiler=Chapter 13x (0|21)]


    Enemy at the gates!


    God DAMMIT Bartre


    Bartre, plz. Those stats don't matter. plz.


    0.0 A good level from Bartre?


    No, that's a good level.


    Lowen guarded the village until Serra could visit it on the last turn.


    Bartre softened up Puzon with a Steel Sword of his own, and Rebecca finished the job.


    Not even Bartre! He couldn't steal anything even if he wanted to!


    This is just good advice in general.


    XD This line always gets me.

    This chapter was exhausting. SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS!!!! Serra cleared out the entire right side, and even grabbed the village on the final turn. Bartre killed everything in the lower left, then swung around north to assist Hector and Rebecca with THE ENDLESS STREAM OF GUYS. Had to rig quite a few dodges against 30-40 hit, since the enemies kept murdering my bros.

    Unit    Lv  HP  S/M  SKL  SPD  LUK  DEF  RES
    Hector  07  28  12   10   08   10   13   02
    Marcus  07  25  11   12   09   06   04   11
    Bartre  09  32  11   07   12   10   07   01
    Serra   06  20  10   15   18   10   06   04
    Rebecca 06  27  08   12   14   10   09   02
  5. HeheheheheHEHEHEHEHEH I love how trolly this chapter is with the fog. Too bad you turned it off though. You realize Aureola boosts staff range right? You can spam torch all over with savestates and get the same effect as turning off fog, but less cheaty.

    I do give the player options after all :(

    Wait, you left the Torch staff in the game? Do you realize what you've done!?!?!?!? Mwahahahahaha!!!!!

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