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Posts posted by Galenforcer

  1. First batch of supports I said I'd do. Will post the rest later today.

    Xander x Nyx

    C Support

    Nyx: Prince Xander, is there anything that troubles you?

    Xander: An odd and unprovoked question. Why do you ask it?

    Nyx: It's rude to answer one question with another. And I asked first. Is there anything that troubles you?

    Xander: No. Not at the moment...

    Nyx: ... You dissemble, prince, but I know the truth.

    Xander: If memory serves... you are a soothsayer, are you not?

    Nyx: Yes. And?

    Xander: My apologies, Nyx, but I believe the art to be a sham and a ruse.

    Nyx: Do you now...? Then it is fortunate that I am not relating a prophecy.

    Xander: Oh? Say what you will, but I have no troubles. I must go hence to plan the next offensive. Unless you foresee disaster there too?

    Nyx: No. But promise me this. Come see me before the strain becomes too much to bear.

    Xander: ... If you insist.

    B Support

    Xander: I'm curious, Nyx. What are you so certain that I'm worried about?

    Nyx: Hmhm. You came straight away, I see. Didn't you say that soothsaying was a sham and a ruse?

    Xander: Answering a question with a question, are we?

    Nyx: Haha! Well done. But you surprised me. I didn't think you'd come.

    Xander: Answer the question, please. What did you think was troubling me?

    Nyx: May I be frank?

    Xander: You have my leave.

    Nyx: It's the war. The fighting troubles you.

    Xander: The war?

    Nyx: Yes. The truth is that you have no desire to kill your enemies. But in war, their lives can mean nothing. You must have no qualms in taking them. This puts you in a difficult position. You seem to be in pain.

    Xander: ...

    Nyx: You are noble in spirit as well as blood. As the eldest prince, you always put your kingdom first. But that is also your weakness.

    Xander: Do tell.

    Nyx: You should not have to sublimate your own feelings for the greater good. You must give them voice and be true to yourself on occasion. ...That is all.

    Xander: So noted. Tell me, on what grounds do you say all of this?

    Nyx: Must I explain myself?

    Xander: Soothsaying, then. I thought as much. So, you truly are aware of my feelings on the subject. Interesting. I must be going now. Thank you for your time. Good day, Nyx.

    Nyx: ...That is regrettable. For myself, and for you as well.

    A Support

    Nyx: Prince Xander, we must talk.

    Xander: If this is more soothsaying...

    Nyx: No. You asked me before what grounds I had to say those things. You assumed I knew what I did through soothsaying, but that is not the truth.

    Xander: Then what is?

    Nyx: ... In you, I saw something that felt familiar.

    Xander: How so?

    Nyx: The crown prince of Nohr must surely know why I am called a monster.

    Xander: I do.

    Nyx: I am forever young in form, and not through any fault in my bloodline. Why do you think that is?

    Xander: I... I couldn't say.

    Nyx: Even at a young age, I was skilled in the dark arts. I cast eldritch spells with ease. But the power proved too much for a child. One spell, cast half in jest, cost many people their lives. The toll it took on me caused my body to be frozen in time.

    Xander: ...

    Nyx: here were times when I wanted to die rather than deal with what happened. |But I live on, hoping that someday I might find a way to atone for my crimes. Despite this, I've found that my talents lie mostly in dealing more death. It makes one wonder what the point of it all is. If all I do is kill, am I really winning my salvation? Or something else?

    Xander: ... You and I may be more alike than I thought. I'd like to discuss this further, if you have the time.

    Nyx: I'll listen as long as you wish. Even if I don't look it, I'm old enough that I might have some useful advice for you.

    S Support

    Nyx: You summoned me, Prince Xander?

    Xander: I have a proposal for you. I want to grant you noble status. Would you like to be the Queen of Nohr?

    Nyx: What?!

    Xander: Your shock is understandable, but know that my proposal is genuine. As proof, I present you with this ring.

    Nyx: ... I'm honored-thrilled, even-but are you sure about this? To wed an outsider...

    Xander: The kingdom of Nohr is strongly unified. Yet even so, it is more fragile than it seems. An objective point of view such as yours would be valuable. Moreover, you are courageous, calm, and collected, with a sharp mind. All of those are qualities befitting a queen. But above all else, you are the one whom I love.

    Nyx: But... the things I've done...

    Xander: In terms of lives claimed, I am not far behind you on that grim tally. If there is any way for us to atone... it is by stopping the fight here. Together, we shall ensure such a burden never touches another generation. You and I will be the cornerstone of a new era of Nohr.

    Nyx: ...Intriguing. I see no reason to refuse your proposal.

    Xander: Wonderful! This is a bright day both for us and for Nohr.

    Nyx: But you know that due to my curse, I will remain in this state. I will never age. You don't mind that in a wife?

    Xander: It is not precisely what I envisioned for my queen, but we will make it work.

    Nyx: I suppose I at least will never fear you abandoning me for someone younger...

    Xander: That's absurd. If that were all that drove my decision, I'd have proposed to a brainless courtier.

    Nyx: Hmhmhm, a very good point. Thank you... dear Xander.

    Leo x Felicia

    C Support

    Felicia: KYAAAAAAH! Not again!
    (Felicia drops a plate)

    Leo: Felicia... You appear to have dropped another plate. Are you OK?

    Felicia: I-I'm so sorry, Lord Leo!

    Leo: There's no need to apologize.

    Felicia: Urgh... I'm still sorry though...

    Leo: Nonsense. I've seen you make plenty of mistakes in the past. This wasn't the first, and it won't be the last.

    Felicia: I guess that's true, milord. I'm not very graceful.

    Leo: True. In fact, it is my observation that you are not suited to be a servant.

    Felicia: WHAT?! Don't say that!

    Leo: Oh? Why? It's the truth, is it not? One mustn't shy away from the truth, Felicia. One must face it head on.

    Felicia: Please, milord! I'll try harder, I promise! Don't make me leave!

    Leo: I wouldn't dismiss you personally, though you do cause us undue grief. I was not threatening disciplinary action, I was merely offering food for thought. I implore you to reconsider. This profession may not be the right line of work for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return to my studies. Good day, Felicia.

    (Leo leaves)

    Felicia: Good-bye, Lord Leo...

    B Support

    Felicia: There we go! Polished and shiny! Now to calmly and carefully carry them over there...

    Leo: Hello, Felicia. What are you doing?

    Felicia: Oh! Lord Leo... I was just practicing my maidly duties.

    Leo: Oh? I don't think I'll ever understand why you put so much effort into such things. You are not good at housekeeping, and likely never will be.

    Felicia: B-but if I try my hardest...

    Leo: Don't fret. It's not as though you have nothing to contribute. There's another job for which you're much better suited.

    Felicia: Huh? What's that?

    Leo: Well, you're a remarkable soldier. Though you don't look it, you're quite the spectacle on the battlefield.

    Felicia: Y-yes. Gunter tells me the same thing.

    Leo: Then what's the problem? You should cease your duties as a servant today. You could do so much more for us if you worked as a soldier full-time.

    Felicia: Well...

    Leo: What's wrong? Is that not an agreeable proposition for you?

    Felicia: I don't mind fighting... I'm happy to help out in the war whenever I'm required to.

    Leo: Yes, I know. You are a brave and loyal woman, and you've served us well.

    Felicia: But... at the end of the day, I don't want to be a soldier. I want to be a maid. I might not be perfect at it, but caring for everyone is what I want most.

    Leo: Hmm. Well, I suppose it can't be helped. Do as you please, Felicia.

    Felicia: Yes, milord! I'll do my best!

    A Support

    Leo: Felicia.

    Felicia: Yes, milord?

    Leo: I've been wondering... What is it that drives you? Why do you want to be a maid so badly? As a soldier, everyone would recognize and respect your skills.

    Felicia: It's because I want those who cared for me to be proud of me.

    Leo: Those who cared for you?

    Felicia: Yes. Since I arrived at the castle, so many people have shown me kindness. Like Gunter. He taught me everything he knew about being a servant. He was very strict, but he was also like a father to me. And Jakob too. He looked out for me when I was younger. Even though he says mean things, he's a very kind person inside. And... I want all those people to see me become a maid they can be proud of!

    Leo: I see. I had no idea. In that case, I will not press the issue any further.

    Felicia: Lord Leo...

    Leo: You will need to work very hard, but I believe you can do it. I wish you only the best,


    Felicia: Thank you, Lord Leo! I'll give it my all!

    S Support

    Leo: Felicia, do you have a moment?

    Felicia: Yes, of course. But let me finish moving these dishes first.

    Leo: Hm, that stack looks a bit precarious. May I assist you?

    Felicia: No, that's all right! I can do it my- ARRRRGGGHH!
    (Felicia drops a dish)

    Leo: *sigh* I knew that would happen.

    Felicia: I'm so sorry, Lord Leo! Are you hurt?

    Leo: I'm fine. And you?

    Felicia: I'm OK...

    Leo: That's a relief. Well, I suppose we'd better clean up these plates.

    Felicia: Oh! You mean you'll help?! Thank you, milord.
    (Time passes)

    Felicia: Phew! That took longer than expected. So, um, what was it that you wanted to

    talk to me about?

    Leo: Felicia... I love you.

    Felicia: L-Lord Leo?! What are you saying?

    Leo: Just that. During our time together, I've grown to admire you. I love how you're willing to devote your life to making those you love proud. You're earnest and strong, yet sweet and caring. You astound me. I wish to be with you, Felicia. Please... will you be my wife?

    Felicia: Y-you know I can't do that!

    Leo: Why not?

    Felicia: What do you mean, "why not"? You're royalty! You can't marry someone like me! Besides... I'm not worthy of you. I'll break all the plates and mess up your laundry!

    Leo: I don't wish to hire you as a servant, Felicia. That would be ill-advised. But last I checked, love has nothing to do with menial housework. And yes, I am royalty. A prince of Nohr, no less. That means I can be with whomever I wish, even a clumsy maid. So, please, allow me to ask you again... Will you be mine, dear Felicia?

    Felicia: Lord Leo... Yes! A thousand times yes!

    Leo: Truly? Thank you, Felicia. You've made me happier than I ever imagined I could be.

    Felicia: Heehee. I could say the same thing to you, milord.

    Arthur x Peri

    C Support

    Peri: It's just not FAIR!! *sob*

    Arthur: Peri! My fellow friend of justice, whatever is the matter? Arthur is here, so have no fear! Nor tears! Nor anything remotely objectionable!

    Peri: *sniff* *hiccup* Oh... Hi, Arthur. Life's just not fair, is it? *sob*

    Arthur: I'll give you that Lady Justice can be a cruel mistress, but I wouldn't go that far. Please, Peri! Gather your strength, and together we'll figure this out. Now then, tell me what's troubling you. I'm all ears!

    Peri: *sniffle* Do you mean it? You'll hear me out?

    Arthur: Of course! Please calm down and tell me your woes. I swear to make it right!

    Peri: Oh, well... I'm just... I'm in agony...

    Arthur: Agony, you say? By the gods! Are you ill, my friend? Shall I fetch a healer?

    Peri: No, it's not that. It's just... I ordered a new stabbing stick. This real nice blade I saw in town. I had it delivered, but this one isn't nearly as sharp as the one on display! Now... *sniffle* Now I want to go demand my money back... But I don't have a sufficient stabbing stick for the occasion!! See my dilemma?

    Arthur: Ah, yes. A shady merchant misled you, and now you're left to pick up the pieces. Outrageous! Scandalous! This simply will not do, my friend!

    Peri: Isn't it awful? I suppose I could just... talk it out with them. But... but... *SOB*

    Arthur: That tears it. Hand me that blade, Peri. I'll be right back.

    Peri: You mean... you're gonna take care of the stabbing for me?

    Arthur: I shall ensure you receive the caliber of goods you paid for, yes. Though I very much doubt any stabbing will be involved. Stay strong, Peri! I shall return in the blink of an eye!

    Peri: Thank you, Arthur! You're the best! ...Don't hesitate to stab stuff if push comes to shove, 'kay?

    B Support

    Arthur: Peri! I have returned from my mission. Here is the blade that misguided merchant wooed you with.

    Peri: Woo! Thanks, Arthur! Wait, what the... Are you kidding me?!

    Arthur: Hm? What's wrong, Peri?

    Peri: This isn't the right blade at all! This one's so small and dull! Yick! I could barely skin a fruit with this, much less a person! I knew it was too good to be true... *sniffle* I've just learned a valuable lesson about life and trusting people. Thank you, Arthur.

    Arthur: I... I'm very sorry, Peri. The merchant must have been confused. I'll go right now and get you the right item.

    Peri: It's too late for that, Arthur. I can't let this man's behavior continue unpunished. This new blade is small... but it's good enough for what I have in mind.

    Arthur: Um... Peri? What exactly are you planning?

    Peri: Oh, just a little stabby stabby party! HEEHEE!!

    Arthur: Y-you can't do that! Please, give me another chance. I won't fail you this time!

    Peri: Oh, are you sure? I really don't mind going myself this time...

    Arthur: No! Stay! Please!! I mean... it would be my pleasure. Now, why don't you draw me a quick sketch of the exact blade you're looking for.

    Peri: OK... It looks... Yeah, like this.

    Arthur: Ah, yes, I believe I saw that one. Consider it done, my friend!
    (Arthur leaves)

    Peri: Okey doke! Bye-bye!!

    A Support

    Arthur: Peri! Where are you, my friend? I have returned victorious! If I'm not mistaken, THIS is the blade you've been pining after.

    Peri: This is... perfect! Wow, it's even more stabby than I remembered! Thank you so much, Arthur!

    Arthur: Phew! I'm so happy I guessed correctly.

    Peri: Wait... What do you mean you "guessed correctly"? What about that picture I drew?

    Arthur: Oh! Right. Well, the thing is... Actually, to be honest, my bad luck got the best of me again. While I was in town, I leaned down to pick up a lucky coin from the ground... That's when a squirrel jumped in my pocket and grabbed your picture! I pursued him for a block or two, but then I tripped on some bushes... and... well... I'm just happy I picked up the right blade, haha.

    Peri: But I still don't get it... How did you know this was the right one without the picture?

    Arthur: ... Honestly, I held every one in my grasp and tried to imagine which you'd like best.

    Peri: Wow... That doesn't make too much sense to me, but it's pretty impressive!

    Arthur: Oh no, it was nothing.

    Peri: I guess... Maybe some things CAN be solved without stabbing. Sometimes. I mean, I'm sure it's still rare, but... it happens! Thank you for teaching me that, Arthur. You're good people.

    Arthur: Thank you, Peri! You are as well!

    S Support

    Arthur: Ah, Peri. Thank you for joining me.

    Peri: ...

    Arthur: Peri?

    Peri: *sob*

    Arthur: Peri! What's wrong now?!

    Peri: It's just... I'm in agony... Again...

    Arthur: Oh! Gods! Is something the matter with your new blade?! Honestly, at this point, it might be wise to patronize a new vendor...

    Peri: It's not that! Geez! I just... Whenever I think about you... my heart hurts. It's weird!

    Arthur: Truly, Peri? ... My friend, I think I know the cause of your ailment. That's because... I feel the same way.

    Peri: Huh? Really? Are you in agony too?

    Arthur: I am. Whenever I think of you, my heart is filled with... both joy and pain. It's not dissimilar to how I feel when I think of sweet justice! I've discussed this feeling with a few of our friends. They all said the same thing. They say this feeling... Oh, Peri... They say it's love.

    Peri: Love?!

    Arthur: Yes... So they say. The more I thought about it, the more I knew it was true. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear you feel the same.

    Peri: But... I don't know anything about love! I'm mostly just good at stabbing...

    Arthur: I, too, am new to this world. But perhaps, we can learn together. In fact... Peri... Will you marry me?

    Peri: HUH?! M-marriage?! Are you nuts?

    Arthur: Yes! I mean... Well, no. I'm just following my heart. In fact... I bought this ring for you, in case the right moment ever presented itself.

    Peri: Holy smokes! That's... really pretty! Looks like it would do some real damage too!

    Arthur: Here, try it on. I did some detective work and found out your ring size. It should fit perfectly!

    Peri: You're right! It's perfect!

    Arthur: Wondrous!

    Peri: Oh, but... Erm...

    Arthur: What is it, my love? Please, we mustn't keep anything from each other!

    Peri: It's just... I think... Yep, I'm definitely having an allergic reaction. Are you sure this is real gold?

    Arthur: ...!! Gods, curse my bad luck! I should have known that deal was too good to be true! Please forgive me, Peri! I swear, I had no idea!

    Peri: No, it's no big deal. All I care about is that we're gonna... Ya know, figure out about love and junk. Together!

    Arthur: I could not have said it more beautifully! Thank you, my love.

    Peri: No problem! Oh, and I love you too! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a shady ring merchant to punish.
    (Peri leaves)

    Arthur: Sure thing, my love! Good-bye! Wait, did she say...? PERI, NO!!

    Odin x Elise

    C Support

    Odin: Zzzzzzz... *SNORE*

    Elise: HI, ODIN!

    Odin: WHAAA?! Oh, I... *ahem* Hello, Lady Elise.

    Elise: You weren't sleeping, were you?

    Odin: Hahaha. That's cute, if not ridiculous. No, I was merely testing a new charm.

    Elise: Oooh, what kind? Is it a snore charm? A snoring-really-loudly charm?

    Odin: ...Cute. Actually, it's a charm entrusted to me by the demons of the night. It allows me to tap into the netherworld at will to aid me in my eternal crusade for...

    Elise: Tap into the nether who? What is that?

    Odin: It is what the fragile labyrinth of the human mind craves most of all... a taste of the knowingness of death and the power of the silent darkness as it-

    Elise: You have a fragile labyrinth for a mind?

    Odin: Yes, and it remains hidden behind a beautiful veil of darkness until I...

    Elise: Wait, so you were lifting a veil of darkness? What does THAT mean?

    Odin: ... Well, it... Look, I was asleep, OK?

    B Support

    Odin: This feeling... This stillness... I know it well. The time is now. To fight the awakening darkness I must now awaken my true power... Grrrh... But no... I must hold back...! I mustn't break the final seal. Not...yet...!

    Elise: Odin, who are you talking to?

    Odin: WHAAA? Lady Elise?! What brings you here... again?

    Elise: I don't see anyone else here.

    Odin: Th-that is correct. I am here alone.

    Elise: Heehee! You're just like my father. He always talks to himself too. Oh, but what's wrong? Are you OK? Why were you holding your arm like that?

    Odin: It's n-nothing to trouble yourself over. The demons of the night branded my arm from within, but 'tis only a phantom pain.

    Elise: The demons of the night... branded you from within? That's what happened?

    Odin: Um, well, what I mean is... Look, I was just pretending I was in pain. It's complicated.

    Elise: Ah, that makes more sense! Good to know. So wait-were you also pretending to talk to someone?

    Odin: No, I was pretending to feel the presence of the darkness in this room. Happy now?!

    Elise: Yes, very! I feel like I finally understand where you're coming from, heehee. Odin, can you please say cool things like that more often?

    Odin: Really?! You, um... REALLY?!

    Elise: I mean, I have no idea what you're saying most of the time when you talk like that. But if you throw in some normal talk every once in a while, I can play along too!

    Odin: Please, bite your tongue, milady. I cannot simply change my essence. I would lose my grasp over the darkness! I... simply wouldn't be myself any longer.

    Elise: Well, that's fine too. Just talk to me a bunch, and eventually I'll understand!

    Odin: Talk to you... a bunch?

    Elise: Yeah! You and I should talk all the time starting RIGHT NOW! Soon I'll know all about the demons of the labyrinth and their veil of stuff and stuff. This is going to be great!

    A Support

    Elise: Hi, Odin! Er, I mean... I now approach the one called Odin Dark, MWAHAHA!

    Odin: Fair princess of twilight, I hear your cry. You wish to speak with Odin Dark? So be it, but I must warn you to beware the shadowy depths of innocent eyes. For the night inevitably destroys the day, like pure, ivory sand awash in an onyx tide.

    Elise: Yeah. YEAH. I will. Like a diamond soul wandering in the middle of a desert. It wanders up the sacred summit until the spears of agony pierce its heart! Right?

    Odin: You are exactly right. But... are you sure you're OK, Lady Elise?

    Elise: Huh? What do you mean? Am I doing it wrong?

    Odin: No, it's just... if you speak with the tongue of darkness, won't you be shunned?

    Elise: Oh, don't worry about it. I only speak with the dark tongue or whatever around you! Besides, even if I said these things to other people, I think they'd just be confused.

    Odin: I suppose that's true.

    Elise: But who cares about what other people think. Let's keep Odin-talking! I just love all the wonderful stories you tell. They're so whimsical and cool!

    Odin: Aren't they, though?! Aren't they so heroic and inspiring? Elise, you're just... you're great! This is why you're the beloved princess of Nohr.

    Elise: Teehee, thanks! Enough of that, though. Weren't you going to tell me about your 13th Demon Blade?

    Odin: Ah yes, good ol' Righteous Fury. One of my favorites, though it's a truly cursed blade. They say the wielder is possessed by a dark magic whenever the bloodred moon rises...

    Elise: NO, really?! Tell me more!

    S Support

    Elise: Yay, it's Odin! Let's talk about cool things and dark stuff and the like!

    Odin: About that... Lady Elise, I must speak with you about a difficult matter. It seems there are rumors going around about us. Very troubling rumors.

    Elise: Oh? What kind of rumors?

    Odin: There are those who believe I am exposing you to some kind of evil sorcery.

    Elise: WHAT?! That's just silly! We're just having fun chatting. There's nothing evil about it! If people are so worried about what you're saying, they should join our conversations!

    Odin: True, but even if they did, I doubt they would understand what was being said.

    Elise: How can we keep spending time together without people getting the wrong idea?

    Odin: We could always get married, haha. Then I bet people would stop fussing over us.

    Elise: Get... married?

    Odin: Oh, I just meant if we were married, they would expect us to always be together. *ahem* But anyway, let me tell you a little bit about this new Demon Sword I found...

    Elise: Hey, Odin... you know, marriage might not be such a bad idea. It might just work.

    Odin: Wh-wh-what did you just say?!

    Elise: I said, getting married isn't such a bad idea!

    Odin: Whoa, wait. Wait! Just WAIT one minute! I was joking when I said that! You do understand what marriage is, don't you, Lady Elise?

    Elise: DUH. Did you really just ask me that? Don't you dare treat me like a child!

    Odin: I-I'm very sorry. I just meant... marrying me just so we can keep chatting...

    Elise: But... that's not the only reason. Since we've been spending time together, I've been thinking about all kinds of things. Things I've never thought about before! Like... how much I enjoy being with you. It's not because I like your stories or that we get along so well, either. It's because... It's because I have feelings for you! Strong ones! Love-type ones!

    Odin: Whaaaa?! D-do you really mean that?!

    Elise: ...I do. Is that, um, OK?

    Odin: W-well, of course! I mean, I think you're extremely beautiful and special. And truth be told, I have the same kind of feelings for you too. It's just...

    Elise: Just what?

    Odin: Everyone will oppose. EVERYONE. They all know... that I'm not worthy of you.

    Elise: *pffft* Is that all? Who cares? All that matters is how we feel about each other!

    Odin: Lady Elise, are you sure about that? If you're really prepared for the backlash, I have something I'd like to say to you...

    Elise: I'm prepared for anything, so long as I have you. Go ahead and say it.

    Odin: Lady Elise... all I want in this world is to stay by your side. Please marry me. Tomorrow we'll go to pick out a pretty ring for that pretty little hand of yours.

    Elise: Oh, Odin! Of course I'll marry you! I'm so happy...

    Odin: I had no idea things would turn out this way between us. I'm elated. Together we shall find a way to forever banish the dark entities of the night! And I promise somehow I'll find a way to show everyone I am worthy of you.

    Elise: Yaaay! Now we can talk about the darkness all we want, heehee!

    Niles x Charlotte

    C Support

    Niles: Hello there, Charlotte. You seem to be bathing in the attention of people, as usual. Has anything rewarding come of it?

    Charlotte: Oh my, if it isn't Niles. What do you mean by that?

    Niles: You know exactly what I mean. I can see the understanding in your eyes.

    Charlotte: I really don't know what you're trying to say.

    Niles: Are you going to make me spell it out for you? I'm ready to do that, if I must...

    Charlotte: Oh please, Niles, this is such a silly game. Ah, it appears some gentlemen need me over there. I must take my leave! Ta-taaaaa!
    (Charlotte leaves)

    Niles: ...

    B Support

    Charlotte: Oh, Niiiles! Could I talk with you for a tiny moment?

    Niles: Of course. What is it?

    Charlotte: Oh, but not here, silly. Let's speak in private... Over there, I think. Just the two of us...
    (Time passes)

    Niles: Well, now we're alone... What did you have in mind?

    Charlotte: Listen, you little punk. Don't think that I care about you just because I'm nice. In fact, I'm telling you right now to never speak to me again. I won't have you disrupting my interactions with the other men here.

    Niles: What the... What's wrong with you?

    Charlotte: Absolutely nothing. This is how I really am. Do you understand what I'm telling you?

    Niles: ...

    Charlotte: OK, I'll spell it out. Consider this a warning. I don't like you. I don't want anyone to think that I do. The only reason I've spoken to you at all so far is to not look rude around others. There is absolutely nothing to gain from interacting with you, so I'm done.
    (Charlotte leaves)

    Niles: My, my... That was quite unexpected. I knew she liked attention, but I didn't think she was hiding a different attitude. This is a real first for me... I could respect her wishes... But I don't particularly feel like obeying her, honestly. What to do... What to do...

    A Support

    Charlotte: Yes, that's totally right! So then I just...

    Niles: Ah-ha, there she is. No surprise, she's placed herself as the center of attention among those men. She really is quite clever with how she behaves, I must admit. Let's see how she handles this, though...

    Charlotte: Oh no, I'm not like that at all... There you go again, calling me cute!

    Niles: Hello, Charlotte! I apologize for jumping into your conversation... But I just had to tell you-you look absolutely seductive.

    Charlotte: Gah!! Um, I mean... Ah, hello, Niles! What could you possibly mean?

    Niles: You've clearly intentionally thought of how to make yourself so appealing. I must commend you on the effort!

    Charlotte: I... Niles, could I speak with you over there, where we can have some privacy?

    Niles: The two of us, alone? Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not going to move from this spot. Anything you have to say can be said here.

    Charlotte: Oh, come on. Here, I'll give you a lift.

    Niles: Ahhh! What strength!!
    (Time passes)

    Charlotte: You little pip-squeak! You ignored my warning-now face the consequences!
    (Charlotte punches Niles)

    Niles: Ouch! By the gods, you're strong!

    Charlotte: Of course I am. Did you think I'd defended this country with just my looks? You didn't respect my wishes. Understand? I'm going to beat you to a pulp now!

    Niles: Charlotte, wait! Please listen to me! I've had you all wrong! And in any case, my actions have actually been good for you!

    Charlotte: What are you talking about?

    Niles: Everyone is intrigued by what we could possibly be talking about. As a result, they're all even more interested in you than they were before. Basically, interacting with me is actually increasing your standing with others. It's pretty advantageous.

    Charlotte: I-is that true? I... had no idea people were paying attention...

    Niles: I don't believe that, but...

    Charlotte: Ha, ahahaha... Niles, I'm sorry. It seems like I've been a bit hasty. Can I do something to make it up to you?

    Niles: No need for an apology. Right now I'd just be happy to survive this encounter.

    Charlotte: Ah, of course. Please, forgive my attack a moment ago. We can speak in public places from now on, too.
    (Charlotte leaves)

    Niles: Phew... I haven't had a thrill like that in quite some time.

    S Support

    Niles: Charlotte, thank you for coming.

    Charlotte: This is a rare thing, to be sure. You haven't been barging into my conversations for a while. It was starting to hurt my feelings.

    Niles: That's actually kind of why I haven't been. I like to toy with people to see their stressed, confused looks. Once you started enjoying my company... Well, it just didn't seem as fun anymore.

    Charlotte: Oh really? And here I thought you supported me getting more popular.

    Niles: That's also part of it. I thought I would be happier after I stopped bothering you... But I realized that what bothered me was the other men giving you attention.

    Charlotte: Huh? What do you mean?

    Niles: To put it another way... I want to tie myself to you.

    Charlotte: I appreciate the offer, but that really isn't my thing, Niles.

    Niles: What...? Oh, no. Heh. For once in my life, that isn't what I meant. Here.

    Charlotte: This is...

    Niles: Yes, it's a wedding ring. This is how I want to be tied to you. Charlotte, will you marry me?

    Charlotte: I... I don't know what... Hang on, are you making fun of marriage? You're not exactly a big catch, so...

    Niles: Heh, is that your only concern? You needn't worry about my financial state.

    Charlotte: What, are you secretly rich?

    Niles: No, but I am the direct subordinate to a member of the royal family. Let's just say I make significantly more than the average soldier.

    Charlotte: Ah...

    Niles: Of course, I would still lose when compared to the royalty... But I can promise you I'd work as hard as possible to give you what you want. I've come to like you so much, it's confusing even to me.

    Charlotte: ...

    Niles: Is that a no?

    Charlotte: I... That's not what I'm saying... I just still wasn't sure if this was a joke. But there's no way you'd take it this far. I would have thought my serious pursuit of other men would have scared you off...

    Niles: A lesser man, perhaps. But... I'm serious about this.

    Charlotte: You are, aren't you? Yes, I can see that.

    Niles: ...

    Charlotte: Very well... Yes. I'll marry you. You don't need to worry about money. I can figure that out on my own.

    Niles: The least you can let me do is send something to your family.

    Charlotte: How do you even know about them?

    Niles: Never doubt my information network! I already know everything about you.

    Charlotte: Really...? Coming from someone else, that would be a little creepy... But from you? I can actually accept it. Niles, I'm happy...

    Laslow x Selena

    C Support

    Laslow: Selena! My heart! How are you today? You look ravishing as always.

    Selena: ...

    Laslow: Hm? Cherub got your tongue, my sweet? That's all right-your radiance burns no less brightly for your silence!

    Selena: Is there really nothing else rolling around in that big, stupid head of yours? Ravishing this, beauty that-does anyone actually fall for that nonsense?

    Laslow: I haven't a clue what you mean! That seems like a perfectly normal way to address a lovely lady.

    Selena: Ugh! Are you daft? Of course it isn't! This is exactly why nobody takes you seriously!

    Laslow: You say that like it's a bad thing.

    Selena: It is! You're a royal retainer! A soldier! Not some two-bit sideshow clown. You should start behaving instead of making eyes at everything with legs. I swear, you haven't grown a bit since the day I met you!

    Laslow: Milady, you wound me. I'm a far more proficient flirt than the boy I once was!

    Selena: That's not what I meant, and you know it! If anything, that's the opposite of growth. You're just a big, dumb baby. A GROSS, big, dumb baby.

    Laslow: Haha! Ever with the razor tongue. Never change, Selena!

    Selena: I think I'll pass on that advice. Some of us actually want to mature.

    Laslow: Ahaha! You say that, but you're just as adorable today as the day we met! So, what would you say to going out to tea to continue this little repartee of ours? Or should I say... repar-tea?

    Selena: *sigh* In one ear and out the other...

    B Support

    Laslow: Selena, my dove! My tired eyes are rejuvenated by the sight of you!

    Selena: Ugh. You never learn, do you? You know, someday people are going to get sick of all this empty flattery of yours.

    Laslow: What are you talking about? I speak only my true feelings.

    Selena: Really. Your true feelings, huh?

    Laslow: Just so! For example, I truly feel that you are the very image of loveliness.

    Selena: You know what? No. This time I'm not going to just get upset. Nope... I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine... Loverboy!

    Laslow: Huh?

    Selena: Hey there, baaaby.

    Laslow: S-Selena? What are you doing?

    Selena: Mmm-hmm. Momma thinks you'll do juuust fine. Let me feel those arms! Woo! Shivers! A big hunk like you is just what the healer ordered.

    Laslow: Stop it, Selena... Please... No! Stop! Don't come any closer!

    Selena: Aw, you're adorable when you're embarrassed, Lazzy. Me likey. Come on now, let's go get some tea, baby. I promise it'll be... hot.

    Laslow: P-please... no... more... You're making me very uncomfortable, Selena!

    Selena: Oh, really? Never stops you, does it, you lunk? Gods, I can't believe I just did that. I wanted to throw chunks.

    Laslow: Ah... is it really that bad when I flirt? I never meant to make anyone feel like that...

    Selena: Do you get it now? Throwing out all those empty compliments isn't nice. And even if they were welcome, you can't just play with people's hearts like that!

    Laslow: But that was never my intention.

    Selena: I don't care what your intentions are! It's not your intentions that matter. It's how the other person feels. Do you get it yet?

    Laslow: OK! I'm sorry! I'll probably think about flirting in a slightly different way! That is, if you'll do me the honor of helping me learn how. Over tea, perhaps?

    Selena: Really? Really?! Ugh, I give up! You're impossible!
    (Selena leaves)

    Laslow: Selena? Hey, I was just teasing! Come back!

    A Support

    Laslow: Selena!

    Selena: What do you want, Laslow?

    Laslow: Oh, thank goodness! You're back to your old grumpy self. I was worried you were going to give me the flirty treatment again. I don't think I've ever been so mortified in my life.

    Selena: Oh, yeah. Maybe I shouldn't have gone quite so far. You're not THAT bad... I just wanted you to know what it's like. I'm sorry.

    Laslow: Eh? Did you just... apologize? Without sarcasm? Do you have a fever? Let me get you some water...

    Selena: What? No, I don't have a fever! I was just thinking about... old times.

    Laslow: Ah. I see. Feeling lonely, then? I get that way too. It's hard being so far from home.

    Selena: I'm not lonely! But... yeah. I miss it. I miss them... Anyway, nothing can be done about it now. No point in whining.

    Laslow: Selena... I won't tell you you're wrong. We both know we can't go back. Not yet. But... I think about it every day. What if everything went back to the way it was?

    Selena: Laslow...

    Laslow: I guess... what I mean to say is, I know that loneliness you're feeling too well. I feel it too.

    Selena: I already told you! I'm not feeling lonely!

    Laslow: Haha. Sorry, sorry! My mistake.

    Selena: Well, er, I mean... maybe there are times I feel a little lonely, now and then, but...

    Laslow: But?

    Selena: Well, I have you, at least. And Odin. So it's not like I'm completely alone.

    Laslow: That's right. We've still got each other. So cheer up!

    Selena: True... though I'm not sure how cheery I should be if you're my only link to home...

    Laslow: Haha! Now that's the Selena we all know and love! Well, either way, I want you to know I'll be by your side anytime you need me.

    Selena: Don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I had any choice in the matter.

    Laslow: As is often the case with fate, but it has a way of surprising us mere mortals. Particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.

    Selena: Are you really flirting with me at a time like this?! You immature jerk! Your smug face makes me SO ANGRY! Haha, but I guess that's my lot in life, eh? Thank you, Laslow. For being here for me.

    Laslow: Anytime, Selena.

    S Support

    Laslow: Selena, my darling! I have a gift for you.

    Selena: Hm? For me?

    Laslow: Ta-da! It's a bracelet!

    Selena: Laslow! Is that...?

    Laslow: Indeed it is. I've been keeping it somewhere safe, and I thought it was time I gave it to you.

    Selena: But... why are you giving this to me now?

    Laslow: Why do you think I am?

    Selena: I'm the one asking the questions here! Now spill.

    Laslow: Fine, fine. You're no fun! I decided to give it to you because... well... It's a symbol of our everlasting friendship!

    Selena: ...

    Laslow: Because we've been through so much... I thought it would be nice for you to have a keepsake like this. It's to remind you that I'll always be here for you.

    Selena: Yeah, yeah, I get it. You want to be by my side forever.

    Laslow: Yes. That's right.

    Selena: So... everlasting friendship, huh? Did you give something to Odin too, then? Or... is there something else you'd like to say?

    Laslow: Something else? Like what?

    Selena: Do you really have to be so thickheaded?

    Laslow: I'm sorry! I was just kidding!

    Selena: Kidding?!

    Laslow: I do have something else to say to you. I love you. And this bracelet is a token of my love. And to answer your other question, no, I did not give anything to Odin.

    Selena: Go on.

    Laslow: Please, Selena... Will you marry me?

    Selena: Finally! There it is! Took you long enough.

    Laslow: So, um... Do you have an answer for me?

    Selena: Oh. Right. I guess it's my turn. I mean, we've known each other so long... Do I really need to say it?

    Laslow: Yes. You do.

    Selena: Come on! Don't be cruel. You know how I feel.

    Laslow: Haha, so then say it already!

    Selena: ... OK. Um...look, Laslow. I really like you. A lot.

    Laslow: Mhm... That's a start, though this might be a longer engagement than I anticipated.

    Selena: Ugh, fine. Look, I love you! I love you, Laslow...

    Laslow: Splendid! And will you share your life with me?

    Selena: Yes! But if you mess this up, I will end you. Understand?

    Laslow: Understood. I am yours forever, my love.

    Selena: So... you know this means you can't be with anyone else, right?

    Laslow: ...
    (Laslow leaves)

    Selena: Laslow? Oh.

    Laslow: Just kidding! Of course I know that! I promise to devote myself to your happiness from here on out.

    Selena: You better! Oh, and I'll do the same.

    Keaton x Camilla

    C Support

    Keaton: Wow, this is awesome.

    Camilla: Hello, Keaton. I hadn't expected to meet you here, of all places.

    Keaton: Oh! Camilla! You're just in time to see something awesome! Look! Look in this hole!

    Camilla: That's not a "hole" so much a small cave. What did you say you'd found in here?

    Keaton: I can't tell you-it would spoil the surprise! Just hurry up and look!

    Camilla: I was just about to. There's no need to rush me. Oh my. These bones are... human. And there are so many...

    Keaton: Isn't it great? They're so pretty when they've been picked clean like this.

    Camilla: Yes, they do seem to have been here for quite some time. Might this be an ancient burial ground?

    Keaton: I'd take them all home with me, but I don't think I could carry them all.

    Camilla: Why would you bring a bunch of bones home with you?

    Keaton: Are you kidding?! They'd be the centerpiece of my table!

    Camilla: To each his own...

    B Support

    Keaton: Camilla, there's an emergency!

    Camilla: An emergency? What's happened?

    Keaton: No time to explain! It's that bad!

    Camilla: Calm yourself, Keaton. If you want my help with whatever it is, you must explain the situation first.

    Keaton: Wh-who said I wanted your help?!

    Camilla: Suit yourself. In that case, good day.

    Keaton: Camilla, wait! I'm sorry! I'll explain! Don't gooooooo!

    Camilla: What seems to be the problem?

    Keaton: I can't get back there! You know, to the bone hole!

    Camilla: "Bone hole"? I hope for your sake that you mean the burial ground you showed me.

    Keaton: Yeah, that! I can't get there anymore!

    Camilla: You haven't forgotten the way, have you?

    Keaton: Psh! Me? I totally know the way! I just keep going around in circles when I try to follow it for some reason.

    Camilla: Which is another way of saying you've forgotten.

    Keaton: Believe what you want. Let's not get hung up on fiddly details. The point is, I want to see the bone hole again! You do too, right? Who wouldn't?

    Camilla: I'll decline. I've never been a connoisseur of human remains.

    Keaton: *sniff* So that's how it's gonna be...

    Camilla: Oh, very well. Come with me, then.

    Keaton: Hooray! I knew you'd be dying to see it again!

    Camilla: On the contrary; I'm guiding you there because you seemed on the verge of tears.

    Keaton: I-I... I wasn't gonna cry!

    Camilla: Then you won't mind if I don't take you there.

    Keaton: *sniffle* Nooooo...

    Camilla: Hmhmhm. I thought as much. You're adorable when you're pitiful. Shall we be going, then? Follow me.

    Keaton: Hmph. I feel... used, somehow.

    A Support

    Keaton: I can't get over how cool the bones in here are!

    Camilla: How long are you planning on staring at those?

    Keaton: Man, who knows. You'd think it would've gotten old by now, but it never does!

    Camilla: Meanwhile, I was bored hours ago, so I'll be heading back now.

    Keaton: W-wait...you're going back by yourself?

    Camilla: Unless that's a problem, yes.

    Keaton: No, it's just... You might run into trouble on the way home, yeah? Which would be dangerous if I wasn't there with you.

    Camilla: I don't run afoul of bandits, dear. They run afoul of me.

    Keaton: Hmm... yeah, you'll probably be fine.

    Camilla: Keaton, if you don't think you can get home on your own, simply say so.

    Keaton: Wh-what a thing to say! Of course I can get home by myself!

    Camilla: Excellent. Then I'll be on my way.

    Keaton: Urgh... C-c'mon, I'll just be a little longer, and then we can go home together.

    Camilla: ...If you insist.

    Keaton: Heheh! Sorry, Camilla. But you don't find bones like these just anywhere!

    Camilla: Thank goodness for that. Most people would be uneasy around them.

    Keaton: Oh yeah? How come? Gosh, if THIS makes them nervous, they'd better never visit my hometown. The whole place is littered with the bones of people I've killed.

    Camilla: Erm... is it now.

    Keaton: Yep! You can hardly take three steps without tripping over 'em! It's 'cause I killed every last jerk who came to take my pelt.

    Camilla: So that's why I detected the stench of blood on you.

    Keaton: What?! But that was months ago... and I bathed just last week...

    Camilla: A bath won't suffice. The scent of blood seeps deep beneath the surface.

    Keaton: Huh, who knew?

    Camilla: It's never bothered me, mind you. I'm only telling you for your information. Now come along, or I really shall leave you behind to find your own way.
    (Camilla leaves)

    Keaton: W-w-wait up!

    S Support

    Keaton: Hey, Camilla.

    Camilla: What is it, Keaton?

    Keaton: I think you need a strong man.

    Camilla: You have 10 seconds from the end of this sentence to reconsider that remark.

    Keaton: No, no, think about it! You're going to get married someday, right?

    Camilla: Only a wolfskin could dig himself this deeply, this quickly.

    Keaton: Come on, just hear me out! Whatever man you marry has gotta be strong. A real tough guy.

    Camilla: That seems sensible.

    Keaton: Right?! Saaaay... how many bandits did I take down by myself the other day? I forget.

    Camilla: ...

    Keaton: Normally I'd remember, but they were such lightweights, I barely noticed 'em.

    Camilla: This can't possibly be what you're driving at, but...

    Keaton: Wh-who, me?

    Camilla: Are you slowly coming around to asking me to marry you?

    Keaton: Whaaaaaat? Pfffffft! Pssssh! Haaaaah! ME? Marry YOU? What a crazy idea I've never thought about before!

    Camilla: I see... My mistake.

    Keaton: Uh, well, wait! Now that you bring it up...it gets me to wondering if maybe, you


    Camilla: What is it?

    Keaton: Grrrrrrrgh! Fine! You're gonna make me come out and say it, huh?

    Camilla: That's correct. I haven't the time for anyone who can't muster the courage to ask for himself.

    Keaton: F-fine! You asked for it! ... P-please marry me, Camilla.

    Camilla: ...

    Keaton: Look! I found a ring somewhere for you and everything! It's a beaut!

    Camilla: ...

    Keaton: Camilla, you're killing me. Say something...

    Camilla: I accept your proposal... if not your ring.

    Keaton: What?! Really?!

    Camilla: You're a cheerful, friendly fool, and yet... you have that intriguing reek of blood beneath it all. I'm drawn to the parts of you that you're careful to keep hidden.

    Keaton: I-I'm not sure what you mean by that, but you're serious? You'll marry me?

    Camilla: Gladly.

    Keaton: Wow! What a day! Thanks, Camilla! Yesssssssssssss!

    Camilla: It's going to be like this all the time from now on, isn't it? Ah well...

  2. Guess I'll make a list of the pairs I'm currently formatting so nobody doubles up.


    Takumi x Oboro

    Subaki x Kagero

    Saizo x Hana

    Azama x Rinkah

    Hayato x Sakura

    Hinata x Hinoka

    Kaden x Setsuna

    Jakob x Orochi


    Xander x Azura and Nyx

    Leo x Felicia

    Arthur x Peri

    Odin x Elise

    Niles x Charlotte

    Laslow x Selena

    Benny x Beruka

    Keaton x Camilla

    I'm going to do way more than these, but I'm starting with the pairs I like.

  3. So should I post it here? I've got Corrin(M) x Soleil all done.


    Text Transcript:

    C Support

    Soleil: *sigh* I have a problem, Lord Avatar. But I'm not sure you'd understand...

    Avatar: Try me. If nothing else, I can offer another perspective on it.

    Soleil: Okay, here goes. I want to be a warrior. A fearless, take-no-prisoners, sword-slinging tough gal. There's just one small hitch that I haven't gotten past... And it's making what should be smooth sailing into a four-day hurricane at sea.

    Avatar: This is sounding serious. What's this "hitch" you mentioned?

    Soleil: Ok... don't laugh, but... I lose my mind around cute girls.

    Avatar: So I've heard. But what's the problem?

    Soleil: No, I mean, I REALLY lose my mind. When I see a cute girl, I start to sweat. When she gets close, I faint sometimes. I just can't stand how great girls are!

    Avatar: ...Are you putting me on? Is this some sort of prank? Are people watching this?

    Soleil: You remember the other day, when I was on my way back to camp?

    Avatar: Hmm, vaguely. I thought for a moment that you might have taken a blow to the head.

    Soleil: Yeah, I don't blame you for thinking so, but it had nothing to do with the battle. What happened was... this cute village girl came up to me to thank my troop. That's when I started to feel weak in the knees...

    Avatar: Oh, was that all?

    Soleil: No, you don't understand! This is a real problem if I'm going to be a warrior!

    Avatar: I... I see... Take heart. I'll give it some thought, and hopefully we can come up with a solution.

    B Support

    Soleil: Ok, the blindfold's on.

    Avatar: You fastened it tightly? There's no light getting through?

    Soleil: Nope, I'm totally blind for whatever you had in mind.

    Avatar: Good. I want to try a visualization exercise with you. I want you to picture me not as I am, but as I might look if I was a woman.

    Soleil: ... Hello, gorgeous.

    Avatar: Y-you've got the idea, it seems... What we'll do is, I'll play the role of a girl, and you try to keep it together around me.

    Soleil: OK! This should be fun. Though it's harder to fantas- I mean, imagine you as a girl when you're talking. Maybe try a higher pitch?

    Avatar: Ah, good point. OK... Oh, Soleil...!

    Soleil: *gasp* Th-there it is... that tingly feeling... That familiar rush of blood to the head...

    Avatar: You saved us all! You were so amazing and strong when you beat up the bad guys!

    Soleil: Aaaaaaaaah!

    Avatar: Was that more or less right? I was trying to get into the village girl mind-set.

    Soleil: I-it was scary close. I almost fainted.

    Avatar: Good! This should help to build a tolerance. Shall we go once more?

    Soleil: Yeah. I'm game. But maybe I could take a short break before we get back at it?

    Avatar: Of course! Take all the time you need.

    Soleil: Thanks! Because so long as I've got this blindfold on and we're visualizing... I'm gonna daydream about what the rest of the guys would look like as girls! Mmm, Xandra... you're so much prettier when you smile...
    (Soleil leaves)

    Avatar: Uh, Soleil...! Soleil! That's not the point of the exercise!

    A Support

    Avatar: Ah, hello, Soleil. Have our visualization sessions helped with your problem?

    Soleil: Not much, I'm afraid. After the last battle, I went to a nearby village. And wham, I got mobbed by a pack of grateful village girls. Just the kind I like... I blacked out, and when I came to, things had taken a turn for the worse. They were waiting on me hand and foot! I hate to say it, but I think we've been wasting our time.

    Avatar: I see...

    Soleil: Sorry, Avatar.

    Avatar: It's all right. It might be a while before you can keep your composure around girls. Don't be upset because the problem isn't solved after a few days.

    Soleil: That's true. I shouldn't let it get me down. When I was little, I was a real crybaby. But then my father said to me... "Laugh it off, Soleil. The trick is to smile until you have something to smile about." Ever since, no matter how I feel inside, I put on a happy face. Which is what I ought to be doing right now!

    Avatar: Soleil... you don't need to force a smile.

    Soleil: It's not forced, though! Sure, we haven't made any headway on my problem. But you're trying to help. That counts for a lot. So don't think this smile of mine is fake. I mean it!

    Avatar: In that case, I'll smile for you too. You're an important member of the team. I want to help with any problem of yours.

    Soleil: You mean that? Because I'd be up for some more of that visualization stuff. I love it when you pretend to be a girl, heehee. Though nowadays, I have fun with you no matter what we're doing.

    S Support

    Soleil: What did you want to see out here, Avatar? What's going on?

    Avatar: It's nothing special. Look up at the sky.

    Soleil: The sky...? Oh!

    Avatar: This is the warmest, brightest spot I know. The sun shines especially strong here.

    Soleil: Wow, no kidding. It's so nice!

    Avatar: Just like you.

    Soleil: Hm?

    Avatar: Your smile is radiant as the sun. I'd bask in its warmth forever if I could...

    Soleil: Uh... Are you feeling OK, Avatar? Did you take a hit to the head or something?

    Avatar: N-nno! I'm being totally serious!

    Soleil: For real...? Gosh, I wasn't expecting this today.

    Avatar: I understand if you're not interested, since I'm only a woman in your imagination.

    Soleil: Oh, that's no such a problem. I like men just fine. I think I could even get to like one for real if I knew him well enough.

    Avatar: That's great! So then...

    Soleil: But we're not there yet. The image I had of you during our sessions... It was cute, and lovely, but it's not you.

    Avatar: Is that a problem?

    Soleil: Well... yes and no. The girl you in my imagination was cute and adorable. And if you just wanted to be silly and have fun, I'd close my eyes and imagine her. But it sounds like you're talking about something serious. Something real. So that version of you, cute as she is, won't work anymore.

    Avatar: Oh. Then where does that leave us?

    Soleil: We'll just have to start over! Instead of hanging out with you pretending to be other people... we'll hang out and I can get to know who you really are instead. I'm confident we can get there. I mean, I already like you a lot!

    Avatar: Enough to make up for me not being a cute girl?

    Soleil: Hey, cute's cute!

    Avatar: That's high praise, coming from you.

    Soleil: Haha... to be honest...

    (Live2D Confession)
    Soleil: I love you more than all the cute things in the world combined. This is kinda embarrassing, but... stay with me forever... Promise?

  4. Think I'll dump a support that's been lying on my desktop for the past month for revision.

    Lutz x Sophie

    * = look over

    C Support

    Lutz: Sophie! Let's have a contest right now!

    Sophie: Lutz? What's with that all of a sudden?

    Lutz: My wyvern Michalis, and Sophie's horse Abel... Which one is the stronger partner... it should be as clear as black and white!

    Sophie: Fufufu... Lutz, what an interesting thing you thought of!

    Lutz: Right? Right?

    Sophie: It's a contest! I accept! Abel gives little freedom, as he's been disobedient about things like this plenty of times... But once he's serious, there isn't a horse that's as strong or fast!

    Lutz: My Michalis is the strongest wyvern there is! Abel will no doubt lose!

    Sophie: But see, how'll we have this contest? Surely you do not want to make it a battle...

    Lutz: How about we have a simple foot-race? Well, Michalis can fly though...

    Sophie: Fufufufu! That's not going to be a problem! For Abel... he'll leap across the ground and run right through!

    Lutz: Alright! Let's start the contest right away! Fly, Michalis!

    Sophie: Go and run for me! Abel!

    Lutz: ...Huh? Michalis isn't here... Speaking of... it seems I forgot to bring Michalis...

    Sophie: H-hold on, Abel! Where do you think you're going!? That's not the way! Abel!

    Lutz: I-I'll go and get Michalis!

    Sophie: M-me and Abel will chase after you! Wait, wait!!
    B Support

    Lutz: Sophie.

    Sophie: Lutz. You came at the right time.

    Lutz: Today, between Michalis and Abel... let's decide who is the strongest partner!

    Sophie: Yes, of course! I'm brimming with determination! But... even if I'm determined... Abel... seems to have left somewhere...

    Lutz: Ehhhhhhhh!? So his whereabouts are unknown?

    Sophie: He's somewhere again, as I think he loves to go on a rampage.

    Lutz: Then I suppose, we go and hunt him down right away! I'd like to help too!

    Sophie: Lutz... Thank you.

    Lutz: It's nothing, Sophie. I'm worried as well. Abel... is one that makes trouble but doesn't know that.

    Sophie: R-right. Even though I'm worried about what Abel's doing, people from the distance must be as well.

    Lutz: Then I'll fly on Michalis and then look for where Abel might be!

    Sophie: In that case, I'll think of somewhere he might go and then search there. But, with so many of them in mind... wouldn't he have wrecked the whole neighborhood?*

    Lutz: At that time, won't it be Abel's turn!*

    Sophie: As expected of Lutz! I'll ride on Abel and search the area! Then it's decided, I'll call Abel at once! Come on out! It's your turn, Abel!

    Lutz: ...Ah.

    Sophie: ...Ah. That Abel... I'll go and look for him so we can have a talk...

    Lutz: ...Sure.

    Sophie: I mean... we're people... With Michalis and Abel as our partners... we cannot firmly take hold of them.*

    Lutz: Yup... That's right...
    A Support

    Lutz: Sophie! Let's have our contest today!

    Sophie: Lutz. Of course, I'll take you on!

    Lutz: Between Michalis and Abel... let's decide which of them is the stronger partner!

    Sophie: Fufufu... too bad that this victory's going to be Abel's. Once you've experienced a horse like him, you'll be met with a painful experience!

    Lutz: Same goes for Michalis! He's the very strongest out of the strong wyvern!

    Sophie: Then, let's start at once! Who will win this contest?

    Lutz: Even between horse and wyvern, I feel that this contest is quite fair... A speed-eating showdown or a simple foot-race... which do you think is fine?

    Sophie: ...Hold it right there.

    Lutz: Eh? What is it, Sophie?

    Sophie: Lutz, look over there...

    Lutz: Eh? Over there is... Michalis and Abel... they're trying to be good friends.

    Sophie: Yeah... The two of them are eating their food together. Moreso, the selfish Abel is... diligently dividing his food for Michalis...

    Lutz: Since when were they such good friends with one another?

    Sophie: I didn't notice it as well.

    Lutz: ........

    Sophie: .........

    Lutz: Let's stop... with this contest.

    Sophie: Sure. They get along to that degree. It's pitiful that we were competing on our own.

    Lutz: Yup! I think so too!

    Sophie: Fufufu! Well, what do we do today?

    Lutz: Let's all go on a walk together! On to the grasslands!

    Sophie: That's a good idea! Let's go, let's go!

    Lutz: I want to hear a lot about what Sophie and Abel!

    Sophie: I'd like the same with Lutz and Michalis!

    Lutz: Sure! Of course!
    S Support

    Lutz: Sophie!

    Sophie: Oh, Lutz. What is it today?

    Lutz: Hmm... Y-you know... M-Michalis would like to meet with Abel!

    Sophie: Really. Well, I'll bring Abel over right away. ...Huh? But, I don't see any sign of Michalis...

    Lutz: Ah! I screwed up...

    Sophie: Screwed up? What do you mean by that?

    Lutz: N-nothing to worry about! Michalis, where'd he go? He was by my side a minute ago.

    Sophie: ...Lutz, don't you think whatever this is about isn't funny? I mean it's always not like this...

    Lutz: I-I'm sorry! I was lying! The truth is... it has nothing to do with Michalis!

    Sophie: What do you mean?

    Lutz: It's just that I... wanted to meet with Sophie...

    Sophie: ...Eh? S-so that's it. But, if that's the case, you don't have to lie to come see me. Whatever business you have, shouldn't you not hesitate to meet with me?

    Lutz: Because... I didn't really have any business...

    Sophie: Eh... Wh-what do you mean?

    Lutz: I only... wanted to meet with you. Even though I didn't have any reason to come, I longed to meet with you.

    Sophie: Lutz...

    Lutz: I have always been thinking about Sophie... I cannot be apart from someone like you completely. ...Isn't that weird?

    Sophie: ...Nope. There's nothing weird about that at all. Instead... it makes me happy. So much that I've been thinking about it... ...Yep. I'm very happy.

    Lutz: Y-you mean it?

    Sophie: That's why, I want you to come to me without hesitation. I... also wanted to go and meet up with Lutz...

    Lutz: Yep! I'll come to meet with Sophie tons of times! ...Huh? But, if that's the case... wouldn't it be better if we were together from the beginning?

    Sophie: Th-that's right... If we could be together forever... that'd be good... But see... if it's like that... it should be done slowly over time... shouldn't it? We're in no hurry... so let the two of us think about it slowly...*

    Lutz: I understand! If you say so then I'll do it! Sophie! Let's be together lots from now on!

    Sophie: Sure! Please treat me well!

  5. Only if they have the same base class. Example: Hinoka and Subaki are both Pegasus Warrior, so when they marry, Hinoka gets Subaki's secondary, which is Samurai, and Subaki gets Hinoka's secondary, Lance Fighter.

    But Basara has great class growths. Berserker is a little on the frail side. Besides, Asama would have to marry Fighter!Avatar to give Mitama the Berserker class.

    Effie!Mitama Basara will have all around excellent stats + growths.

    I really don't want to factor in growths since most units in this game have good growths and they're mostly irrelevant for min-maxing(unless you do something obnoxious like make Midoriko a magic unit). Plus, I don't even know why Mitama wants to be a Basara when an S-rank class is much better(unless it's Sorcerer).

    Mitama can A+ Kanna(pick Fighter as your secondary) or marry her yourself(not a problem since Mitama has amazing modifiers).

  6. But Kisaragi gets great growths from Oboro. I think Takumi only gets screwed out of a class. Kisaragi gets Merchant right?

    Rinkah has horrible HP and strength and will hurt Matoi's survivability and offense.

    True that Effie benefits from Berserker, but she'll need to raise her axe level up before she can use any decent weapons. In Nohr, she'll benefit from Marx's Paladin line because she can get both Aegis and Pavise and keep her lance rank.

    Why does Mitama get screwed over? She has the growths and stats for a physical fighter. She'll benefit from General. Not to mention she can A+ Syalla for Basara.

    Well, Kisaragi doesn't need any classes so it's just a waste of Lance Fighter.

    The strength doesn't matter much because of Matoi's personal and Rinkah makes Ignis's HP low too so I don't get why it's a problem for only her.

    My list didn't really incorporate any in-game usage since stuff like IK Odin is impossible to use in a timely manner.

    Because General is a bad ending class unless you're a defensive powerhouse like Benoit. With Mitama's offensive prowess, she either wants Lance Fighter or Berserker.

  7. Ryoma x Azura kills any kind of defense for Shinonome. His HP growth takes a beating too. Setsuna gives good modifiers and her poor strength growth is mitigated by Ryoma's.

    Takumi x Camilla is outclassed by Takumi x Oboro

    Subaki x Hinoka gives the best class options for Matoi.

    Odin x Elise is the best pairing for any playthough.

    Jakob x Azura gives balanced modifiers and her children and patches up her bad HP and Defense.

    I'd recommend Silas x Camilla for a Sophie with great growths.

    Asama x Effie creates a monstrous Mitama with ridiculously high strength. Mitama is, ironically, supposed to be a physical unit.

    Benoit x Rinkah gives Ignis Oni Savage. Ignis gets better speed and Rinkah's terrible strength and HP gets mitigated by Benoit's.

    Charlotte x Flannel gives similar modifiers to the Effie x Flannel pairing. Effie is needed for Asama.

    Ryoma x Azura is mostly for Azura/Shigure who need a good class, but Shin likes to be fast.

    Takumi x Oboro is redudant and wastes a Lance Fighter class.

    I say Subaki x Rinkah is better for the high defense modifier. Sure you get another Lance Fighter from Hinoka, but then Matoi can pair with Ignis for a powerful tank.

    I kind of disregard Jakob/Dia since they can get Bowman(a great class) through A+ options, but giving Azura to him screws her out of a good class.

    Camilla makes most kids great in general and Silas can eat up any scrap mom to get a great Sophie.

    Asama x Effie screws over class inheritance for Mitama/Effie(Asama's fine because of his A+ with Arthur). I consider it sub-optimal.

    I really think Benoit x Belka's going to be his default pairing since Ignis doesn't care about speed and it's the same as Rinkah anyway(you can always buy skills).

    Effie and Charlotte are about the same for Flannel, except Effie really wants Berserker to abuse her high strength.

    My say was based on postgame, since you won't even be making half the pairings I listed in IK or on either route without a bunch of grinding.

  8. It's just me spit-balling but I was thinking these pairs might be the most optimal in terms of modifiers and class allocation:

    Ryoma x Azura

    Takumi x Camilla

    Subaki x Rinkah

    Saizou x Orochi

    Asama x Oboro

    Tsukuyomi x Sakura/Felicia

    Hinata x Pieri

    Nishiki x Setsuna

    Xander x Charlotte

    Leo x Felicia/Sakura

    Arthur x Kagerou

    Odin x Elise

    Zero x Nyx

    Lazwald x Hana

    Benoit x Belka

    Flannel x Effie

    Jakob x Luna

    Kaze x Mozume

    Silas x Hinoka

  9. Saizou x Kagerou is pretty bland, to be honest. They were lovers once, and that's about it. I think they have better supports with other people.

    Odin x Luna disappoints me, while Lazwald x Luna was way better.

    Takumi x Oboro was surprising, since most crush supports usually fall flat.

    Arthur x Camilla is pretty dumb. I don't like supports that talk more about other people than the pair who should be talking together.

  10. The more I read these supports, the more I realize something,

    The Hoshido characters seem very complex, which is funny, since people thought Hoshido was going to be Marysueland,

    And I may get some flak for this, but compared to the Hoshido sibilings, the Nohr sibilings feel very one-dimensional,

    I'm not saying they are bad characters, but they feel very predictable, while the Hoshido sibilings continue to surprise me.

    I suppose since you(Kamui) spend more time with them, that already gives them enough character and purpose to care about them more over Hoshido.

    Honestly, Hoshido feels a bit more diverse in character from the supports that have been translated. Nohr mostly relies on gimmicks to keep the conversation going and while people like Arthur and Charlotte can carry the support all the way through, they do follow a bit of a formula to keep your interest.

  11. I'd assume that if it truly didn't matter, we wouldn't be going back and forth like this...

    And in spite of that, you see everyone and their grandma recommending Vaike!Gerome as a Berserker...

    If you end with a 1-round, that's that. You can deal 20 or deal 15, but as long as you can deal 80 by the end of it, you've accomplished what you needed to do.

    Vaike!Gerome was a option some notable people(like Endgame) suggested and it later snowballed into the standard. So did pairs like Virion x Olivia and Kellam x Nowi. Once American players finally got the map, the mod situation hardly matter when it came to taking out the enemies and now people don't have to feel too conflicted with who to pair their parents with(Frederick and Ricken were redeemed from an optimization point, and Gregor and Lon'qu got the shaft). I still remember the days when everyone hyped up Sol, Armthrift and PavGis as the best skills in the game(aside from the obvious Galeforce). Now it's Dual Strike+, Vengeance, Vantage and Luna.

  12. And so can anyone else, which makes me wonder just what your point is...

    At any rate, units like Gerome are assumed to be physical for the same reasons that units like Owain and Brady are assumed to be magical - mods. Owain and Brady have mothers with negative Strength mods, whereas Gerome has a mother with a +3 Strength mod and a 0 mod for magic.

    If she quads, then she'll take down her foe, regardless of what stat she mains. It's not like everything on the map has Lethality+(although that would have made Apotheosis actually challenging).

    Sage!Gerome was not an outrageous idea for the fact that the defense/resistance gap is pretty significant(Pavise+, Helswath), meaning his lower magic stat is more preferred than his higher strength stat. Makes you wonder why physical classes even exist.

  13. Second, I'd say there's a world of difference between a unit who can get as much as a +7 Strength mod, and one whose Strength mod only maxes out at +2, barring being parented by Avatar (not to say you couldn't use a magical Gerome; I've read something saying that could actually work, seeing as he gets Sage naturally).

    Like... not really. Assassin!Lucina could just quad if she needs to.

  14. It's cool if you like the family dynamic of Chrolivia more, but you shouldn't conflate it with gameplay. By virtue of have Sage access alone Sumia!Lucina beats Olivia!Lucina.

    I didn't... you thought that I thought my personal reasons influenced my gameplay reasons which... they do not. And I thought every female has to be a Dark Flier because of how overpowered Dark Flier x Sage couples are?

    I'm not seeing it when Olivia!Lucina is strictly physical, and Swordfaire (AKA, just about the only notable skill Olivia passes down) is a flat-out losing trade relative to Tomefaire.

    Why is Lucina forced to go magical? Units like Gerome are assumed to physical so why can't other units do the same? Is it because of mod issues?

  15. Does speed on Lucina even matter if you're going for 100% back row dual attack setups?

    Olivia!Lucina is strictly physical.

    If she's going to be in the front, she has to pick from ranged or braves. While Maribelle/Sumia mods favor Celica's Gale for that map.

    By that logic, "the offensive perks of the former don't really matter much because Pair-up breaks everything already".

    ...why were you even comparing gameplay in the first place then?

    Speed is a pretty irrelevant stat in Apo. A General could probably double some generic fodder with enough help.

    I don't really like the front-back term everyone seems to have incorporated into the post-game. Galeforce or not, you can clear a crowd pretty easily if you know how to and aren't afraid of losing some HP.

    ...I guess. The small strength/magic modifiers aren't that big of a deal honestly, but str/mag > spd for inheritance if we had to prioritize for some stats.

  16. Olivia!Lucina > Sumia!Lucina. To get to that magic 75 needed to double like 7 enemies in the game, just use a Speed Tonic.

    Chrom x Olivia family is honestly better than Chrom x Sumia family. I've always liked the idea of Inigo being Chrom's son and their parent convos fit well, despite being generic. The offensive perks of the latter don't really matter much because Pair-up breaks everything already.

    Although apparently the Apotheosis hype hasn't worn out yet even after a year...

  17. There are more people that prefer Male Morgan, although most of said people are female fans. The other half see Male Morgan as superior as not only does your Avatar get Galeforce, Morgan has Aggressor access, which makes him better than Female Morgan.

    I don't really fancy any guy, so I go with Female Morgan all the time. The attack loss from no Aggressor doesn't matter at all. In fact, I keep my Female Avatar unmarried. I tend to find having Morgan to be too awkward.

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