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Everything posted by Galenforcer

  1. I think this is a massive exaggeration, since not even a fourth of the entire support list revolves around cooking food. Although, most do seem like Slice-of-Life conversations.
  2. Cordelia has had her time in the sun to be appreciated, it's time she faces her fair share of criticism.
  3. B-but if you train Sumia up too, you can have three fliers with Galeforce all at once!
  4. Lethality is a really bad skill. It's only real draw is pissing off people on Streetpass. Once it reaches usable levels, it is literally out-classed by the other skills. And you can't even use it on Apotheosis, the one map that it could be useful, because almost all the enemies have Dragonskin. In every other map, you're better off with skills like Luna or Sol for their higher activations rates and if you have problems killing enemies without Lethality, then there's something wrong with your tactics. Overall, it's too gimmicky and really not worth a skill slot.
  5. Ike's all muscly in the sequel, and muscle doesn't appeal much to fangirls in Japan. Chrom is pretty spaghetti and voiced by Sugita. Uh... I can see why Chumb's more popular than Ick.
  6. If Chrom wasn't the main character, he probably wouldn't be as popular as he is. Then again, a lot of people love the dull leading hero with dashing good looks.
  7. Mary Sues don't have to be self-inserts, it's just they are commonly self-inserts.
  8. Not really. Something uncommon would be "This game plays fairly well and I like it," or "I do not believe in canon couples".
  9. I think Gaius!Nah is overrated and so are Sol and Armthrift.
  10. Time for an un-unpopular opinion. I think Galeforce bashing is overrated.
  11. Cordelia, Tharja and Owain can burn. This is basically Fanservice Emblem. Grinding and postgame has ruined gameplay discussions. Lazy character models don't bother me because I usually play without animations. Severa's temper tantrums are pretty cute and I get annoyed when people never get past her recruitment dialogue or C supports. Vaike!Owain annoys me to no end. I would say more, but I think these are definitely unpopular.
  12. Both Morgans are terrible. The argument against 3rd Gen Morgans is because apparently "marrying children units seems wrong"! That, and "I'd rather have two Morgans than one mega Morgan". 3rd Gen Morgans at least tie down all the children to marriages, while marrying for two children essentially cheats out a marriage for one poor guy,
  13. Sumia is usually the faster one, while Cordelia's more balanced. Sumia gets an early start on supporting her hubby, while Cordelia shows up a little later to start getting one. Great Knight>Hero and Sorcerer during campaign. Sumia's offense problems are pretty easy to fix with forging and Dual Strikes.
  14. Sazuke's just some hatebot. He can't even follow with basic logic and denies everyone's opinions. He even brings up things that have nothing to do with the question, just to force his opinion. "I would not recommend wasting Vaike on Nah, as Vaike!Kjelle is the only good father she has."
  15. I find Frederick x Sumia pretty meh. It's good early on, but it falters later because Frederick does lose some power, with everyone quickly raising above him. Frederick!Cynthia looks pretty bleh to me and the class inheritance isn't that good.
  16. Sumia... whiny? She might be discouraged at times, but I don't think she's whiny about anything.
  17. I personally don't marry anyone either. Don't want to be involved with this waifu business. The only one I marry is Sumia because I find her the most tolerable and it's tactical in a playthrough.
  18. It's the only time it's ever mentioned. And it's pretty throw-away and cliche.
  19. Cordelia is a pretty overrated character. Most people just simplify her as "MAI WAIFU!" which I find to be pretty shallow. Her Chrom crush and perfectionism is fairly boring on paper, and she's nothing special beyond that. In a game with so many other characters with unique personalities, I'd probably put Cordelia pretty far down on my likable list. Also, saying one bad thing about her will invite her entire defense force.
  20. I don't like Lissa, and Olivia is reserved for Chrom. Plus, I don't even like Olivia that much either. So... neither.
  21. 6/10. He has just enough Magic from his Hard Mode stats to rescue Emmeryn.
  22. I'm going to be honest, I liked Sumia from the minute she was announced. In the trailer, she caught my eye and I've kept on wanting to learn more about her. When the game came out, I indeed did like her, both as a character and a unit more. The Summer Scramble conversation is meant to be taken as a joke, but a LOT of people just love to take jokes seriously... Most of the hate really just comes from marriages, which is a trivial reason. America does seem to hate the ditzy airheads that seem to be the main girls of the game, but most of it is just in defense of other characters. So I really try to push away from Sumia hate, because it's just a bunch of angry fangirls just wanting their beloved Chrom-sama or people who hate stereotypes in general, even though this game is a walking stereotype. As popular as Cordelia is, I honestly don't really like her as much as people dislike Sumia. And what's even more sad is that Cordelia fanboys really push hard to defend their waifu whenever she is faced with the slightest criticism, while if I say something bad about, like Sully, nobody's going to rush to her aid and just smirk and nod. It really just comes off as annoying with the blatant "waifuism" that characters like Cordelia has promoted.
  23. Cordelia's character is acceptable in a game, but if she existed in real life, people probably wouldn't be as nice or defendant of her. Not saying Tharja's that much better, but Cordelia's unrequited love would be frowned upon more if she actually existed.
  24. Figures are for the sex symbols of the game. Why do you think animes sell figurines of the girls?
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