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Hunter Nightblood

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Everything posted by Hunter Nightblood

  1. So we have Attack, Hit, Crit, Defense, Avoid, and Range. Don't know what AS is, and Rsl could be resilience? Not sure.
  2. Seems like you can earn items from the arena. Or there's some kind of achievement system.
  3. Ah. I guess that makes sense. So as we thought, you can command troops as an attack. No clue what this "Gambit: is. Some kind of skill?
  4. Of things to note from this class list is that there's no flying units, yet there's no indication of a scroll bar. Flying units should be in, judging by the skill proficiency, so it might not be avaliable from the start, there's no scroll bar here, or not all units can become certain classes. Another thing to note is that there's no clear hand-to-hand unit here, unless that role has been delegated to thief, which would be weird.
  5. Healing tomes. I think having a dedicated healing tome would be a series first. Maybe Nosferatsu could become light magic then. Well I completely missed that.
  6. Judging by these two classes I'd guess that we'll have at least two types of magic. I don't see a staff proficiency though. I'd assume it comes from priest, but there's no proficiency level to go with it.
  7. Comparing to the screenshot I just posted, looks like certain tomes will be under "reason" while others will be under "faith". Could this mean that Anima, Dark, and Light tomes make a return?
  8. So we have unit levels, Weapon? Levels, Class Levels, and Battalion levels. I assume Class skills come with class levels, while basic strength come with unit levels. Which begs the question on how level caps are going to work in this game.
  9. So we have a limit to how much we can train, I assume per mission. And that's a mood bar. We Conception 2.
  10. We'll probably be able to change weapon skills with this "arts" option. Or it could be something else. IDK.
  11. I think that's the base class for all your units, and when your unit reaches certain requirements, they can change into a more specialized class.
  12. If I had to guess, I'd say that in order to class change into, say, a paladin, you'd need to have your horse skill at a certain level. Same with knight. That's... actually really interesting. I assume with stuff like Great Knight, you'll need multiple levels in certain things.
  13. Welcome to Battle Academy. This is a standard trope. So there's odds for class changes, and I'm also guessing there's going to be multiple seals. I assume a beginner and advanced one.
  14. I think Weapon skills are going to be a thing now. Also weapon durability is back.
  15. Really feeling this trailer, But that's partly due to me being weeb trash and me liking the ability to tweak and customize my units. I assume grinding is going to be a thing again, which I know some people are going to hate, but its something I really like.
  16. Soon™ Edit: It's done now. You can view the full comic here. The comic is basically little Lucina being adorable.
  17. Strange... Cam Clarke still voices Arthur so what was the point in changing the VA?
  18. Adventures in typesetting: Before: http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1102358-fire-emblem After: http://kah0922.tumblr.com/post/155604750423/so-i-redid-the-first-work-i-ever-typesetted Raw: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44221712
  19. Well, I'm back here now.

  20. Xander: Suffers the same problems as Corrin and Azura. Asugi: A less interesting Gaius. At least Rhajat is an improvement over Tharja.
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