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Nayr Farros

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Everything posted by Nayr Farros

  1. As it is portrayed, Dawson apparently didn't even bother to talk to Hector or even make suggestions as to how he could remedy some of Ostia's problems. He just took up arms and marched to war against a man who would have listened to what he had to say.
  2. Now THAT's hypocrisy. Since practically everyone throws harsh and vague criticisms at my work, and don't bother with any form of elaboration. Yet when it happens to them, they get mad and go off on me and tell me to be more clear or make a point they understand. But when I ask for the same courtesy, I just get bashed more. And to be fair, I was pretty clear in my criticisms. You're writing Hector out of character by making him out to be selfish and incompetent. You're trying to say that Dawson the Darin Clone is really right when you're having him try to force his way into power instead of asking to be elected. And
  3. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of that glass houses thing. Hector curbstomping yet another group of bandits. when as you say, he does it on a daily basis, is not at all contrived or out of character for him(which are my accusations of EN's portrayal). Also my idea was that he was that all the politics and buearocracy of being Marquess was getting to him, so he snuck off to take some time to rest. And it's not a leap of logic that a man who is a wealthy noble, and out alone would be considered easy prey by bandits/pirates/etc, and they would try something. Dumbing down and twisting around the context of my idea to accuse me of being hypocritical just makes you a liar. Also Eliwood curbstomps bandits as much as Hector does, yet when you rewrote my version of his tale, you left the bandits in and left him to curbstomp away, yet call me hypocritical for suggesting Hector do the same. Have fun in your own glass house, stone thrower.
  4. 1. Back when I did the Orson thing, Elibian Nights was supposed to be a simple hack. Story > Spriting. Which was why I suggested that, because it was a shortcut and back then, all the tales were roughly 5 years after FE7, and at that time, Zealot would have been an adolescent. And since pretty much everyone in Illia serve as mercenaries, having his father play a part would fit in with FE7's trend of showing the parents or older relatives of FE6 characters(examples: Karla, Bartre, Rath, Geitz, Hawkeye, Pent, Louise, Eliwood, and even Hector). So don't give me flak because my suggestion fit with what we were doing at the time. 2. Also have you forgotten how you a) used me as a scapegoat when MarkyJoe bashed the early EN(you did apologize for that at least), b) Shut me out of the project I helped you create when you started bringing in the people who everybody knows don't like me(you even replayed my PC sprite with Dei's in the beginning), c) left me in the credits as a footnote and lied about how I left the project(you said my involvement diminished or something like that, but the only reason that happened is because you stopped communicating with me and moved all EN related stuff into a private Skype room.) even though had I not done anything, your hack would have died as an unpursued BSFE remake, and d) started joining the bandwagon and began jumping on me too almost immediately after(Even in non-spriting related subjects; like when I didn't get all outraged over Klok reverse engineering Yeti's FEXP, or when I dared to have a more conservative opinion about the subject of abortion). So tell me, in face of all that, how the fuck am I supposed to see anything you do as anything different than a knife in the back? You just played nice and used me until I was inconvenient. You only used my work until you got something better, which frankly, was every motherfucking time because you knew none of the others would be content to let anything I do stay in. So you more or less led me on and wasted my time to provide glorified placeholders until the others delivered something better. So if you don't like the fact that I am bitter over it and the fact that you've been acting like some pompous bully, you can kiss my ass. Well this was random. Thought you left, Niko.
  5. Story of my (online) life. Also if it's for a production, that's when people should strive to be the most helpful, not the most snarky.
  6. To be fair, I'm completely allowed to disagree with any form of CNC, whether it's right or wrong. It's MY sprite, not theirs, and cnc is given for reference, not dictation. And most of the time people just drop in, and give vague descriptions of what they don't like. They rarely suggest methods of fixing the problems or are even clear about what they're trying to say. Most of that isn't really cnc, it's just bashing. CnC is trying to help. Dropping in and saying "That doesn't look like sue" or "she looks manly" doesn't help anything because I have absolutely no context as to why it is that way, or how to fix it. And if you notice, I generally respond better when people give cnc nicely and respect my choice when I disagree. Take Athena for instance, I've applied several of her suggestions, and just haven't gotten around to posting it.(I've got Vamp on Skype and he's supposed to be helping, but appears to be afk atm.)
  7. Well he doesn't need to because the fact that he's a "bad leader" is nothing but contrived fan fiction. If he were a bad leader, he wouldn't lead. His portrayal in Fe7 implied that he didn't really want to rule or even be a noble for that matter. He accepted the role of marquess because it was expected of him.
  8. I wouldn't need to bicker with people if they wouldn't insist on giving me a hard time. I'm as entitled to an opinion and choice as everybody else, and I am so fucking tired of being picked on for it just because I dare to disagree with the self-righteous so called elite spriters and their asskissers! What I go through here is tantamount to cyberbullying. I literally get jumped on for every fucking little thing I do. Political views and opinons, choices in spriting style, even my choice in colors is subject for scrutiny. And at least I have the common decency to explain why my opinions are as they are, as I am allowed by the first amendment of the constitution. While everybody else just says "you're wrong" along with a slew of passive aggressive implications and expect it to be taken as gospel.
  9. 1. Hector never abused his authority, which generally what justifies rebellion. Dawson was just a power hungry jackass, nothing more. Hector wasn't unjustly taxing the poor, he wasn't killing anybody who did nothing but speak against him(Dawson and his ilk attacked him unprovoked), he wasn't passing ridiculous laws. 2&3. Nothing in FE7 indicated he'd be a bad leader. He gets the same results as Eliwood if you play his mode instead. And I didn't say Hector thought either way, I said that if he knew he was a bad leader and people were suffering for it, he wouldn't lead. He, personally, would step down as Marquess and let someone who could do better have the title and the riches and privelige. Arch is portraying Hector as some selfish bastard and blithering idiot who cares only about keeping what's his to the detriment of everyone else. And that is as out of character as it gets. Hector is remembered as the one lord in Fe7 who actually had personality and depth, and what does he get to show for it? 4. Even if they weren't elected, it doesn't mean they don't know anything about administration or leadership. Eliwood, Pent, and even Hector(being that he's the spare to Uther's heir) would be expected(even forced) to study it and learn how to do it because of the fact that they will eventually have the role.
  10. Dawson forcing his agenda at the end of a sword doesn't seem very pro-democratic. Not unless Hector were an abusive dictator who needed to be unseated for his own good, which he isn't. Also Arch pretty much threw Hector under the proverbial bus by making him out to be incompetent, and clingly to his title. Neither of which are ever implied in FE6 or FE7. In FE7, Hector was portrayed as not caring for politics, but still accepted the role of marquess because it was his responsibility(something that is actually a good quality in a leader. No ambition or greed to cloud his judgment.) And nothing said he had no knowledge of governance. And Hector was also the type of person that, if he knew he wasn't a good leader, and someone would be better suited and could do the job the way it should be done, he'd have no problem stepping down and choosing that person to replace him. Plus if Hector needed help ruling, there are plenty of people he met through the course of Fe7 that could seek advice from to better himself as a leader. Eliwood, Oswin, Merlinus, or even Pent. Rather than just try to rule on wit alone.
  11. Arch is the type of person who is nice when he wants something, but when he doesn't his real thoughts come out. And he thinks jumping on the Nayr-bullying bandwagon will keep his new contributors(people who don't like me very much) happy so they'll keep giving him stuff. So he's a kiss ass, a whore, and a backstabber all rolled in one. Qualities commonly found in politicians actually. :p I'll take a look at the hair. Right now incorporating Athena's facial suggestions properly is my priority. Belive me, I'd call you every word in GC's list if I knew it wouldn't get me an infraction. Using George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words list is a creative workaround.
  12. Yeah I agree, I don't remember anything about Lycia becoming a democracy. It went from a federation of noble territories into a full fledged kingdom, with House Ostia becoming it's royal family. And Roy only becomes king if he marries Lilina. And eventually -- though exact details are not stated -- all the nations in Elibe unite into one big nation. Which altogether is a contrived dream ending. In the real world, the nations would splinter and reform in an endless cycle of peace, oppression, war, and revoluton. And democracy doesn't work any better than other forms of government. Same as a monarchy, it's okay when you have good leaders who make good decisions, and bad when you don't. Democracy is just a "feel-good" form of government that allows people the illusion of freedom even though at the end of the day, they still have to live by laws and ideals that a hierachy of beaurocrats tell them are the "correct" way to do things. And when democratic politics become corrupt, it seems to be nearly impossible to reverse. The crooked special interest or partisan poltiics become the standard, and elections become popularity contests based on an endless tug of war between two partisan figureheads who squabble over who has the best image and who can make the best promises that they'll never keep. But the person who had the most accurate viewpoint in Elibe's universe was actually Zephiel. His methods may have been extremist, but nothing he said about humanity in general was false. And pardon me if I sound cynical.
  13. Nice. I approve and withdraw my submission. Suuuure you did.
  14. It's a (somewhat) unspoken rule that most people learn the hard way(including myself, a long time ago). You don't post edits of someone else's work(even ref edits) without permission. Since you asked and are being polite about it: Feel free.
  15. That takes the roundness out of her face and makes her look like an androgynous male. That's more or less how the face was when everyone was telling me it looked like a man. Also I'd appreciate checking with me before doing ref edits. The original Sue sprite had awful colors. The clothes were too bright, poorly contrasted. And the hair was wayyyy too dark. Even Sue's official art wasn't like that(which mine is closer to) ModEdit: Please don't double post! eCut~
  16. 1. I measured the face to Sue's existing portrait. It's the same. 2. I could probably let the body out a couple of pixels. But then people would start saying the head is too small. 3. I'll look into that. Can't promise I can fix it because Sue's eyes use the same colors as her hair, which is dark green. 4. The hairstyle is the same as the original. It's just that the original's looked like she used way too much hairspray. and it spiked out. 5. Agree to disagree on that. 6. Thanks for the feedback(too many people try to pass snark off as cnc. I like concise lists)
  17. Been doing edits to my NuSue sprite. And I think I finally worked out all the manishness from it. Also added some blue to her tribal pattern(saw a fanart with it and liked it) with the spare color I had on the palette and it has a nice little pop because of it.
  18. I disagree. There's a reason that dark magic is considered evil in contrast to Light, Anima, and healing. He knew what he was getting into and willing sold his soul to Formortiis. It should have been no big surprise to him when it came back to bite him in the ass. You know, now that R&J are brought up, I have to point out that they have got to be the dumbest couple in history. Romeo goes and poisons himself because he finds Juliet unconscious and assumes she's dead. Juliet goes and stabs herself just because Romeo offed himself. Yet neither of them think that if the roles were reversed, they would want the other to move on, not committ suicide. Also Romeo = borderline pedophile.(Juliet is like 12 years old last I checked.)
  19. Maybe I'm not as well versed in Shakespeare as I should be. But what exactly are you comparing this to?
  20. Noted: Last edit I'm posting here. Don't want to turn KoT's topic into a trial and error forum(I have my own topic for that.)
  21. Yeah.. Arcfalcion told me that too. I've been working on it. Lightened the clavacles, rounded the eyes, softened the brows, gave more depth to the cleavage, less angry looking. One reason I did the brows to be a little angry looking partly because she's Rath's daughter and doesn't look that happy in her original sprite either(I don't suppose she would be, considering her home was invaded, her parents were killed, and shes fighting in a war at a very young age.).
  22. @KoT: Well, the worst part of Percival is his shading. And mine has a better palette as well. Also I did this today. Can use if you want. I didn't see anyone taking dibs on Sue. Still has a few kinks to work out. But it's looking pretty good. It's heavily custom, but I cut a few corners by splicing.
  23. I've done a couple of FE6 Sprite tweaks before. Feel free to use them if you're inclined to. Edit: Just saw that Lilina was already taken. So disregard her. Percy all the way, eh. :p
  24. Okay, might be stupid to ask, but shouldn't the map and title screen be reduced to 16-64 colors? Y'know, keep with the overall GBA look instead of having a style clash.
  25. No, because I've had to literally redraw several parts of the hair and edit the body wayyy too much. Breaks the mass customing rule.
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