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I'm gay dabadeedabada

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Everything posted by I'm gay dabadeedabada

  1. tihS is the SECRET final deity creation of tandor with the melding of huma and god srtengt!!!!!!!! veRY STRONG and it said it a SERAFFFP from ABOWB awwwWWWWW SHIDD
  2. it's because adding the echo is an audio engineering nightmare
  3. I pre-ordered the limited edition and am waiting on that because I heard the TL is still shit
  4. full width alphanumeric is the most superior of fonts
  5. Yeah, that was when same-sex marriage was illegal in, like, 96% of states.
  6. Honestly 4chan only has the highest quality posts. See: http://prntscr.com/c2umbw
  7. Wow that's only 2% as many words as it would take to argue that I'm straight
  8. tbh both CAs are the same level of gay, so both are good NorCA has San Francisco SoCA has me
  9. maybe, depends on how many people I'll be able to meet
  10. What's a noose? Can I have one for my birthday? Who wants to come to my birthday we're going to a restaurant in northern Orange County (CA) to drink and eat.
  11. Contrary to popular belief, I am, in fact, imaginary.

  12. For in its deepest core, it screams to shitpost. Even outside of Far From God's Light.
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