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Everything posted by RennacIsUnderrated

  1. YES, the invoke spell is so broken! I have genny use it every turn and have celica reheal her afterward so I always have 8 illusions on the map at all times. It makes every chapter so easy
  2. Ngl Atlas is my best unit. I keep seeing people say hes the worst merc but they could not be more wrong. He got 50 kills one match against a summoner with the blessed sword.
  3. One of the best FE titles Ive ever played, Ive never been so engaged in the story and characters and the game on hard mode feels so much like a real strategy game unlike Awakening and Fates which were embarassingly easy. Id give it a 9.5/10 better than Fates and Awakening but not quite as good as Path of Radiance or Rekka no Ken
  4. These all seem like pretty nit picky gripes to me. Not grouping oranges and having to re order your units to train a low level unit really isnt a "flaw" of the game just a mild inconvenience if youre an impatient person. The annoying map fights are in my opinion a flaw of the game. The enemies are always spawning and I JUST WANT TO VISIT A SHRINE but that means I have to battle 5 groups of annoying enemies like cantors to get to it. Witches are also obnoxious and on hard mode make you restart a chapter upwards of 5 times before completing it. Also the enemy placement is piss poor, all the enemies spawn in one huge clump in the middle of an open field and just charge at you. Believe it or not my units cant fight 10 cantors in a row with the awful resistance growths in this game. Some maps are phenomenal like the sand stronghold fight but in general the maps are just a blank field with a clump of enemies in the middle. In my opinion the game just needs more enemy variety (more classes, enemy weapons, etc), better maps and optional map fights. I still give the game a solid 9.5/10 though for being such a superb strategy game with a great story, voice acting, characters, and fan fare. Not to mention its just fun as hell, but it could have been a smidge better with the maps and enemy variety.
  5. Thats a shame dude, Atlas is no joke my best unit that I have. Hes a life saver on hard mode. He comes in with a huge attack stat at a really low level so youll get the opportunity to train him a lot and by the time hes caught up with everyone else's level he'll be far exceeding them. His growths are also impressive, I constantly get 4 or 5 stats a level up and pairing him with the Blessed Sword turns him into a killing machine.
  6. I think itd be super cool if the Avatar in FE7 was Robin in a remake. Theres this great theory that the two are the same character since they both wake up in a field, wear similar clothes, are great tacticians and Lyn in Awakening even says she met Robin long ago when he was her tactician. I have a running theory that after Robin kills Grima he gets teleported through time to Elibe and after defeating Nergal there he goes through the Dragons Gate and returns to where we see him wake up at the end of Awakening. I think thatd be an awesome way to remake FE7 and connect it to a really popular entry in the series. I mean who doesnt want to play as Robin again? But yeah Im a huge FE7 and FE8 fan. Hector was such a great and unique lord.
  7. Ohhh ok that makes sense. Theyre probably in some dungeon chest or something later in the game. I think its cool that theyre in the game it just doesnt make sense with the story lol well if you figure out where to get them, let me know! Ive always loved those three weapons, I think the story importance behind them is really awesome
  8. Oh I absolutely love the new games. Fates is in my top 5 easily! I just think the dialogue is off a bit. Im not trying to slam the new ones, I agree, I hate when "elitist" fire emblem fans rip on the new ones. I personally like everything except the dialogue, I just find it cringey but the rest of the game is superb. @Blade Lord Lyn oh definitely! I get so excited thinking about the possibilities for the switch game! Fingers crossed we see it at E3. Maybe we'll get more than just fully voiced lines and also get full on character models interacting during conversations!
  9. Ok so you know what I mean. I can tell you dont agree about my preference. Sorry if my opinion isnt popular with you but at least we can agree that the VA is really well done and a refreshing new feature.
  10. I noticed these weapons listed in the Echoes guide of the site and was wondering how you get them. (And also why theyre in Valm when they were in Archanea a year or two earlier?) Is this ever explained? Whats the story behind these weapons being in this game? If you could refrain from any major spoilers that would be appreciated, just trying to figurre out how to get these and how they ended up in Valm after Shadow Dragon. It was my understanding that Astram owned Mercurius, Jeorge owned Parthia and Hardin owned Gradivus after Shadow Dragon.
  11. You should go play the 3 GBA games and the two console ones if you havent. Youll see a huge difference between the dialogue of that and Fates/Awakening. Not that theres anything wrong with that, I just personally think FE should have a less anime heavy tone like it used to have. By nosedive I mean that Awakening 100000% embraced the anime style and went too overboard with it while it was mostly subtle in the former games. I enjoyed Awakening mixing it up I liked it, it was refreshing but I strongly prefer the old writing style and dialogue :) it just fits better making it more mature and such. I mean everyone has a preference, I just prefer the old school feel of Fire Emblem and not the more anime styled one.
  12. Im not making any jab at anime fans, I enjoy an anime every once and a while. Anime dialogue just often gets translated in a very cringey way. Lots of over the top facial expressions, weird noises and high pitched whiney voices. Theres this noticeable lack of urgency and maturity when thats the case. It makes the game feel like its made for kids. Ive been playing Fire Emblem since Rekka No Ken on my old GBA Advanced SP. The translation took a sharp nose dive during Awakening and Im just glad to see Echoes restore the original dialogue style and maturity that the series was founded on.
  13. My favorite line is probably when Python says "Lukas you ginger stud! I would have thought Desaix's men had punched your ticket to the boneyard by now" something about it just seemed badass and humerous at the same time. Overall this game has great dialogue and I love being able to just sit back and listen to it. Theres so much personality to it and the characters are so gripping and feel so much more tangible with voices.
  14. Oh thank god. We need this in every title moving forward. And the cringey Weeb dialogue is gone! Finally! This is honestly my dream FE game come to life. It feels so much like a strategy game too and I love the new weapon system and the classic mid battle supports are in and everything. Plus the characters talk to eachother if you move them next to eachother on the map. One time I moved Alm next to Faye and I hear "Hey you need to be careful, youre hurt" that level of immersion and character interaction is beautiful.
  15. I mean seriously, they knocked it out of the park with the full voice acting! And the translation in general is perfectly modernized and paced. I genuinely hope all future installments have full voice acting and continue to use this translating team. I'm enjoying this game so much, feels like a classic FE again.
  16. Is the project on hiatus right now?
  17. I don't own the game but I know you can capture units and recruit them, my question is how many can you capture at one time? I'd like to have one of each class but that seems like a pretty huge addition to my units and I find it hard to believe that the game would support that many characters at once
  18. Thanks that's a great suggestion :) yeah I'm sort of just messing around with a lot of ideas I have and then when they're incorporated I'll see what I do or don't like and remove, replace and add as I see fit. It's still in a very test heavy phase. Tell me about your hack though! Are you almost finished?
  19. lol yeah I was just trying to calm you down so you wouldn't keep making in idiot out of yourself by losing your shit at absolutely nothing like a god damn child. You're somehow running a project for God's sake, you should be over complaining about other people suggesting and criticizing what you do. If you can't handle it then I don't know why you are publicizing it. Sorry but unless you provide substantial proof for working for congress I can not possibly fathom how someone of your character and qualities (someone who bitches about having to work on something to the people he's making it for no less) could possibly be hired to work for congressman, it's genuinely laughable. I wasn't assuming anything about you before, only that the amount of criticism you receive on here is petty and near non existent to real life, I said nothing about what you do in real life I was only referencing this forum compared to reality. Oh and it's cute that you're using the rhyme my mom used to tell me when I was like 7, "assuming makes an ass of you and an ass of me" you're so original. Oh my behavior? What behavior? You mean standing up for myself in a forum completely rampant with ass holes who throw a fit about new people who aren't experienced in this particular hobby, because yes that's what this is, it's a fucking hobby. Whenever someone calls YOU out on your attitude you try and hide behind your possy of ass kissers and your trivial internet "fame" that is about as obscure as your obscure knock off of this obscure game. I don't give a single fuck what you've done on this forum or in real life, the only thing I see and care about is your shitty attitude about everything and your lack of decency, appreciation towards fans, and your laughable "I'm better than you because I happened to have made a hack" try going up to someone in real life and tell them that. You won't get respect you dumb ass you'll get laughed at because that's reality. I'm sorry I compromised your little din here where you feel like you're accepted and have the power to shun all negative attitudes toward your opinions but life isn't like that. This place most closely reminds me of the laughable "cool kids" in high school and it's hilarious and pathetic that you think you're better than me or anyone else for that matter for hacking a fucking ROM when 99.99999999999% of America has never heard the word "ROM" in their entire life XD, but oh if real life is the topic of choice now then I'm sorry you weren't accepted as a child in school by others and you need this "fame" now to compensate for your loss and I'm sorry to burst your bubble bitch but you aren't even remotely popular on the internet as a whole. I will gladly respect you when you've done something to truly show you're a stand up guy with proper manners because the respect you show your fans should be infinitely more important than the respect they show for you. I was polite about every suggestion I made yet you were acting like I had abducted your family and was threatening to kill them unless you complied. Hahaha courteous? You have been everything but courteous you lying sack of wasted life. And yes the Raven portrait you're using looks like shit and your childish hatred of Nayr caused you to miss out on a much better portrait that would've improved a much needed aspect of your game. I don't need the respect of some random douche bags on a forum to feel good about myself Arch and that's the difference between us. You need your cute little possy of nerds and dicks on here and I'm just here for a quick stay to laugh at people at you. Oh I almost forgot...what was it that you said in your bright stroke of maturity? Oh yeah, "get rekt kid" hahaha I almost cried when I read that.
  20. Woooooah champ, calm down, I'm just trying to have your back here no need to get snappy with me. Yeah my accomplishments aren't on here but I take pride in the ones I have in real life that require a hundred times the tolerance of criticism you have on here, I know more about what I'm saying than you think, don't jump to random assumptions about people on a forum lol. And I agree they are dumb suggestions but you should still have respect when they come here with good intentions mate, they aren't trying to spite you. And I'm not lecturing you, just letting you know you are going a bit overboard with this, it isn't that big of a deal, it's very petty and over dramatic.
  21. So I had a full reply to this written out and while I was typing the last few sentences I accidentally hit the refresh key on my keyboard and lost it so I'm just going to try and summarize lol So first off thank you so much for the feedback! I love improving this project to the best of it's abilities :) I am hoping in my next addition to have a "choose your own adventure" version of my hack and a version that removes the ability to have any of these other farfetched characters from the game. The choose your own adventure has it where you choose to have these added characters in a hard decision based event. For example when you defeat Lloyd you can spare him or kill him and if you kill him you will receive the Regal Blade (or clarent) right away instead of at the endgame but you'll lose him as a charcter and because of this Limstella will find Linus and you'll lose him too. And Fargus will have to be purchased or hired for a lot of gold to have him come along unless Dart is dead in which case he'll join free of charge with vengeance in his heart. Uther will offer his help and if you reject it then he'll send a brand new character to aid you...a character with the war-monk custom class (woooooh but the character will join later regardless but having him earlier will help considering he'll come with a special weapon that he won't have otherwise). So you can carry on the original story or you can receive the new characters. It's up to you.....that is IF I figure out how to create these events. Now for Natalie Now for tactician, As for Uther, Leila Lloyd and Linus are I was bored and felt like delving into hours of medieval/Europen weapon history for less boring names for the weapons I mean "Regal Blade" c'mon, every other legendary sword has a badass name from Nordic or Arthurian mythology so why not this one? As for Treck here's the story: As for Lloyd having a custom class
  22. Really? What chapter? I skimmed through the entire thing looking for info on this before I made this thread. It's the first place I look for questions.
  23. I know Arch has the knowledge to find out and cite whoever the original artist was if he really wanted to use it and I knew that which is the only reason why I didn't bother. No one was stealing it and I know it would need to be cited personally if it were to be used, thanks for the heads up but I understand and I am willing to bet my life that no Fire emblem spriter would be offended to find out someone suggested their work on Serenes Forest. @Arch: I don't think that's what he meant. I think he was just saying that you can't always expect the visuals to be 100% consistent and entirely successful with the image you have in mind when you have a varied cast of artists from different skill levels and art styles. No one here is hating on your hard work or the work of the artists, I can't speak for anyone but I'm quite positive we all deeply appreciate the time you put into making this. Dutifully noted about your comment to me though, I was just suggesting it, not demanding it happen. You need criticism and suggestions to make the best product you can. You gotta learn how to take the negative shit or even just the dumb fanboy suggestions people are giving you and use that to enhance the quality or your hack. You obviously should never listen to everyone but having respect for their opinion and expecting respect back for yours is important. Like all the old fucks say, "Iron sharpens iron."
  24. Me? How? I was just browsing through some custom mugs and I found this and thought it hit right on the Elibian Nights image of Raven so I figured it was worth posting. It was just a quick "Hey look at what I found, I think it would work great" I'm not attempting to spark controversy or complain I just thought it was worth the quick judge considering I recalled some comments a while ago on another forum about Raven needing a sprite upgrade and it would be relatively easy to insert this one. I figured if Arch hasn't seen this before he might want to. I've never heard of Nayr so I had no idea him and Arch were in a conflict or this portrait had even been looked at. *Waves Jedi hand* I didn't say anything about a portrait. @Klok: no one called me out for anything valid I'm just attempting to keep the peace. @Kon: An example of a Raven portrait that looks like it belongs in Elibian Nights. They both look great!
  25. Alright I gotcha, thanks, Here are some screenshots of what is happening just in case.
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