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Captain Karnage

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Everything posted by Captain Karnage

  1. Aliens Colonial Marines If you remember the backstory of what happened you'll know why
  2. Nice to meet you, and welcome to the Forest
  3. Looks like a fun banner if your a fan of FE12 I'm not super interested in it, but I'm kind of surprised it took this long to get Kris in
  4. The more options for players the better Though playing casual mode and using the turnwheel is kind of redundant Only problem I can see is like how 3H is kind of balanced around having access to the wheel means that the game isn't as well designed as it should be
  5. The law of probability says there is a possibility of it happening, but the law of probability says its not likely May the RNG be in your favor, good luck.
  6. Welcome to the forest new friend
  7. I've reached the point where I have to start counting to figure out my age Anyways if I'm right I'll be 25 in 2 weeks, and I'm still not sure if I'm a late millennial or early zoomer.
  8. This part here needs repeating But I'd also like to add, if you do decide to go to college, please just work on your general education for the first year. I saw way too many people change their minds on what they wanted to do and end up wasting time and money on classes they didn't need like me. I'd recommend taking a couple of electives to see if anything grabs your interest. I know for myself I think I would have preferred agriculture science over what I did, because I took beekeeping as a joke and ended up getting really into it during my last semester of college.
  9. Seeing as we're all FE fans Wasteland 2 is a pretty good tactical game, made by the people who made the original Fallout games. It's a cool post apocalypse game set up in America full of live action cutscenes Warhammer 40K Mechanicus. You don't need to know anything about the source material to get the story. It's a Scifi tactics game where you are on a secret mission on a hostile alien planet to steal their knowledge.
  10. If I didn't have a friend who cut hair IDK what I would have done I probably would have just shaved my head, wouldn't have been the first time.
  11. I don't know how to make it work via dolphin However if you never downloaded the Wii to Wii U tool on the Wii you're sol
  12. I think I'm just desentized to any kind of horror in any media. Mainly because I grew up watching horror movies and I wanted a lot of Courage The Cowardly Dog when I was little. I've reached a point where my dad and I bet on exactly what's going to happen in a horror movie down to each jump scare.
  13. Well, for me it has to be Sora, and it has nothing to do with his character, it's the series he comes from How bloated the story of Kingdom Hearts has just made me dislike him, seriously why is every spin off game crucial to the main story, do they even have a solid plan for the future
  14. I thought this was about MTG Cube, I love working on those. Anyways as someone whose been really active in TCG communities, some games are a lot easier to do cube drafts than others. Now I've mostly watched Cipher gameplay and have played a few proxy games of it. Personally I think it would be incredibly difficult to do since this game feels like it was meant more for constructed play seeing as you need quite a few copies of your characters to make a deck work well, and yo help keep you up in card advantage, as the player who does end up getting more copies of a certain character the more card advantage they'll end up getting, which at that point they could just stomp out the competition way to easily. Curated pools also really take away the randomness of the draft. Honestly for games like Cipher I think Battle Boxes would be better. If you don't know what one is, its essentially a box that contains several precon decks that you may randomly assign or let your players pick what deck they want.
  15. The law of probability says yes However it's just a maybe, you would have to be very lucky Like the others have said you have a very small starting team, and considering how the game feels like a lot of it was balanced around the Turn Wheel not using it is a problem in the long run.
  16. Well Echoes takes place in the same world as Awakening, and we already saw the Awakening trio in Fates, so I assume some kind of dimension hopping exists.
  17. This The main cast as far as I can remember don't even acknowledge that they exist in game.
  18. I didn't care too much for his character His support conversation with Bernedetta was probably the funniest one IMO.
  19. That's pretty bold of you to assume that. Just because someone falls into a spot on a political map doesn't mean that they automatically believe what the majority of people in that group believe.
  20. There should be an app in the app store that does it for you.
  21. Hey guys, I just wanted to see how many people here play any of the Warhammer games. I've watched a couple of YouTube videos on the game and thought it looked like a really fun strategy game Anyways I recently got to play my first game at my flgs and I really enjoyed it. So I talked to some of the people who play it and they pretty much told me to pick up whatever models in a Start Collecting box I thought looked cool, and I ended up picking up the Skitarii one. I haven't gotten most of my models put together but I've found it kind of relaxing just assembling them.
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