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Posts posted by Rickochet

  1. Make sure you didn't move the miscellaneous files around. If you open the .nmm in a text program, you'll see that each module has its own path. If that path doesn't correspond to the modules actual path, it won't open. Either that or you accidentally edited something in the module, which you can check by opening the . Nmm in a text program as well. 

  2. In addition to what Prime said, you could also check to see if the area you define in the tiles in the properties area, say (6,7) for example, 6,7 is the upper left hand corner of the defined area and not both the upper left and lower right hand corner. It's one of those things that may or may not have been obvious but it was one of the things I ran into before.

  3. Hey thanks for the review, I appreciate you spending your time playing! I will be using your comments to further improve BoE! Most of the things you mentioned Auduhlma is attributed to those chapters not having the final touches on them yet, such as the dialogue involving the story missing is because I haven't inputted them yet.

    Now I'm going to be honest and say that version 1.23 is only suppose to be chapters prolg to 8, but there are versions out there that contain prolg to 15 or so. No one's fault but my own for not keeping track properly. But I'm mentioning this only to remind everyone that Book of Eden is constantly changing so it may or may not be completely different couple months from when you downloaded. I'm not sure which version you have exactly but anything after chapter 9 is expected to have bugs and errors so just keep that in mind. For those of you who do have some version that lets you play past chapter eight, you can tell how much work it takes to release a patch so I urge you to keep that in mind as well.

    As for a progress report, I've been working with the team to update some of the existing mugs and more polish to the maps from chapter nine to twenty. There's not much to show but here's a couple portraits, some already done and inserted, others are still being completed.


    I also want to thank Ghast and everyone else who took the time during FEE3 to take a look at Book of Eden. It's great to see interest slowly being generated. I know progress is slow at the moment, real life tends to do that, but rest assured, progress is still being made, however slow it is. Here's to a speedy next patch!

  4. I'm going to save you some trouble and time by saying that if you ever plan to use supports in your hack, I suggest you use Lyn instead of Lyn_t so you don't have to change all the Lyn_t to Lyn in each of your event files down the line. All the tutorial characters' supports don't work properly in non Lyn mode.

  5. Alright, I released a patch that addresses some of the aforementioned bugs and glitches and as well as a few that were pointed out by my testers.

    Let me know if something doesn't work!

    There are also some minor features added into the patch in preparation for the next major patch. So as an fyi, the support system got an update but is not fully fleshed out so be aware of that.

  6. Quick questions:

    1) How many chapters are there currently and how many will be in the game upon completion

    Total planned chapters: 32

    Number of chapters done and released: 8 (First Patch/Book)

    The next major patch will contain a whopping 14 chapters. I think that's one of the reasons why it's taking so long, I want to iron out as many of the bugs as I can before I release it. A long and tedious process for a team consisting of mostly one, but I'm almost there! It goes from chapters 9 - 20, which includes 2 gaiden chapters thus far.

  7. Thanks for the feedback guys!

    If you could give a visual indication of where the tiles don't match up, that would be great. I'm not the greatest map maker and am still trying to improve.

    We've been aware of some of the bugs and are working on them. Keep an eye out for the next patch which should be out within the next couple weeks.

  8. Maybe you should just create whatever it is you think it should be and not worry about what others think. Cause it'll become your project and not other people's project, afterall.

  9. So it was suggested to me that I should post updates in regards to my progress every now and then, seeing as I rarely if ever post updates besides when the actual updates themselves are ready to be released.

    I'm currently ironing out some kinks in some of my class animations and spell animations, so they will be ready when I release "part 2" of my hack or book 2 or however you want to see them as. I like to call them books as the story is based on a book I've been writing that I transferred to this ROM hack.

    Here are some of the things you can look forward to:

    -Complete and proper weapon icons for all the current weapons in the game

    -Complete set of affinity icons (more like just me changing the affinities to match my universe lol)

    -Revamped affinity bonuses according to what I think they should give

    -First half of the support system will be in place, meaning all the currently available and will be avaliable characters will have their supports in place, minus their actual conversation. I will do the writing for those later as I'm still developing some of their backstories.

    -You'll see more custom weapons in this part 2 of the hack

    Here's are a few screenshot of several maps in the next patch.



  10. I'm not sure what else to tell you then. Try deleting all the layers except for the main one and then doing those layers again. Or if that doesn't work, try inserting that map into the ROM with only a main layer than once its inserted, do the layers and try to re-insert again and see if that works.

    Try to narrow down to what you think may be causing the problem.

  11. You're certain that when you mouse over the upper left hand corner of your tilechange, it is 13,3? Because if thats the case, then everything should be insert just fine. Maybe try putting "Main" on your main layer's properties with a blank for the numbers. You can also zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel if you mouse over the mini map box, maybe you have a spare tile somewhere outside your screen.

    For that, you would have to do a manual tile change, I don't remember the code for it off the top of my head but I know its in the ultimate tutorial and there are at least 2-3 other posts either here on SF or at FEU that deals with manual tile change. Though, I do know if you do it manually you will have to do make sure the sound effect and the "village has been pilfered" notification card has to be played manuallly as well. You'll have to find the offsets for these in the NMM read me files.

    Similarly you could just start off the chapter with the bandits standing on top of a destroyed village and then cut to the dialogue to show the audience that it has been destroyed. The mind will fill in the rest. And it'll be less work for you in the long run.

  12. Okay, can you tell me what the coordinates of the upper left hand corner of your destroyed village is? The first square should be 13,3. If not, you should make it so.

    As for triggering a tilechange, like I said before, it should happen automatically. If you set up the events correctly, everything should be automatic.

    Under location events in your events, you should have something like Village(0x20, village1, 13,5)

    Replace "village1" with whatever is your label for your events, and 13,5 should be what you have based on what you have shown me. Then further down your event text file, maybe between Opening_event and Ending_event, you will have:

    (Keep in mind, this is an example event, the listed values are arbituary. the actual numbers are based on whatever it is YOU want.


    FADI 10

    BACG 0x01

    TEX1 0x808



    If you have a similar setup, bandits pillaging the village should make it be "destroyed" automatically and when you have a unit visit the village, the event above should play and at the end of it the gate should close.

    What version of Tiled are you using? It looks similar to the one I use and the one in MarkyJoe's guide with the exception of the boxes in a different layout.

  13. the changes for the village should be automatic if you used tiled. The destroyed village tile layer must be under the normal gate change version.

    like so:


    i have a hunch on your error message, for your x and y coordinates on the tile layers, the x and y has to be the same square, as in the upper left hand corner's square of your tile area, and not x being the upper left hand corner and the y being the lower right hand corner of your tile areas. if this is not the case, post an image of all but one of your tile layers active(checked, uncheck the main and other layers) that includes the properties in the image.

    I'm also not sure if this is for FE7 or FE8, if this is for FE8, what I listed above may or may not work.

  14. Yeah those tutorials help a bunch, you're just to going to have to slug through it like everyone else.

    But here's a brief overview, you'll need to import your sprites with GBA Graphics Editor, offsets can be found in the readmes and nightmare modules, which you can access with nightmare of course. Then using nightmare, you'll need to specify which "unit" has which sprites in the "FE7 Standing Map Sprite Editor" module and "Map Sprite Pointer Table Editor" module.

    Make sure you don't have more than one program open at a time or you'll overwrite the changes you make. Ex. If you have GBAGE open, save your changes close it then open nightmare to make changes. I don't know the technical terms but the programs take a sort of "snapshot" of your ROM in its current state before saving/writing the changes to that ROM when you save it. These programs are not advance enough to update that snapshot like other more official programs, for a lack of better words.

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