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Status Replies posted by GuiltyLove

  1. Oh, it's BoysLoveBlackLusterSoldier. I just noticed you viewed my profile last month. SF is dead, sadly D:

    1. GuiltyLove


      The SF people should have a group chat on Discord or something so that people don't fall out of contact. I know Rezzy used to talk to you. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Oh, it's BoysLoveBlackLusterSoldier. I just noticed you viewed my profile last month. SF is dead, sadly D:

  3. Oh, it's BoysLoveBlackLusterSoldier. I just noticed you viewed my profile last month. SF is dead, sadly D:

    1. GuiltyLove


      Current year is always bad! I wish I could manipulate time.

      How do you hide the "Recent Profile Visitors" list?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)



    Smoke seems to still talk to u

  5. your Catria is a godsend :D

  6. SO, looks like I'm back on heroes under a new FC: 6830346625

    Also, #LobsterLord4TheWin

  7. SO, looks like I'm back on heroes under a new FC: 6830346625

    Also, #LobsterLord4TheWin

  8. SO, looks like I'm back on heroes under a new FC: 6830346625

    Also, #LobsterLord4TheWin

    1. GuiltyLove


      either way works since im always checking the notifications

      Not sure which one you are referring to :P i just hated all of her posts for many months

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

    1. GuiltyLove


      I dont really care as long as I get a banner unit :P all dancers are good

      nice :D I avoid reading too mcuh stuff

      also i have Ana blocked :D

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

    1. GuiltyLove


      It took me until a pity rate of 4.5% to get a dancer... 

      I got Shigure though :O

      I don't really check the forums that much anymore. I'm mostly just on PMs, so I haven't seen your avatars :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

    1. GuiltyLove


      I'll look at an LP of it :P


      FEH has been frustrating D:

      I see you changed your avatar :O

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Want to add me? I'm on team Fae too. I'll use the newly built +atk -def Est as my lead :)

    My ID is 639-892-6621

    Here she is: ZdvxNmN.png

    She will protect Fae from scary reds!

  10. Want to add me? I'm on team Fae too. I'll use the newly built +atk -def Est as my lead :)

    My ID is 639-892-6621

    Here she is: ZdvxNmN.png

    She will protect Fae from scary reds!

  11. 2vFF25r.png?1


    1. GuiltyLove


      I am still trying to get Hector D: If he loses then I'm gonna join Camilla because I actually have her

      I'm probably gonna keep Catria as my leader. Hope we end up on the same team sooner or later~

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Whats so "guilty" about love?

    1. GuiltyLove


      iim gonna choose lyn

      I keep getting awful pulls

      43 orbs down to 5 and didnt get Hector


    2. (See 210 other replies to this status update)

  13. Do you like futanari hentai?

    1. GuiltyLove


      I see. I am not very familiar with Japanese aside from a few words. That's interesting how it means "castle" in Japanese. I recall that "castle" in Chinese was something like 城堡, which does have the same character. If I think of "城", though, it would usually be in the context of a city

      sounds like you have had a hard childhood, maybe!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Do you like futanari hentai?

    1. GuiltyLove


      That's good. Are you Chinese, by any chance? Your sig had Ray 城and though I have never seen the word for "city" as a last name, I guess it could still be pronounced "Cheng". I usually see "鄭", though I guess it would be "Zheng" if you are from the mainland

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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