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  1. Shadow heard everything Remi said, but his sword did not lower. "He can't be trusted. I can already tell. He could very well be a Grimleal spy, and his words nothing but lies, just so he can earn our trust." Shadow said to Pleiada. "I'm going to take him to the tree for interrogation. I must know if he has any relation to the Grimleal." Shadow saw Blodwyn circling overhead, patrolling the camp on Nyx. Shadow silently waved. Blodwyn waved back. He led the man to the tree he slept in that night. "We're here." Shadow stated with hate and distrust filling his voice to the point of overflowing. Shadow felt a bit uncomfortable speaking like this on the inside, because he only uses that voice for interrogating captured Grimleal soldiers, (and any time he is talking to Edward, in any circumstances whatsoever). "Now for the first question: Do you know anything about the Grimleal?"
  2. Shadow saw a strange robed man near Pleiada and Dougal, and immediately jumped out of the trees and drew his sword. "Just because you say you're not a Plegian, that doesn't mean I trust that you aren't of the Grimleal." Shadow growled with his sword pointed directly at the man. "Who are you? And what is your business here?"
  3. "I understand. I know you just told me not to say this, but I will say it anyway. That is how I have always trained with my sword. And you're right, breathing enough is one of my major weaknesses in that style of swordfighting. I mostly breathe when I'm hiding in a tree, ready to sneak attack an enemy. Sure, I know I'm a Myrmidon that fights like a Thief would, but that is my all time favorite combat method." Shadow explained to his friend. "As for Edward, well, he's the reason why I try to talk to you only when we're alone. He's been taunting and mocking me because he thinks I have a crush on you when I really don't. I just think you're easier to trust than the other members of the party. As for why everyone else is a worry in this context, well, let's just say that I don't want them thinking the same thoughts about this as Edward already does." Shadow continued. (Shadow and Blodwyn attained support level C).
  4. OOC: Shadow isn't referring to himself in the first person. He just is thinking to himself more than he actually is talking.IC: "W-what? How did you know I made it? Well, now that you know, just don't tell Edward about it. He must not know about it." Shadow said in surprise. "I just decided to make it for you, because I was fixing my armor using metal from the Grimleal I killed today. This metal was from their armor. I had some left over, so I made you the lance. Sorry that I didn't do well on it." Shadow said. Then, Shadow heard footsteps. "Oh gods, I have to hide." Shadow thought as he frantically scrambled for the nearest tree. He hid in the tree, looking at what was happening. Blodwyn was still there, and now, the source of the footsteps as well. It was Edward. "Oh no...did HE hear all that?! Shadow said, trembling.
  5. Shadow stood in silence, knowing that he had to get this lance to Blodwyn before Edward got back. He snuck up on Blodwyn, quickly laid the lance next to her, then scurried behind a tree. "I hope nobody saw me. Edward already thinks I have a crush on Blodwyn, and I can't let Fivel, Emil, or Dougal think the same." Shadow thought, sweating a river from the stress that the gift brought. He only trusted her best, but he didn't have a crush on her. "Even though I may not have been seen, Edward may find out I gave her the lance. That may be a way he could find out I made it for her." He thought. "Maybe I should join the others now. I don't get the chance to socialize with anyone often." Shadow walked over, and sat down next to Blodwyn. He said nothing at first, but he was still worried sick. "Possibly the worst that could happen is if Blodwyn herself believes Edward's, and maybe everyone else's, thoughts. I really need to be careful here." Shadow muttered under his breath. "Oh gods, did she hear that?!" Suddenly, he felt an arm resting on his shoulder. He looked in the direction it was coming from, and saw someone smiling. When he saw this person, he completely froze. Then, he grew woozy, then completely lost consciousness.
  6. Continuing the attempted support conversation: "Blodwyn? I have something for you." Shadow called as he searched for his ally. He was fixing his armor, and had some leftover metal from that job. He used that leftover metal to make Blodwyn a new lance, considering her old lance broke in the fight.
  7. OOC: I'm starting a support conversation (Or at least trying to) between Shadow and Blodwyn now. "Ever since Edward found out about how I trust Blodwyn most in this army, I can no longer talk to her without him thinking I have a crush on her!" Shadow sighed as he reinforced his armor with plates of armor taken from the Grimleal he killed that day.
  8. "They aren't ALL dead. I spared Pleiada's attacker for interrogation. We may need some information about what the Grimleal want with Pleiada." Shadow said as he slung the unconscious Warrior over his shoulder. "Oof! This guy is heavy. I may need some help carrying him." Shadow growled. Relieved that Blodwyn was safe, albeit heavily wounded, he started after the other mercenaries. He thought to himself about his relationships with the others. "Blodwyn- Possible Friend, most trustworthy. Edward- Completely untrustworthy, definite jerk. Fivel- Unsure. Dougal- Hard to trust due to Grimleal heritage. Emil- Kind of unsure, but still pretty trustworthy." He was already thinking about how to perform the interrogation of that Warrior. He had done this many times with captured Grimleal soldiers to obtain answers about Grimleal activity, and always thought ahead of time before each one. After all, his mother and grandfather were tacticians. "First and foremost, we need to know what they want with Pleiada." He thought.
  9. I know he was referring to Fivel as "the bunny", but who is "the adventure boy"? (It had better not be Shadow; he wouldn't be very happy).
  10. Shadow kept scouting the forest from the tree, with no sign of Pleiada. Suddenly, he saw a river. What he saw horrified him. There was a man that had a girl by the arm. "Pleiada!" Shadow thought. "I must warn the others. But I should hold off that man. If he's escaped by the time I tell everyone and get back to the river, I'll surely get accused of lying." Shadow leapt off the tree, and straight at Pleiada's attacker. He sliced him across his back, going as deep as possible. He was too late to get back to the tree before getting seen by either of them. The man pulled out a massive axe. "A Warrior," Shadow thought. "These guys are tough." Shadow was unfazed by this, however. He stabbed the man in the arm that held Pleiada, loosening his grip. The man swatted at Shadow with his axe, which was impressive, considering a normal man would need two hands to wield an axe, let alone one that big. Shadow saw the Mark of Grima on his shoulder. "This guy is definitely a Grimleal commander." Shadow thought. He stabbed him in the arm again, this time, he released Pleiada. Shadow picked her up and carried her to a safe area of the forest as quickly as possible. "Stay here." Shadow said to Pleiada. Then he returned to face the Warrior. He drew his sword and left another gash on the Warrior's back. The Warrior whipped around and knocked Shadow away with the back of his axe. Shadow struggled to his feet, grabbed his sword, and scrambled up the nearest tree. He waited there for the moment to strike, because the Warrior's blow injured him bad enough that he didn't have the strength to hop across the trees. He would be able to again when he recovered. The Warrior turned around. "Now!" Shadow thought. He leapt on the Warrior, and then incapacitated hiM by stabbing him in both legs. Instead of killing him, he took out some ropes, and proceeded to tie up the defeated Grimleal Warrior. He climbed up a tree, then signaled Blodwyn with his sword. "I found a Warrior attacking Pleiada. I successfully got her to safety, and tied up the Warrior. Instead of killing him, I decided to interrogate him. I need you to alert the others of this." Shadow said to his comrade. Then he went to retrieve Pleiada.
  11. "Wait. Where's Pleiada?!" Shadow thought. Then he saw Edward and Dougal from the tree he was looking from. "As much as I distrust both of them, especially HIM," Shadow looked at Edward as he thought to himself. "I should go with them. They could need help." He already felt worried, because Blodwyn hadn't answered him before, and she was nowhere to be seen. She wasn't even visible in the sky. Then, he saw Emil. He found him more trustworthy as well. "Emil? Have you seen Blodwyn anywhere? Is she okay?" Shadow called.
  12. Sorry...This I my first real RP!
  13. "I heard that, EdJERK!!!!" Shadow shouted from the tree he was waiting in to backstab another foe.
  14. "I hope Blodwyn is okay..." Shadow thought. (No, he does not have a crush on her. He just finds her to be more trustworthy than everyone else). He made a break for the tall tree, then pounced on an unsuspecting Grimleal from behind. He left three deep slashes in his back, then rebounded off him , and back on the high point of the tree, hanging on to the trunk by his sword. He climbed up the tree, hiding from the Berserker, when he suddenly saw a thrown Volant Axe heading straight for Blodwyn. He jumped in front of her, knocking the axe back at the Berserker. It missed. "YOU!! You're that blue-haired bloke who keeps meddling with our rituals! Don't you know discrimination based on religion is wrong?!" The Grimleal shouted. "It's not racism. It's VENGEANCE for killing so many innocent people, including my parents, as sacrifices for the Fell Dragon, Grima! Don't YOU realize that senseless killing of innocents as sacrifices to the world-destroying dark god that my grandfather killed LONG ago?!" Shadow retaliated with. "Did you just call our Divine Dragon EVIL?! THAT'S IT! GRIMA, IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, I AM TRYING TO SAY THAT YOU HAVE A MEMBER OF THE EXALTED BLOODLINE ON THE MENU TONIGHT!!!!" The Berserker shouted to the sky. Shadow lunged at the punky Berserker, but jumped out of the way of an axe. Shadow ran to the tree after that. "Oh, chickening out already? How about I give you your GIRLFRIEND with an axe through her chest!" The Berserker laughed. "OH, THAT'S IT!" Shadow raged. "SHE'S JUST THE PERSON I TRUST MOST IN THIS ARMY! THAT IS WHY I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KEEP HER ALIVE MOST! SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU DAFT CHILD MURDERER!!!" Shadow leapt across trees to get behind the Berserker. "I need to gut this guy as soon as possible." He thought. He pounced on him, left so many gashes in the Berserker's leg he couldn't walk, then knocked him to the ground. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before you mess with me, Grimleal scum. Shadow jeered with a smirk. He rolled the Berserker on his back. "Oh, right. I forgot. There won't BE a next time!" Shadow snarled as he drove his sword through the Berserker's chest. "Blodwyn? Are you okay? Any injuries from that Berserker?" Shadow called up to his ally. OOC: Sorry if way too many of Shadow's skirmishes have ended in the enemy dying from a backstab.
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