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Dr. Rudy Mjølnir

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Everything posted by Dr. Rudy Mjølnir

  1. S a k u y a _ z a y o _ I------------ I I I \ O / I ( ) I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E, C, F
  2. S a _ u y a _ z a y o _ I------------ I I I \ O / I ( ) I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E, C, F
  3. S a _ u y a _ z a y _ _ I------------ I I I \ O / I ( ) I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E, C, F
  4. S a _ _ y a _ z a y _ _ I------------ I I I \ O / I ( ) I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E, C, F
  5. S a _ _ _ a _ z a _ _ _ I------------ I I I \ O / I ( ) I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E, C, F
  6. S a _ _ _ a _ _ a _ _ _ I------------ I I I \ O / I I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E, C
  7. S a _ _ _ a _ _ a _ _ _ I------------ I I I O I \ I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L, E
  8. S a _ _ _ a _ _ a _ _ _ I------------ I I I O I I I I------------------ Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N, L
  9. S a _ _ _ a _ _ a _ _ _ I ------------- I I I I I I I ------------------- Letters used(Not included in answer): R, T, M, N
  10. S a _ _ _ a _ _ a _ _ _ I I I I I I I------------------ Letters Used(Not part of answer): R, T
  11. ------------------- Letters used(Not included in answer): R
  12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Video game character is the subject.
  13. Good enough release date for me. Gives me some more time to buy a PS4.
  14. Marth 25 Abel 7 Cain 6 Gordin 19 Norne 25 Caeda 19 Ogma 4 Castor 10 Darros 7 Julian 10 Navarre 14 Merric 10 Wolf 10 Sedgar 10 Roshea 8 Wendell 7 Radd 4 Roger 10 Jeorge 10 Maria 10 Minerva 10 Linde 10 Jake 10 Tomas 18 Boah 5 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 10 Catria 12 Samson 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 10 Ymir 10 Elice 10 Nagi 5 Gotoh 10 Luke 10 Rody 10 Cecil 7 Malliesia 10 Warren 10 Yumina 16 Yubello 7 Sirius 10 Feena 10 Ellerean 5 Dice 10 Malice 10 Katarina 10 Sheema 10 Michalis 10 Nyna 18
  15. Damn that was close, oh well I will most likely win next week. :p
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