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Iron Griffin

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Posts posted by Iron Griffin

  1. There is 2 story base DLC about the invisible kingdom, exp/money/rare weapon DLC, beach DLC, world jump DLC, a royal battle DLC and much more coming!

    God damn that is a whole lot of goodies there!

    yes it does.

    Does the cost to grind increase each time? If not what is the average price?

  2. With all three games officially released in Japan I am curious what awaits us down the road. No doubt there will be those who will buy a Japanese DS in order to play them as its already been happening for awhile now.

    Its going to be a number of long months before the games are released internationally.

    So my question is what can we expect for Fates? There will be DLC oh lordy we know there is more of that coming but I kind of want to see what you guys are thinking on the matter.

    New stories?

    New characters?

    Bonus missions?

    Want to hear your thoughts. :)

  3. Luna and Shara, for the same reasons why I disliked Severa and Tharja.

    I cant bring myself to hate either(somehow) but damn do they annoy me especially the former being a massive tsundere stereotype complete with bloody pink tails...... :P

  4. [spoiler=Azura Hate (?)]Is Azura to Kamui basically Sumia to Chrom? I haven't played the game yet, but if the pairing is that canon, I'll be really disappointed. (Still laughing forever at how Olivia doesn't even get a goddamn marriage scene aside from the S support, while Sumia gets goddamn 3D models.)

    To be honest its the only pairing for a Male Kamui(from what I have seen) that has any sort of context at all. The Female Kamuis probably did a lot better with the other supports offered. Other S-supports for a male avatar from what I read don't really meld well with some exceptions of course. Then again S-supports often feel out of nowhere even when they don't involve the Avatar.

  5. One of the things I hate seeing the most is someone going onto a post and suddenly stirring up unnecessary opposition. But at the same time, I'm also aware that people like to rant; I mean, I shit on characters/concepts all the time too, lmao.

    So instead of posting character hate (e.g. Oh, what do people find so attractive about Character X? He's too naive, and I think he needs to get a reality check), why not just make a thread for it? Just come and rant all you want here instead of ruining on other people's parades.

    The only thing I'd recommend is spoiler tagging your hate, so that people don't end up reading character hate for their favorite or whatever. But then again, this is a character hate thread, so that's not entirely necessary.

    If this thread lives past a few pages then Minischew I salute you!


    Maybe this will keep the peace for a little while.

    Personally for me I don't really HATE any of the game's characters although I find a few of them annoying.........

    I am not all that fond of Camilla. While I really like the other Nohr siblings she bugged me to no end with her creepy obsession with Kamui. I was really hoping for a cool big sis like character but all I got was some crazy yandere who constantly tried to jump her siblings bones(If male) or willing to kill anyone just to keep them. However when Kamui is not on the brain she is rather enjoyable.

  6. I saw on the chart that this hadn't been translated yet, and it just called to me for some reason.

    Kagerou x Odin (C-S)

    C Support

    Kagerou: ……………….

    Odin: You there! What are you doing?

    Kagerou: Excuse me. Please, go away.

    Odin: Why are you hiding….? Oho! In addition, I’m sensing such power…!……Or NOT. Psh, you’re just painting a picture.

    Kagerou: ……………..Yes. It’s a painting of a fantastical beast I’ve called, Murakumo.

    Odin: “Fantastical Beast?” Sounds very interesting!

    Kagerou: …..If I let you see it, you’ll just make fun of me too. “This painting is the key to destroying the world,” “Just seeing it curses you to twelve years of bad luck,” ….. Almost everyone who looks at my drawings makes fun of them.

    Odin: ………….

    Kagerou: Odin? What…….are you doing?

    Odin: *tremble* *shake* *tremble* *shake* *tremble* *shake* You….are a GENIUS!!!!

    Kagerou: …..What?

    Odin: You are a GRANDMASTER with the brush like none other! I…I must borrow this painting!!!!!

    Kagerou: What, wait! Wait!!

    B Support

    Odin: Hooo………..Murakumo, I call from the otherworldly gates! Into reality, your true form awaits! …… Failed again….

    Kagerou: Odin….

    Odin: Oh, it’s Hoshido’s grandmaster!

    Kagerou: ……Can I ask just what the hell happened the other day? You just showed up all of a sudden, screamed that I was a genius, grabbed my painting and then ran off!

    Odin: Ah, yes. I apologize for acting so rude and thoughtless before a grandmaster! I had not ever been exposed to artistic mastery like this before, so I could not control myself.

    Kagerou: A-artistic mastery?

    Odin: Of course. This is not a mere painting! It must at the very least be called a masterpiece! This masterful work has aroused all new varieties of sorcery in my brain!! I can’t control the urge to depart reality and enter into this world!

    Kagerou: Is……is that so?

    Odin: What’s the matter?

    Kagerou: Well, it’s just…. Even though, you are a Nohrian, these are the nicest things that anyone has ever said about my work. So, my confidence is, well, …So, what new varieties of sorcery are you contemplating?

    Odin: Well, as you just saw, I’m trying to bring this fantastical creature that you drew to life!

    Kagerou: !?

    Odin: But, so far, that’s been a failure. I will return this master work to you. I apologize for taking it like I did.

    Kagerou: P-please keep it.

    Odin: Wha…?

    Kagerou: It’s been a dream of mine for so long to have my paintings come to life! I’ll help in anyway I can! So, please…. keep it.

    Odin: Oh, well, um…. I …. see…….Thanks?

    A Support

    Kagerou: Odin, I’ve brought some things for you.

    Odin: Kagerou…. What is that?

    Kagerou: A vial of Faceless poison, a dram of wyvern saliva….I’ve collected a lot of rare materials that I thought you might need. I thought they might be necessary or useful for that painting animation sorcery spell.

    Odin: I….see? Um, that’s well….

    Kagerou: Odin, could you please try again? Please, as the greatest sorcerer in Nohr, blow the breath of life into my painting!

    Odin: …….

    Kagerou: …..I see. You can’t do it after all…

    Odin: Hold! I never said that I couldn’t do it! As you said, I am the greatest sorcerer in Nohr! Odin, the Ebony Eagle!!

    Kagerou: Well then, we’ve applied all the concoctions to the painting. This should be enough to summon it! Now, it’s just up to your magic.

    Odin: ………. Why am I so frightened? Is it because of this beast, or is it…?

    Kagerou: What are you whispering to yourself? Is it the spell?

    Odin: No, it’s nothing! Alright, let’s go! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Murakumo, I call from the otherworldly gates! Into reality, your true form awaits!


    Odin: Kagerou. May I try again?

    Kagerou: Of course….

    Odin: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Purest of evil, purest of light! Lend me your power to aid in this plight! Murakumo, I call from the otherworldly gates! Into reality, your true form awaits!

    Kagerou: ………

    Odin: One more time…..

    Kagerou: ….I can wait for three eternities. You do not have to worry.

    Odin: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    S Support

    Odin: Kagerou. What are you doing here?

    Kagerou: Hello, Nohr’s greatest sorcerer!!

    Odin: No one has the right to call me that. After all, I completely failed in doing what you wanted me to do.

    Kagerou: You really think so?

    Odin: What?

    Kagerou: Look at my painting! The Murakumo has disappeared.

    Odin: By the holy blood of…. The portion where the Murakumo was has gone completely white! What does this mean?!?! Oh…..I know. Towards the end, I was getting desperate and started summoning up bad weather. The paint must have just washed off in the rain and wind.

    Kagerou: I thought so at first. But, now I think differently. I believe that your technique was a success, so I’ve started looking for it.

    Odin: …..Well, if you think so highly of me that you believed it worked….do you mind if you use your genius skills to draw another painting for me?

    Kagerou: Hm? What do you want me to paint?

    Odin: I want you to paint……. The two of us. As a happy, smiling married couple.

    Kagerou: ?!?!?!

    Odin: It appears that I’ve fallen in love with you. I…. actually think that we’d make a good couple. But, if you don’t think so, then could you at least paint me that picture? This time, I know I can make that picture come to life! Not just because of rain or wind!

    Kagerou: Odin….

    Odin: But, if you do think so too….then please take this ring.


    Odin: I see. It was a lost cause, after all.

    Kagerou: No… you’re wrong. You’re completely wrong.

    Odin: Really!?!

    Kagerou: But, my family has served the Hoshido royal family for centuries. There is a very strong possibility that they would be against this marriage.

    Odin: In that case, then you draw a painting where your family and I are so freaking happy together and laughing and playing games and getting along great! I shall continue to master the process of harnessing the wind and rain until THAT painting is real!

    Kagerou: Hahaha! If you’re prepared to go that far…… then I have no objections! I also have fallen in love with everything about you.

    Odin: Kagerou….

    Kagerou: But, I have one request.

    Odin: What is it?

    Kagerou: Would you let me draw a companion piece where I am getting along great with your family? Of course, it wouldn’t be polite at all if I don’t meet them before….

    Odin: ………………

    Kagerou: Odin?

    Odin: ……There won’t be any need for that. I’m all…… there’s no one to meet. There’s no one related to me in this world…. And my parents have been dead for a long, long time…

    Kagerou: Oh my goodness! I’m so so sorry! I wasn’t thinking at all! But…. You must still let me draw a picture of your family.

    Odin: Why….

    Kagerou: I still want to meet them. When they were living together with you. When everyone must have been so happy together…. Even if it’s just a painting…

    Odin: ………Thank you.

    Kagerou: Then I gladly accept this ring.

    Odin: Again, thank you….I’m floating among the stars right now…

    This was rather nice actually. :3

  7. Pretty much.And people thought the incest was bad.(And incest is not even in the game unless you count cousin x cousin)

    Which really isn't bad at all but the underage girls being hooked up with grown ass men? Yeah..............If any characters needed VERY limited S-support options(or none all) it would be these two.

  8. Another problem I think some folks are forgetting is....

    The fact that both Conquest and Birthright pretty much end the same way with some variations: You lose two siblings on the side you did not choose, Garon is beaten, and you lose Azura/Aqua no matter what you do throughout either route this conclusion is inevitable which to me kind of defeats the purpose of buying both of them for a lot of folks. Your adventure might have some differences here and there but the showdown and the results are way too God damn similar...

  9. In my opinion from what I have seen I prefer the 3rd route to the other two by a lot with Hoshido in second place although it mostly gets its points for the Feels factor while Nohr get its for characters that stand out a bit more.

    Its frustrating having to wait for the official release but I rather grit my teeth and wait for the official release rather than buying a different version of the DS and the game overseas a trilogy of games that I need an entire forum site just to read.....I'd like to get a hands on experience hell even a demo. :/

  10. I'm still divided over the narrative there are a lot of things I really like here but there are also things that bug the hell out of me. I didn't expect a perfect story but I expected something stronger than we got. I would have loved to have been the fly on the wall for some the decisions made there.

    That being said I'm looking forward to these games and yes I intend on playing all three routes. I loved Awakening despite all its issues so I'm hopeful here. Of course what this means for future installments is uncertain but unless there is enough constructive criticism made on to the misfires in Fates I wouldn't be surprised if such hiccups persist in the future.

  11. Easy Bake Fate Babies

    A little batter + Love + A hyper time dimension = A new little foot soldier

    I don't mind the return of the S-ranks really although I would have liked a sort of epilogue wrap up instead of kids considering how aside from adding some extra muscle have no bearing on the plot what so ever.

  12. I already read enough supports and other bits of info to draw my own conclusion.

    Azura >Marx >Elise >Hinoka >Takumi ≥ Leon > Sakura > Ryoma >>>> Camilla

    If we strictly speaking about the Nohr and Hoshido siblings then just remove Azura. Marx would be my top big bro with Elise taking first as my favorite little sis, Hinoka my top big sis, and Leon and Takumi fighting for the place of my favorite little bro.

  13. Wow, that is a lot of pairings. Anyways, if anyone has a TV Tropes account, I've created a page of numerous fan favorite couples. I'm also curious on how many pairing possibilities I can get between characters from Nohr and Hoshido, considering the fact that you (nearly) get all the characters from both routes.

    Anyways, if I were to play the third route, my pairings will follow:

    Silas and Mozume (you can do this pairing in both Hoshido and Nohr route)

    Elise and Takumi

    Zero and Oboro

    Subaki and Luna (yes, let's have a daughter that strikingly similar to Luna's mother)

    Arthur and Hana

    Sakura and Xander

    Tsukuyomi and Nyx

    Saizou and Charlotte

    So that is where that came from......

  14. It her attention in sort of trying to preform a exorcist to exposed Slime Garon, but Hoshido interrupted it in Nohr's path and vice versa.

    I haven't played any of the routes but from I can tell her alignment with water in regards to her magic have a sort purifying effect?

  15. Yeah, so far she is the only female character I have really considered pairing Kamui with (I do like several others of the cast, but they call seem to work better with other characters)

    Well its not surprising considering game pushes her and Male!Kamui together like crazy although a few supports with the latter are actually rather sweet.

    I loved the one with Setsuna for example especially during the S-support when she is so overjoyed by his confession that she tackles him into a hug and they fall into a pit trap. Also the naive heroic doofus and the badass yet clumsy airhead seems like a good match.

  16. I will admit, one of the things I am not a fan of with Azura is how hard they are pushing her as this "oh so mysterious character". It's rather nonsensical when you get down to it.

    I read the epilogue for her and Kamui if they get hitched. Its funny that after we learn everything about her in the third route she is considered a mystery. Still seeing that at least shows that the dug up data from earlier was in fact incomplete.

    Still like her a lot despite that hell I like her more than most of the female cast with a few exceptions although some of these exceptions are based on my preference. :drool:

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