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The Royal Red

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Everything posted by The Royal Red

  1. You have great taste in Nohr siblings. Just sayin. Oh and in lords as well. Welcome to the community. And also, WHERE DO PEOPLE GET THEIR FE FATES AVATARS!?!?!
  2. Well in the Nohrian side, three female characters can marry off to other females.
  3. Okay good I was beginning to worry that I was flying solo here.
  4. There really isn't much of a following for her, and I barely see her metioned on any websites. I frankly like her as a character and like her design as well. Plus, as of now, I don't really know much about her significance or past. If anyone could enlighten me of their opinions of her, I would much appreciate it.
  5. To this day, I still call him by his true, Naga-given name. Blonde Frederick. What I called him from day one and what I shall call him until my dying day.
  6. Yeah, I don't have a problem with Felicia, but she just doesn't interest me. I both prefer Flora's personality and design above Felicia's. Then again, I've got a soft spot for softer characters.
  7. I wonder if the third path will have grinding available or will be the same style as Nohr?
  8. Well I mean there is amiibo as well as SpotPass, and SpotPass is suposedly different due to My Castle, but without acess to people to SpotPass, that feature is eliminated. That's the closest thing to PvP we've heard anything about so far.
  9. I quite enjoy Flora. I mean she is by no means my favorite, but I can appreciate her. Obviously the superior "french maid" of the two thought.
  10. Okay so the development team has made it clear that Nohr and Hoshido differ in that Hoshido will allow for grinding of experience, as well as a traverseable map, such as that of Awakening. Nohr lacks those features and leads me to wonder, how much playability is acessable after the main story is beaten? Will there still be things to do in the finished playthrough, or will a new one have to be started? I suspect that replaying the entire story will have some value, as you can try new supports, make new desicions, and the like, but does anything lie after the story is finished?
  11. Very nice looks at the characters! Many thanks for this! (Definatley did not look at this article for Belka/Nyx...)
  12. Okay so I was suspicious to know, it has been stated that each story path will recieve one homosexual team mate. At least, this is what I've heard. My question is, does anyone have the foggiest clue about who the teamates avaliable for this are? Or was I misinformed?
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