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Everything posted by CyborgZeta

  1. He's not wrong. Hillary voted for Iraq, was a strong advocate of intervention in Libya, and wanted more US involved in Syria. She's even said she wants a no-fly zone in Syria! Plus, as Assange points out, the fact that she's already pointing fingers at the Russians over the leaks makes you wonder how she'd react as President.
  2. Yes, DWS will serve as chair on Hillary's campaign.
  3. I'd imagine in the event of a Democrat loss, Bernie would get blamed for even daring to try running against Clinton; or something along those lines. There will be a lot of finger-pointing, for sure.
  4. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/289343-assange-wikileaks-to-release-a-lot-more-on-us-elections I can't wait for more.
  5. NATO's purpose is outdated, since it was meant to counter the USSR. Ukraine is not part of NATO, and is also in Russia's backyard. While I don't agree with their methods, I can understand what happened in Crimea, and why Ukraine is considered important to them. Consider this: Do you think the US wouldn't care if a rival power allied with Mexico, and had troops/bases there? They would; same thing with Russia. Also, you assume that non-hostile relations with Russia automatically means sucking up to Moscow. Nobody expects the US to be friends, much less allies with Russia. You're familiar with Realpolitik, right? Basically, it's possible to have a working relationship with Russia while recognizing differences; as well as acknowledging spheres of influence. Cooperation only when there are mutual goals. Besides, the US only sucks up to nations that it considers to be geo-strategically important, like Saudi Arabia or Israel.
  6. I don't see how less hostile relations with Russia is a bad thing. This isn't the Cold War anymore.
  7. New DNC interim chair will be Donna Brazile...who is also implicated in the mocking/rigging against Sanders. https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/757328611884036096 The convention this week is looking to potentially be quite a trip. http://heavy.com/news/2016/07/wikileaks-emails-clinton-bernie-list-directory-photos-most-damaging-worst-rhode-island-delegate-fec-jvf/
  8. Update: DWS will resign as DNC chair after the convention. ...and will become honorary chair of Hillary's campaign. https://twitter.com/errolbarnett/status/757312748321726464 She did set things up in Hillary's favor, after all. Least Hillary could do is give her a job! https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/757277230250745856
  9. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been removed as a speaker from the DNC this week in response to the DNC leaks. Bernie calls the leaks awful, but says he won't oppose the DNC or Clinton. So much for principles. http://www.npr.org/2016/07/24/487242426/bernie-sanders-dnc-emails-outrageous-but-not-a-shock http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/289010-sanders-says-dnc-email-leak-doesnt-change-his-support-for And in a really odd bit of news, apparently Obama's half-brother is voting for Trump. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/289013-obamas-half-brother-voting-for-trump
  10. Florida is winnable for Trump, due to its Republican leanings. Even in 2008 and 2012, the race was still pretty close. Trump is doing well in current polls of the state. The state's primary Latino demographics are Cubans, who lean Republican, although younger generations have voted Democratic.
  11. On a national level, current US demographics don't favor Trump. But thanks to the Electoral College, they're irrelevant to him winning. The demographics on individual state levels are not as diverse as they are on a national level, and Trump can get a win if he nabs certain states. Who will win which states is anyone's guess at this point, but it is possible.
  12. Feel free to have the mods delete this post if this isn't the right place, but the Clinton Cash movie is free to watch on YouTube until 11pm EST. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td2pyyCau30
  13. Did Chirac actually say something like this?
  14. So WikiLeaks released a bunch of Democratic National Convention e-mails today, essentially confirming what we already knew. The DNC was actively working against Bernie Sanders. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/22/on-eve-of-democratic-convention-wikileaks-releases-thousands-of-documents-about-clinton-the-campaign-and-internal-deliberations/
  15. I don't post much here to begin with, but I'm trying to come here less as well. Without criticizing anyone here, political discussion here is just the same hyper partisan politics I see everywhere else. Two sides with their own views, hardly any middle ground, no opinions can be changed. I try to present my views so people can see where I'm coming from, and I try to see where others are coming from. It's been a long time since I've voted; I haven't voted since 2008, when I voted for Obama. At lot has changed since then, such as changing states, but I intend to start voting again; starting with this year. I don't agree with him on everything, but I'm planning to vote for Trump. I have my reasons for doing so; I'm sure someone will ridicule or insult me for this, but that's just how it is. I've already said before that I can't vote for Hillary Clinton in good conscience; I don't trust her on anything, and I don't like some of the stuff I see come from her campaign. If the election had come down to her and someone like Cruz...I'd rather not imagine it. My vote won't make much difference since my current state already goes red, but voting is a right I should start expressing again.
  16. Are you talking about Israel? Israel will be safe regardless of who wins. If there's one nice thing I'd say about Israel, it is that their military is extremely capable, and doesn't mess around.
  17. Shooting a gun from a pocket is very difficult unless the person is using a revolver.
  18. I'm not criticizing you here, but statements like this remind me of what's fueled the hyper-partisanship in the US these days. Thanks to the Internet and social media, it's easy to surround yourself with people who only think like you; people who share your opinions on things. It essentially creates an echo chamber for things like ideas and ideologies; it's probably also to blame for the kind of stuff you might see on college campuses. Like trigger warnings: Plus, every media seems to have some kind of bias one way or the other. I pretty much have to get most of my news from foreign news, because I can't completely trust US news media to be completely objective.
  19. A new civil war in the US would be interesting to see, honestly. It's something you'd have never imagined being possible in the 21st Century. I hope things never reach that level though. A civil war in the US now would, probably, make the Syrian Civil War pale in comparison. You can bet anybody and everybody around the world would get involved, and that's not even getting into what kind of groups would emerge in the US itself. I guess time will tell. I'm only 26; who knows what things will look like by the time I'm 65 or 70.
  20. And now there's been another shooting of police officers, this time in Baton Rouge. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36820782
  21. Pretty much everything Tryhard said. Apparently, the entire military wasn't behind this; but this was probably Turkey's last chance to return to non-secularism as Ataturk wanted. Erdogan will further consolidate power, and will likely execute everyone who participated in the coup (and anyone suspected of supporting it). Turkey will go down the path of becoming an Islamist state.
  22. Erdogan is an Islamist, and was a dictator in all but name. I was concerned his purges of military leadership might've killed Kemalism, but I see it's alive and well. The Turkish military has always been the guarantor of a secular state as decreed by Ataturk. They're just doing what they should've done years ago.
  23. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36745862 Apparently, the gunman wanted to kill white people.
  24. IIRC, Vietnam was technically started by the French. When they withdrew, Vietnam was partitioned, and that was when "our" Vietnam War started.
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