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Everything posted by AmericanBuizel

  1. Except for the fact that I actually hated fan service part in Fates. It's the cringey dialogue, theme changes, mediocre voice acting, character personality changes, dumbing down any maturity the game had, etc that I hate. EDIT: "You and the others like you are a bunch of whiny brats who call foul at everything you don't like and act like a victim every time you get called out." I never said myself or anyone like me are "victims". We're just pissed off consumers who expect quality products. "'Oh noes, a shirt was drawn on that character! That's censorship and never should be done!' is your battle cry. But where are you when a game is released being broken and buggy like Bethesda does all the time? Nowhere to be found and all that I hear from your camp? Crickets." I don't even care about censoring anime titties, I do however care about altered personalities, removing mature themes, etc. "Obviously you have no idea how the business world of video games work. Bethesda, Activision, Konami, Capcom, Sega(For a while in the mid to late 2000s), and EA all say hello. They've been releasin shit products for years with content cut out to be sold as DLC, games with more bugs than an ant hill, or locking DLC on the disc, but they all keep selling very well. Hmm..." Funny you mention that, because I've actually critisized those companies for years, ESPECIALLY Sega. I do it more to Nintendo though because they're a company I care about more and want to see them improve. That, and they've been fucking up debatably worse (I.E. Not having hardware on par with Sony's or MS'.) "Ah yes, the old standby go to line for people like yourself, 'Those damned SJWs are always messing things up.' Fun fact, SJWs aren't the biggest prudes on the planet. It's the people blamin them for everythin." Nope, they're the ones that are worse. Don't believe me? Try visiting my town and seeing all these SJWs anti-Trump "protestors" vandalizing business'. "Only free speech that you agree with. You're against speech that you disagree with and outright play the victim card when confronted by it." Nope, I'm not. I rarely block people and I never flag people or get their online social media accounts removed like all these SJW cunts do. Your free to say whatever you want, but I'm not going to agree with it. "By the way AmericanBuizel, instead of opening your mouth and showing us all that you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, next time why don't you actually go and research the things you're talking about from multiple sources and not just sources you agree with. Because you make it painfully obvious, even to my oblivious self that you either do no research or look only into sources that you agree with." I've skimmed through multiple sources before, and they all say that Fates was censored and changed. Next time, don't just assume shit without researching, M'kay Thran Starcord? :^)
  2. We "censorship warriors" are the ones that are trying to get a quality product from Nintendo. That's how business' work, they provide the quality product and we go and buy it. If they fuck up on something, we have to call them out and rip them a new one, we can't just be fucking sheep. Besides, unlike the SJWs working at Nintendo, we're the ones that are in support of free speech.
  3. I'm pretty sure it'll sell better in the west, considering that 1. The west usually prefers traditional exploration-esque RPG games anyway 2. Nintendo games usually sell better in NA than Europe or JP and 3. Alm is a character the west can probably relate better to than Marth.
  4. Not just that, but Genealogy got the Japanese equivalent of an "M rating" in Japan. So, if they were to remake it, the devs would have to water it down themselves to make it more global friendly, and due to how the law is in Japan when it comes to stuff like this. (And for an example of the latter point, I.E. DBZ Kai)
  5. Sigurd literally gets burned alive. You're telling me they won't censor that? I can only imagine NoJ animating a cutscene of Sigurd literally burning to death and NoA censoring it because "OMG OMG ITZ 2 GRAPHIC AND VIOLENT!!!!!!!!11!!!!1111!!!!".
  6. Even then, I don't think a Genealogy remake is necessary. FE1 and Gaiden desperately needed it because they really didn't age well and we have the Project Naga translation of FE4. That, and if they did remake it, chances are they'd probably just water all the mature elements from that game down.
  7. A real fan is someone that calls out Nintendo for their bullshit and doesn't blindly accept objective garbage. I never said they couldn't play these games, but that doesn't mean they can't expect any fire to come their way when they're the ones buying these games, in turn affecting the franchise for all the other fans. If their purchasing of the newer games didn't affect the franchise at all, it would be a completely different story. We VETERAN fans are the real fans. Awakening and Fates shouldn't even be considered FE games.
  8. It looks very abusable and dumbed down like casual mode was. That's why I said that veteran fans weren't going to play this game legally.
  9. Aaaaaannnnnnndddddd there goes any veteran fans playing the game legally -_-
  10. Still, it at least feels like Pokemon at it's core. With adaptations, you've gotta make changes.
  11. You never know, they did it with the third game. Have you seen the Pokemon anime? They keep it up to date with the games. Considering that the switch could run BotW, I'd say the size of the game is going to be pretty big. They could just do what they're doing with AoT or OPM and just animate by season (Baisically anime one season then release it and then go on hiatus to work on the next season). They could still just focus on the main story and the main characters. Again, look at AoT. The localization has nothing to do with this anime though.
  12. I'd like to see either the Italian renaissance (not counting Begnion from PoR) or ancient Greece! Think about the latter, they could easily make a bunch of references to ancient greek mythology, figures, gods, etc. (That, and Pit's amiibo could make a small cameo in it that isn't canon)
  13. So, I'm wondering, would anyone be open to seeing a full on anime series based off this new FE game? (And yes, I'm aware of the 90's OVA, but that doesn't count). I'd personally would like to see them do that instead of just an OVA or a small series of shorts.
  14. So, I'm wondering, not counting the OVA, what would you do if they made an anime series based off Fire Emblem? Which continent/games would you like to see it based off of? (Not counting Awakening/Fates/Shadow Dragon)
  15. It's mainly suppose to be a joke though. What, we're not allowed to have fun on the forums?
  16. I say this is about right. What I'm saying is that I'm going to be Medevil Europe Darth Vader slaudering all the Fates/Awakening characters and using this video as a metaphor.
  17. What I'm gonna do to Awakening/Fates characters if the BK is added in....
  18. Aaaaannnnnd you're all just showing your butthurt faggotry :^)
  19. There's a difference though. The politics in PoR were in game though and were a significant part of the story. The politics in Fates were from the localization and the localizers essentially forcing THEIR SJW PC beliefs down our throats. Don't believe me? There's a support convo of Nyx with some other character acting like an SJW in the North America version.
  20. Still not that reliable. Well then you clearly haven't been on the internet all that long. Here's the thing, they've never brought over the OG Gaiden so they can easily change things. Then explain all the butthurt Nintendo fanboys and SJWs I've offended in the past. I'd say the lolz from the lol cows are pretty productive :^))))) I can understand making some changes here or there, but to force your political beliefs down a consumer's throat? Yeah, it's ass shit. (I.E. Nyx)
  21. And who am I going to get to read that? I don't know anyone that's Japanese. Yeah, I do. I'm not autistic. Besides, you're the one who replied. That's a trailer, not the game. Nah, to quote Eminem (even though I'm not a fan): "This looks like a job for me, so everybody just let me be, because we need a little controversy". Not true, I contribute plenty of lolz :^))))) I have plenty, even outside of FE.
  22. Either way, they still noticed so surely IS (at least if they're being logical) would understand where it's coming from and listen to the criticism of the fans.
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