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Everything posted by Integrity

  1. Is true, except gk!Kyle/Franz/hero!Gerik/Ross could use it better.
  2. I went with 7.5 and 5.5 for the two of them. Bring it up on the thread if you think he's > Duessel and I'll listen.

  3. Hi! DUESSEL Duessel. Duessel is interesting. He's abso-fuggin-lutely redundant on Eirika's route, but he can save your ass on Ephraim's route. This isn't to say he's useless on Eirika's route, per se, but by the time you get to C15 you probably (definitely) have a favorite Cavalier who's probably been promoted - f'example, 20/1 Kyle is already better than Duessel in most measurable ways. Thus, in keeping with the rest of the list, I shall focus on his better route - Ephraim's, where he joins a full five chapters earlier. Ephraim's route, Chapter 10 is not a difficult chapter. You're forced to recruit Duessel anyway, so you're going to - no points off for being a pain in the assRennac. C10 he comes in as a --/8 Great Knight, which is probably higher than everybody in your party bar a heftily abused Seth or a unit that you arena ground to 20 in Joshua's chapter (done it without savestates. never doing it again.) So it's safe to say that Duessel is your best unit when you pick him up. However, the biggest factor giving Duessel the points is Ephraim 11. Ephraim 11 is better known as the Pirate Ship, and it's fucking stupid. Reinforcement fliers from everywhere wielding lances combined with reinforcement fliers everywhere using magic and also fog of war plus L'Arachel who may very well die if you turtle too hard, failing you the mission (citation needed) - did I mention Fog of War? Oh, and there's a BOSS Deathgoyle who spawns back there too. The only other units besides Duessel who can reliably hold back these tides are Seth and maybe a babied Vanessa. Everybody else will either die to the magic, or die to the lances. Duessel? He stands and laughs. Fuck, he could probably rescue your healer and still fight them back, with 1-2-range WTA in the form of Hax Axes. Sadly, that's Duessel's peak. He provides an immeasurable amount of support on the Ship, and then he becomes a second Seth - not necessarily a bad thing, but. Afterwards, he becomes a rather overleveled but slightly below-par Great Knight. GK is a good class, fortunately, so he gains back for that, but once any of your other Cavaliers start hitting his levels he loses all his potential due to mediocre growths and poor bases for his inflated level. What's this mean for his rating? Well, he helps massively for Ephraim 11-14, and then he's probably phased out due to mediocrity - but not badness. As such, I think it's fair to give him a 8.0 but those pretend points you've been subtracting from Innes and Saleh and Cormag for their bad routes, subtract double from him. EDIT: Fuery's playthrough log gave me useful knowledge - L'Arachel does NOT fail you Ephraim 11 if she dies. EDIT2: Duracell is now officiall an 8.0.
  4. It's over, sir. Thank you for your participation. It was truly a pleasure.


    I would now like your opinions on where Saleh and L'Arachel shall be replaced on my rankings list.

  5. I'm going to devote my last post of this debate to something completely different. I would like to honorably cede the debate with a declaration that Saleh is, in fact, > L'Arachel. I have run out of arguments, thought for two weeks, and continued to be out of arguments. I would rather cede than have this hanging over my head any longer. Thus do I say, congratulations sir! Well done! Bravo! I have learned much, and I hope I have taught something in return. If you're for getting another post in, go for it. Otherwise, I have nothing more to say. Considering I'm convinced, I'd say this doesn't even need judging but however it works out is cool. GG, man.
  6. Further proof that either CON means nothing, or this table is silly. Kitty is thus as constitute as Wil, a strapping young man in his prime. wut?

  8. I try! I try! I've just been studying for the SAT, that's all. :p


  10. And you want to run for public office, SERIOUSLY just go by Richard. Every time I drive by a sign that says DICK GOULD FOR...uh, Congress maybe, I giggle a little bit. But really, now. Dick Gould?
  11. I did that with Nephenee, except it was rather much safer.
  12. whee. This might be interesting. What's the flightplan?
  13. 8, maybe. I already forgot mostly. 18, male, 5'11", ~125 pounds. Fair enough, I guess, except I'm still convinced CON is indicative of nothing.
  14. He...he did wars, you know. Also, there's no call for that kinda language. I know the world's ended, but we have *standards*.
  15. I thought all GBA-era soldiers literally had 0 AS?
  16. 21, actually. I'm only barely past what I said, because I panicked and am trying to do Heath's chapter in the most ballsy way possible for maximum XP and it en/rages me :P
  17. I 5-starred EXP handily until Chapter 18 or 19, and despite not having used Marcus except for Noble Lady of Caelin I can't seem to bring it back. :(
  18. SOLDIER 2. :( EDIT: Soldier 2 is a true tragic character. He should have joined our side along with Amelia, or at least stayed alive long enough to join Cormag in attacking us and defect then. Soldier 2 could also have gone out heroically, breaking Tana's door down and giving her a Killer Lance so she isn't unarmed at least when you pick her up. But, would that have befit the character? Soldier 2, it seems, for all his faults, is truly a loyal, dutiful man. I doubt he would disobey an order unless he found a moral dilemma within; and thus I postulate that Soldier 2 had the death best befitting his profession and his character. May his soul find rest in Heaven.
  19. Tormod caps Strength very early. Debate settled.
  20. well HUSH, all of you. I'm used to it being at the top of the page for another forum. :P
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