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Everything posted by flare9

  1. it looked like each unit has advantages in certain classes and disadvantages in other (learners some faster some slower based on personality)
  2. wonder if Camilla will show up in this game and get a three houses varien
  3. Eldegrad can reclass into so many classes wonder if thats all the classes
  4. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiS2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnZnci5jb20vbmludGVuZG8tc2V0cy1yZWxlYXNlLXdpbmRvd3MtZmlyZS1lbWJsZW0tcG9rZW1vbi1tb3JlL9IBkwFodHRwczovL3d3dy12Z3ItY29tLmNkbi5hbXBwcm9qZWN0Lm9yZy92L3Mvd3d3LnZnci5jb20vbmludGVuZG8tc2V0cy1yZWxlYXNlLXdpbmRvd3MtZmlyZS1lbWJsZW0tcG9rZW1vbi1tb3JlL2FtcC8_YW1wX2pzX3Y9MC4xI3dlYnZpZXc9MSZjYXA9c3dpcGU?hl=en-GB&gl=GB&ceid=GB%3Aen
  5. It also says spring 2019 on a new nintendo financial report issued this week
  6. I just wish we’d get one playable version all through the game before adding additional diffiiculties and stuff would hate to see this never completed because it got too ambitious
  7. oh didnt realize its a seperate thing havent followed closely lately, waiting for the redux patch then
  8. oo the patch is finally here you should update the thread title
  9. Do we need to start a new playthrough when the new patch releases or is it compatible with the last release saves?
  10. really glad this isn't dead looking forward to the update
  11. at least we have Vestaria Saga english translation this summer to help pass the wait (and the awesome berwick saga fan translation)
  12. i hate her name as well there is still time Nintendo please rename her
  13. i wonder if three houses means there are 3 playable factions similar to fates
  14. damn the delay but at least it seems to be maintaining the core fire emblem gameplay i was scared they would try to modernize with switch and weapon usage limits are back they reversed the recent change on fates
  15. Tick tock tick tock 2 hours 5 mins to go
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