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Everything posted by Nintendoentersoft

  1. Well Valm canonically was the same continent 1000 years into the future, so definitely possible.
  2. I'm personally pumped for this since FE2 is one of 3 games I haven't had contact with in any capacity, so it'll be nice to compare.
  3. Damn, there's me getting impressed and there's me getting my mind blown. This falls into the latter, keep it up :). I do have a quick question: is it possible to remove the red lipstick off of Winter's modified sprite? IMO, it doesn't really suit her.
  4. With regards to 3a: the awkwardness might be attributed to "culture/fan shock" because if you think about it, fusing folk tale demons to make deities does not make the most sense and since they're mirages some lore mumbo jumbo might be introduced that it's just a form they take which can change when mirages combine or something. With regards to 3b, I was thinking something like the are surrounding a dungeon that has a magic shield that can only be entered by mirages and then the mirages get to play on maps that are a bit more FE based than Persona based (like the area liberation maps from MegaMan Battle Network 5 if you're familiar with that), to shut the shield down, providing leeway to open the dungeon for the main characters.
  5. Self explanatory, I kinda wanted to start a thread where we could discuss what we'd like to see in a sequel to this game, if they make one. Some things I wanna see 1: Have it take place chronologically a few years after the first game, preferably in a different city or country so it can make sense to newcomers and veterans. 2: Have Fire Emblem mirage characters from every game in the series instead of 1 and 13. 3: Try and merge the two series better, I feel like combining Devil Survivor elements with Persona would work the most. a: Have a system where mirages are grouped such as the Race or Arcana system and have fusion elements where you can take two mirages and make a more powerful one (might be awkward to see Florina and Wil fusing to make Colm for example, but it seems interesting to me). In addition, have personal mirages that can't be fused away so it works kinda like the Persona Q sub/persona thing. b: Use these mirages in Fire Emblem/ Devil Survivor levels that unlocks the dungeons (this might be awkward since it's kinda haphazardly slapping two types of gameplay together, but it could work with the right story mechanism). 4: Offer an English mode where the songs and voice cast are in English, Fates showed it could work really well with Lost in Thoughts All Alone.
  6. If Revelations #FE (why does the title feel so much like something you'd put on twitter?) is like Persona (3 and 4), here's what it will be like. There will be type effectiveness which will paralyze/stun certain enemies, paralyze them all and all your teammates get to join in on an attack that deals damage that is normal effective against everything. Then there are enemies which are resistant, immune, reflect and even absorb (think skills like Water Absorb from Pokemon) damage, so you are definitely encouraged to vary up your move set and try out as many different characters as you can. In addition, like Avk mentioned, there are almighty elements attacks which are also unblockable, but are akin to something like Meteor and Bahamut summons from Final Fantasy 4, costs a lot and is usually not worth it when you can end the battle faster and cheaper other ways. And then there are status moves which are hit and miss on a preference basis. So yes, in a nutshell, the game system inherently has encouragements for tactical play.
  7. Because I really liked how Fates' story is essentially a three way timeline split and I wanna keep that in to the best of my ability. And I like the timeline split because it's a classic multiple universe theory and I kinda wanna do a self challenge on top of that.
  8. OK, I just figured out how to quote two posts at once :P. Thanks for the heads up though.
  9. That's true, also I imagine Iago/Macbeth to be kind of a RoTK Cao Cao type of schemer that would backstab you the minute you aren't useful to him anymore, assuming we mean the fictionalized account of the Three Kingdoms period when we mean RoTK.
  10. Well, I've been stalking the Fates forums for a while and I find the debates are pretty polarizing and civil at the same time, so....
  11. Thanks! Personally it's a toss up between Ike and Lyn for the main characters and Nephenee and Garrick for minor characters. I really enjoy Shin Megami Tensei, though my experience is more with spinoffs like Persona and Devil Survivor (Fingers crossed for SMTXFE being great) and I really like the Pokemon games aside from the first Black and White games which I found to be just a tad bland.
  12. So between people dying in your fan fiction and toying around with that, is it bad I am imagining Game of Thrones: Fire Emblem Edition?
  13. Well, drawing parallels between Nohr and Hoshido would be easier in that regard due to both East and West having a form of Divine Right of Kings and the Great Chain of Being, which is why I liked the original name of Macbeth more because the play Macbeth was all about that while Iago is just known for messing up his king's marriage, not owning up to it, and having more lines than the main character in Othello.
  14. Also, to clarify, by feudal system of the Han dynasty, I meant the whole warlord with personal army and territory thing. I was thinking Zhou dynasty, but then I thought: can't imagine Hoshido splitting into THAT many tiny countries. Right now, the only thing I'm iffy with is the whole mirror part of ascension to show Garon is dead and controlled by Hydra and the visions Aqua get of the Birthright and Conquest routes cause that might be a weak link to all three stories. As a side note, can I just complain real quick on how North America is seriously straight screwed with name localization? I blame McCarthy and the Red Scare for making Marx Xander and Leon Leo (Trotsky). I'm also kinda tempted to rename Macbeth to Claudius or keep it and change Ophelia to either be a guy called Macduff or keep her as Ophelia just so I can make some Shakespearean jokes.
  15. Well for starters I think if Hoshido had a societal structure akin to the Song dynasty with a feudal system of, say the Han dynasty, combined with the military of the Tang dynasty and a ruler more akin to the Sui or Qin dynasty, that would be a seriously grayed out country.
  16. Also, I am really sorry about the constant editing, NekoKnight, I reread my post and found some weird stuff so I need to constantly change.
  17. [spoiler=Operation Tears] If that's the case, given the fact that I've made Kamui a bit of an unstable person, Operation Tears would probably redirect to having him be more demanding of the other Nohr siblings
  18. I'll probably never get around to writing this one out in the near future as it involves basically all three routes, but here are some thoughts from me. Sorry if I'm a bit over the place and the boatload of text. [spoiler=thoughts]1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? I intend to rewrite all three routes to edit flaws with the general story and characters, but my main focus is the Revelations route (Invisible kingdom sounds a bit better). It might be a bit iffy, but I wanna include the events of the other two routes as a non canon event one of the key characters witness somehow. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? I'd probably let the war drag on for a bit longer before Hoshido and Nohr team up and I'll have Touma be a much more proactive antagonistic force. Specific parts of Birthrights plot would change if needed and for Conquest, I intend to have Garon strictly place Kamui under Marx/Camilla's command, but they use this authority to grant Kamui some leeway to explain why Kamui is essentially a glorified freelancer in Conquest rather than little more than a pawn as he should have been. In addition, I plan on having more antecedent actions to gray out the general situation of the plot and the Dragon's Vein be an ability that the Hoshidan and Nohr royal family can use with great difficulty (Hoshido uses it defensively and Nohr is more offensive), but those related to or controlled by Hydra can use it easily and with greater power. -Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does (lol) going to be addressed? I could probably inject a boatload of skepticism into characters and have the same effect as the curse, so the curse would be removed entirely. I could probably replace the magic throne with a rite of ascension ritual both kingdoms practice which involve something akin to the magic mirror wielded by Li Jing in Journey to the West (It's hard to explain in short words). I originally wanted the crystal ball to be the thing a key character uses to glimpse what happens if Kamui takes the Nohr/Hoshido path, but I think a dream/vision/hallucination would work better here, I'm not sure. IDK what OP means by operation tears. Nohr and Hoshido would basically be different sides of the same coin, so they will have equally shady parts of their country, just not in the same way. As for Aqua, I'll see if I can have her keep her plot relevance and not be stupid at the same time. -Are there to be any themes communicated through each route? Appearance vs Reality, isolation, family are some I'm toying around with right now -What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Like I stated previously, the "point" is to iron out flaws in the official narrative, even if it means rewriting general plot direction. The overall direction is going to be bittersweet based on what I've got in my mind so far. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? I'd either take the edge off of some extreme character traits or sharpen others on top of giving some characters different ones as well as giving everyone a bit more in the realm of other interests. -What is Kamui all about (Background, personality, abilities) Aside from having it so that Kamui isn't related to any of the characters by blood (except maybe Lilith) and Nohr having a forceful memory block spell put on him, I'm not changing much about his background. Kamui is properly trained in court etiquette, but he only uses that in court. His real personality is to be very cold and aloof with those not close to him (curt responses, forceful way of speaking etc.) due to a built up resent towards other people being free to travel as they please while he couldn't and this has resulted in him developing a sense of humor that is formed on being sadistic and expressed in a sarcastic manner along with being naturally distrustful of others. However, he greatly appreciates those who would spend time with him in his solitary confinement in Krakenburg and thus has a close bond with his siblings and his main servants (Jakob, Gunther, Felicia, Lilith and Flora). His solitary confinement combined with being very rarely let out of Krakenburg leads him to be extremely explorative and his relative lack of contacts with those his age leads him to further have a lack of social skills in conjunction with his personality (which would explain why he thinks Fire Emblem amie is a good idea). After spending time in Hoshido, his resent is gradually dulled and his distrust changes to healthy skepticism. He is trained in sword fighting by Marx and in strategy by Leon and is a fast learner which helps him quickly master his dragon transformation when he acquires them, however while he is methodical in combat while human, his attacks are more vicious in dragon form due to regressed brain functions. -What is Aqua about (personality, role in plot) Background is unchanged. Personality: She is not related to Kamui and she has a healthier personality than Kamui as even though she isn't free to leave the palace as she pleases, she can travel through the entirety of the Hoshido palace while Kamui is stuck in a specific area of Krakenburg and does not resent Hoshido as a result and sees the good in both countries. She is an idealist and an optimist who dreams of peaceful coexistence, not only between Hoshido and Nohr, but between all people and as such while she isn't indiscriminately friendly, she does remain approachable. She has a natural talent for memorizing songs and singing as she remembered songs used to control dragons in Touma ever since she was a child, she developed her dancing abilities as a method to cope with the feeling of uselessness she gains as a result of knowing the threat Touma poses and the lack of a response from either Mikoto or other officials as it allows her to escape into the music. She prefers to solve matters diplomatically, having learned skills from Yukimura, however she understands that force may be required and as a result she has taught herself how to fight combining dancing and fighting with a lance under guidance from Hinoka. She lacks a strategic and tactical mindset. Likes being close to nature and water. Role in plot: She had a brief encounter with Kamui on the outset of the story and shortly after officially meeting him in Hoshido, she begins having a dream/hallucination about the Birthright and Conquest paths and convinces Kamui not to take sides in the upcoming war and unite both countries against Touma after gaining his trust (I'm also going to be extending the time Kamui spends in Hoshido prior to the assassination). To that end she leads Kamui into Touma to gain information. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings like (personalities, role in plot) Not much will change except Marx secretly sends Pieri and Lazwald to keep an eye on his siblings and begins to suffer an existential crisis, Camilla copes with negativity by drinking and treating Kamui with unconventional affections (even more so than in the game), but never let's the drinking dull her combat skills, Leon has a healthy rivalry with Kamui and Elise's cheer is at times artificial to keep the mood up and hide her worries. Ryoma is strongly anti-Nohr and his Honor Code can work against him,Hinoka has next to no sense of humor or diplomatic skill and is the strongest warrior of the Hoshidan siblings, Takumi has a dangerous jealousy streak and ego and initially is manipulated by Hydra due to this and Sakura's personality can turn on a dime. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith and other major characters about? Garon is resurrected and controlled by Hydra rather than being a slime thing, Mikoto stays the same, Lilith I'm not too sure how to giver her additional content yet, but she will remain Kamui's half sister. What is Hydra all about (role in plot)? This version is much more proactive about destroying Hoshido and Nohr, forcing those he controls on both sides to engage in highly destructive strategies and is a much more powerful necromancer since he can grant his resurrected puppets control over the Dragon's Vein as well as making them stronger than they were alive. However he cannot grant all of his resurrected puppets control over the Dragon's Vein, so he only grants it to the strongest ones he resurrects. He can also manipulate extremely strong negative emotions (hate, greed etc.) to bend those people to his will when they are alive. In a nutshell, he is a cross between Darkseid and Nekron, prefers to let others do the dirty work, but is extremely powerful himself. What significant change will you make to the setting? The tensions will be more similar to the Cold War where both countries are ready for war, both countries have some strained diplomatic ties and both went through a nearly catastrophic crisis (Kamui and Aqua's capture) and both had a war that didn't go well (Chevalier for Nohr, Kouga for Hoshido) Do any characters die? Yes Will you be adding new characters? Most likely not Are any characters going to be cut Heavily edited, but not outright removed if I can help it.
  19. Hi, people of Serenes Forest :) ! I've been following the forums on here since Fire Emblem Fates was announced, but I've only bothered creating account around now. Some general things about how I operate I am usually in the middle on most issues, though I am just as strong in the way I lay out my opinion (not sure if that's right) The way I rank my favorite Fire Emblem games are in extremely loose order, in fact there are three games that jointly own the title of my favorite Fire Emblem game and I just chose one for my profile(for the record my other two right now are Radiant Dawn and FE 7). I do have a set order of my three least favorite Fire Emblem games though. I try to be as unbiased as possible, but my bias does slip in from time to time. I find a lot of flaws even in things I really like, but most are usually minor nitpicks on things that rub me the wrong way. I tend to embellish flaws and gloss over strengths when discussing matters, so I may come across as a bit of a negative person. My sense of humor leans towards a combination of Monty Python's sheer logic breaking ridiculousness or George Carlin/Frankie Boyle making fun of anything as long as the exaggeration is set up properly, though I do have my own limits on that. I like RPG's in general more than any other game genre and I tend to favor RPG's from Japanese developers. That's it for now, I look forward to talking with you people more :)!
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