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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Tino

  1. People, stop crying about the skins! Those skins are temporary. You think they suck, right? Then use the default IP.Board skin. Don't like that either and still want to use one of the other skins, but think it sucks just because the banner hurts your eyes? Ignore the banner or something and focus on the content the forum features. Yeah, I know I'm not staff anymore, but it's just annoying if you only hear people complaining about something and the only thing they say that actually helps is 'omg the banner hurtz my eyes'. Can't you just be patient until the currently temporary skins are actually completed? Surely you realize Josh knows the skins aren't perfect in their current state, right?
  2. I play CoD 4 on the Wii, if that matters :o
  3. Part of the reason this system was implemented was not to prevent non-staff from seeing the tickets, but to prevent non-staff from replying to points raised that were directed at the staff, anyway. In the old Suggestions forum, there used to be a shitload of topics that many non-staff members replied to before the staff could even glance at it. The problem with that was that non-staff members couldn't really do anything with it in the first place but voice their opinion. Now that's what the Member Feedback forum is for, and as one might notice, it appears that there aren't many topics that require the non-staff members to be involved. Just to clear up why tickets aren't necessarily private.
  4. The Call of Duty and Battlefield series, haha. And you're welcome. :)
  5. Indeed. I said I'd be going into lurker mode for a while, didn't I? Have people lost faith in me that much? :P Anyway, here's how you should do it. Go to BBCode management and look for the spoiler tag and click the Edit BBCode button. Set the 'Use option in Tag' and 'Option is optional' options to 'Yes'. Then you should probably see something like this: <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">{content}</div></div> </div> in the custom BBCode replacement field. All you need to do is change <span>Spoiler</span> to <span>Spoiler ({option})</span> And then people will be able to use the spoiler in this form: [spoiler=text goes here]spoiler content here[/spoiler] or [spoiler]for if they do not want custom text but just the spoiler content[/spoiler] That ought to do the trick.
  6. Tino

    My resignation

    I'll most likely jump into lurker mode for a while, and maybe reply to the occasional interesting topic, but I wouldn't expect much if any FE related discussion from me anymore. It just doesn't interest me anymore... Thanks for all the replies, I guess.
  7. Hey all, Sadly it has come to this, but I have completely lost interest in the Fire Emblem fandom and merchandise. Moreover, I can't seem to get much interest in the topics being discussed outside the Fire Emblem boards, either, and that is probably reflected by my activity lately. I haven't responded to reports in a while, my last post that was not in the staff forum was probably about a month ago, and I have barely posted in the staff board. In other words, I'd say it's time for me to leave the staff, as it is probably in everybody's best interest. I'm not sure if I'll still be around after this, but if I am, it will probably be as a lurker. However, I still want to thank you all for having given me this opportunity, and for having accepted me as a staff member. Time to go demote myself. Thanks, everyone, and good luck with everything you still want to do. - Tino
  8. That looks pretty easy. However, PHP is the real master. print 'hello, world'; Or even better, just plain text hello, world
  9. Actually, all that's required for C is this: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("hello, world\n"); } The program I showed you was a terribly obfuscated form of this : p
  10. It's C, though B) Also, I didn't write that myself. I just happened to stumble across it some time ago and thought it was pretty awesome that all it did was print 'hello, world'
  11. I just can't resist. #include "stdio.h" #define e 3 #define g (e/e) #define h ((g+e)/2) #define f (e-g-h) #define j (e*e-g) #define k (j-h) #define l(x) tab2[x]/h #define m(n,a) ((n&(a))==(a)) long tab1[]={ 989L,5L,26L,0L,88319L,123L,0L,9367L }; int tab2[]={ 4,6,10,14,22,26,34,38,46,58,62,74,82,86 }; main(m1,s) char *s; { int a,b,c,d,o[k],n=(int)s; if(m1==1){ char b[2*j+f-g]; main(l(h+e)+h+e,B); printf(B); } else switch(m1-=h){ case f: a=(b=(c=(d=g)<<g)<<g)<<g; return(m(n,a|c)|m(n,B)|m(n,a|d)|m(n,c|d)); case h: for(a=f;a<j;++a)if(tab1[a]&&!(tab1[a]%((long)l(n))))return(a); case g: if(n<h)return(g); if(n<j){n-=g;c='D';o[f]=h;o[g]=f;} else{c='\r'-'\b';n-=j-g;o[f]=o[g]=g;} if((b=n)>=e)for(b=g<<g;b<n;++b)o[b]=o[b-h]+o[b-g]+c; return(o[b-g]%n+k-h); default: if(m1-=e) main(m1-g+e+h,s+g); else *(s+g)=f; for(*s=a=f;a<e;) *s=(*s<<e)|main(h+a++,(char *)m1); } } Or the simpler version (albeit in a different language): <?='hello, world'?> Hi.
  12. You could just edit the game in such a manner that all units have 100% growths in all stats. That way, they'll all get +1 in every stat when they level up. Time consuming if you want to do it for all units, and boring too, but not very hard to do.
  13. Mainly for curiosity's sake, but what makes you think this?
  14. Hey guys, cut out the talk not related to the topic at hand. This is about paladins, not about... whatever you were talking about. Thanks.
  15. It's really too bad that luck is actually such a large factor in this game (unless, of course, you abuse the (P)RNG). Strategy is applicable, of course, but I feel that the large involvement of random chance reduces the chance to apply great strategy.
  16. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. However, a week ago I severely injured my ankle during a volleyball match, and I can't do anything with it. I cannot even get upstairs using my 'good' leg, because that still hurts insanely. So I have to stay downstairs all the time until I can put a little more pressure on my leg, and all we have downstairs is a laptop that everybody at home needs. It's slow as well, so even running something like VBA or NO$GBA will fail pretty hard. So it's also still going to take quite a while until I can update.
  17. I'd say this guy has been welcomed enough : o Two months ago, even.
  18. I have tons of catching up to do. Same here: damn school.
  19. Oops, completely forgot about my debates. I'll try to counter as soon as possible, guys. I'm not sure when that is, with all the school stuff going on, though :/
  20. I know, which makes this error exceptionally weird. It could have something to do with the update version of Java you're using. Maybe switching to an older version (update 6 or 7 or something, maybe) will work. Otherwise, have you already tried re-installing it, for that's the most obvious thing to try when you experience such problems : p
  21. If I read that error message correctly, it means the Java 'loader' class doesn't exist anywhere on your computer (mainly not within the directory where you installed Java).
  22. Tino


    Yeah, sorry. : p Despite the emoticon, I thought he was being fairly serious. My bad. Anyway, Dorcas is pretty great and all, despite lv 17 by ch 17 being just a little bit high.
  23. Tino


    Aw... I'm terribly sorry. Seriously (:P or :(?)
  24. Tino


    I'm not sure if that's supposed to refer to something, but I guess it makes sense : p
  25. Tino


    You mean this? That was a joke (bad humor, I know), that stemmed from me and Inui having a silly discussion somewhere on FEP (FE8 debate tournament discussion or something, iirc) and was never meant to be serious (and I'm sure I mentioned that somewhere, too, just can't seem to find the post though). I really hope you guys don't still think I was being serious there. : o Remember, internet and serious business don't work together very well
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