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Everything posted by Westwood

  1. For me, since I usually just beat the main story as quickly as possible, any chapter that I can't do with just Chrom, MyUnit, and Frederick is annoying. Particularly Chapter 6 and the one where you have to defend Tiki. --- On a side note, it's always really fun to save Aversa's recruitment chapter until you're Apotheosis ready and then challenge it with all your capped units with their optimal skillsets.
  2. The two pairs of boots you get work the best on any combination of the following: Olivia, MyUnit, Chrom, (Filler*) *The filler being any character you intend to be in the front of a pair with only 6 movement. For me, I chose Olivia and Lon'qu!Severa(Hero) because I use both for Apotheosis.
  3. Uh, these are my optimized pairings for my apotheosis attempt. Chrom x Sumia Ricken x Lissa Stahl x Olivia Libra x Maribelle Donnel x Sully Lon'qu x Cordelia Henry x Cherche Virion x Panne Gregor x Miriel Gaius x Tharja Vaike x Nowi --- (M)Avatar x Severa --- Owain x Lucina Gerome x Cynthia Laurent x Kjelle Brady x (F)Morgan Inigo x Nah Yarne x Noire As for best support conversations, that one would take me way too long to decide since there's a decent amount of cute ones.
  4. So I accidentally deleted my main save, so I'm taking the opportunity to redo my pairings and skillsets. The link in the original post has be changed entirely. Anyone care to offer their advice or input as to any changes that should be made?
  5. 5 warning points. 1 per day I didn't log on while I had a picture too "big" in my sig. Cool, no notification or anything. I just log in and BAM, 5 warning points. A little unfair considering this happened maybe 2 days after I joined the SF forums.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions Czar_Yoshi. I changed up the kids' sets accordingly. About the whole hero thing, I'm not sure what I should be using instead. Any ideas? I do like Nah as a Hero though.
  7. Why hasn't anyone mentioned Ch17? Whichever one is the map you get the boots on. That map has most things that make for a decent map. Only things missing are forts and walls that can be flown over.
  8. [originally I had this as it's own post, but I was told to post it here by Formerly Colm] So I'm new to the Serene Forest forums (this is even my first post), but I'm not new to either Fire Emblem or Serene Forest. I joined to see if I could get some optimization help/suggestions considering I recently got all the awakening DLC (meaning I can grind exp/gold for this run). I made a google doc showing my setup that I plan to use. I went through the hassle to make it neat incase anyone wants to use it for reference. Currently it only has the children on it, but I need help deciding whom they should marry. I will be adding all the first generation characters soon. My Setup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xHGYVeceWmhIqDlhsnJTcsYi5sJj2nlRdImJEA4By2Y/edit?usp=sharing [ In case it wasn't apparent in the spreadsheet, it's a M!MU run with +Speed,-Luck. ] Skillset suggestions? Pairing suggestions? Class suggestions? General feedback? --- Anything is appreciated.
  9. Sorry for my ignorance. I'll do that right away. s: Though I must say, it's not just about pairings, it's general optimization. I won't argue though, chances are you know better than me.
  10. So I'm new to the Serene Forest forums (this is even my first post), but I'm not new to either Fire Emblem or Serene Forest. I joined to see if I could get some optimization help/suggestions considering I recently got all the awakening DLC (meaning I can grind exp/gold for this run). I made a google doc showing my setup that I plan to use. I went through the hassle to make it neat incase anyone wants to use it for reference. I need help deciding whom the children should marry. My Setup: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i_8mRRwq0mN8WWUo6HGLJeIqO8QOfYzm2va5sfdLL9I/edit?usp=sharing [ In case it wasn't apparent in the doc, it's a M!MU run with +Skill,-Defense. ] Skillset suggestions? Pairing suggestions? Class suggestions? General feedback? --- Anything is appreciated.
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