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Everything posted by edgelordweeb

  1. Absolutely, but I prefer the focus on more modern style FE games because FE with modern console graphics looks cool. Modern FE also has way more character interaction and dialogue. Whether or not that's a good thing or not obviously depends on how interesting the characters and story actually are, but I'm operating under the assumption that whatever game will at least have decent story and characters, in which case I prefer the extra development and content.
  2. Sacred Stones, easily. It's solid but it's comically easy and honestly the least interesting of the three, at least gameplaywise. The story is better than FE7 but that's it. It's a great game anyways but I don't think it's as good as the other two. FE7 is in general one of the most enjoyable games to play in the franchise imo, I always love going back and replaying that game. Binding Blade is my second favorite game in the franchise after Genealogy, so that obviously beats it out as well. I prefer the map design of those games and the units as well. I can't really think of much that Sacred Stones does better than those two. The improved accuracy system helps it out over FE6 but that doesn't bother me that much anyways and it's also in FE7.
  3. This shit is just disgusting, man. Constantly there's these horrific actions by the Israeli government and the IDF, yet western nations, namely the US, continue to support them, with the US giving them billions in aid and military assistance every year. They're a self-sufficient developed country anyways, they don't need the foreign aid, and they certainly shouldn't receive it when they're an apartheid, terroristic state. What they've done to the people of Palestine is just abhorrent. I can't believe people still support and defend this shit, man.
  4. I really hope this isn't true. I could see it being true because honestly this would sell ridiculously well so there definitely is a reason for IS to put forth this remake, but a remake at this point is totally premature. I would at least want to see remakes of Genealogy and Thracia before remakes of these two. Those games didn't age particularly poorly either but it sticks to chronological order and gives an official western release of some kind relating to Jugdral and if I'm being honest I'm heavily biased in favor of Jugdral remakes because Genealogy is my favorite game. It would be sad to see them skip over those and the GBA titles to go straight to these two. I'd like to see them remade at some point because it would be pretty cool and might get a turn off animations or speed up animations option, making me willing to actually replay them (especially RD), but I'm a lot more interested in seeing remakes of 4-8. Those games also had a lot more hardware limitations and ended up with less story content than PoR and RD did, meaning a remake could do more to shore up the story and characters, especially minor characters, many of whom got basically no characterization, whereas PoR and RD don't need this nearly as much since they had more well developed stories with more interactions between characters.
  5. I don't think that'll ever happen, but I do have some hopes for more morally gray stories in Fire Emblem. Three Houses actually did pretty well with this on Crimson Flower and Azure Moon. It shows they can do it. I think it'll also be easier to implement this if they implement actual player choices to the game. They seemed to want to do this with Three Houses but it didn't happen probably because the game just wasn't finished.
  6. Look I think it COULD be implemented, but if it were added, do you really think it would be done well? We all know if an avatar is implemented it's gonna negatively impact the story. The story does not need to be changed, at least for first gen, as it is by far the best story in the franchise. Having an avatar already always neuters the stories of new games, so what do you think is gonna happen when they insert one into an already solid plot for an older game? It sounds like an absolute disaster waiting to happen. I don't trust it to be done well, so I'd rather not see it.
  7. Gonna put an overall score for each then a gameplay-only score to the side in parentheses. FE1: 6/10 (6/10) Gaiden: 7/10 (7/10) Mystery of the Emblem: 7/10 (7/10) Genealogy of the Holy War: 9.5/10 (8.5/10) Thracia 776: 8/10 (7.5/10) Binding Blade: 9/10 (9/10) FE7: 9/10 (9/10) Sacred Stones: 7.5/10 (7.5/10) Path of Radiance: 8/10 (8/10) Radiant Dawn: 6/10 (6.5/10) Shadow Dragon: 6/10 (6/10) New Mystery of the Emblem: 6.5/10 (6.5/10) Awakening: 7/10 (7/10) Fates: Birthright: 6/10 (6.5/10) Fates: Conquest: 6.5/10 (8.5/10) Fates: Revelation: 4/10 (5/10) Shadows of Valentia: 8/10 (7.5/10) Three Houses: 8/10 (8/10) Three Houses Bonus Round: Crimson Flower: 7.5/10 (7.5/10) Azure Moon: 9/10 (8.5/10) Verdant Wind: 7/10 (7/10) Silver Snow: 5/10 (6.5/10) I was a little harsher than I would be rating them simply as games for the sake of better comparison between Fire Emblem games. Fire Emblem has an amazing formula that makes every game by default at least pretty good. Anyways some of these are a little weird to rate because of the contrast between gameplay and story quality in a few of the games, so I went ahead and put secondary ratings for only gameplay to cover for situations like Conquest where a game with amazing gameplay (some of the best map design in the series imo) is dragged down by an abysmal plot or Genealogy where a game with pretty damn good, albeit quite flawed, gameplay is pushed up by an incredibly strong and compelling story. I didn't give a 10 to any because I tried to think "what did I dislike about this one" for the few I had the highest rated and could think of quite a few things I disliked about each one immediately, which is a strong sign that none should be 10s. I'm pretty comfortable with my picks of the best being 4/6/7 then less so 5/9/15/16. I feel a little weird about having SoV there bc I only played it once but whatever. 3H is a bit weird to have there as well because of how many issues I have with it but actually playing through it it's a very enjoyable experience with a good bit of replay value (well the lack of variety in White Clouds is fucking awful, but everything else makes the replayability pretty strong here). I have mixed feelings about the sandbox shit for units but it does make for some pretty fun replayability. I will say my rating is a bit carried by Azure Moon, which stands far above the other routes as the best by having probably one of the best plotlines in the series in addition to a more consistently strong cast of characters (a lot of my absolute favorites are on CF and GD, like Linhardt, Hubert, Caspar, and Claude, but those paths have more duds, hence consistency for BL) including one of the best lords in the franchise plus some extra maps that the other routes don't get. CF had maps the others didn't get as well but had less maps and felt a little rushed where they coulda made it a lot more interesting than they did. The branching paths for 3H made it a bit harder to rate. Radiant Dawn was similar with the different sections. I really like Parts 1 and 3 as far as gameplay goes but I take issue with portions of part 4 (most of it actually) and I think that part 2 is one of the most sluggish, painful experiences I've ever seen in a Fire Emblem game. If you could turn off animations it would not be that big of a deal but the maps are incredibly long and tedious and just not that interesting. The one where you're protecting the castle is pretty damn cool, definitely one of the more ambitious Fire Emblem maps, but the rest of it kinda fucking sucks. Geoffrey's Charge is just you, well, charging forward with a bunch of cavs. There's not that much to it. You're just going forward and mowing down a bunch of enemies at a snail's pace. It's fine for a bit, but holy shit by the end you just want it to be over already. Having to reset on that is hellish. Again, coulda been fixed by being able to turn off animations, but no. You've gotta sit through the whole ass thing.
  8. - The hate for Azama is undeserved. He's a Fates character so you're not getting any depth out of him, but that's not unique among the Fates characters. Azama makes himself stand out by actually having some entertaining dialogue and I think his gag of him being a dickhead ended up giving his supports a lot more variety than a lot of the other players who had much less varied gags (think Setsuna with the trap thing, such a mundane, unvaried gag to attach to a character, every support is the same, totally pointless). His supports were probably the most enjoyable dialogue in the game and his writing is prob better than any other character except for Leo or some shit. He's one of the few memorable characters from that game (as in memorable for his character, not for his performance as a unit or his appearance), and I think that means a lot. - The addition of Faye to Echoes wasn't a problem. I'm not a big fan of Faye or anything but she really doesn't do a whole lot or change the story too much. She's just around, and her dialogue isn't totally egregious. The addition was kind of unnecessary and may well have really been fan service, but I don't see much point in getting worked up over it when everything else was executed so well and stayed relatively faithful to the original game. - Camilla shouldn't be singled out as the worst of Fates's one-dimensional character problem. She's only singled out for this because she's also a fan service character. Most the other characters are just as bad, and quite a few are even worse. - I don't actually know how unpopular this one is, but I don't think the cavalier promotion is that worth it in Three Houses. I feel like the speed loss tends to fuck me over more long-term than the extra move benefits me at the time of the promotion. The first half of the game is comically easy anyways so I don't really value the extra power it gives over the speed you won't be gaining during the time the character is in the class. Yeah, it still has value because canto is broken, but idk man. Even for playing fast it seems more important to have your units be able to consistently double on enemy phase with good weapons than to have that extra movement. The presence of two boots and a march ring only exacerbates this because you can just throw them on whatever infantry units you have and make pretty much everyone else a flier (with fliers being far superior since they are fliers and have no speed drawback). - Leo is the only royal worth shit in Fates (characterwise). The rest are horribly bland. I kind of like Camilla because I'm the exact target audience for that character, but let's be real, she's not a good character. I don't care even a bit about the others and find most of them kind of annoying. - I like Ray a lot. He's fucking awful, but he's cool and I like to use him. Is it optimal? No, and sometimes it's a complete pain in the ass. Is it fun? When he's not so bad that it makes the game a pain in the ass, absolutely. I don't blame others for not using this guy but I use him basically every run. - Joshua is overrated. I like him for bosskilling but I hate having sword locked units in SS because the game is so piss easy I'd rather just be mowing down hoards of enemies with 1-2 range. I still use him because I like him, but he's usually one of my less useful units. If you don't mind playing slow he's kinda cracked, but I don't really like playing slow in SS because I don't see much reason to. I'm not LTCing, but unless I'm fucking around with feeding Ross or Ewan or something I'd rather just press on and not drag out maps too long. - I don't really like Ike. He's fine as a unit, pretty damn good too, but as a character I don't think he's super interesting. He's alright in FE9, but in Radiant Dawn he's insufferable. - Three Houses should have been stricter with out of house recruitments. If the character doesn't have a lore reason to leave their class for another, they shouldn't do so. This would prevent most pre-timeskip out of house recruitments, but I don't really have an issue with that. You don't have the unit slots for many out of house characters anyways. The only ones I can think of that would make sense pre-timsekip are Linhardt if you're on Golden Deer (Claude is more laid back, GD characters are a lot more relaxed, this would make his joining line of "Your class seems more laid back" or whatever make sense) or Leonie on any route (because of your connection to Jeralt). This would make for a more coherent storyline because the characters would actually have strong motivations for what they do rather than just joining your class because you're the most amazing person on the planet by merit of being the protagonist and self-insert avatar.
  9. I just think it's funny. If I'm gonna lose a map I'd rather it be through this because it's an amusing way to go and I can just laugh as I reset and hardly even feel bad. Anyways, my solution in games where weight matters is to equip a heavier weapon to prevent the unit from doubling or just putting a different unit there. You can also always unequip their weapon if you just want the enemies to run at them and be clumped for you to just clear out on the next player phase. I really don't view this as a problem that needs to be fixed. There's ways to avoid it and taking into account how many times your unit is gonna get smacked on enemy phase is just another component you have to consider for your strategy. You know, since it's a strategy game. It also offers a nice check on just trashing the game by just standing in a choke with a good unit.
  10. Byleth, Kris, or Mark probably if I'm picking, but I chose the "avatars suck" option. Byleth is at least a silent protag with some dialogue options which makes it a bit more bearable and Kris and Mark aren't super important in their games. Anyways until they add impactful player decisions to Fire Emblem I think they should cut avatars entirely. Storywise they've been a detriment to every game they've appeared in. Even in 3H where I feel it was handled best, I'm a lot more interested in the actual characters than the silent protag self-insert's storyline. I do take issue with Byleth over the others in one way though, because I don't see why they just didn't go all the way with having an avatar if they were gonna have one. Like if you have an avatar self-insert, why remove customization? At that point just have the character be an actual character with dialogue instead and drop the idea of it being the avatar. If they're gonna do it they should go all the way. If they're not gonna go all the way, there's no point and they're just handicapping the story with an avatar that's hardly an avatar for no reason.
  11. Unless you're talking Maddening I find that all the routes in this game are really easy unless multiple units get hard fucked statwise. CF I guess is probably the easiest though, but not by much. BL is similarly easy. GD is the hardest imo bc I don't get as much mileage out of the units, especially early on. Raphael and Ignatz are kind of terrible and you don't have strong reliable front liners like BL and CF, both of which have lords who can take up this role and more. Claude is insane but I find it easier to work with units I can just charge straight forward with in the early game bc it's 3H and it can be trivialized by ramming someone like Dimitri through the map as fast as possible with 0 thought unless you're on maddening.
  12. Warrior is better. As far as I'm concerned going armor is really only optimal for Dedue and Raphael. I never make anyone else an armor knight. Edelgard is broken as hell as is so she should still be comfortably tanking and killing everything in her path without the extra defense (unless you're on maddening I guess, then the enemies are strong enough for this to not be the case). As for Linhardt, I like him as a bishop personally because he'll usually be covering most the healing in Crimson Flower.
  13. +strength,-luck luck is the worst stat and if you're making you're avatar a maid, you're gonna need the strength pretty badly since maids have shit strength.
  14. I love him as a character, but he's a really shitty unit and no one should use him, you get radd next chapter and i believe you get navarre the chapter after that, so he's absolutely pointless, some of the worst growths in the game, with subpar base stats.
  15. They're just not very good, for a normal mode run go ahead and use them, I usually play normal so I can just mess around and use whoever and all that, so I've used them a couple times, I'm pretty sure I've never kept with Bors to endgame because he just didn't really do anything. Bors is too well rounded I guess you could say and he doesn't really excel at a whole lot and I usually don't get very lucky with his level ups either. Barth for me fills a sort of niche for a physical super tank to a really crazy degree so as long as there aren't magic users I can just place him in a chokepoint with a killer lance and slaughter armies without taking any damage whatsoever. Don't use either though in hard mode, it's not worth the struggle at all.
  16. They'll have to be really high leveled to be gaining that little experience from enemies at around level 20, and it's pointless to get them that high because all their stats will be capped by like level 40-50 promoted with some exceptions, like Benny won't have capped speed, Arthur, won't have capped luck, Charlotte won't have capped resistance, etc. There's no point in trying to cap certain stats on certain characters if they have extremely low growths in those stats, it's not going to happen. This shouldn't even have to ever become a problem, so don't worry about it.
  17. i'm excited to play this dude thanks for this
  18. I love Azama dude, he's my favorite character in all of Fire Emblem, he's hilarious and witty and I love it. All his supports are pretty amazing too, which isn't surprising since he's such a great character. The game designers did such a good job with Azama's character. Not to mention the fact that he's a kickass unit as well. He's so good as a Great Master, it's unbelievable, he just tanks hits and kills everything. He's just amazing, by far the best character in any Fire Emblem game.
  19. Her entire personality pretty much amounts to "I'm bisexual. I really like girls!" so I don't think she's that great of a character.
  20. As much as I love Astore, I have to go with Legault here. I think he's a great character and a pretty good unit as well if you train him and he gets lucky with his strength. How good he is really depends on luck since he has a low strength growth, similar to Guy and Matthew.
  21. I see a lot of people saying they hate the reclass system, but I never see them saying exactly why. I personally really like the reclass system, and I feel that it can make the game feel fresh each time you play it if you reclass some of your units. One of my favorite things to do is to reclass Jake into a General since he's an absolute beast as a general and I make my unit a fighter a lot since the avatar is one of the best candidates for the fighter class and I really like the warrior class in this game. I also kind of like reclassing Doga into a hunter, since he gets super high speed and pretty good strength to go with it, along with great skill.
  22. Yeah, I really like this game and I wish it were localized. It's not surprising it wasn't though because of how Shadow Dragon did, but translating and putting it on the Virtual Console would be cool.
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