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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. free will noun the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. adjective (especially of a donation) voluntary. fate/feɪt/ noun the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power. the three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans. Each person was thought of as a spindle, around which the three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) would spin the thread of human destiny. verb be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way. What I'm getting here is that Fate prevents free will. But the thing about this is that the concept of Fate would have lined up scenarios of choice in which we believe we're making a choice but are instead following a set path. In that respect, the path is already chosen before the one making the choice actually chooses. The conflicting feelings and resulting choices are predetermined just as much as the outcomes. With that in mind, I see it like Fire Emblem Fates. All of the choices only affect whichever side you're with but the path itself is set in stone. However the first time you play the game, and make that choice yourself, you were predestined to do it based on your personality which has been constantly conditioned since you were born. However I also feel that Multiverse Theory still fits the topic. What if I were a little more aggressive? What if I were more willing to do...? They're alternative outcomes based on the idea of choice. Whether or not we have one doesn't really matter as sooner or later, something will happen to change it.
  2. I second both of these statements. That level of English is fine. Very understandable. Honestly there's like one thing wrong with it but that'd come across as nitpicky since it's a very minor thing.
  3. Truth be told, I've barely been able to use it myself. I thought you might've been able to figure something out. The unfortunate thing here is that I don't rightly remember very much of when I used it last so I can't realistically help from memory. My best idea might be post the problems on the GBATemp post and see if you get a reply though I can understand that might not be much help. I apologize if this feels like I've mislead you. I only had the intention of helping.
  4. Not sure if this might be any better help or not but it doesn't hurt to try, right? https://gbatemp.net/threads/web-based-fire-emblem-awakening-save-editor.473297/ It's web-based but it seems to have more options available to it. I'd make backups to be on the safe side if you haven't already though.
  5. I'm fairly sure that nothing was said about there being a mechanism and on that note, I think Luigizilla puts it best.
  6. Hey, I'm fine with the optional unlocks of characters like this. I have a decent handful of amiibo that's not too substantial but my friend has a good few more so if this is the case we can get a lot of the roster quickly. Though I might just unlock them the good old fashioned way for that much more rewarding feeling.
  7. I actually transitioned to Bayonetta from Devil May Cry so I expected some of the same general fluidity in combat, but the first game feels kinda stiff to me. I liked that the sequel kept the original's fighting style optionally via unlockables so that's cool, though I do prefer the updated fighting style. Actually, I think that it's kinda clever who they subtley changed it. It's like she's practicing it as she goes through which is something some sequels don't do particularly well. As for the story, I genuinely don't remember most of the first game's content because I've just stopped going onto it, and even then the parts I DO remember are touched upon again in the sequel so the memories are likely more from that. The same can really be said about the music too since I can't off hand remember a single track from the first game but won't hesitate to play Tomorrow is Mine or Moon River if the mood strikes me. (Although, perhaps I shouldn't be leaving my thoughts since I struggled to remember Moon River...)
  8. I don't tend to play games that don't have a clear end. I typically like to have a way to measure any forms of official achievements made within a save file and the like. I like to follow stories and go on great vast adventures. If I don't, how do I know what I have or haven't done if I take a break long enough to forget what's been done? I suppose that with games that have a clear end in mind, it's great that you get to experience it and it doesn't constantly drain on your time so that when new games come out, you don't still have outstanding games to play if you've already finished them. But with something like Animal Crossing that has no clear end and that could be continuously played forever, you can kinda develop into a mindset of feeling the need to play it all the time or at the very least, it can eat into the time you can spend doing other things. Then again, maybe I just don't like playing games with no clear end because once you've done everything you can do once, there's really nothing left to do that's new or exciting. But maybe that's just me.
  9. I seem to remember some games and anime suggesting that calling out the attack name as a way to help the user visualize it so it's easier to perform. Continuing with the Dragon Ball example there, Goku has fired a Kamehameha on several occasions without uttering a syllable. You can also see this as to why Krillin, Yamcha and Tien basically fired one successfully the first time they tried it. As for Owain, it oddly fits really well in Warriors. Like, he's hammed up but in a way that comes off as something of a cool dork so it sorta fits when you hear him break character to mutter to himself.
  10. After seeing this thread and the fact that you posted in it (on account of your username) coupled with the fact that I've been playing Kingdom Hearts, 1 and 2 both, yesterday. I feel strangely sad... Huh, yeah. Basically this.
  11. Immortality fused with mortality isn't stable it would seem. Only half of him was truly stable and Trunks killed the mortal half. The bigger question is how the immortal half became ethereal and effectively dominated the whole universe in a matter of seconds. Might stem from the fact that Pilaf's group gathered the Dragon Balls during the Cell saga and wished for youth, only to be regressed all the way back into infancy, lining their physical ages up with Trunks'. I suppose in a manner of speaking, they're looking at it in the form of stories of immortals that have had several spouses across several different decades/centuries in their eternal life. Some of those, they're most certainly older than but that's never stopped those stories from not being ragged on about the circumstance. I personally kinda enjoyed the filler. Not because I don't think action should be present (I mean it's Freakin' Dragon Ball. The main character travelled the planet on a cloud collecting shiny objects for most of his life and fighting for even longer!), but just to help break up the more tense situations which some arcs can contain. An overabundance of filler is something that's not too good, I agree, but if it makes me laugh in a show that otherwise doesn't, I'm all for seeing the other sides to the characters once in a while. Anyway, Super's a Hit and miss subject for me. Could really have done without the Movies being redone as arcs but not everyone would have immediate access to the movies so it's kinda fair in that respect at least. Otherwise, I just enjoyed it for what it was and just ignored what I couldn't be bothered to watch.
  12. Sweet Jesus, I know this feeling. Though barring the Halloween aspect. Add more layers?
  13. I'd like to see a Grass/Fairy and Electric/Dark pair. Though maybe I'm hanging onto my preferred Generation and types a little too much...
  14. Seeing this comment show up happened literally just after I sneezed. Can I have tiny Giant Panda Hugz?
  15. Dunno. I just don't want the fire keeping me up when I'm trying to sleep.
  16. Came here expecting the opposite of this. I'm greatly pleased by this option. I wouldn't mind a Phoenix. The only problem I can foresee with them is if they die while I'm trying to sleep.
  17. The hole in it actually shows a large part of the Brand as well. My note on Falchion having to be reforged is in regards to the fact that the Archanean Falchion is much more like a Rapier whereas the Ylissean Falchion is much more like a Short Sword. Fighting with either type leads to a completely different fighting style. So the general shape and styling would have been changed in that event as well. Besides, I think you're slightly overthinking the likelihood that someone'd get the opportunity to thrust a weapon in the hole, Chrom's not just gonna stand there and let someone thrust a weapon at him, in the middle of a war. That'd be silly. Who knows, if we're lucky we might get a game telling us of the First Exalt's time in the spotlight and exactly what transpired from that event. Heck, I even came up with a name for that title whilst typing this. Fire Emblem: Exaltation Ah, I doubt we'll see it but it's nice to dream...
  18. It's also designed to be some form of background fluff to expand the lore a bit and make it seem like peace isn't eternal. The First Exalt is supposed to be an intermediary between Marth and Chrom. Archanea's Falchion changed from Marth's to Chrom's over the course of 2000 years, right? So did something that happened around the time between them cause it to become damaged and in need of reforging by Naga, allowing the blade to become reshaped in the process? Possibly. That said, I'm fairly sure that when the First Exalt performed the Awakening, that's when the Brand of the Exalt started to surface on him and his successors. Just my thoughts and guesses here anyway.
  19. Not if we're just asking random questions like this: Does anyone here have a favourite colour?
  20. Given my driving record on video games (the only thing I have to go by) she's probably dead.
  21. Dragon Ball - Myself - Wanna gather the Dragon Balls to completely reshape myself and join in on epic battles and the like. Fire Emblem - Myself - It'd be one hell of a way to lose weight by practicing Swordsmanship, plus, I'd be interested to try and learn magic and the like. Pokémon - Myself - Why be anyone in particular when you can have Pokémon? Side note on this, my real name is in fact Gary. Any time people refer to things that Gary Oak did I play dumb and state that I don't remember doing them. It's fun.
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