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Crimean Archivist

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Everything posted by Crimean Archivist

  1. Looks promising. Importantly, it aligns (+/- 1 sigma) with the values we have the most points for, which are currently 75, 76, 85, and 87.
  2. This is an attractive possibility. There are still 10000 combinations of A and B, but the equation is shifted considerably: @ Hit = 1: (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,0) --> 5 combinations, net rate of 0.05% as opposed to 0.03% @ Hit = 2: (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (0,4), (0,5), (0,6), (0,7), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,0), (2,1) --> 15 combinations, net rate of 0.15% as opposed to 0.1% I tried to come up with a summation but my model was a little off. I'll keep working on it.
  3. I haven't been, but I can start. I can also say that the overwhelming majority of my trials at 75 Hit have been player-side primary strikes (not Dual Strikes), if we want to try separating testing for first strikes and Dual Strikes. Do keep in mind however that enemy hit rates tend to be lower, so the two data sets are probably already going to be somewhat distinct from each other.
  4. Combining your data and mine, we now have over 300 data points at 75 Hit and exactly 498 in the 74-76 range with a weighted average of just above 75. In both data sets, both the 1-RN and the 2-RN expected values are outside the confidence interval. The Hit percentage for just 75 is right at 82.09%, and for 74-76 it is at 82.66%. We're almost certainly looking at a new system, and I haven't the faintest clue what it is. I'm glad I've still been collecting data from various hit chances, but right now I still don't have anything substantial to go off of. Just keep trucking, I guess, and I'll be looking for patterns at other Hit values. Moving forward from the little we know: Assumptions: The hit rates trend upwards for all values, e.g., the actual hit rate for 43 Hit will always be larger than the hit rate for 42 Hit. All outcome ratios will eventually trend towards their actual values and can provide confidence intervals that narrow as the number of trials increases. Postulates: The upper bound for "True Hit" for any given value is its upper bound of the 99% confidence interval or the upper bound of the confidence interval of any number above it, whichever is lower. This will be useful for determining values of numbers with fewer data points relative to larger, more common numbers. The lower bound for "True Hit" for any given value is its lower bound of the 99% confidence interval or the lower bound of the confidence interval for any number below it, whichever is higher. This will be useful for determining values of numbers with fewer data points relative to smaller, more common numbers. At a very large number of trials (n>400), the marginal change in hit/miss ratio for additional trials is trivial and can be ignored, with the measured rate taken to be approximately equal to the "True Hit" value. So, until future measurements prove otherwise, I'm taking the "True Hit" value at 75 to be ~82. The ideal limit would be much higher but that would just be nightmarish to continue measuring nonstop. All of these things can be determined quickly using Excel, so don't worry too much about the individual calculations; I've got that. However, it may take as many as four or five independent and well-spaced points to begin trying to fit models or functions to the data, so I'd start hunting for other locations to repeatedly test values like 25 and 50, but especially low values because values 85+ are actually pretty common in-game.
  5. I spent all of this morning farming data from Chapter 2 at 75 Hit. I now have 200 points at that value. Results: 160 hits, 40 misses (yes, exactly) 99% confidence interval: 72.73 to 87.27 -- calculated by P = Hits/Trials, P +/- 2.57*sqrt(P(1-P)/Trials) in Excel I checked this interval against an online calculator using the Clopper-Pearson (precise) method, and that gave 71.782 to 86.743, so there is some discrepancy due to rounding/formula exactitude, but not much. Notably, the 2-RN expected value (87.75) has fallen outside of the confidence interval, although it still pops back in from time to time. The strange thing is that the data is centered at 80, as opposed to either predicted value. I expected the ratio to eventually normalize to one or the other, but it hasn't. Continuing trials in hopes of the values normalizing to 75 -- if they don't, it's possible we're looking at an all-new system.
  6. Most of my data so far has been collected across just playing the game, and now at almost 2000 points of data I thought it might be useful to highlight some of it. I have several hundred data points between 70 and 90 right now, thanks to largely consistent hit chances throughout the game, and here's what those results look like: Chance Hits Misses 70 33 10 71 17 10 72 24 5 73 23 6 74 22 4 75 3910 76 46 7 77 43 7 78 30 6 79 55 6 80 41 6 81 54 6 82 38 3 83 28 0 84 59 3 85 70 2 86 56 1 87 76 7 88 26 1 89 57 2 90 45 3 In general, hit counts are above the 1RN prediction level, with just a few (like 71 here) below. I've also been maintaining a chart of the relative hit-miss ratios for each value, and that currently looks like this: All of the data is normalized to show the relative hit/miss ratio at each point, but doesn't show how many data points there are contributing to that value. High hit values are generally well-represented, with at least 25 points apiece, while hit values less than 40 are sometimes represented by less than 5 points. The graph is accordingly more erratic on the low end than the high end. Oddly enough, if one draws a line from (1, 0) to (99, 100), the majority of hit values have hit rates above the line. Obviously we expect this from a 2RN system on the high end, so that isn't that strange, but there are plenty of low numbers well above it as well. If the system used is one we've seen before, this should diminish with time, but for now it's a curiosity at least.
  7. Do we know how skills such as Astra are treated yet? Ryoma just proc'ed it for me and I don't know whether to count it as 1 hit or 5. The crit RN definitely rolls individually, but other than that I'm not sure.
  8. So I tried to use Normal/Casual for the Battle Save function with XeKr's method because I got 75 Hit on the nose and wanted as many data points as fast as possible. After 32 attempts at this method, I got a 32/0 H/M ratio. I cannot confirm from this little data whether or not loading a Battle Save generates new RNs. However, after 3 tries reloading Chapter 1 I got 2/1 H/M ratio, so at least I know that reloading a chapter generates new RNs. I am excluding the Battle Save data until we know more. EDIT: When Battle Saving at the beginning of Turn 3 every time I restarted Ch 1 until I got a miss, then reloading that Battle Save, I got a hit/miss ratio of 0/10. The probability of this occurring in a 1RN system (the higher of the two in this case) is less than one-thousandth of a percent. Given the similar data after loading Battle Saves after a hit, I'm going to say that it's extremely likely if not altogether confirmed that the game generates RNs at the beginning of a chapter and preserves those when loading Battle Saves. Ergo, don't use Battle Saves to farm your data.
  9. I just checked and I'm on 10.6 as well. Old-fashioned way for me, at least.
  10. While I'm thinking about it, the ideal testing case would be to take certain characters and certain enemies on a map with no time constraint, hack their stats to make them deal 0 damage to each other, and fix everyone's hit rate at 75. Then all the points we would need could be gathered very quickly by just repeatedly ending the turn with those units next to each other. So if anyone wants to do that, it could be done in a night.
  11. You can attach files here using More Reply Options > Attach Files or do the same in a message to me, either way I'll get it. I don't expect anyone's data will be over the file limit. I'm still new to the forums so there may be a more efficient way, but that's the one I know.
  12. Long story short, concentrated data is preferred by far. As you say, the two models predict vastly different values in the limit of however far we go, and so with enough data points at the right locations, it could be over very quickly. However, we need a lot of values regardless, so I'm casting a wide net so that whether we get a lot of concentrated values or relatively distributed ones, it's still useful. For one, I thought a lot of people would be deterred by say, replaying the same map to farm results from the same values over and over again. As for myself, I'm picking up values as I run the maps, because I'm still on my first run and don't want the project to spoil my game experience. The biggest advantage of collecting broad-range data is that it's very difficult to force the same Hit chance many times in a row, so it's simple to execute, and if I get a cluster of results, like say, from 75 to 80, I could normalize my 75 to 77 range to apply to Hit = 76, weighting the values according to their frequency to minimize error, I could check to see how close I am to 76% success rate versus 88.72%. In that case, I could say that I would need slightly more points (say 500 as opposed to your predicted 410) but I could pull them from 3-5 different near-equal cases. Excel is doing the heavy work, so I'm not averse to collecting data from all over the place if the trendlines fit. Right now, where the maximum n is 65, it's a jagged mess, but it should only take a few days of diligent work. Maximum n for a 3-point range is 100 even at 84-86, and that looks promising long-term as well.
  13. I'm trying to avoid confirmation bias, so we need either a concentrated pool of very localized data or a very large, very broad pool of data. Even so, 103 times would not necessarily be conclusive. The probability of any given outcome can be calculated by the Binomial Theorem applied to whatever Hit we use, and we would hope that one would decay more quickly than the other, but even so, we have to match two margins of error at least -- one for 1RN and one for 2RN. If we have overlap between the margins of error, the results are still inconclusive. Also, data too close to 0 or too close to 100 provides virtually useless data on its own. If I run 100 trials at 99 Hit and get 0 misses, that is within predicted ranges for both 1RN and 2RNs. On the other hand, 2RN predicts an expected value of 5050 hits out of 10000, 1 RN predicts 5000 out of 10000, which is barely measurable, so too close to the middle isn't useful either. The best data comes from 20-40 and 60-80, where the discrepancy between models is high and it is also easy to measure that discrepancy. My best data concentration so far is from around 75-85, and still my highest point count for any individual number is 59 points at 87.
  14. Dual Attacks are fine and I have not been annotating them in my own data, because I'm currently operating under the assumption that while the Hit calculations are different, they are applied to the same roll-checking process.
  15. [Project officially closed as of May 3.] We haven't yet figured out whether Fates uses 1 RN, 2 RNs, or some new system, so I've taken it upon myself to figure that out. I'm taking all data points from all sources to try to fit one model or another, and I've got an Excel sheet keeping track of all hit/miss ratios for all values 1-99. It's a daunting task, though; I have 1000 points as of starting this thread, and I estimate it may take 30,000 or more, so please, all help is welcome. Guidelines for Recording Values: Dual Guards don't count -- Dual Guard procs first. DO NOT use data from reloading Battle Saves. See below. Reloading chapters from the beginning is fine. Not necessary to maintain records for 0 and 100 Just get the value (1-99) and the outcome (H/M) -- circumstances not necessary Use either Excel or .csv formats -- those will be easiest to merge into the existing models You can now record and view collected data in real-time on a spreadsheet on Google Drive. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UaKECEGX7Dyb_JhduG6j_SPDkphsKELdVZvr2mAv5aU/edit?usp=sharing On the "Data" (front) tab, go to a column and record data in this format, aligned with the appropriate headers. [Hit Rate], [Outcome] [Hit Rate], [Outcome] This will ensure that your data is integrated into the results in real-time. The sheet has a large number of points and functions on it already, so it is fairly normal for it to lag a little on loading or when changing formulas, so be patient. Thanks in advance for your help! Latest Version: 23873 data points, 3:56 pm, May 3, 2016. Using data from myself, Balcerzak, XeKr, wvype, Verile, Minternets, myith, Vascela. Confirmed that the game uses 1-RN for values below 50 and weighted (3A+B)/4 for values above 50. The project is now closed. Eliminated possibilities: 1-RN (upper range) Unweighted 2-RN (all ranges) (3A+2B)/5 Weighted 2-RN (all ranges) Dynamic 1-RN (all ranges)
  16. It's going to take a lot of data points to "prove" 1 RN or 2 RNs, which I'm working on right now. I have 1000+ data points from all values of Displayed Hit, but primarily from 75 to 95, and I'm recording every single value as I go, ignoring Dual Guards. I estimate that it will take several thousand data points, probably in the range of 30,000, to determine for certain which it is using. Preliminary results are inconclusive; the variances are too high (100 points, even highly concentrated, is too few). However, if a few community members want to help me out by submitting your data points, we could figure this out in maybe a week (I've collected all my points across just two days). I have an Excel on my computer doing linear vs. logistic fits on the data and charting as it goes, so it's all very streamlined. All one would have to do is send their data to me, preferably in this format: Column A Column B Displayed Hit (1-99) Battle Result (H/M) If you do that then I can import it rather quickly and not worry about formatting and whatnot. I'm new to SerenesForums but if you need to check my credibility, I'm Silas from the fire-emblem-strategy tumblr, and I do stuff like this all the time.
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