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Everything posted by Leif

  1. I have a fondness for the "ye olde" animated Disney films, like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White and Alice in Wonderland. I love these films mostly for their style and for the absolute brilliance of the animation, not so much for the stories or the characters. I am not a huge Disney fan since, after the Disney Renaissance in the early nineties, they've really lost their touch. Their newer movies, like Frozen and Zootopia, became too self-aware and their movies lack that "je ne sais quoi" that their older films had. One of my favorite movies of all time is Beauty and the Beast because it is probably the best animated musical ever conceived. I like it purely as a work of art and not as a "Disney flick." It was Howard Ashman's masterpiece, and Disney hasn't been able to top that film since, in my opinion. It is almost a perfect film. Tangent rant: I am so ashamed of myself for anticipating the live action version of BatB. That movie was complete schlock and pretty much spat on everything the original movie stood for. It only made over a billion dollars because it rode on the positive reputation the original had. Emma Watson should just quit acting; she singlehandedly ruined the entire film. The point is, I no longer appreciate Disney because they seem to lack the artistry they once had. They are beginning to turn to a questionable form of movie-making, which include the "remastering" of their older films into live action schlock. Disney is pretty much cannibalizing all of their classic movies, which made them the colossal film juggernaut that they are today, and I don't think that's a healthy business practice. Though movie making is a business, it's still a creative business, and Disney is too focused on making money rather than making new films that tell wonderful, engaging stories. You can make good, original films that still make a ton of money. I am tired of seeing these endless franchise movies universes (MCU, Star Wars and now the live action adaptations) which are essentially big-budget TV shows.
  2. They still showed Mae with Excalibur. I am really beginning to question if there will be gameplay differences between the Japanese and American version.
  3. I'm definitely only going to get the Sage overclass since the default sage looks like complete trash. Not sure about the others.
  4. Some of the screenshots still have translation errors. I spotted the "Alm's Army" goof again (which is found in Desaix's chapter). What the hell Nintendo?
  5. Lots of people in the YT comments are outraged by the expensive DLC. =/
  6. I was super lucky and found a ton of iTunes gift cards I never used. I did drop about 40-60$ on some of the banners though, which makes me feel extremely guilty. Normally I just save up to 20 orbs and do a summon session, however it does suck when you pull 3, 3 star Gwendolyns at once and get completely screwed over by the game.
  7. Do we have any information regarding what skills or perks these over-classes offer?
  8. That's a valid point. Maybe they'll add a Levin Sword!Robin later when the whole CYL event begins. This is speculation after all. Celica's banner will most definitely be all magic based since Alm had no magic users in his banner. That's why I think they'll give her some sort of unique magic perk. Maybe she'll just end up as a red mage with Ragnarok?
  9. Yeah, maybe she won't be able to counterattack when attacked by a ranged unit. I am just throwing out ideas. I still stand by the fact that they will definitely incorporate aspects of the Priestess class for Celica. It would be a waste if IS didn't. If they add Mae and Boey into the banner, they'll have to give them unique spells or skills that would distinguish them from Linde, Nino, Soren, etc. Perhaps Mae will have the Seraphim spell and Boey the Arrow spell?
  10. Not so sure about that, I think she'll be a Red Sword Unit like Alm. However, I think she'll have a personal weapon (perhaps The Zophia?) that will allow her to have a built in distant counter effect that will target resistance. That way you'll have the whole Mage Knight vibe going on that would distinguish her from the other Lords. Maybe her personal weapon will allow her to attack at 1-2 range (close range would target defense where long range would target resistance) if they don't end up going for the whole distant counter thing. She may come with Mae and Boey and either Saber or Genny. That's my guess.
  11. Whew, while not a stupendous number, it's still better than the grim picture some of us had in our mind's eye though Nintendo should have pushed SoV a bit more when it came to its marketing. The numbers will go up a bunch when it is released in the west for sure. I think it's safe to assume that we'll get more remakes, especially since Genealogy has marriage.
  12. This is rather disappointing to see, but we shouldn't lose hope until we get a hold of the western sales. I think that the international numbers will definitely bring this game's sales up, since it is a "new" game for us. I'll still buy it and support it via DLC, because I really, REALLY want a FE4 remake.
  13. Wow, I can't believe I missed that. Thanks a bunch.
  14. This is probably an exceptionally stupid question, but I can't seem to edit my signature from the "edit my profile" section. I can't find any "edit signature" option. Am I missing something? My sincerest apologies for this really dumb question.
  15. DAMNIT. Ugh... we end up with another walking stereotype. Such a shame. Well it doesn't matter too much I guess. At least it's a minuscule step up from creepy and kinky Niles. Perhaps they'll tone it down in the localization. Who knows.
  16. So Leon is the second gay archer in the series? Interesting. He's probably the stereotypical kind of effeminate gay right? Does he chase after Kamui or something?
  17. That's reassuring. It's so nice to see I.S. attempt to make a better story. I'll be the judge of Echoes's plot once I get it, though. You're right that Fire Emblem has suffered from cookie-cutter, crap plots, with Conquest being the only one to try something different only for it to end up being the worst story in the history of Fire Emblem. Why I.S. keeps failing at delivering a compelling narrative is beyond me. The theme of Fire Emblem can be boiled down to the hardships and horrors of war and how people can rise up and change both the social and political landscape of their society. There is so much potential for a good story here, but it always boils down to big evil dragon wanting to destroy the world using its evil cult. Even Kaga couldn't escape using this trope. Though his games did a better job world building (with Judgral being the best) their plots are nothing ground-breaking. Now you CAN use the whole evil dragon with evil cult trying to take over the world plot, but why not just turn these tropes on their heads? How about starting out with the bad guys succeeding in their plan to take over the world and explore what kind of place that would be. It would be neat to explore a dystopian society instead of the usual good kingdom VS bad kingdom. I don't know, I'm just rambling. In summary, I am glad to see I.S. making efforts to strengthen Fire Emblem's storytelling. Are there any overt anime cliches in Echoes? I sure hope not. I do worry for future Fire Emblem installments with the whole Deeprealm and Outrealm stuff being a thing. I don't want Fire Emblem to become a giant Doctor Who episode. I truly hope they move away from that crap plot device, but they most likely won't since I'm sure it'll be a thing in Fire Emblem Warriors and FE Switch.
  18. Huh, Mae and Sonia have the same color palette. I thought that Sonia would use a dark grey color instead of white. But, they still look much better than sages. Do they use the same battle animations as Celica, or different ones?
  19. I'm really curious to see the ... ...because it looks way better that this monstrosity. Does anyone have a picture of one of the female mages as a priestess?
  20. Without referencing spoilers, how is the quality and strength of Echoes's narrative? If it's better than the disasters that were Awaking and Fates, I can rest easy.
  21. Yeah, that's wishful thinking on my part. Damn it. Why I.S. didn't give Luthier, Boey, or Nomah any new spells is beyond me. Aside from different growth rates, they are essentially the same unit because they learn the same spells. Why not give Nomah Rescue, Boey Freeze, or Luthier Entrap? That would have helped distinguish them from each other and other casters. Kliff is the only guy who learns FIVE attacking spells plus one support spell. Sonia, Mae, Delthea, Genny, Silque, Tatiana, and Cleric!Faye all learn six spells in total. Excluding Mage!Kliff, Boey, Luthier, and Nomah only learn five spells. It boggles my mind.
  22. Silque used the MALE model for the sage class, there is no female sage model since female sages don't exist in Gaiden and Echoes. The same goes for the mercenary class. There are no female mercenaries. If Silque used the Villager's fork she'd class change into a priestess after reclassing to a mage. I'm super curious if spell lists were modified, though. Perhaps units have access to different spells in this game? Who knows. Mae using Excalibur could have been done to make the trailer more flashy, though Aura or Seraphim would have worked just fine.
  23. That has to be the best explanation. The question is, though, why did they change it so much for the trailer?
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