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Everything posted by Corrobin

  1. THROW THE CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEE! ASDFmovie references aside, probably run, cry, scream, and get fried by a laser beam. WWYDI you woke up with the ability to read minds?
  2. Hortensia seems more just... bratty, rather than a dominatrix. And it's been stated that Alcryst has a backbone.
  3. The best part is, Donnel's voiced by Sam Riegel, who also voiced the 2003 version of Donatello.
  4. The biggest one to me seems to be Hortensia. 1-2 range Heals and Mends have some fun strategic possibilities, as does being able to get more range out of Physic than usual, and increasing how many people Fortify can heal.
  5. Here's a list for the people who don't wanna watch the whole video: Alear: Divinely Inspiring (Adjacent allies deal +3 damage and take 1 less damage) Alfred: Self-Improver (If unit uses Wait without attacking or using items, grants +2 Strength for 1 turn) Yunaka: Trained To Kill (While unit occupies terrain that grants an Avo bonus, grants Crit +15) Louis: Admiration (If two female units are adjacent within two spaces, this unit takes 2 less damage during combat) Alcryst: Get Behind Me! (When an ally within 2 spaces is attacked, grants +3 Strength to unit for 1 turn) Citrinne: Generosity (When this unit uses a healing item, adjacent allies also recover the same amount of HP) Lapis: Share Spoils (If there is an ally within 1 space, grants Hit/Avoid +10 at a cost of -10 Crit to unit) Jean: Expertise (Grants unit enhanced stat growth when levelling up) Chloe: Fairy-Tale Folk (If a male and a female ally are adjacent within two spaces, unit deals +2 damage in combat) Anna: Make A Killing (May obtain 500 G when unit defeats a foe. Trigger% = Luck.) Etie: Energized (When unit recovers HP using an item, grants +2 Strength for 1 turn) Celine: Gentle Flower (Recovery items used by allies within 2 spaces heal +50% HP) Boucheron: Moved To Tears (When an ally joins a chain attack in this unit's combat, unit deals +2 damage) Vander: Alabaster Duty (If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants +5 Crit during combat to both of them.) Framme: Crimson Cheer (If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants +10 Avo during combat to both of them.) Clanne: Verdant Faith (If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants +10 Hit during combat to both of them.) Diamante: Fair Fight (If unit initiates combat, grants +15 Hit to unit and foe if foe is able to counterattack.) Amber: Aspiring Hero (If no other units are within 1 space of unit or foe, grants +20 Hit at the cost of -10 Avoid in combat.) Ivy: Single-Minded (During combat with a foe who was also unit's most recent opponent, grants +20 Hit) Kagetsu: Blinding Flash (If unit initiates combat, inflicts Avo -10 on foe during combat.) Zelkov: Not *Quite* (If foe initiates combat, inflicts -10 Hit on that foe during combat.) Hortensia: Big Personality (When unit uses a healing staff, grants range +1) Goldmary: Disarming Sigh (If foe is male, inflicts Hit -20 on that foe during combat) Rosado: Stunning Smile (If foe is male, inflicts Avoid -20 on that foe during combat)
  6. In case you're wondering my only two rules I'm following is 'no doubling up on the same families' (so, say, if I go Alfred x Timerra, I can't also go Celine x Fogato) and older siblings with other older siblings and younger siblings with other younger siblings (so no Diamante x Hortensia or Alfred x Alcryst).
  7. So, one thing on the retainers bit: I did remember seeing a thing stating that Louis was Celine's gardener, and Bunet is a cook, and Pandreo is a priest in addition to a retainer. So, at the very least, that adds some depth to their duties/relationships. They're a retainer and they also X.
  8. This is just for a laugh, Shadow Mir. If it turns out I think that Celine has a more compelling support with Louis, or Alcryst and Citrinne have a really cute dynamic I'll definitely pivot, this is just fun theorizing.
  9. While I admit it might be unlikely, the Full Gay Option (Alfred x Diamante, Timerra x Ivy, Celine x Hortensia and Alcryst x Fogato) is also intriguing.
  10. To clarify what I mean: Those runs that would go with Ryoma x Camilla, Xander x Hinoka, Takumi x Elise and Leo x Sakura. Here, in Engage, we've got four royal families with two members each. This is mostly silly/for shits and giggles, I'm definitely going to play it by ear with what supports I like, but it's a funny idea. Right now I'm thinking Alfred x Ivy, Diamante x Timerra, Celine x Fogato and Alcryst x Hortensia.
  11. Given that Vander is the 32nd generation Dragon Guardian, and Clan and Framme are the 33rd, do you think that means that Vander is their father, either biologically or via adoption? Or perhaps he's their uncle? They have similar hair colors, but Vander's could be the result of his age, and I don't think they're the exact same shade of grey. Clan and Framme could also just have been chosen or volunteered for the position.
  12. My confusion is less about them not being Cavaliers and more about the possibility of them not being the same class at all.
  13. Forgive me if this seems like a too-obvious realization, but... Clan and Framme have the color coordination of Christmas Cavs, and they're clearly related/siblings. But they have different classes? Clan's a mage, and Framme's a fist-user.
  14. YES that was his name thank you so much.
  15. Most games get delays. We get our release date pushed up. And also characters can fuse into mecha monsters, and everyone in the party fights at once, for 6 (sometimes 7 with a guest) party members on the field at the same time.
  16. A while back I remember I was looking at this Youtuber who covered/hosted FE romhack 'game jams' so to speak, and one of his LPs that I can recall was an original, lightly crack-y but moderately sincere take on Heirs of Fate that cast him and some other FE Youtuber/ROMhack people (or FE-ized versions therof) as the parents of the playable cast. I can recall that one of the 'parents' was that guy with the ice-blue horned armor avatar that I've seen once around here, and his kid was trying to wear the same outfit but was a bit small for it. I've searched Youtube a few times but I can't recall who he was or the name of the hack. I recall another hack that he did that was an in-FE take on a Warriors game that just starred the FE7 cast, as well. I don't want to play that game or the other one, I just want to find the Youtuber and his LP. The only other thing I could recall was that his Youtube banner had a thing about waffles on it, but that might be long gone.
  17. Thing I'd like/want in a sequel to the game (spoilers):
  18. The obvious solution: next game has more than 3 'Convictions', they up it to Square Strategy. Or Rectangle Strategy. I kid, I kid. Gotta say, to the guy who was worried about Ezana's weather manipulation stuff? Don't be. Archibald, in my money the best archer in the game, gets a weapon upgrade that makes him deal more damage with the Raging Winds weather effect active.
  19. Sorry for not talking despite it being my thread! I'm really loving this game, having fun playing around with the characters, and I really hope they do more with the basic ideas via sequels.
  20. The official website listed out some information about the characters, and a couple had their combat roles listed. Eunie is described as a Healer and Lanz is described as a Tank (he even does the Blade Shield effect thing in the trailer). Sena is described as being Physically Very Strong, but says nothing about her tanking. Talon is a strategist who fights at a range, which could mean a variety of things. Neither Mio or Noah have their combat roles listed, but you can make a good educated guess about Noah. Mio might end up being more of a Seven (duel wield DPS) than a Nia though.
  21. Salt church gives you an ice mage who actually interacts with the whole 'elements affect the battlefield' stuff: He freeze tiles he attacks, and people on or going through them get debuffed (friend or foe). Frederica's fire spells can then melt the ice, which makes water that is then effected by electrical magic. Mountain meritocracy gives you a non-flying archer.
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