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Everything posted by bethany81707

  1. I think I did an Orson solo. Hey, the EXP goes right down the drain anyway. Chapters 8 and 15 were interesting, since you get reinforcements of an all male party so you have to go rush and save them from contributing.
  2. I'm going to be honest- I'm mildly bothered that the seasonals are sorted by continent of appearance on the Meet the Heroes page. You have the bunny Askrs, bunny Palla, picnic Valentia, bunny Marisa, Devotion Greil Mercs, and then picnic Fates.
  3. I feel awful for Felicia. Accurate or not, that's a cruel thing to say about someone's cooking.
  4. That Rinea was liable to get an inheritable "beast" tome. I was saying beast units getting their own inheritable weapons is tricky because of the disparity between different types of beast.
  5. No, beast units are a unit type, but each unit has their transformation effect embedded into their weapon. That's why they're so long.
  6. I think it's tied to the weapons right now. Which is putting a damper on the options for inheritance.
  7. You can't even say it's the Radiant Dawn version of Oribes Bridge- we're in the part of the map that's covered in tents in that one.
  8. That's why he wears the eyepatch. He's always asleep, that's why his speed is so terrible. His wyvern just nudges forward trying to get Haar's dangling axe to swing into a body.
  9. I never said they weren't in the wrong. They're just not corrupt. "Corrupt" implies perverting their political positions for personal gain. They never really betrayed their office, they just happened to be villains in power.
  10. Say what you will about Hetzel and Sephiran, but they're not corrupt.
  11. As someone who has used both Fiona and Meg in my All-Girls (and Fiona again when I was worried about the number of frontliners and slipped in her priest statue), I'd say that while Meg wants a different class, or at least a higher Speed cap for Sword Generals/Marshalls (22 cap for Sword Gen, she hit that in Part 1), Fiona's problem is unrelated to her class. She actually has one of the better Silver Knight cap sets, up there with Astrid. She'd probably need the priest statue to stay competitive regardless of class.
  12. Time will tell- if it happens again before Jill arrives, it's a fortunate precedent that doesn't constrain the writers of the website. But if Thracia actually gets a good banner with five or six characters across it and the GHB/TT, you could probably scramble something decent together between having Leif, Nanna and Finn, plus whoever you bring. Mareeta, Evyel, Orsin, Ced, Galzus could probably just use those eight (and Lewyn).
  13. Including Hetzel, Valtome, Shiharam or Petrine just loops around to the same conversation of "this is the first time the Closely Associated list has included a character not yet in the game", just with a less popular/likely character instead. Besides, only Shiharam has comparable associations to Jill if we're drawing from a pool of 'everybody'. (Including Lekain or Numida would require IS acknowledge them as important characters on the level of SoV's Brigand Boss.)
  14. ...Are you suggesting alternative GHBs in place of Haar? Because I was talking about who Haar could have had as a "Closely Associated Character" on the website. Of the Tellius characters in Heroes, the only characters Haar has interacted with are Ike (base conversation in RD 3-5), Elincia (base conversation in 2-E, Talk in 2-P), and by a stretch of a technicality, Mist (base conversation in PoR 19). As a former Begnion soldier, it is also reasonable that Haar is acquainted with Oliver and Zelgius, but just never got the opportunity to interact with them because of how the game is structured. (Sanaki was born after Haar left.)
  15. High move powerhouses that take three times the EXP to level up and only get two stats when they do? Blowing all their non-Tellius beasts in one go probably didn't help, but at the same time, there were only six of them and it's hard to split that up. Plus, all that means is that we yell at Fates louder.
  16. This idea was not suggested between me and my friend for Heroes, but I actually kind of want to see it now, even though the setup is impossible: Bridal Edward.
  17. So far, my impression of the Tellius glut is them diversifying a new pool of units that works best when used together, hence incentivising supplying and gathering a berth of them, and coinciding with the Valentine's Banner rather than being a conscious push (if anything about Valentine's was a snub for a Valentia or Jugdral plan, it was the Adrift/Hot Spring slump inspiring them to slip in an Ike). It also helps impressions that Tellius is drawing on popular, significant characters that haven't been represented, while Fates has a larger collection of banners with a lower proportion of new units to show for it. Give it one or two more and I can definitely see a breaking point, but Tellius probably earned its goodwill through a combination of a slower start, practical reasons to have a glut of Tellius, and simply using its spotlight better. I'll still be holding the line for Guinivere, Gerik, Mareeta, Brighid, etc.
  18. Saber. Slayde's a different, unrecruitable character that I could somehow see as being that pathetic anyway. If Celica ever met him. One day, I'll sit down and actually watch them. Someone was paid to sit down and write them, the least I could do is give them the time of day. I actually do legitimately go and read one of the tutorials to refresh my memory on the Anima Weapon Triangle, because I can never remember that myself and it's not displayed more conveniently anywhere I've noticed.
  19. Well, after all else, Jill would be a significant improvement on the Heroes-only RD route, 3-13 especially. But I don't see her coming with a Crimean Royal Knight, so that run doesn't finish any faster. And if Jill's on her own in Farfetched, the Dawn Brigade could actually be a fairly hefty challenge. Well, it is a challenge run... What I'm thinking about moreso with this "hint" is who could Haar have as a related character instead of Jill? Not a lot of corrupt Begnions and PoR Daeins around, so the closest I could think of would be Elincia.
  20. I'd also add Laura to the list. Her growths suggest a magic cannon with speed, Bishop/Saint caps make Haar look fast. Or, hell, just bump up the Female Saint Speed cap, Female Dragonlords have a much higher Speed cap than Males.
  21. I sent an email to the CYL inquiries and only got a response to use the in-game feedback system (which I can't, since I uninstalled).
  22. I thought of this exact effect for him too. Well, that makes me happy. Marcia would work too. So far, I'm expecting Astrid>Kieran>Marcia>Geoffrey>Makalov>Danved in terms of who's most likely to make it- Kieran beats Marcia because of Oscar and Axe Cav.
  23. And yet, in spite of that, there have been eight characters, to my understanding, to have been hitherto unplayable in any game, and only two of them are GHBs. Granted, part of that is other games having postgame or sidemodes, and also Awakening's Spotpass giving us fan-favourite villains early, but still. (Of the other six, three are in the regular summonable pool, one is seasonal, and two are Mythic.) ...Though, now that I mention that, RD didn't have any means of recruiting its villains, unlike PoR. Oh wait, Lekain and Valtome weren't on CYL, the odds of them coming ever are through the floor.
  24. I always feel like I'm missing one when I list them all out, but no, there's like, none of them. Please. You can't beat Radiant Dawn using only Heroes characters still.
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