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Everything posted by Lightchao42

  1. Cold Steel III Ch. 1 Future Redeemed stuff If you need a refresher on the plot, you should review the Bracer Notebook. It's a good thing Estelle is very thorough when it comes to summarizing the events of her adventure.
  2. Future Redeemed is done. It is the end... and the beginning.
  3. Vivi my beloved... and she's the obligatory funny reporter of this game, good for her. She's proof that you can place 91st on the midterms and still get a job. Maybe she turned things around during her second year? That aside, it was nice getting proper backstories for the Orion girls and Claire, after they were just implied in the last game. Also a red-haired girl helped us find a cat again, hmm... Assuming you're talking about hunter-gatherers, they probably had fewer things to memorize than people today (and if they never made written records, it would be hard for us to determine their memorization abilities since they obviously left no written records of their lives behind). Apparently people who use GPS have a worse sense of direction than people who don't. Yes, those people are Hobbits.
  4. It looks like Cold Steel III separated link levels and bond levels, so doing bonding events won't raise the former. I wonder if there's a convenient way to raise link levels in that case. I can't believe forming a union was the plot of Trails into Reverie all along, no wonder it has so many playable characters. And here I thought it was because she was a shonen protagonist... Yes I'm sure you'll get through your non-Yakuza backlog... eventually.
  5. I think the most unrealistic thing about Trails is how many students got jobs immediately after graduating. I like Future Redeemed's idea of tying character upgrading to exploration, but I don't like how it gates art/gem/accessory slots and affinity growth behind items you need to find. I would've preferred if they were unlocked by leveling up like they were in the main game. I hadn't realized that you didn't know Dickson's name until now. Unfortunately he's only a party member for the intro and one battle after that. I'm sure Zelkov would be very impressed with your coloring *skills*. I mean only four years pass between the first game and the big game that brings everyone together, it's not that long of a timespan. Ace Attorney kind of did that too... probably because people complained when returning characters did change significantly. Or you could be like me and watch the cutscenes online instead.
  6. Some people just want to grill for the Architect's sake. I like their aesthetic. Kurt can attest to that In retrospect, I feel like Randy is into women who are older than him. Hence why he likes flirting with Cecile and Aeolia, but he never hits on Rixia (aside from wanting her to play volleyball). He should get with Mireille though. I'm still early into the game, but I like Juna from what I've seen. She's more hostile towards Rean than I expected, but not excessively so, and it makes sense given the circumstances. Considering Alisa, maybe being hostile towards Rean early on is a prerequisite to being the heroine... I know, I have some grievances with certain decisions made... but now's not the time for that discussion. It makes me miss the friendzone jokes, believe it or not. Yes
  7. Anime girls are temporary, Doom is eternal. Eh, Rex and Pyra/Mythra's relationship is pretty important but it being romantic isn't emphasized much, if that makes sense. Heck, there's barely any handholding. I would like to say you're wrong about the harem shenanigans, but I will say that it's only in the next game. If you want to know (not really spoilers, unless Vangarre's future is very important to you) (Though I respect your opinion) I mean, I'm not sure if you're in a position to remind people to finish things.
  8. Alternate option: reject Zelda, play Doom (since you already said you got it for your birthday).
  9. No way... I can't believe Link will be voiced by Chris Pratt in Tears of the Kingdom (not really). I think I reached one of the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing places in Future Redeemed. I'm already midway through Chapter 3, somehow. Altina when she's five minutes into a Pokémon game and has to pick a starter Character note my beloved... There's no time for giving out student notebooks (again), I must talk to everyone first. A brief comment about the plot: B-but I did meet her... obviously Falcom knew they would rerelease Zero and Azure eventually, why else would Juna and Randy already know each other?
  10. I can't believe all of Armagon and Shrimpy's posts are just spoiler tags now. How long is Future Redeemed? I'm less than three hours in and I'm basically at the end of the second chapter (out of five or six, I'm guessing). I imagine the chapters will be longer once every character joins, and there will probably me mandatory sidequests like in Torna. Yes I knew Rean would be a teacher at Thors' branch campus in this game, so I was wondering why it wasn't mentioned in the previous two games. It turned out to be because it didn't exist yet. The developers thought of everything! I was also wondering why this new school had only four teachers, but it turns out there are only twenty students. Veyle... I mean Towa is Rean's coworker, and even Randy is here, it feels like I last saw him just yesterday. Though I don't remember Towa's hips being so wide... If I hadn't already met Juna in Azure, I probably would've made a joke about her being Lloyd and Noel's daughter from the future. I knew beforehand that Kurt was Mueller's younger brother, which I thought was odd because he doesn't look much like the other Vanders, but apparently that's the point. Any relation to Vander from Engage is currently unverified, however.
  11. The teehee begins... I can see now why Duvalie is head of the Stahlritter, she needs to babysit the other two members. Also, I started Future Redeemed. When is A being added to Super Smash Bros.? FR is probably pretty short, so playing it alongside something else shouldn't be too troublesome. It should be shorter than Trails to Azure's final dungeon, at least.
  12. Trails to Azure has the final boss of all time. Some general thoughts on the ending: The game was pretty good, and after seven months the Crossbell arc has been conquered. Wait, that means I can't use Rixia again until Reverie... Altina wine? Now Sooks has something to look forward to when he's old enough to drink. XC3 Ouroboros can't turn anyone into a pepper, so no. I can see that... it still doesn't explain what the motes of light are though. Funny how two people are playing Xenoblade 1 when Xenoblade 3's DLC just released. The beginning and the end are one and the same...
  13. The prophecy is complete... It's true that I enjoy big infodumps, but XC3 doesn't have much payoff to a few of the mysteries. They never explain what off-seeing actually is, what Riku's... anything is, why [REDACTED] is queen somehow... Future Redeemed might explain some of those, but DLC shouldn't be necessary to understand the base game to begin with. Torna enhances XC2's main game, but it isn't necessary to understand anything about the plot. I don't mind Moebius in theory. I like anime evil organizations, hence why I am an Ouroboros apologist, which is mostly predicated on their members have varied appearances, personalities, and abilities. Moebius being samey is apparently the point, but that doesn't make them individually interesting. If they all had different colors like the Testaments, they would be better. As for Z
  14. I can't believe this is the last chest message in the whole series. Anyway, the final barrier has been gotten over and we've tied up most of the remaining mysteries. Right now I'll revisit Crossbell for some last minute NPC talks and do some preparations for the final boss, then I'll finish the game tomorrow. After that I'll probably start Cold Steel III... I mean, Future Redeemed. Or both? Maybe FR will change my mind, but I don't think XC3 was entirely satisfying as a standalone game or as a sequel. It isn't 99% standalone like XC2 was but none of the connections to previous games are very important.
  15. I can’t believe FR turned out to be a Trails game after all. I’m looking forward to it. He was in SSBU so I just assume they didn’t think he would fit this version of Rex. You know they had to do it to em.
  16. I'm not going to play Future Redeemed just yet, I'll get to it... sooner or later. Also today is my seventh Serenesversary, woohoo. I can't believe one of the best reviewed games ever is the third worst Zelda game. But that would mean 1984 itself is 1984 0. Therefore the first 1984, 1984 1, should be called 1985. Or would 1984 2 be 3968? I did, I'm having trouble imagining what Hard mode would be like without it... I think most of the bosses have attacks that can one shot the entire party at this point. No, that's just what I inferred from what you wrote. At least I can look forward to future final dungeons not being quite as long. More exposition is good though; I don't need sleep, I need answers.
  17. Trails to Azure's final dungeon looks like it'll be pretty long. Are there any recommendations as to who I should give the Zemurian weapons and ultimate armor to (or if there's anything else I should know going in)? I see. Though Altina might forgive you, if you just meant you would rather have more showing than telling. Dang, I had no idea supports had permadeath now. Just like how Alfred's taste buds are annihilated in his support with [REDACTED]. It looks like a zombie movie and sounds like a zombie movie. Maybe the twist is that there are no zombies and it's a movie about making a zombie movie? Wouldn't it be called 1985?
  18. Trails to Azure final chapter Now I'm wondering... are there any young Vander and Lindon mods? I can't believe Sooks was more morally bankrupt than Rubenio all along. Triangle Strategy has more twists than I expected... Is it a sequel to 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim? They have the same spoiler policy and everything.
  19. I am now old enough to post this: If I had a nickel for every final bonding event achievement name that was a pun on "more than a feeling", I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Darn, there goes my funny joke theory. Completing sidequests gives you experience points, so they're worth doing if you feel like you're underleveled. All those generic monster hunting quests might not seem like they're worth doing, but you get the rewards automatically for completing them (i.e. you don't need to report back to the quest giver), so it's worthwhile to accept all of them and defeat the targets as you travel around since they're marked on the map. Mods giveth, and mods taketh away. They must be a fan of the Three Stooges, clearly. Otherwise they would've misspelled it as "Kary" like Final Fantasy did.
  20. Having cleared Stargazer's Tower in the final chapter, Trails to Azure should almost be finished... Now I can view the final bonding events, since I probably met the conditions with everyone.
  21. If your primary question is whether or not Ivy graduated the Academy already, I'm guessing she did if you want a second opinion. Veyle is not first, opinions disregarded. Like Shrimpy said, Nintendo Dream's readership consists mostly of women, so Fogado being male would presumably benefit him in this case (especially since the other male royals all made up the top four). This isn't FEH, after all. Have fun! Hopefully you will play the Switch version, otherwise half your playtime will be spent trying to figure out where the sidequest objectives are.
  22. Campanella is the funniest battle in this game. Fighting him was worth the four game wait. At this rate I'll probably be at the final dungeon by the time Future Redeemed releases, and it doesn't really matter if I'm not. It wouldn't be the first time I played a Xenoblade and Trails game at the same time, this truly is the endless now. He is a man of many *interests*. Variety is the spice of *life* after all. I'm not sure if Engage has enough significant past events to warrant a timeline. Though if you're looking for something specific, I might be able to offer my thoughts on the matter. Congratulations! My school went to a music competition once. We got a bronze. Then we went to a theme park and watched Grease on the way home, one of my classmates never saw it before and found it very confusing...
  23. The leaks about Gust making Engage were wrong, they're making Ys instead. So the main game was just setup for the DLC all along? First Falcom brought Xenoblade into Trails, and now Monolith is bringing Trails into Xenoblade.
  24. Future Redeemed I was wondering when we would get the title, since it's releasing in less than a year. We haven't seen much of the next Toho Godzilla film yet either, despite that releasing in a few months...
  25. I wasn't sure if I was going to get it at launch but hmm... There are a few things to unpack here (spoilers): Additionally, Pyra and Mythra's amiibo will release in July (and give Noah their respective swords), while Noah and Mio are getting amiibo at some point in the future.
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