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Everything posted by MercyWalk

  1. If you like constant action in MOBAs, try it, but make sure you try it with friends.
  2. damn thought you guys were talking about the young thug leaks smh
  3. general computer things mic pencils scissors pens markers spraypaint chapstick the book of five rings patch nasal spray watch keys
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq7Wm8sz4Ec been revisiting the classics lately... OB4CL 1+2... RZA really was a mastermind to put all these dudes together
  5. Is there anything you don't like? Sorry to hear man, good luck on the surgery, i'm always up for some venting if you ever need someone. The Blade Runner OST (and Blade Runner in general) is amazing at night. and i probably shouldn't be encouraging this but try listen to your favourite music "under the influence"
  6. favourite: the banter and going around at lunch picking someone to jump dislike: teachers being unreasonable for no apparent reason
  7. shampoo once or twice a week depending on how dirty it gets, otherwise I just wash it daily/every second day tied back if exercising product in if I gotta go somewhere formal
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