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Everything posted by BwdYeti

  1. Oh this is an interesting idea. In exchange for more power on your turn you have less control over the enemy's response, and it makes who is paired with who more meaningful
  2. so much Kamui having a gender option is fine as long as it's a consistent character I guess, but just no avatar pls
  3. guys calm down about bows if they have WTD at 1 range, they probably have WTA at 2 range bow users spend 90% of their time attacking on your turn from 2 range, and 10% taking hits at 1 range on enemy phase it's far and away a buff (unless they don't actually have WTA at 2 range, then wtf IS???)
  4. Let's rooock EDIT: wow these inputs [12:15:02 AM] Astra: HOLY SHIT THIS IS FAST
  5. [spoiler=minor actual spoilers]Meredith and the Pheraen Knights Elite are the veteran forces that accompanied Elbert just before the start of Eliwood mode in FE7 ie. Harken's buddies that Nergal blew up :Y Her showing up in Eliwood's tale is basically a non-canon version of the tale where she didn't go with Elbert for some reason; I think she has a talk with Harken on the topic, or something
  6. Now everyone is the playtester (It sends me some ranking and character data when you beat a chapter, so I can improve balance)
  7. We're working on it. Apparently making new chapters takes a while!
  8. Made a small bugfix update; before if you tried to load an existing map and then repair it, it would erase the whole map and make a new one :x EDIT Jan 13: Made another fix, shrinking the map and then hitting undo would crash.
  9. Actually it's pretty common in IS FE for B supports to end with the characters mad at each other. Then they cool off and reflect on it, come to understand the other character's point of view, and come back for the A support where they talk it over and patch thi- wut
  10. (ie this won't work) Yeah idk why this is happening for you >: The only thing I can think of is maybe some text file issue caused by system region settings, if you're in Europe or something.
  11. Hmm... I fixed what caused that error, but while it looks like the previous fix is making it so that you don't crash, it's still not loading the tileset xml file it's supposed to. If so you'll be able to generate maps but not restrict tiles to specific terrain types. After you load a tileset see what happens when you check 'Show terrain types?' on the tileset window. Should look something like this
  12. Alright, I made fixes based on this, so if this was the same issue it should be sorted out. Also I added support for saving in Tiled format (I think, I didn't actually try opening anything in Tiled but everything looks consistent)
  13. Not really. Does it give any error that could help? Also, has anyone else had a similar issue, so we could try to establish a pattern? I guess. Can Tiled open mar arrays?
  14. No. It's more for creating the base map. If I mentioned anything it was reading the Tiled ones when I was processing Pi's files. idk why. It can't really generate indoor maps at all, and full maps it makes are barely playable and work better to spark inspiration; and for FE maps it's at least as functional as Mappy on the manual map making end, plus you can have it fill in mountains or rivers or whatever to save you time. Think of it like the ingame map maker in AW in that regard. It doesn't 'obsolete' map artists, if anything it's more useful to them than to anyone else.
  15. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50953
  16. Fig A: a generated, random map An FE tailored map creator, that can also generate random tiles to fill in empty space in your map or create an entirely random map. The generation rules can be edited, too. It also allows locking specific tiles, such as a castle or mountain range, that the generator should not modify and merely build around, as well as drawing in generic terrain types, which it will turn into fitting tiles of that type during generation: Supports opening and saving both .mar arrays and Tiled files, for inserting the maps into roms or adding in tile changes after the base map is finished. It can also create an approximation a map based on an image and the tileset used, if you just have a picture and not the data file. The vanilla GBA FE maps and tilesets, as well as map generation rules for each tileset, are included in the download so you can immediately jump into map making. Special thanks to Pi for ripping all the GBA FE maps, which I referenced to generate the initial tileset rules. FE Map Creator download zip You'll need .NET Framework 4 to run it, if the program doesn't work you probably need to download that: .NET Framework
  17. So I finally figured out what was going on wrong with this by accident, so this will be fixed in the next release. (The control changing code wanted the user to press one and only one key before it would try to set the control to that, but some laptops have keys 'pressed' all the time because laptops are weird (keys such as the well known Attn, Zoom, and OemAuto)) Related Also on the map It turns into 360 controller buttons if you press something on a controller (There will be an option to switch back to the DS/GBA buttons if you prefer those/find them more fitting for a Nintendo fangame, but let's be honest most PC controllers are 360 controllers)
  18. oh hey it's you always cool to see the old masters come back to the community
  19. Pretty much this (to be fair that is a lot of stuff already, and the community can always work together to implement new things)
  20. This is basically accurate. It's a fairly trivial conversion, but I haven't done it myself yet because of the above 'busy with 7x, FEXNA stuff early next year' thing. (An event converter would be similar, though more difficult due to structural differences in event setup, since FEXNA events work similar to RMXP ones and I didn't bother, or see any reason to bother, making them similar to GBA FE events)
  21. (I might have mentioned some of this earlier) Currently I'm focused on the next FE7x release, and then after that will shift over to FEXNA and may be looking for assistance
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