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  1. 1. Chrom x Maiden gets more tempting the more people describe how bad it is. But maybe in the future lol 2. Fred / Henry are my only choices then. I imagine Libra!Owain wouldn't be so bad if Henry gets taken by Sumia. I guess Henry!Cynthia's hair is better than Fred!Cynthia's. But Henry!Owain wouldn't be bad, right, just that Cynthia's gonna be left out if Chrom/Henry isn't the dad. 3. I will go DonxSul and GaiusxTharja for the GFG (galeforce girls). 4. Aight, ty so much. :)
  2. I'd like to see : Virion!Inigo Vaike!/Libra!Cynthia Gregor!Severa The others are as what you said. I'm going Virion!Inigo for now LOL all for hair colors' sake.
  3. OwO I never thought of that. Time to find thread of "legit hair color pairings" (I'M SURE IT EXISTS)
  4. Thanks :) glad to be here (and to have picked the game up)Thanks a lot for the detailed analysis. The main reason for the pairings is well, how they look good together. I realized about Stahl and Sully being redundant a bit too late lol but I don't really regret the choice. As for shifting, I'll probably do that in the next playthrough but I'm thinking of Cynthia's possible "good" fathers other than Chrom (sorry bout the e it's autocorrect-I'm using phone) and Henry (just happen to read about it). I'd like to try Henry x lissa but that leaves Sumia with Chrom again, and it's just personal but I don't really want to repeat the same pairings. So considering your advise and some other stuff I read, here's the new set (for the next playthrough) : FeMU x Chrom!Inigo (FeMU stays physical but asset would probably be spd) Chrom x Olivia Stahl x cordelia Donnel x Sully Gaius x tharja Gregor x cherche (who else would be a good dad for gerome) Henry x ?? Sumia or lissa (if Sumia, lissa ends up with Ricken or libra; if lissa, Sumia ends up with ??) Ricken x ?? Vaike x nowi Lonqu x miriel* Virion x maribelle * Spares most prolly Fred x Panne *is interchangeable? Thanks again, appreciate all the feedback :)
  5. Please rate my pairings :) [i'm new to playing FE] First playthrough: FeMU asset skill, physical type FeMU x Inigo (not sure of parent yet) Chrome x Sumia Stahl x Sully Lonqu x cordelia Ricken x lissa Gaius x nowi Donnel x tharja Vaike x cherche Henry x maribelle Gregor x miriel Help me pick?: Fred!Inigo or virion!Inigo (hair color badass) Or libra!Inigo Or Fred!Yarne Or virion!Yarne Or kellam!Yarne Leaning more towards virion!Inigo (for hair color) Thanks all :) Edit: that "chrome" there means Google.(...actually it was autocorrect)
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