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Rifas Club

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I have a good question. Who kills Gharnef with starlight, Linde or Gotoh?
  2. So, statwise? Asugi no contest, I mean, he is a second gen, and he actually will be connecting lethalities unlike the other three.
  3. The problem with Shadow Dragon cast is that half of it is super forgettable. Honestly I can't even remember the name of those bald knight twins.
  4. Yeah, if you're up I can update.
  5. Here you go. 03065-75094 15733-70303
  6. LF: Forrest with Vantage, Nohrian Trust and Quixotic.
  7. Looking for Velouria with Wary Fighter.
  8. I took that miracle already, thank you.
  9. Pavise and Aegis for Kaze. Shurikenbreaker for Owain. 03065-75094 15733-70303
  10. Sure, I already visited you're castle today, but, tomorrow will be.
  11. As stated I'm looking for vantage Ignatius and also, Miracle Velouria.
  12. Thank you, you have no idea the problem I had looking for her.
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