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Everything posted by Vaximillian

  1. Both anniversaries were yawn-inducing.
  2. Altena Brigid Calill Dwyer Edain Forrest Geoffrey Haar Isadora Julian Kris (both) Linoan Miriel Nyna Oifey Patty Rinkah Silque Tatiana Ulster Vanessa Wolt Xane Yukimura Zihark
  3. In all fairness, there wasn’t any sight of the first round of mass demotion at this time last year either. It just happened in April.
  4. I’ve been clamouring for this since like two years ago. Two “charges” with half an hour recharge period is what was needed from the get-go.
  5. what if EN Idunn is Laura Bailey who voiced Palla and went uncredited
  6. I do expect Iðunn because Roy and the upcoming FE6 banner. But I’ve never guessed correctly, so.
  7. Whoever designed Roy’s C must sit down and play FE6 and 7 this instant. The Elibe duology has never been about “humanity fuck yeah”.
  8. I wouldn’t dismiss the possibility of them being complete morons. I mean, ayther AIDS is a thing.
  9. Honestly though, I do prefer the “easier” GHBs to the fuckbullshit LHBs with fucktonne of reinforcements every turn out of every turn when you physically cannot counteract their appearance and shit. Fuck those. Bless our lord and saviour Pheonixmaster1, as always. I don’t even remotely care about the upcoming “legendary” hero (even if he’s a good boy and his father is a good guy as well) but yeah, I like it when the difficulty is not the bullshit “kill every fucking living thing before you are overwhelmed by reinforcements because of course you will be because that’s the only fucking way FEH can do difficulty because fuck you”. Because fuck you, player. And fuck me as a player. When I play GBF—and I do get a huge fucking lot of enjoyment out of GBF despite its grindiness, and FEH has got no grinding at all, no resource grinding or anything, it’s like it’s a Western MMO and not an Eastern one, whatever—when I fail some of the shit GBF has to offer me, it’s clear that my weapons grid is not up to task and I should grind up some more stuff, and that nakes sense, unlike in FEH where I cannot improve unless I pull some of the most recent 5★ exclusive with their 5★ exclusive skills and weapons and BST and whatever. What is this rant about? About the lack of actual progression in FEH. Why can a newbie whale be the same as a diligent old-time player with their potential and limits? Is money really worth more than loyalty? As everyone here knows, I’ve been playing FEH since release on the 2nd of February, 2017 with the only month-long break in Naga-fucking-damned January 2019. The game has stagnated since whoever knows when with no improvement whatsoever, except for forging bonds writing, I guess? Alts still reign supreme with only barely fewer alts available than in the same time interval as last year, and new characters influx has come to a crawl. Four/five? new characters once per fucking month, holy damn oh wow, such a huge cry from what’s been a thing two years ago. Is this the same game where Raigh and Fir were in on release? Where Lucius and Priscilla came in three months? Is this the same game there alts are the name of, y’know, the game? Where the questions like “which of the characters can be introduced as seasonals to be forever forgotten as they inevitably will be because of course they will” are something the playerbase even conceivably discusses? Is this the celebration of the whole series—as it was declared and proclaimed back in January 2017—or a celebration of a handful of “popular” characters such as the winners of CYL? What is this game anyway and anymore?
  10. My drunk ass beat Panne’s GHB in one try: (it’s been like four hours but whatever) (I blame Satsuma)
  11. If it was in the negatives, we’d actually have had more and surviving parents.
  12. What characters could debut as seasonals? This one is easy. None of them.
  13. I expect Iðunn as an 8%, actually. As for the GHB, I can see Murdock.
  14. Panne’s GHB is obviously Awakening’s Ch 6 (Foreseer).
  15. The human tendency to stubbornly look for trends and patterns where they have never been is both fascinating and dumb.
  16. Miriel. Her design and nerdspeak are adorable.
  17. I’d be 100% for this. Just let me do something—anything—with my badges and medals.
  18. Cut the current three-stars (and possibly the demotions from four-star-dom) into an orbless pull that uses, I dunno, arena medals.
  19. no idea what you’re talking about I mean yes, mine is +Atk, +2, under a Hone Cav buff, runs DB3 and Atk+3 but hey
  20. Cecilia sniped the lance cav over the trenches and got repositioned back by Reinhardt. On my next player phase, Titania fried Cherche and Reinhardt zapped Virion. Then Titania (with DD3 seal equipped) deleted the bow cav while Reinhardt shot down the flier. Then the mage killed herself at Reinhardt and stage clear.
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