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  1. Hey, just wanted to pop in and say thank for putting in the time and effort into this project. One of my friends recently stopped playing because he found it too cumbersome to go back and forth to translations. But I'm certain this will give him the push to get back into it. Thank you again!
  2. I like the bond sharing idea, should try that with my own friends. Is there anything you guys do that makes it unique, something that evokes either the series or characters? One thing I had started, and kinda forgot about, is a 5 x 5 grid playmat so we can only attack things in range and stuff. Really makes movement a lot more important. e.g Characters move and can attack, rather than tap to move and can't attack afterward. But over-extending into opponent's zone can be kinda bad. I was thinking of even adding trees tiles to increase Attack by 10 when defending. Also maybe random objectives that heal orbs but am having a hard time with it.
  3. Once you do get an idea of a deck together, do start playing casually first before diving head in to being as optimized as possible. Expanding and getting a feel of the game is just as important as seeing how to win. As an experienced card player in other TCGs, do what you want but don't go too hard or else you'll burnout real fast.
  4. It might've only been a thing, but I still appreciate it. Thanks for all your work!
  5. I think they might go a color-less route and just allow them to be played into each faction. It kinda goes with the theme of heroes from another world joining into that army(Ala Heroes, but the reverse.)
  6. I've purchased off of Amenity Dream before and I can attest that their quality of shipment is also very high. I forwarded to tenso and it was very simple getting the shipment to me. Definitely worth the price compared to TCG Republic. They even usually have more cards in stock to begin with.
  7. I'll be just as salty if we don't get Gonzales in all his smiling glory.
  8. I'm going to be honest with you on this version of Tharja. This card is very much in the camp of being a supporting character. And in my opinion, I feel like her set-1 4(3) is a much more viable main character. Her Place From A Design Perspective: From the cost of 3(2), IS usually sets these cards a little bit above the 1-cost characters with situational abilities that support the functions or abilities of other 4(3) cards. This reflects in both their effects and attack power. Her Attack Value: With her attack at a base of 50 and without any self-increasing potential, you will be very hard-pressed to keep her from losing combat against even some 1-cost characters. The biggest margin for this is that the 4(3) lords usually have a base attack of 70 which is the benchmark of an average classed up main character. Winning on attacking with her, in a system where attackers win ties, relies on you needing to get a +30 while your opponent needs to get a +10. (You can't really hope that your opponent is going to draw a dupe for their support most of the time.) I bring this up because her abilities don't require her to exhaust herself to use them. Her Abilities: From playing in other card games before, this card's abilities are actually quite difficult to get off. "Spiteful Flame", where you randomly choose a card and reveal, is only really a tempo play that can be used early in the game, and that's if you've drawn lucky into your opening hand, or mulligan'd for it. And even then, it's a random chance. It's difficult to perform with little payoff, as it's only a tempo play that's hinged on 2 luck-based factors. If your opponent knows that you'll be going for this effect, they could also mulligan aggressively for a higher cost hand, bond low-cost characters or play them out faster. The downside is you'll be losing a face-up card in bond and whiffing loses you out on any tempo and creates a loss for you that's much easier to counterplay than achieve. "Jealousy", where you get to draw when they activate a skill, is also another effect that's difficult to work as it's relying on what your opponent is doing. Sure, you could get lucky on when they pull a mage support that has them draw and discard a card, netting you one card in advantage. But that's hoping your opponent's deck has them to begin with. Or if your opponents have draw effect abilities on their cards, they could even choose not to draw, denying the chance for you to get more cards. This gives them the potential to control your abilities. These kinds of effects where you have cards that hinge off your opponents exist in another archetype, the thieves. Take this Gaius for example. You could use his effect after you're done attacking to know what your opponent will be drawing next. And using Tharja's Spiteful Flame to reveal that card and discard it next turn if your opponent doesn't play it. This kind of knowledge can be beneficial but the issue is that it doesn't affect the board state or card advantage. Truth be told, I wish there was more cards like this 3(2) Tharja that could be printed and be used as a strong meta play in order to counter what your opponent is doing with having this knowledge, but this game hasn't the infrastructure currently to allow her to be a viable card. In all of the cards, I don't believe I've seen a more give-your-opponent-options card before. These kinds of cards are inherently poor in other games as well, unless the information can be used to affect the board state or card advantage.
  9. Because I love how IS are memers. Aversa is love
  10. Then is it the same timing for Darting Blow/Warding Blow? Such as, if I have Warding Blow(+res on attack) and I activate the skill Glacies(+80% of my res) will Warding Blow add to my combat damage?
  11. When do breaker skills passives activate? Will you get the followup attack if you're attacked below 50% or does the breaker effect check health at the time of resolution?
  12. I think this is better than Lackey. I feel it's easier to introduce friends through this.
  13. I honestly think that this Chrom makes a big difference in how your deck can be built now. To address your point about it losing to aggro, I think I'm going to disagree because you'll be more encouraged to bring single costed guys and be able to spend promoted cards to crit/evade without so much of a penalty. With bringing more 1-cost characters allows for a more consistent early game. And with more 1-cost characters to attack and send your supports into retreat, digging for more promoted units for Chrom to class up. The only issue I'd run into this plan is card advantage, because you'd be spitting cards up to deploy, crit/evade, and bond. If someone could fill that gap, I'd figure his abilities would be very strong and consistent.
  14. I see that these two decks are really for resolving bonds for more of Roy effects, which is pretty awesome. But in the first deck, I know everyone loves Eliwood for his huge support on big drops, but should we ever put him into the field? I feel like his support-deploy is pretty awesome.
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