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Everything posted by Ultrawing

  1. im kinda made out of plasma now. you gotta try something else to kill me. oh and get out of my space train
  2. i genetically changed myself from a human to novakid. it actually worked
  3. why do you have a gun? well it doesn't really matter since i have one too
  4. *puts up diamondback pistol* lets play a hand of poker, we will bet our guns
  5. *backstab* what did they expect? the outcome wasn't really in their favor. surely they were outclassed
  6. Mike (there was a boss in gaiden named Michael and mike is a shortened form of it but still)
  7. Slap my hand...... trust me this is not a trick *throws away knife*.
  8. i dont need another eevees i have like 5 boxes full of them because i was looking for a shiny one, stupid masuda method
  9. right i new i forgot something thank you for that. looking at the plot area... what was i thinking when typing that in? now i gotta change that so it makes more sense and fleshing out this world
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