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Everything posted by Ephraim115

  1. Anybody know how to insert an midi music file into fe8 using fe builder? Not just from another fe game but from any game that has an midi file, and if it requires a certain patch? I see there is a section where you can import and export from other games but it doesn't specify which address is music. If anybody knows how to do this, the details would be appreciated thanks.
  2. Anybody know how to insert an midi music file into fe8 using fe builder? Not just from another fe game but from any game that has an midi file, and if it requires a certain patch? I see there is a section where you can import and export from other games but it doesn't specify which address is music. If anybody knows how to do this, the details would be appreciated thanks.
  3. The rest is actually whats not straightforward to me lol. I mean not just from fe7 or fe6 btw, I mean any game like for example pokemon fire red. I know it says you can import from other game, and I pick that then I pick fire red, but then it shows a bunch of addresses, how do I know which one is the music of Pokemon, and would it accept that music? Does it require a patch or something? Thanks for responding.
  4. Does anybody know how to import and export gba music from other games into fe8 with fe builder, I know it has some music features in it but I'm not to familiar with them, thanks for any help.
  5. I have events here: #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x07,ThisChapter) ORG 0xE80000 ThisChapter: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno POIN Tutorial POIN TrapData TrapData POIN Units Units POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene Units: UNIT 0x0B 0x1B 0x00 Level(4, Enemy, 0) [1,1] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x84] NoAI UNIT Units2: UNIT 0x13 0x27 0x00 Level(1, NPC, 1) [6,3] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x00] NoAI UNIT Units5: UNIT 0x18 0x7F 0x00 Level(1, NPC, 1) [6,3] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x38] NoAI UNIT TurnBasedEvents: END_MAIN CharacterBasedEvents: END_MAIN LocationBasedEvents: END_MAIN MiscBasedEvents: END_MAIN Dunno: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 Tutorial: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 TrapData: END_MAIN ALIGN 4 BeginningScene: MUS1 0x25 _0x0E22 0x28 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 Units ENUN CUMO [1, 1] STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x907 TEXTEND REMA _LOAD1 0x1 Units2 ENUN MOVE 0x13 [6,4] ENUN CUMO 0x13 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x908 TEXTEND REMA CUMO 0x0B STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x909 TEXTEND REMA StartBattle CriticalHit(0,0) EndAttack FIG1 0x0B 0x13 0x0 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 Units5 ENUN CUMO [6, 3] STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90A TEXTEND REMA CUMO [1, 1] STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90B TEXTEND REMA MOVE 0x0B [0,1] ENUN DISA 0x0B ENUN ENDA EndingScene: ENDA // Events // Manual Movement // Scripted Fights // Units // Shop Data MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you take a look at where I choose to begin the fight, It would be after text 909... However, after assembling this to the game, the game is COMPLETELY IGNORING the fight, and skipping it like its INVISIBLE. I did get the fighting to work one time, but only as a turnbased event. I made two units fight on turn 2. What I want to do is have two units fight at the beginning scene, like before the chapter starts (like a cutscene). In the same exact way Valter fights seth. Would you know why it keeps stopping me unless its a turn based event? Thanks so much again
  6. Does anybody know how in fe8 eventing, I can make like a kind of "if" event. in other words, an event that is triggered only if something specific happened or happens. an example would be: if a specific character dies, then a unit warps in and gives You an ítem. which the ítem part i know just not how To trigger it ONLY if a specific character dies. thanks...
  7. Does anybody know how in fe8 eventing, I can make like a kind of "if" event. in other words, an event that is triggered only if something specific happened or happens. an example would be: if a specific character dies, then a unit warps in and gives You an ítem. which the ítem part i know just not how To trigger it ONLY if a specific character dies. thanks...
  8. Okay, I have a slight issue I have events here: #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x07,ThisChapter) ORG 0xE80000 ThisChapter: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno POIN Tutorial POIN TrapData TrapData POIN Units Units POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene Units: UNIT 0x0B 0x1B 0x00 Level(4, Enemy, 0) [1,1] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x84] NoAI UNIT Units2: UNIT 0x13 0x27 0x00 Level(1, NPC, 1) [6,3] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x00] NoAI UNIT Units5: UNIT 0x18 0x7F 0x00 Level(1, NPC, 1) [6,3] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x38] NoAI UNIT TurnBasedEvents: END_MAIN CharacterBasedEvents: END_MAIN LocationBasedEvents: END_MAIN MiscBasedEvents: END_MAIN Dunno: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 Tutorial: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 TrapData: END_MAIN ALIGN 4 BeginningScene: MUS1 0x25 _0x0E22 0x28 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 Units ENUN CUMO [1, 1] STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x907 TEXTEND REMA _LOAD1 0x1 Units2 ENUN MOVE 0x13 [6,4] ENUN CUMO 0x13 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x908 TEXTEND REMA CUMO 0x0B STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x909 TEXTEND REMA StartBattle CriticalHit(0,0) EndAttack FIG1 0x0B 0x13 0x0 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 Units5 ENUN CUMO [6, 3] STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90A TEXTEND REMA CUMO [1, 1] STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90B TEXTEND REMA MOVE 0x0B [0,1] ENUN DISA 0x0B ENUN ENDA EndingScene: ENDA // Events // Manual Movement // Scripted Fights // Units // Shop Data MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you take a look at where I choose to begin the fight, It would be after text 909... However, after assembling this to the game, the game is COMPLETELY IGNORING the fight, and skipping it like its INVISIBLE. I did get the fighting to work one time, but only as a turnbased event. I made two units fight on turn 2. What I want to do is have two units fight at the beginning scene, like before the chapter starts (like a cutscene). In the same exact way Valter fights seth. Would you know why it keeps stopping me unless its a turn based event? Thanks so much again
  9. Ok, thank you, I actually for the first time inserted a map. Would you be able to explain to me, the tile animation 1, tile animation 2, and the triggerable map changes? Also, what exactly are map changes, and what do they do? How can I point those as well? Thanks so much
  10. ok so I'll leave the pointers thing unchecked. but what are they and what do they do? Point the game to the map? If I i just insert the map to free space and leave everything else unchecked, you mentioned that i should later update the pointers in the event reference module. Update them from where? Where would I get the information? Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I'm really not sure how it works. I'm somewhat familiar with the event reference module but not entirely thanks again...
  11. For the first tutorial, I don't understand from this point on: Pretty empty, so we'll fill it up. Tiled file is the file you saved in Tiled, so choose it. The ROM is the ROM you wish to insert the map to and the Offset is the offset of some free space in the ROM. If your map has some map changes you wish to insert, check the Insert map changes? checkbox. Now, just because the map is in the ROM the game won't automatically know where it is, so you'll need to insert the pointers as well. You can do that with two ways, either you use Event reference editors to insert the pointers or you find out the offset of the pointers and let the inserter do it for you. Either way is fairly straightforward, so i won't cover them. Here's how it looks like when I insert my map to FE7 and replace Prologue map pointer and Ch2 map changes: I just don't get the pointers and offsets. there seems to be a reference table for fe7 that markyjoe made, but i don't see any for fe8. I have no idea how to get to the pointers or which offsets i can pick. Can I replace maps or does it always have to be blank space? If so where can I find a bunch of free space in fe8? thanks again.
  12. Ok, so does anybody know how in FE8 events, I can be in a map, and make a unit move off the map and go into another map? in the same way valter fights with seth in the prologue scene, and seth rescues eirika and runs off to another map. (The Prologue Chapter Map) In addition, is there anybody who can point me to a AN FE8 ORIENTED tutorial for map making and inserting. Because even when i get to tiled to make the maps, I have all the tiles for the map, but still I don't know how to really make a good map. Is there any way I can learn that, or am I just not creative? I don't know how the mountains really work or how most of the tiles connect besides the obvious ones like the village or castles. As far as the inserting, I can save the map, but I REALLY don't understand what you have to do after you make the map as far as nightmare, the actual insertion, AND ESPECIALLY NOT THE OFFSETS. Please someone point me in the right direction or help me. Thanks so much.
  13. Thanks so much, I understand how to do it now.
  14. Does anybody know of a DESCRIPTIVE TUTORIAL on how to put in custom music in fe8? And how does it work? Can I put in ANY SONG from anywhere? If so how? Please be very descriptive, I have no clue how this is done and I really want to put all kinds of music in my game. Thanks for listening.
  15. Ok, so I know that this: FIG1 attacker defender 0x0 starts a normal fight... You just put the character ids in and the characters have a normal fight. But does anybody know what I need to do, If I wanted two specific units to do exactly what i want? By that I mean, get them to do criticals, automatically miss, sureshot, pierce, etc. Thank you....
  16. Okay, For some reason, it started working....I don't know why, i didnt change anything. I guess feditor just changed its mind. -_-. Sorry guys, thanks for the help.
  17. Alright...So here is everything again The Events: #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x0A,ThisChapter) ORG 0xE80000 ThisChapter: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno POIN Tutorial POIN TrapData TrapData POIN Units Units POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene Units: UNIT 0x42 0x07 0x42 Level(2, NPC, 1) [2,2] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x04, 0x6C] NoAI UNIT TurnBasedEvents: END_MAIN CharacterBasedEvents: END_MAIN LocationBasedEvents: END_MAIN MiscBasedEvents: CauseGameOverIfLordDies END_MAIN Dunno: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 Tutorial: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 TrapData: END_MAIN ALIGN 4 BeginningScene: MUS1 0x06 _0x0E22 0x28 _LOAD1 0x1 Units ENUN MOVE 0x42 [4, 5] ENUN CUMO 0x42 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90B TEXTEND REMA ENDA EndingScene: ENDA // Events // Manual Movement // Scripted Fights // Units // Shop Data MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Conversation For 0x90B: [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x04][0x01][OpenMidLeft]Ahhh[ToggleMouthMove]...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02] No![.][A][X] After I Change Portrait: [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x45][0x01][OpenMidLeft]Ahhh[ToggleMouthMove]...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02] No![.][A][X] I'm just changing the portrait which has never given me a problem along with changing text...but when i change the events, the game freezes... However, when I leave it as the Original Conversation, it works fine. (But that doesnt work for me) Pictures Of What Happens:
  18. Maybe it's because of the chapter I did it on? Would it work for you on chapter 1? Also, can I see your events? Are mine wrong? And yes I tried closing and opening again. I just can't see where the problem is. Thanks a lot for the help.
  19. I tried adding the TEXTSTART and no good, also could you point me to wherever you moved the topic to see if anybody will help me? Thanks guys for the help.
  20. I haven't changed anything else in the game but those events, 0x45 is orsons regular portrait. I can't see why it keeps freezing?? O_o thanks for answering...
  21. Please somebody help me out: I have here events for chapter 1: #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x0A,ThisChapter) ORG 0xE80000 ThisChapter: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno POIN Tutorial POIN TrapData TrapData POIN Units Units POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene Units: UNIT 0x42 0x07 0x42 Level(2, NPC, 1) [2,2] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x04, 0x6C] NoAI UNIT TurnBasedEvents: END_MAIN CharacterBasedEvents: END_MAIN LocationBasedEvents: END_MAIN MiscBasedEvents: CauseGameOverIfLordDies END_MAIN Dunno: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 Tutorial: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 TrapData: END_MAIN ALIGN 4 BeginningScene: MUS1 0x06 _0x0E22 0x28 _LOAD1 0x1 Units ENUN MOVE 0x42 [4, 5] ENUN CUMO 0x42 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSHOW 0x90B TEXTEND REMA ENDA EndingScene: ENDA // Events // Manual Movement // Scripted Fights // Units // Shop Data MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset The problem is, as soon as it gets to showing the text...it freezes. BUT IT ONLY FREEZES IF I CHANGE THE TEXT OF 0x90B For example: If I leave the text (0x90B) like this (Regular text): [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x04][0x01][OpenMidLeft]Ahhh[ToggleMouthMove]...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02] No![.][A][X] It works fine... But just for changing the portrait, like so: [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x45][0x01][OpenMidLeft]Ahhh[ToggleMouthMove]...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02] No![.][A][X] The game freezes completely. Does anybody know why? Thanks for listening...
  22. Idk if i'm replying to somebody by doing this, but I just have a question for fe8 eventing: Please somebody help me out: I have here events for chapter 1: #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x0A,ThisChapter) ORG 0xE80000 ThisChapter: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno POIN Tutorial POIN TrapData TrapData POIN Units Units POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene Units: UNIT 0x42 0x07 0x42 Level(2, NPC, 1) [2,2] 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x00 [0x04, 0x6C] NoAI UNIT TurnBasedEvents: END_MAIN CharacterBasedEvents: END_MAIN LocationBasedEvents: END_MAIN MiscBasedEvents: CauseGameOverIfLordDies END_MAIN Dunno: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 Tutorial: //DO NOT TOUCH WORD $00 TrapData: END_MAIN ALIGN 4 BeginningScene: MUS1 0x06 _0x0E22 0x28 _LOAD1 0x1 Units ENUN MOVE 0x42 [4, 5] ENUN CUMO 0x42 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSHOW 0x90B TEXTEND REMA ENDA EndingScene: ENDA // Events // Manual Movement // Scripted Fights // Units // Shop Data MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset The problem is, as soon as it gets to showing the text...it freezes. BUT IT ONLY FREEZES IF I CHANGE THE TEXT OF 0x90B For example: If I leave the text (0x90B) like this (Regular text): [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x04][0x01][OpenMidLeft]Ahhh[ToggleMouthMove]...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02] No![.][A][X] It works fine... But just for changing the portrait, like so: [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x45][0x01][OpenMidLeft]Ahhh[ToggleMouthMove]...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02] No![.][A][X] The game freezes completely. Does anybody know why? Thanks for listening...
  23. Thank you for answering on such short notice. and I'm making chapter 1 from scratch. It's a blank chapter that I'm writing in. do you mind if I show you what I have for my events and what I have in feditor adv? As far as context clues, I actually tried editing some of the values or taking them out completely just to see what effect it has on the game, and still I can't seem to find anything definite. thank you though I appreciate your help. If you know where I should be asking these questions I'll ask there instead.
  24. This is my first day on this website, so I'm not really sure how this works. I recently have been working on learning eventing for fe8, and I have a pretty decent knowledge on eventing so far, But I have a few questions. First off, I REALLY don't understand all this SETVAL stuff. Plus I also noticed all these weird codes like FE8: _0x1920 FE8: _0x1922 FE8: _0x1923 FE8: _0x1924 FE8: _0x1925 FE8: _0x1927 FE8: _0x1928 FE8: _0x1929 FE8: _0x1A21 FE8: _0x1A22 FE8: _0x1A23 FE8: _0x1A24 FE8: _0x1A25 There is a bunch of codes like these throughout the fe8 and I can't seem to find out what they do. One more question so far: I started to make chapter 1 again from scratch with the same map that it has. I put music, then slowly fade into the chapter, load orson(ENUN), make him move to coordinates 4,5(ENUN), make a cursor come up on him for 60 seconds, then i use: TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90A TEXTEND REMA the weird part is, when i make the text come up, so long as i leave the text the way it is, it loads up perfectly fine. but when i change the portrait to orson, and change the text around of 90A, the game freezes every time. only if i edit it. otherwise its fine. idk why. Those are all my questions so far. if anybody knows these things, id appreciate the help thanks.
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