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Regal Bryant

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Everything posted by Regal Bryant

  1. Hero of Time, Cam, and Seph, I've learned to just ignore you guys. It's way better than my last one and I dont care what you think.
  2. I really hope I've improved a little bit.
  3. You still doin that FE7 HHM thing?

  4. Mwahahaha! We are of the ranks of people so devoted to being a Tales fan that we make our name on a Fire Emblem Forum a Tales Character!

  5. Well then bleh to you too then, sir.
  6. The video? No..it was supposed to be stupid and pointless, mission: ACCOMPLISHED.
  7. I dunno Soul, he puts that on like everything I post on SF.
  8. Ya know what? Grape Biscuit

  9. lol, I was being sarcastic, I thought this was clear. (all though sarcasm travels very poorly over the interwebz. )
  10. Don't wanna sound mean when I say you didn't have to watch it. But, you didn't have to watch it, y'know?
  11. Aren't you happy I brought this wonderous game into your life?
  12. The point is, that there is no point. It's a conspiracy man!
  13. Don't worry, it took me about 50 tries before I found the secret.
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