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Isaiah Daniel

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  1. how many rom hacks have you collected? would uoi be willing to make a download pack of them? i would be interested in it. i hhave not been a long time hacker collector
  2. does anyone have a code to make partner/yellow units? also is there an infinite weapon code?
  3. I saw a video on youtube which had different characters using the reinforce skill and that reminded me of the ar code to turn enemy units to blue units. my request for help is learning what code might there be to turn enemies to yellow units.
  4. would you give a link for these? i do not have many of them
  5. Guess what! I got the laguz classes in the game! Cat, tiger, lion, hawk (working on eagle) would you like to see?
  6. it worked but only for named units (not generic), so that's problem one, problem two is i'd rather know of a way to loop the cycle, then having to put the convert line text in turn and enemy turn change txt. i read that it could be more prone to bugs plus the tediousness of it
  7. btw would there be a fe8 make for the lex? i'm not cut out for it but fe8 is a good gba fe game
  8. basically by red i mean red faction team(enemy) but controlled by the player. example, assign say one specific character that is a lord class, set it as an enemy unit, and in the level editor mark it as playable as it is possible to make a player (blue team) unit ai controlled. so he can interact with the enemy but can attack the player(blue unit) and cannot pass a blue (like an enemy) (hope that made sense) alternatively, i would wonder if this would be at all possible to attempt in the level editor this neat little trick makes it so that control (blue unit) changes to who's army the turn is this is to the end that i may have a multiplayer battle experience with my brother. and i'm ganna try to get the monsters from fe8 into the game so he can have them for an army against army of men
  9. Could the unitlevel.txt be used to make a red unit player controlled?
  10. would you be willing to try to recreate the fire emblem field from super smash brawl?
  11. how do you know that the enemy troop limit is 999? did you actually go and spawn that many enemies? could you try out and see how many allies (green units) you could spawn? man isn't perfect after all and info is over looked, or forgotten to be added on occasion (for anything), that would include things like this but if you prefer not to, no biggy
  12. is it a demo limitation? or something? because i couldn't load more then like 30 allies but the weird part is, i am able to copy and paste a bit past 30 for the enemy (haven't tried going to the absolute limit) do you know what the differences between the demo and the full? i'd get the full, but like 60$ for the full thing? just 8 /
  13. thank you for the reply. somehow i managed not to noticed that you replied sooner. but anyway, i found a way better program/engine that is better anyway. it actually has the best graphics/visuals (which is the gba style, of course) and i have gotten some assistance from 2 people on some tips and tricks on how to use it (for a better fe experience) like for example, one of them being kind about it, took up my request to help me implement the direct command (from path of radiance) that i may have better over all control of my (green army). little context, i never like to use more then one blue unit, i am that unique fire emblem player. but anyway, to give my (green unit) army commands while not holding each and everyone by the hand to control is my style of battle.
  14. get that penalty crud off of me, i didn't know it was moth(s) old.

    i was just wondering about the map to be shared as png that i saw

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