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Everything posted by coldhand25

  1. Ah, so far at least, I don't think it's too hard, it was just my stupidity that made Chapter 2 harder than it should've been. Well, at least it made me realise that I should actually think through my actions and not just barge in guns blazing. The only hard thing so far was the boss in Chapter 3. I'm not sure if he was designed that way, [story spoiler] And now for the screenshots [they possibly has some spoilers!] So this last one is a bit tricky, since it's not a typo, and I'm not a native english speaker, but I think it's missing a "to". So that's all I have found. Once again, I really enjoy this hack, and I'm really not trying to be nitpicky or something.
  2. Hmm, I don't know if it counts as a message, but I really like stories where the main character has a development by realizing that not everything is black and white, there are more to thing than just them being bad or good. Or simply, the ones where they have a real hard vibe reality check. Like, realizing they have trusted someone they shouldn't have all along, or realizing they are not the ones that suffer the most. Where they simply become more mature and serious, by having witness something really bad. Or have something bad happen to them, or someone they care about. I know in most stories it's simply done by putting in a plot-device character. Now, that's a pretty cheap way to do it. But when it's really well done, it's just so good to see how something can change the world view of someone.
  3. Alright, so I just finished chapter 3 a few minutes ago, and I just want to say, I really enjoy it so far. I really like that archers aren't useless anymore, the different range of different magic is also really good, Oliver just murders anything that he can reach! I also really (and by that I mean REALLY) like they were two of my favourites characters in their game, and I just love seeing them here 😀 And yes, I play on normal, I'm just a casual player, so I didn't want to risk not enjoying the game because it is too hard for me. Maybe I will start again in hard mode if it becomes to easy. With that said, I do believe I have found some errors in the texts, and while they are in no way making the game any less fun, or harder to understand, I just wanted to let you know. I made a few screenshots of them, which I will try and upload here later today. As I said, they are nothing big, mostly just typos here and there, and they are by no means distracting, I just though you might want to know about them. I have a tendency to spot these things even if they don't necessary bother me, but I guess it comes in handy at times like these.
  4. Yep, you have to post in some topics, like in the introdcution one, or just a random one in far from the forest - like the one where people are counting to 800k or something. You should be able to get rid of the new member tag pretty easily that way.
  5. Been listening to this non-stop for the past couple of hours - and, well, for the last couple of weeks I guess... Yeah, I listen to this at least once every day, either in the morning or at night. It simply became a part of my daily routine, but today I had an extra need for it. It's just beautiful. This one is awesome (the non-sped up version)! I will probably listen to it for quite some time in the coming days!
  6. I remember back then being scared from Myrrh as she was both a dragon and a flier, which meant she could receive hone and fortify buffs from two types of units... Boi, was I naive to think that she was as op as a unit can ever be. This doesn't necessarily mean I don't like the stronger units getting added to the game, but sometimes things get a little absurd, which really hurts my favourites whom I have been using from the very beginning. This is probably my biggest problem with the game. When I started I was really into Awakening, and, of course, I wanted to build up and use Lucina. Guess who doesn't have a single normal Lucina to this day? She has literally been powercrept into oblivion, there are free sword infantry units available that are far better than her, and instead of being demoted, she just got removed from regular banners. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't a bad move from IS, I remember when I was pitybroken by Mist, so I know what it feels like to pull an off-banner, bad unit, but I don't see why them getting demoted to 3-4* would've been so bad. Most of these characters doesn't have any redeeming quality, they ususally aren't even good fodder, but I would've loved to be able to +10 Ephraim for example... But to say something nice about the game as well, since I do enjoy it, so it wouldn't be fair to only complain, this new 4* focus system, and the free 5* after 40 summons thingy are quite good. Even if a unit is clearly only there to be the 4* focus, demotee, we can get seasonal units, and are able to merge them with less orbs. I also managed to get Bunny Fir this spring, and I have yet to experience something super-bad to ruin my mood after that...
  7. This was the weirdest banner video I have ever seen, and I do believe I've seen all of them... Like, Say'ri speaks japanese, we get Mustafa and his kit is utter garbage, the whole thing starts very rushed without the part where it shows all the character (which by the way is a good thing, that they no longer do that, but it was really unexpected...), and we get a mythic 4 days after the mythic banner... Also, the teaser at the end was a big "what?" moment for me. Well anyways, as random as it was, I will probably skip this one. I don't really care for any of them other than Say'ri, but she shares colour so that's that.
  8. Black or blue for Sonic, I'm not particularly hyped for it though. I mean, sure, they look cool and the idea of a small handheld console with classic games is kinda good, but this "different colour = different games" system just kills the whole concept for me. Like, if you want to play Sonic and Sonic&Tails you would need to buy and bring two consoles with you. I'd much rather just get a Gameboy Micro, that way I'd only need to bring cartridges with me, which is arguably more practical than bringing multiple consoles... But even if it wasn't the situation, the small screen makes it impossible for me to use it anyways, I don't want to ruin my eyesight any more than it already is 😅
  9. I have a fear of spiders, not sure if it's arachnophobia or not quite as serious as that (like, super-tiny spiders don't bother me, as long as it's not a super-close picture of them, and yes, spiders on photos do make me feel uncomfortable). I wouldn't call it "sensing", but I do this thing when I, like, turn around in room - for example if I want to sit down - and if there was a spider anywhere and it came into my field of view, I would involuntarily turn back to where it was, even if I saw it for only less than half a second... It doesn't even have to be a big spider. Now, this might happen because, when I was small, I used to check around my whole room every night before going to sleep, to see if it's clear of spiders, but after some time I stopped doing it, because having to deal with a spider was so much more stressful than the fear that a spider might be there somewhere (which was unlikely anyway, since I clean my room real often exactly because of this...). I guess my brain just learned to spot spiders whatever I do, and alert me by forcing me to turn back to them, which I don't mind, but than I feel like I have to do something about it, which is a problem still. I somehow have to get over it, or move even more to the north where there are less spiders than here...
  10. Thank You, I was sure it was already asked (and probably answered), but was unable to find it, have to work on my searching skills it seems.
  11. So I've been looking for an answer for this question, but wasn't able to find it neither on the official site, nor here, so here goes: How does the FEH-Pass subscription work? By that I mean, I understand that I get some added functions in-game like auto-level repeat and stuff, but what I'm more curious about are the Resplendant Heroes. If I understood everything correctly, we get both a copy of the hero, and their new "skin" (and the stat boost) twice every month as they are available for around 14 days (according to the dates for Roy on the website). What would happen if I were to subscribe, say, 2 days before the current resplendant hero's period ends? Would I get the current one, the following one, and the one after that? Like, if I were to subscribe on the 6th of June, would I get Sanaki, then Roy on the 10th, and then the one after Roy (since subscriptions last for a month, which means the 6th of July in this case)? Or you only get 2 with a month of subscription, no matter what?
  12. Semi-competitive, I've been trying since launch to get to 21, but could never be bothered to build meta-killer units (dragon, armour or cavalry effectiveness), so I never managed to reach even 20... Nowadays I'm just trying to stay in 17-19. My core right now is Leon (as an enemy-phase DEF tank with close counter, but also as a player-phase damage dealer), Fir (as an enemy-phase RES tank with distant counter and barrier blade - she is good against both dragons and mages, as long as they are not blue), and Julia (as a RES tank, to deal with blue mages and dragons, which can destroy Fir - I also need more merges for her...). Right now I'm trying to get others to +10 so I can have more variety in my arena core, but I'm still in the process to learn everything about the current meta, before spending my feathers, fodders and orbs for units I won't be able to fully utilize - I'm pretty sure I have all my favourites that are in FEH built up enough to be useful, that's why I'm leaning more towards building meta at this point...
  13. As much as I understand you, if the game really doesn't bring you joy, there us no point in getting frustrated over it. It's designed around spending money, even more so with the powercreeps lately (as all the gacha games usually are). I've been playing since launch, with breaks of varying lengths (with anywhere between 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months), and just recently I realized the fun in the game for me is making creative, rather than PvP optimal builds. I'm no longer as interested in summoning and all as I was at the beginning, where there was not a big difference between F2P and whale units. What I guess I want to say is, there is no game in this world that's worth getting frustrated over. I know it sounds like just a nice way of saying "stop playing it if you don't like it", but I really mean it.
  14. Since I had to come home from uni, I once again have the time to go for a walk with our dog. I also started doing some home workout, because why not. My goal is to have wider back and shoulders by the end of spring. I just finished todays sets, 10 minutes before my Economic Psychology online class (which is going on right now), and now I'm just trying not to fall out of my chair. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to lift up my arms tomorrow, but that's fine, since it's going to be jogging/dog-walking day anyway, will see if I'll be able to move at all. Also, weather is crazy, the whole morning it was snowing where I live, which is pretty funny, since there was close to no snow this winter, and it was like 30 °C through the whole last week. Now it's like 1-2.
  15. Ingrid was pretty much my favourite character of 3H, until Cindered Shadows happened, so I would say choose her, but it really doesn't matter that much.
  16. I can hold back my tears while I'm watching kids movies with my sister. Like, I've seen both Tangled and Frozen like a million times with her, but I can't help but feel the tears well up in my eyes every time I watch either of the two. I mean, if it was the first time I see one of them, it would be okay for me to get emotional, because they are emotional movies, but I can recite both of them like almost word for word, so I don't really know. I found the sweet spot in the shower, when it's neither too cold, nor too hot to shower. I'm way more proud of this one than I have any right to be.
  17. I do have Netflix and Spotify (I mean, my family has, since it's cheaper that way). We also have MyTV, which I'm not sure if it even exists anywhere else in the world (at least not with the same channels as here), which is an online television subscription. It's cheaper than the alternatives, and since we use a chromecast, we can easily use smartphones or tablets to switch channels and stuff. I'm thinking of getting HBO Go just for His Dark Materials, but since I've used up my free month, I will probably just ask one of my friends to lend me their account. I had WoW Classic for about a month, but I didn't have enough time to play, and wasn't entirely satisfied with the game and Blizzard - not to mention the Hearthstone thingy. Almost the same with FFXIV, I paid for I guess about 2 months, after the trial expired, but once again, not enough time to actually play. While I was working in the States this summer, we've gotten university e-mail addresses (since we worked in a university's summer camp), so I was able to use that to get 6 months Amazon Prime for free, and honestly, I probably would use it even now, was it as good here in hungary, as it is over there. Sadly, we don't have 2 days shipping, or anything alike, so I got rid of it. I'm thinking of getting the book subscription thing on my Kindle, since it's around the same price as one book, and I read more than one book a month, so it would worth it I guess, but I have quite some I have to read before, to clear my backlog. As for FEH Pass, I probably won't buy it. I still think the turn startover thing should exist by default for everyone (even if only in GHBs), and the same goes for automatic start. The only thing that's really worth is the new character/skin thingy, and honestly, I was considering buying it, because I like Lyn, but since the other one is Cordelia this time, who I'm not so fond of, I will skip. Maybe when they will give us someone from Sacred Stones and/or SoV I will reconsider.
  18. I got two that I like to think back on - one is playing Rayman 2 for the very first time. It is still to this day my most favourite game, and I'm pretty sure nothing will ever top it. I remember all the suffering, when I didn't know what to do, and we didn't have internet at home, so I couldn't look things up, but even if we had, I didn't knew any english at all (I learned german at that time), so I had to call my dad or mom to help me figure out what I'm supposed to do. The other good memory must be the times we played Cossack - European Wars in multiplayer with my father and siblings. Playing til late at night (until my mom came and told us it's time to stop), it was something we used to do every once in a while.
  19. Hard question, there are quite a few I dislike or straight out hate - and the lead of the list HAS to be Nowi. Everything about her is just... wrong. Now, I'm not necessarily against lolis, as long as they are nothing more than a, you know, young girl. I don't actually hate Elise or Sakura that much, I technically also don't dislike Myrrh, but Nowi....... I just can't... Other than her, I never really was a fan of Camilla, but at some point I realized that she is actually kind of acceptable? Unlike Tharja or Manuela. I also don't like Edelgard. But there is one character in 3H that I just can't stand - Bernadetta... She is the most boring character in the entire game, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I'm also not a fan of Ignatz. Some other hated characters of mine are: Loki, Helbindi, Surtr, the enemy nightmare-fairies from book IV, Veronica, Bruno, Anna (almost every single Anna), Corrins, Hel, Rowan, Darios...
  20. None of the teachers did afaik, so I guess there is that for Jeritza? And these guys are students if I understood everything correctly, so I'm still 85% sure they gonna get one or maybe I'm just too hopeful because I love the timeskip design of almost everyone, and want the new guys to have one as well
  21. Given how they have S-supports, I'm like 85% sure they will have a timeskip design, I mean, it would make sense for them to have. I'm really looking forward to them as well.
  22. But then a whole lot of subgenres of fantasy loses it's meaning - low fantasy, urban fantasy... all of a sudden Murakami's books take place in a high fantasy setting, since it's no longer our world with a little added extra, but a whole new world. Same goes for Harry Potter (sorry I always use this as an example, but I'm more of an actual high-fantasy type of guy, and only know mostly the mainstream of this subgenre - that, and hungarian books, which I don't think ever recieved a translation so I don't really want to use them as an example here). I think it all comes down to how each and every one of us interprets the world of the given title. You can't say hi to Harry, even though he is supposed to live in the UK, same goes for Lucy from Narnia. In my interpretations the story takes place in the real world, but neither the characters, nor the events are necessarily real. For me the same goes for alternate history stories as well. I don't interpret them as a different world from ours. Then again, we might define "world" in itself differently, which leads us to different beliefs of whether low-fantasy stories happen in our world, or a different world entirely. I do get where you are coming from though, and it is also a perfectly plausible perception of this. It's just not what I grew up thinking, and 'dI rather believe that there is that tiny little bit of magic in our world as in these stories, that I have yet to find. 🙂
  23. According to wikipedia (I guess these count as spoilers, so please don't open it unless you are ok with it!) I'll take it with a pinch of salt for now, but february can't come soon enough. Yuri in cipher when?
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