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Everything posted by scorri

  1. Kagi to 9-17 "Come on then you fliers! I'll take you both on!"
  2. Sen's feet were starting to hurt. They had found the first batch of ingredients quite quickly, but were left looking for the few most crucial bits, the parts that would actually make the beam split and target multiple targets, with no success. She'd still been enjoying the trip, Gean was ever so delightful of a companion, but she was ready to be done shopping and put her feet up with a drink. Something with a fancy umbrella and strong enough to knock most people down was her goal. She was consulting the list she had made beforehand of available shops and grumbling at the lack of remaining options when Gean spoke up. Looking up, she considered before shaking her head with a laugh. "We must be truly desperate to try and find these parts in the back of a trailer in a parking lot rather than the official shops, but I suppose we have no options left. Well spotted, we have to try I think. Lead the way, Gean~" She slid out of the car, stretching to her full, unimpressive height, before pulling her list of parts back out. Just the few pieces left... They have to have them here, otherwise we're out of luck until we get back to Earth. Looking over at Gean, she smiled and nodded. "Right then!" As they made their way across the parking lot, she called out early enough that they hopefully wouldn't startle the man too much, "Helloooo~ We noticed you were getting a new load in and were hoping to find a few specialty parts. Any chance you might have some things in there that aren't in the main shops?"
  3. Cin to 19-18, elfire fist steel gauntlet Wyvern 4 Koba to 24-27 wind the thif
  4. "Ullr, dammit!" Cin growled as the wolf fell to a man who fought the same way that he and Ullr did. He shook his head, fire gathering on his fists as he stalked forward. "Right then. How about you try me on for size then, yeah? I'd say you were going to regret it, but I don't plan on letting you live long enough to have that option." He dashed in, flaming fists swinging. Cin to 26-18, fire fist iron knuckles the brawler "I-... R-right." Koba glanced behind, seeing Miria leave to go face the men behind them, while Ullr collapsed in front of him. He peaked around the corner, trying to assess the battle state, when his eyes landed on a chest up ahead. It could have useful things for the fight... Gold, weapons... I should go after it. Surely the Evokers couldn't hold that against me, yeah? He darted forward, but found his way barred by a bulky man with a huge gleaming axe. "R-right. Uhm. Might need some backup?" Koba to 25-20, aircalibur Fighter 7
  5. Sen raised an eyebrow, and stopped walking, tugging on Gean's hand. "I didn't mean for you to feel the need to defend your outfit. Let me be clear. I think you look lovely in that outfit, it absolutely suits you. I just wasn't expecting it." She paused and then grinned, pressing her body against Gean's arm as she leaned in to add, "Besides, it makes a good contrast for my outfit~ I like it, makes us look like a cute pair." Pulling back, she followed after Gean, enjoying the warmth of the other woman's hand as she easily agreed to drive. "Well, we aren't going nearly as far as the town just yet. Near the docking area there are usually all sorts of parts shops. They want them to be close in case of repairs needing to be done quickly. We can start with the official CEN ones, parts depots, that sort of thing." She pulled out a attack of papers, flipping through them as she considered. "We might need to hope that we get lucky for some of these parts though. The beam splitting and focusing mechanism especially... That might need to be a specialty shop visit. Hmm... For now just hit the first official looking shop you find nearby. It'll be a good of a place to start as any." "Mmm, yes, sir." Iskra just nodded along to Bonner's thoughts, not knowing what else to say. Record shops were all well and good but to leave the ship? Deal with the crushing effect a crowd could have on her? It wasn't worth the effort and risk. She had her collection of music, that was enough. It had to be enough. She couldn't just say that to him though. Not when he had taken the time to come talk to her. "Ah, perhaps... I will have to consider that, yes. Uhm. More music, could be nice." She looked down, knowing that he was concerned, appreciating it, but also not knowing how to handle it. "Thank you, for your words. And, uhm, time. I know that you probably had your own plans but. T-thank you." And sorry for making you need to waste your time like this. I'm so useless, can't even deal with my own problems... She glanced back up at him, wondering if there was more or if he was going to go. Maybe after he left, she could sneak off, try and find some food or do some training or... something.
  6. Luce wandered down the steps, smile bright after a lovely evening, showing no sign of any lack of sleep. "Morning all~ Ooo muffin, don't mind if I do!" Grabbing the muffin out of Mikhail's hand, Luce quickly made themself comfortable, lounging on one of the chairs as they grinned at the small group. "So then~ Do we leave today? Obviously we need to wait on the ladies no matter what, but I assume we will leave shortly after?" Luce glanced at the door, having heard enough of Eve and Nate's conversation to know that they had lost a party member, an unfortunate occurrence to be sure but at least everyone was still healthy. They took a bite of their stolen muffin as they considered the changes to the group and then mentally shrugged. They would survive. They had no other choice after all.
  7. Koba to 22-18, wind soldier 7 "Heeeeyyyyy really don't mean to worry everyone, but sounds like we've got even more company back behind us than expected. Probably a good idea for some people to go handle that, yeah?" Preferably some people who don't include me... Cin to 24-18, steel gauntlet Soldier 9 "Hmmph, they keep coming from this way too. Good fighting Ullr, but you should get those wounds looked at soon, ok? We've got to all keep our strength up as we keep moving. They won't make this easy on us."
  8. Cin to 23-15 Koba to 22-15 The two men were doing all they could just to keep up. After the initial flurry, the majority of their group had rushed ahead, leaving Cin and Koba trailing along behind. Koba glanced behind them as he turned the corner, catching sight of a few men carrying axes behind. "Look out at the rear. We've got a squad hoping to pincer. Shouldn't be enough to do too much damage with the size of our group but... Still. Look out."
  9. Sen relaxed against the wall outside of Gean's room as the woman changed, a thoughtful look on her face. As much as she had teased, she wasn't sure if they would have time for the bar. There were quite a few items on her shopping list and while most of them would be easy to get at the local military outpost, some of them would be harder. It would have been one thing if she was making a weapon for a HEX. There were enough places around here that worked on that sort of thing to make it easy. What she was looking for here was different. The focus for the beam splitting especially was her concern. Really that was something that should be custom made. Hopefully they would find something passable. Her musings were interrupted by Gean emerging, looking much more casual than she had when she's gone in to change, the outfit earning a grin from Sen. "Hmm hmm, you dress down nicely, Gunner. An unexpected look, but I'm not complaining." Her grin widened as Gean willingly held out her hand, joking intent obvious but not important. It was a good sign as far as Sen was concerned. It meant that she hadn't pushed too far in her games yet. Taking the offered hand, she headed off towards where she knew cars were waiting. "You'll be driving, yes? I can drive, but it's much nicer to relax while someone else does the work for once~ I'll give directions, so don't worry about that part." She smiled, giving Gean's hand a gentle squeeze. This was going to be fun. Iskra listened as Bonner talked, not interrupting even when he mentioned that he had been a part of a band once. It was about what she had expected to hear. Her powers were unknown but important, that she shouldn't feel good about killing someone, that she should want to be back home, not fighting. His final comment, about how there were many ways to walk this life didn't make sense, not really. Sure, she could still have music in her life, but it wasn't the same. Couldn't be the same. All music could be now was a temporary escape from the increasing pressure of other's emotions. I don't want to be here, but that doesn't matter. My ability to choose was taken from me as soon as I started sensing people's emotions. Even now, she could feel his emotions start to push against hers, her scattered brain unable to put up much of a fight. She knew none of this was making her look good. The silence between them stretched on as she struggled, trying to find the words to say while also trying to keep a grip on everything. Finally she spoke up, voice quiet. "Thank you for your words, sir. I know... I know what my job is here. And given everything that's happened today, I know we need everyone in top form. I... I will do my best to not let any of this stop me from giving that." She still couldn't meet his gaze, eyes drawn to the floor. "As, as for everything else... for finding a way to mix my old lifestyle with this one... Maybe." She tried to smile for him, but knew that the result was far from convincing. "Maybe you're right. I... probably have more important things to focus on first, thought. Maybe some day though... Maybe..."
  10. "Ha! Hahaha! Come on! Bring it on, all of you. I'll take you on, I'm not afraid!" Kagi grinned, a wild rush on their face as they charged forward, swinging recklessly at the draco rider in front of them, axe cleaving down into the man's neck. "WHO'S NEXT??" Kagi to 11-18, axe the draco rider
  11. "Checking up..." Iskra blushed, looking down at the floor as she turned away from Bonner, heading back into her room. People had noticed, is what this told her. Noticed that she had handled everything poorly, that she wasn't fit to be a pilot, that she was out of her depths. Sitting down on her bed, she gestured towards a spare seat in the room with a defeated look on her face. "You can come in. I'm, there won't be a good time. For this. For any of it. So. May as well." She pulled her knees up against her chest, staring down at the floor again, his emotions pushing against her brain, demanding to be heard. There wasn't anger or judgement, but it didn't matter. It was still all too much. Finally, she spoke. "I. I shouldn't be here. I was never meant... I wanted to do something with music. O-or film. Then one day I wake up and... I can hear everything. Every emotion from every person. Can't control it. Overwhelmed by it. Doesn't matter though. I'm too valuable to leave alone. S-so now I'm a pilot and I killed someone. Someone I don't know, don't know why we were fighting, just know that it was them or me and this time it was them. And now we're going up against another Newtype, one who can probably actually be in a room of five people without getting a migrane and... am I supposed to be able to help? How?" She finally managed to stop talking, still refusing to look at her superior. She shouldn't have said all of this to him, she knew that. She was supposed to be a soldier, not whine like this. It was too late though, she couldn't take it back. She just had to hope that this didn't backfire. "Hmmm... tempting~" Sen grinned at Gean, glad that she hadn't put up a fight and instead seemed quite willing to join her on her excursion. "On the one hand, it would be good for one of is to be in uniform, shows we mean business..." She had changed out of uniform as soon as they had been cleared to leave the ship, wearing a dress that fell just above the knees, with a sheer top and no sleeves, along with a pair of intricate sandals. It was more on the restrained side for her, but still allowed her to show off. "Buuuut on the other hand, I would like to see you in something a little more... you~ Plus if we have time, I'm going to drag you to a bar so... Casual it is~ Hope you don't mind me tagging along though. That way we can leave as soon as you're done changing." Sen smiled, giving Gean's hand another tug as she started for the door again. This was going to be fun. She would get to find parts to build her new weapon, all while being accompanied by a cute girl. What more could she ask for?
  12. Cin to 26-4, elfire Soldier 5 Koba to 25-3, aircalibur Soldier 5 Cin frowned as Ullr was attacked by a dangerous looking spear, the tip hooked and dangerous. Ullr thankfully seemed OK, but Cin didn't want to risk it. He moved around, quickly aiming and throwing a fireball at the soldier. Koba saw Cin's plan and quickly followed the man's attack with two quick blades of air, aiming for the man's vitals.
  13. Sen wandered through the halls of the ship, thumbing through a list of parts one last time as she made her way to the bridge. She had planned on just setting out on her own to get what she needed for this project, but the announcement about not leaving the ship without a partner had left her thinking. She could have easily asked one of the other engineers to come with her, but they were all busy with their own projects. Or at least she assumed so, she hadn't actually bothered to check once she had come up with an alternate idea. The doors to the bridge slid open in front of her and she strolled through, eyes darting about. There. Her target was still here thankfully, engrossed at her station, such that she didn't seem to notice Sen walking up behind her. "No no, this won't do at all~ You're here, staring at a screen while I have to go find all the parts for your new gun?" She reached down and grabbed Gean's hand and gave it a tug, a grin on her face. "I think not~ You're coming with me and helping me find everything. Maybe even buying me a drink if I have to go into too many shops. Come on now." Iskra sat on her bed, huddled in a pile of jacket and blankets, staring blankly at an empty TV screen. She'd intended on picking something to watch, maybe even inviting Miz or Louise over, but they were probably both busy. Besides, she wasn't exactly fit for company. Their emotions would have left her drowning again, especially combined with everything from the fight. She shuddered, slowly moving to pick up the remote when there was a chime, and a voice calling out. Who... Lieutenant Commander? I... I think that's him. What's he... It didn't matter why he was at her door, if it really was him, she had no choice but to answer. She slowly untangled herself from the pile, though the jacket stayed with her, and made her way over to the door. Sliding it open, she stared up at him, doing her best to appear normal. His emotions didn't seem to indicate any trouble, he seemed generally happy, but she couldn't help but worry. "A-ah, Lieutenant Commander. U-uhm, yes, I'm free. Did you need something? Sir?"
  14. Cin to 23-4 Kobba to 21-4 Things were already a mess when they stepped off the boat, evidence of a fight having happened recently everywhere. Given Roxanne's reaction, Cin had a sinking feeling that she knew the people who had attacked. He couldn't help her though, as the Tigers immediately ran into resistance, and she seemed to have others around her, so he turned his focus elsewhere, spotting Ullr running off on his own down the side corridor. "Tsk... Koba! Come on, we're backing up Ullr!" Cin set off after the wolf, catching up in time to see him quickly remove one of the enemy soldiers with a single punch, leaving Cin with no target, for now. "Good move. You've got backup, so let's keep moving forward." Koba had been hesitating, waiting at the back of the group after the sight of carnage had left him feeling queasy. Before he could start to think through his move, his name was called out to follow, as Cinaed moved out after Ullr. Grateful for the direction, he nodded, pulling out a tome as he chased after the other two. Just survive. That's your job. Survive.
  15. Cin was a bit off from most of the group, sat cross legged, with his hands on his knees, trying his best to center himself, to grab a hold of the emotions that were running rampant. This was going to be like the fight against the Underground. Dangerous, yes, but also infuriating. These people viewed him and most of the Tigers as less than, as if they were animals. Worse, even, as they likely took better care of animals than of Clouded or monsters. The same rage that had burned against the Underground was still there, deep in his chest, wanting to break free, to be in control. He had lost that battle against the Underground. If he was being honest, he had barely tried to fight the battle. He couldn't do that now. This was going to be a harder fight, a longer one too, and he couldn't let his anger control him, not when it led to him being reckless. He inhaled, counted slowly to ten, and then exhaled. I will control my emotions. Not the other way around. I need to. Opening his eyes, he looked up at the sky. There was a lot to do today. He needed to be reliable for his companions and that meant being in control. He could... He would do this. Koba sat up at the front of the ship, staring at the cave in front of them. This was it. He fiddled with the various items in his pocket, medicine, a few coins, a worn set of lockpicks, the few remaining pieces of his past life. The life he had left behind to come here instead. If he had known, when he had agreed to do this, to join the Tigers, would he have made the same decision if he had known that it would have led to this? If he had known that saying yes would result in him being part of the strike force aimed at taking the head of one of Islexia's Warlords, would he still have turned from his thieving days and joined? The answer left a aching pit of shame in his stomach, knowing that the answer was likely he would have pretended to say yes and then vanished in the middle of the night, especially given how close he had already come to that at points. Ren, and now Jesse, had kept him from that, but the truth was still there. He wanted to help the group, he knew that, but he also knew that compared to most of them, he was more likely to end up a liability rather than a boon. He clenched his fist, frustration building. How pathetic was he going to keep being? Everyone else was so ready, so prepared, and here he was, scared again. Will I ever not be scared though? I've been running my whole life. I'm tired. Maybe I just have to do this. Scared or not.
  16. Cin let out a sigh of relief, chuckling slightly as Lucretia admonished him for going so hard. "Sorry, sorry, I was trying something new out. I didn't quite expect it to work so--" He cut himself off as the focus of the training yard turned into a flurry of blows, Kise vs Jeremiah, with Kise seeming to be deadly serious. The outcome was sudden, as Jeremiah suddenly moved faster than Cin could keep up with, leaving Kise down and both of them seeming to be heavily wounded. Kise recovered quickly, flouncing off to her wolf, and leaving a concerned Renais behind. Lucretia had run off as well, to go check on Jeremiah, leaving Cin with Siorel. He looked down at her, smiling, though there was worry in his eyes. "Aw, well, it helps me to have such a good cheering section during my training. I think I'm probably done for now though. I will enjoy seeing Jeremiah fight against Sari and Aly though." "You... You're right. Have to contribute in my own way..." He sighed, not sure what his own way was. No, he did know, but he didn't know if the others would like it. He lapsed into silence, watching the matches, when suddenly the match between Kise and Jeremiah seemed to get deadly serious. He watched in awe as both fought at a level high above his, leaving him unable to follow most of the movements. Renais yelled out and left as soon as the match was over, as Koba just watched, stunned. To see them fight... Will I ever be able to even get close to that level? I... Such a gap...
  17. Iskra huddled in her chair, coat hood covering the fact that her hair was still wet after the too long shower that she had taken, though someone observant might notice a few wet strands hanging out. The shower had been long, too long, with too much time spent trying to scrub away the fact that she had killed someone today. She didn't have a face or a name, she had no way of knowing who they were, but it hadn't mattered. They had still been a real person who until only a short while ago had been alive. She couldn't talk to the other pilots about this, couldn't admit that she couldn't handle the one job that she had here, and so had broken down in the shower instead, as the panic and the anxiety won out. What even am I doing here? Stupid powers, stupid brain, I don't belong here. She finally managed to shove those feelings away for a moment at least, trying her best to focus on what she was being told. There were terrorists in high places here on Callisto and they had threatened the Dawn members. She glanced over at Louise, glad that she and the others had made it back safe. Her friend had made it back. Made it back and seemed almost... happy? Iskra frowned slightly, realizing that the turbulence of emotions that had been present since they met was... not gone, but calmed. Something about everything that had happened today seemed to have had a positive influence on her. At least someone is doing well. They were facing terrorists with a newtype and an alien, and who knew what else. They're going to expect... more of me. I'll need to be better. Ugh. I don't think I can be better, everything is just so overwhelming. I can't even control my powers, how can I... She shrunk further back into her seat, gathering her coat up tightly around herself, doing her best to not start panicking again. Everything was happening all at once and she just wasn't ready for it.
  18. Cin watched as Lucy approached, twirling her staff a little, making Cin realize just how different it was from a normal healing staff. Going to have to pay attention. That's going to be tricky. He knew that she had told him not to go easy on her, but at the same time, he couldn't quite bring himself to use his magic here. This was just a training match. Unlike with Jeremiah, the winner here didn't really matter. The goal was to practice, not win. Even as he said that though, he couldn't help remember what Jeremiah had said. He had to remember his speed. The benefit of using his fists was that he could usually get two swings in for an opponent's one, though at the downside of not having as powerful of a weapon boosting his strength. Starting to move forward, he began to wonder. Could I get an extra strike in there? Just one more... He moved in, swinging, two quick connections, but before he could land another, he found himself being struck a solid blow by Lucretia. It was surprising, just how heavy of a hit it was, if he was being honest. He hadn't expected her to swing quite that hard. He found himself falling into a pattern, as he swung and was countered, but he could feel himself starting to speed up. I can do this. Come on... Come on! He took another hit, but charged forward, letting one, two... Come oooon... There! He saw the opening and swung, forcing the rhythm of the fight to change, sneaking in an extra hit. He had it now. He quickly pushed the advantage, pushing through and repeating it, feeling the first, second, and then the third one landing, and ending the match as he sent Lucretia down. "Ha... ah... ahhhh..." He dropped to the ground too, winded as he looked down at his hands for a moment. It wasn't something he was always going to do, he knew that. It was about exploiting the moment where the fight allowed. When an enemy let their guard down, or when he managed to push through with an extra burst of speed, he would be able to slip it in. "Good... good fight. Ha. Gotta catch my breath. You've got a damn solid guard there. Felt like my hits were barely doing anything for a long time there. And you can heal. Impressive."
  19. "Hmm, well, it should be an interesting first excursion then! The mystery of the famous fighters of Akatsuki," Luce winked at Taka before continuing, "or the magic relics that we are ordered to find. Either option will be their own challenge, but I'm sure we can find a way to overcome it. I have no further questions, though I will let you all know that I will not be available tonight. I have stumbled into plans~ I will be ready tomorrow morning though, I swear it." They held a hand to their heart as they said that, grinning at Eve. They would have enjoyed spending more time getting to know the others of the group, but they had made a promise this afternoon and they planned to keep it. Luce wasn't going to hide the reason if Eve or one of the others asked, but they didn't see a need to announce their date to the group either. It should be enough to say they had plans after all. For now though, they continued eating. There was still time before the promised time, so they could enjoy a little bit more time with the group.
  20. "I know you're not a fighter, but I just want to make sure if the worst happens, you can protect yourself..." Cin sighed, gently giving Siorel a pat on her back and nodding. "I won't push, I know, I know. I just worry." He smiled at her before looking over at Lucretia. "Hmm, sounds good to me. It's what we're here for after all, training for the big battle." It felt a little weird, fighting a healer, but Siorel was correct. The staff at her side wasn't a normal one. She clearly was confident in her abilities too, to be willing to step up to the plate, so he wasn't going to insult her by refusing. Besides, Jeremiah would probably tell me that I need to be ready to fight full force against any enemy. Leaving a healer up just means they can keep their fighters up and going, leaving my allies in danger. He grinned at her, moving out back to the main area of the training field, rather than bunched up by the other Tigers, and held his fists up. "Right then, I'm ready when you are." "Huh? O-oh, yeah, ok." Koba frowned as Jesse suddenly left him, heading off towards the strange dragon from before. He didn't know why that left him feeling disappointed, but he was. Must just be because I lost. Got too confident after my fight with Tanya and then she showed me how things really are. Yeah. He hesitated, considering following her for a second, before shaking his head and walking over to the side of the training field. He settled down, sitting on the ground as he stared up at the sky. Mmm, I really am a weak link with this group, aren't I? He looked out at the others, all so strong and experienced, holding up against Jeremiah, as he sat here, having been put flat on his back after two swings from Jesse. I want to help. I do. I just also don't want to hold them back... He summoned a small blade of wind, twirling it around his hand as he stared at it. He needed to improve, and quickly. His musings were interrupted by the unexpected warmth of healing magic and he jumped slightly, before looking up at Renais. "Wh-oh, uh, yeah. I'm doing fine. Lost a fight to Jesse, but that's nothing unexpected, ha. It will be interesting to see this fight. All of his fights so far have been good to watch. He clearly is so far ahead of any of us Tigers, but he can still train us so well. We're lucky to have him on our side."
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