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Everything posted by Rose482

  1. It doesn't seem like he's going to be playable, right? Which sucks :/ he seems interesting.
  2. Oh boy....you did NOT just bring my daughter into this. Okay, get ready for a long rant about how Meg deserves the world: While I respect your opinion, I still can't help but feel like you don't maybe truly fully understand Meg's character. Now to most people she's very simple character, which she is, I'm not going to argue that she's a complex one. But becasue she's a simple character/person, I do feel like people feel like they know everything that could be said about her, which isn't usually the case. Let's start with her introduction. It's true being a new character in FE10 isn't easy with the lack of supports, but I disagree with the says that she has it the worst, becasue unlike some other characters that were introduced in FE10, she actually had connections to characters from FE9, which gives her just that little more depth than characters like Laura, Aran, and Fiona, and such on. And we could see these connections play part in when she does run into her father on the battlefield. I will talk more about this later though, oh and a random fun fact: Nephenee WON'T attack Meg if you tried to make her do so. This is a very nice little touch, and it's nice becasue Nephenee is from the same village as Meg, so they most likely know each other. And the fact IS added such a small thing to the game gives Meg more depth than some of the original FE10 cast that I mentioned. Now as for the whole Zihark thing, it was the reason Meg left her country. Now no matter how you try thinking about this, her travelling all the way to Daein just to meet a guy she never met before is nothing short of stupid. And yet, somehow, she made it. In this act, we sorta see just how much of a strong will Meg has, but it also shows us that she's a bit dense. And that really is the way I think most people would describe her personality, and....they aren't wrong. Meg herself is a simple person, and she probably wouldn't stand out personalty wise in a series such as this who has tons of characters. However it's part 3 Meg that I want to talk about. Now you might ask yourself, okay....what did Meg do in part 3? Did she even get any screen time? And the answer would be...no, she didn't. But that doesn't mean she didn't do anything in that part, which is what I want to talk about. After part 3 starts, some characters which you've used in part 1 and 2 will join you on Ike's side of things, and you would THINK Meg would be one of them considering her father is fighting on that side, right? But surprisingly, she doesn't join you, but instead she stays on Daein's side. And funny enough, she isn't even one of the characters that you could make switch sides (those characters being Jill and Zihark) Now someone could argue she only stayed on Daein's side of things becasue of Zihark, but even if Zihark were to switch sides, Meg would still stay on Daein and would refuse to switch sides as well. I'm pretty sure she has a battle dialogue with her father and Zihark about this, in which she refuses to betray Micaiah, which goes to show just....what a sweetie she is. The reason she left her country in the first place was telling her to switch sides, and yet she refused and stayed loyal, even though it would had made much more sense for her to just run to her father's side. And in her ending, we see that....she finds the love of her life and starts a happy family. It wasn't Zihark, it was someone else, and I think that ending shows us just how Meg has grown as a person through the war, and that she no longer is somewhat obsessed with Zihark. As someone who HATES FE10's endings, Meg's ending has to be one of my favorites hand down becasue it shows you that she no longer is the silly girl she was at the very start of the game. I'm sure I'm reading much more into this than I should, but yeah....Meg is an angel, and I would take a bullet for her.
  3. I'm not sure if this really counts or not, but here goes: Fire Emblem is better than Final Fantasy, which is a very overrated series if you ask me.
  4. Seeing Lysithea 2nd on the girls side out of all people.... And I'm happy Bern is right behind her, although I feel bad for my girl Eirika who would be winning right now if not for the FE16 bias.
  5. Not going to lie....seeing Marth get screwed over again is honestly funny at this point.
  6. This is so well written <3 I can't imagine how much time it took, good thing you had some help. I'm so proud Eirikangel is my first lord. I love bragging about it to people who had different first lords : P
  7. Voting for Eirika as well. Homegirl needs all the support she can get right now with all the FE16 recent bias being in the air.
  8. Wasn't that Yuri? I believe it was him who was talking in the trailer.
  9. I loveeeeee their deigns.... And I'm sorta upset that it seems like they won't really play much of a part in the main story :/ I mean, I know it makes sense, but I can't help but wish this was a whole new route or something, which I know some people won't be for....but yeah I would have prefered a whole new route over whatever we're getting right now. But still, can't wait for next month.
  10. I just want to know what they look like already!
  11. I would prefer we get a new game over a remake personally, but if it's going to be a remake, I hope it will be one for FE4. However if we are getting a new game, I would be interested to see how they handle things: Will we get multiple lords again? Or just a single one? Will there be multiple routes as well? Where would the setting be? And a lot more questions of course, but I don't want to make the list too long. Personally I can say I'm 90% sure if we were to get a new original game, it for sure will have an avatar in it. Now the question would be, will that avatar co-star with another lord? I personally would like that more than just having a single avatar as the solo lord of the whole game. I'm sorta tried of multiple routes by this point, or at least I hope we take a break from it after Three Houses. However for some reason I feel like IS would have too much pride to go back to making a single route in a game actually. Oh and I'm sure S supports would be back, however I do question how they will handle it. And I guess this is a bit of a minor hope of mine, but I hope the avatar won't be silent again >.> I didn't really mind that too much in FE16, but I do think if we got another silent avatar, that would make Byleth lose what makes them so special. But now that fully voice acting has became a thing, I can see them making the avatar silent again just to save some effort actually.
  12. She's around for longer than just two levels, but I guess that's not the point here. People can like a character for all kinds of reasons. How good the character is as a unit isn't something that everyone cares about, or at least I sure don't. I hardly find myself not using a character I like becasue they're a "bad" unit. And I know if I just played by using only the "good" units, I would be using the same characters every single time I replay the game, which isn't fun. Also her story is very tragic, which as you would guess, plays part in her getting fans, which she deserves if you ask me.
  13. Yeah, and their battle dialogue is very easy to miss, which is a shame becasue I find it very interesting.
  14. I believe Dimitri mentioned that she was very kind to him, so I don't think she hated him. But maybe she didn't love him enough to just forget about her daughter Edelgard. I don't think she was one of the Slitherers. If she was, we would have ran into her at some point in the game, right? I feel like the fact we didn't proves she wasn't one of them. Edit: I just thought of something, I'm not sure if this was ever mentioned in Dimitri's route or not, but could Patricia be the reason why he survived the tragedy of Duscur? Maybe she asked them to spare Dimitri?
  15. Cherche. I don't even know why, but I love her so much.....
  16. I hope they don't change the setting TOO much. I think one of the things which I love the most about FE is it's setting. I love the medieval dark fantasy theme a lot, and I would be upset if it were to change to something else. Not that I wouldn't given something new a chance though of course.
  17. Yes, it's true. I was all for Edelgard before playing the game, but I later found out she doesn't know how to read the script of the game, which was the breaking point for me. As if From what I'VE gathered, most people who dislike her only do so becasue they wish she tried to look for other options before starting a war, or something along those lines.
  18. I'm not sure who, but I remember someone making a post saying how the world Edelgard wanted to create was something which was going to happen given time anyway, and I feel like there is some truth to that. With how many people got hurt by the crest system, it would make those people not want to force their children to go through the same thing if they have the power to stop it, right? And with Byleth becoming the head of the church, that would only make things more simple. I'm sure it's not as easy as I'm making it sound to be, but I honestly won't see the push to keep a system which is hurting a lot of people to stay if enough people wanted it gone. You know I find it a bit funny. Past female lords are considered to be a bit too trusting, which gets them in trouble. But I would say with Edelgard, it's the opposite. Had she been more trusting with others, I do believe things wouldn't have needed to be taken as far as they did. Now this is just my opinion, but I disagree with the saying that had she tried to ask for help or support (or whatever you want to call it) that things would have went worst for her.
  19. This pay2pet marketing strategy is just too evil.... But anyway, I'm really excited <3 I hope Jeritza won't be exclusive for the BE route only to be honest, or at least I hope they would let us recruit him in the BL route. lmao, same.
  20. Yeah I'm glad you brought this up. It always makes me a bit confused when I see anyone brings up how unfair it is that some people are a lot more ready to forgive Dimitri, but not Edelgard. But you really can't compare the two as their actions differ a lot. And like you said, Dimitri does actually get called out on it and the game does acknowledge that how he's acting is wrong. But on the other hand (And I'm talking about in her route here) the game never really tries to paint Edelgard as someone who has done wrong for starting a war, or just how horrific a war could be. The fact they just sorta glossed over it in my opinion is why people would be more likely to forgive Dimitri and dislike Edelgard.
  21. Lowkey everyone in the Blue Lions house needs a hug for one reason or another.
  22. Um, maybe the fact it would be a mess to make a remake of? Like even if you ignored how incest plays a bit too much of a big role in the story for games these days, having a game with only 12 big maps might be something which IS isn't interested in doing again? Or at least they surely never went that route in any other mainline game. I think just taking one look at how the format of the newer games work when it comes to chapters would make you see the problem here. I just don't see how you would be able to go on side missions and stuff like that with how FE4 works. And also a game taking cues from another game doesn't mean anything becasue it happens all the time.
  23. Either a new original game or a FE6 remake. I know a lot of people want it, but I can see IS just never remaking FE4.
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