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  1. Well, they do not work for me. I'm using Dolphin 5.0 and a NTSC-U copy, but i don't know where to check the version. Anyhow, since I cannot find any codes that work, can someone help me figure out how to find the memory offset for characters, items and skills in my system? My best guess is finding the current XP adress for a single character by scanning for the current value (I'm guessing 8-bit data sizes) and adding 1 xp ingame and scan again, rinse and repeat until I find an adress, generate the AR code and compare that to the listed adress code for the XP cheat for that character. That should give me the character offset, right? The adress I find for Mica's XP is 0x003c8f7f so the offset I get is 02886D8F - 003C8F7F = 024BDE10. The problem is this offset does not work for any other character code, and i don't even know where to start to figure the item or skill offset
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