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Mercenary on the Winds

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Everything posted by Mercenary on the Winds

  1. Alouette looked over as Lorelei arrived from where ever had been, garnering a bit of a sigh of relief from Alouette. Then the wayward princess informed her that, she too, had also known about the situation. While she was by far the best option to escort the princess through Crecia, and the festival, this information added a new dimension as to why she was asked above anyone else. The pout from earlier returned, before the red haired mage shook her head, "Yes, I do. Still, it... would have been nice to know before this so I could have made my mind up." Alouette took one of the rolls, and followed after the healer's lead--Mikhail was his name from recollection--and buttered it slightly. She needed something before the food actually arrived. "Your assistance was probably the only reason that more of them didn't get inside, so it was both necessary and appreciated. And, I'm fine, a little tired, but there's very little I can do about that aside from resting now." Alouette then clued into Ichika's conversation with Eve; Ichika reverted to some formality calling her "Lady," and mentioned that she too could sense the magic of the Regalia because her family was responsible for impressive magic weapons. Alouette nodded, "That's a good thing to know... I stated before but... I do have some issue with my magic at times, so having someone else who may be able to pick up on magic should something happen to me is an excellent safety to have." Alouette's eyes drifted over the establishment, taking in the familiar sights, and memories, knowing that should whatever the attackers had planned went correctly, she might not have been able to see again. "As both a representative as Phantasma, and a woman of my station, I'll be sure to do what I can to help." Eve and Lorelei were the only people who needed to know what that really meant; a Celti couldn't just turn away from something like this, especially now that Isolde had been directly involved. Or at least it seemed like it had been. Then there was the fellow that Eve mentioned, and who had brought Lorelei and the others with him. A tall, blonde man with a very defined physique; at a glance, it felt like he would have been more boisterous, but from the wave and his short introduction, he seemed more reserved. Perhaps that was more because of the running around that he mentioned. Though, all three of the men around had been rather lax, Mikhail almost too spacey to place, almost entirely on his own wavelength, Miles almost completely disinterested until his liege was either the topic, or present, and now Nathan. In truth, it was kind of calming, she'd expected things to go as they usually did, though perhaps the fact that Lorelei was with her was dampening things--it usually did to some degree. Alouette turned, and nodded her head at Nathan, "Thank you for making sure that Princess Lorelei returned safety, sir." She did her best to downplay what she could, but she had loosened her harness prior since combat was over.
  2. "Anything, hmm? Then I suppose you can do just about the same for Versaris, right?" Jeremiah relaxed the hand on his sword, sure to make sure that both were sheathed just in case the rest weren't as calm. "He mentioned to me that you all were attacked yesterday morning, and judging by Alvira, and Kise, you came to reclaim those two, and wipe this scum off the face of the continent. I only wish I had gotten here sooner to involve myself in the fray more. Though... I have to say if there is something the Underground was capable of doing that kept the Evokers--from what I know of them--from being able to assist you here, that's rather troubling." If I were to wager a guess, it's probably going to have something to do with Mercuria. Or who they believe to be Mercuria. I can't be sure that they're correct, only that they're all on the same page. "However, that's talk for another time; words meant for decent people likely should not be said in the den of demons, and you're correct that I would like to speak with them myself. As to the specifics of your mission. Versaris mentioned that you're in search of a missing envoy. If that's the case, I need to be aware of it." Jeremiah crossed his arms, "I was aware of an envoy leaving from Glacies around the time that Lufiria closed the trade route, but given that I'm away, messages have had a difficult time reaching me. Or so I thought, intelligence branches have been targeted all across Hecatia, and with everything happening, keeping me abreast of all the information has proven... difficult. If the envoy hasn't arrived at this point then I have a duty to assist in what capacity I'm able to, though... given that they should have arrived almost a month ago at this point, doesn't give me confidence that the person you're searching for is alive any longer." The Islexians catching a Glacian envoy, while they had Lufirian surveillance is unfathomable. No, something else is going on here. Tch... If not for the fact that intelligence branches were being targeted, and this mission was sent without my knowledge... there's much to look into when I return. While they all spoke, a lone woman slipped up from the catacombs below, a pure weapon clutched so tightly that their knuckles turned pale. Yet, she moved with such purpose as to not be seen. She needed to get the proper angle. It didn't matter what happened afterwards; she just needed to kill the one with dreads. She had been too slow, and as she peered up from down below, she watched as the dark skinned clouded cleaved him in twain. Not even the staff she'd given him survived the savage blow. Every part of her wanted to rush out and strike, but her allies were too vigilant. Now though, many of them were off believing that everything was over, and the woman herself was hardly paying much attention--too busy with someone who cared for her. It wouldn't be long. The next applicable moment, she'd take the woman's life, and then have something to gift to the man she loved when they reached where ever the next life was--if there was one for people like them. It didn't really matter to her much anymore, she'd figure it out when she got there.
  3. Eve's tone shifted as she started addressing her again; it was clear that Eve did not take well to the, admittedly, spurrious accusation. But it was a sore spot into a sore spot; the last thing Alouette wanted was to be someone else's tool again. Eve helped her run from that life, and she certainly wasn't going to go back. That thought didn't last long as Eve also revealed a magical artifact that was... similar to the princess's eye, or at least similar to the magical signature that she'd felt. "...We're searching for the Heroic Regalia?" Alouette blinked, she'd heard of the artifacts, but the fact that any of them had been stolen--as well as the fact that Eve apparently had one--was remarkably troubling. Not so much that Eve had one; maybe that was magic that she had surrounding her when she arrived. Alouette lessened the grip on her arms, "Hmph... I am a woman of my word, and I promised that I would repay my debt. I... sensed this type of magic before, so it seems to make sense to ask me to help as I can." She shuffled for a moment, before sighing, "I'm sorry if my words hit a point of contention, I'm just not interested in being used again. I've had enough of that." Alouette huffed, and quickly turned to the waiter that Ichika had flagged down. She ordered quickly, not even having opened her menu. She'd feel better after food, or at least not as tired. Food was good at that.
  4. "Helm, move the dawn closer to the worker machines, if the remaining tanks continue to pursue we'll be in range for covering fire. Tristan, be ready at a moment's notice for evasive action; the Dawn is sturdy, but I'm not interested in figure out how Tank cannons fare against our armor." Or causing myself any issues because of it, this is already a lot. Just remain calm, Sia, this is nothing beyond what you've actually done. You're just in the commander's seat. "Gunnery officer," Sia realized in the middle of the command that she hadn't taken the woman's name down; so much had been happening that she wasn't entirely sure of all of the names on the bridge. She was darker skinned woman, hair in dreads, and looked younger than even herself, "Please prepare the defensive guns, and place the main cannon on standby. We'll need the range to protect ourselves, and the fleeing machines." Finally, she strode her way over to the seat that hadn't been there during the simulation; Tristan's request had finished just in time. She took her seat at the tactical display, half remembering why it was here to begin with. An embarrassing thought, but there was no time to be embarrassed; it was time to put it through its paces. A gentle wave of her hand as the display came alive. "To the fleeing machines, we'll cover your escape. Please continue to move as you are." The Dawn moves to 15, 11!
  5. Luce was the first to respond to her and Ichika's concerns--it really seemed like Luce knew about all of this to start. They were a special consultant of some sort, and in theory, it made sense about her information gathering; very few people were going to suspect a performer of much more than being a performer. A small pout formed on her face as she started getting the hint that they were teasing her, first going on about Eve potentially keeping tabs on her, and then offering to protect her from Eve. "...I assure you that if that was the case, I wouldn't need protecting from it. I'm capable of handling myself in most circumstances." She huffed, and then her thoughts drifted back to the armored man they fought, or well, who had been the enemy's commander, and had exploded in a shower of light. More and more, it seemed like Luce was the only person who could have been the cause; it wasn't her, and Eve was in view--unless one of the civilians got to him, it had to have been the feline. Alouette's focus intensified as Eve spoke up, and explained that things with Garmr, and Lohengrin were starting to take a turn for the worse. It appeared to be bad enough that even Lorelei seemed to know of what was happening. "So, if I'm to understand this correctly... we're a security force of sorts? Since most of the countries that would be supplying aid aren't militaristically inclined, such a push would leave them exposed. Then..." Eve's mention that she likely knew one of the benefactors meant that it was one of two people, either her sister, and thus her family, or the more likely one, Kat Baroque. Lastly, the conversation took a more focused turn on her. "...I was chosen for a reason? For my magic?" The mention of the church using her ability, and for reasons that she wasn't being made aware caused Alouette to hold her arms tight in front of her. "...I'm... I'm not agreeing to anything else without knowing why my ability to sense magic in particular is important here. You, you might not see my magic, or me as a tool, but... you said it yourself, you're acting as an arm of the church, and will be expected to act in accordance." The confidence and calm on Alouette's face was replaced with one of concern and uncertainty. She'd only really gotten free of being viewed as a tool, and the last thing she wanted was to be viewed that way again.
  6. Sia's request went unanswered for a long time; long enough that by the time that Reed found the frequency, she'd already begun thinking of what to do in the worst case scenario. Autonomous units weren't uncommon, and especially not for Avyndor and their wealth, but this number of units as well as their armaments... Her mind was already made up, but it certainly raised questions as to what was really going on right now. In an uncertain situation, certain actions were to be taken, and the protection of life rose above all else. In an instant, it seemed like Kazue agreed, electing not to wait for orders, and moving in to disable the attackers, "All forces! My call has not changed! Protect the escaping worker units! AHI machines are autonomously controlled, and we can't expect our requests for a ceasefire to be met at this point. That means our only way of understanding what's happening here is if those machines are kept intact. If it's a mistake in the end, it's one that we'll rectify at a future point; lives are at stake in the moment. Advance and provide cover!"
  7. "Did you believe that there was going to be an objection?" Jeremiah looked at Aegean with a raised brow, "There are certainly things that I have to ask you, and with rather deal with between family. So that was to be a given, Gean. Especially now that I've learned that you did deal with Luci, and not in a manner that I'd heard about." Jeremiah's eyes fell on Kise, his questions being joined with apprehension at the Kitsune's... almost detached nature from the reality of the situation. His eyes following her as she scanned him, then his eyebrow raised again, "...So the White Reaper really was here? Turned tail and ran again... He really doesn't want to speak with me again." He sighed, "If Aegean, and your company is safe because of that, then I've done my job." That would be another thing to add to the pile of growing questions. Her mention of Luci being taken hostage, and her... glee at the situation was one part concerning, and another part upsetting, but Aegean deserved some trust so he left it alone as he followed after his niece. Aegean led the way back to the the feline woman from before, confirming Jeremiah's first thought, and seeing that Alvira's steel and fire from before had rekindled somewhat, but it was clear to him that this night, and what had come before had taken its toll on her. "I wouldn't say that, Lucretia. Keeping you along would place you in more danger than I'm comfortable with. I'm not comfortable with placing civilians--even ones as competent as you've proven to be--in harm's way during my missions, and this continues to get more and more twisted." Jeremiah walked up standing a distance from Natalya, and Alvira, "I'm glad to see that you've found some solace, Miss Hozt." Jeremiah's green eyes turned to Natalya, "Seeing as Aegean has brought me back to you, I assume that you're the head of the Iron Tigers, Natalya Liberia? My name is Jeremiah Noire, Head of Lufirian Intelligence, Royal Advisor to Lufiria, and one of the Celestial Knights. I was to catch up with your unit, but I didn't quite realize it would be atop the bodies of the underground. There are questions that I need to ask of you, and several members of your unit. Alvira also directed me to you, and... to the Evokers of Glacies, mentioning some of the specifics of your mission. I need to ascertain the truth of what she's saying... as this would be a problem for Lufiria as well."
  8. Sia clicked her tongue as Alrenne rattled off the words she wanted to hear the least in this moment, 'Active Combat.' "Excellent call, XO. If we're flying right into harm's way, it's best to be ready. Yet, so close to the city... Something about this is not pleasant." Rebels, infighting? Both are possible, and neither are appealing... The only way to know for sure to move in. "Everyone, please be on high alert. If combat is ahead, and we are drawn into it, we will act in accordance with our mission. Every single one of us needs to be ready. Look at the person next to you, and then behind you. They will be counting on your assistance, and giving you theirs; don't let them down." As they arrived on scene, the course of the conflict was clear, and one sided; worker machines flying no distinguishing remarks were fleeing the thunderous fire from the Avyndor Security forces. Kazue moved ahead and asked her for orders--which side they were to assist in this conflict. "...We assist the unaffiliated escaping forces. Those are worker machines, and hardly equipped for combat, but at a glance, those Avyndor machines are not loaded for suppression, they're loaded for genuine combat." Sia turned to her communications officer, "Patch us through to those you can." Sia took a deep breath as she waited a moment, weighing her words. Remember Selensia, when you are a commander, the first thing you must understand is that you don't know, and can't know everything. You are but the base of a spearhead, without you the operation falls apart, but it is spearhead that you are part of that drives the mission forward. You have to give commands knowing that there is a risk of not knowing what comes next. A good commander both makes accurate, quick decisions with limited information, and knows how to adjust when the situation changes. You are excellent at both of those things, which is why I gave you that recommendation. You just need to follow through. "This is Captain Selensia Silverwind of the CEN Celestial Navy. I am requesting an immediate end to hostilities, and an explanation as to the conflict. We have been sent to investigate what is occurring here on Callisto as a peacekeeping force. I am unaware as to what is happening at the moment, but I can see that even in the case of Avyndor taking security measures, that current actions are excessive in nature. If necessary, we'll mediate the situation, but I first must speak with whoever is leading your forces." The Dawn moves to 19, 8!
  9. Alouette blinked, "...That would have to mean that you knew that every single one of us was going to be here for the event." Though from the sounds of it, it seemed like Mikhail and Miles were both going to end up a part of this no matter what, but she and Ichika seemed to just... happen. Alouette kept the promise from before in the back of her head, but the last way she expected it to return was like this. Alouette leaned into her hand, "...I don't mind repaying my debt in ways like this, but... I would like to know why the church is suddenly short handed, and what, if anything, you know about who those people were. It may just be a guess, but it feels like this fight was related to why they suddenly need extra people." Alouette fixed the flower in her hair, "I am a woman of my word, and the church was responsible for... allowing me to escape, so I have every obligation to listen to the request." Maybe this would be a good step to proving my parents wrong... Even if my circuits are faulty, I'm every bit as capable as the others.
  10. Alriana appeared bothered by him changing direction, and fired a parting shot. Jeremiah chuckled at it, and at the same time, felt a bit relieved. She certainly had more sentience than many of the other creations that he had encountered, and certainly more than the ones that he had felled. "Yes, we will, Versaris. There are a number of things that we still have to discuss, but that can wait." Aegean's response to his arrival brought a half smile to his lips, "You and your father addressed me in the same way, I suppose it's a calling card at this point." Jeremiah tilted his head for a moment as Gean introduced Kise and Renais just as Kise had, confirming that they were all together. Jeremiah looked at Kise for a moment before shrugging, "I have to admit, I considered that you might have been playing with me, Kise, but color me surprised. I suppose I should never doubt a Levion." Jeremiah quickly zeroed in on Aegean's cracking voice--it was a reunion with someone that could be here to take her back to Lufiria certainly--but more importantly was that she mentioned that this was the "second" time. "Second time? ...Are you talking about Lucille? You and your group did encounter her earlier, right?" Jeremiah's smile had taken on a more neutral look, he still had to speak with their commander to gauge where they fell. "I'll have to speak to your commander about that, and figure out what, if anything, you learned. Surely, you picked up that something was wrong, yes?" Jeremiah sighed, and then turned back to the central area of the compound, "If you want to talk about that, then let's go find your commander, I still have to introduce myself and explain why I'm here. If not, we can continue to chat for a little." His smile returned, "It's good to see that you're alright, Gean." Off below, there was a pair of eyes watching the group talk, a pure weapon gripped in trembling hands. Their eyes laser focused on the woman with dreads. She killed him. She killed him... I won't let her get away... I just have to wait... Wait... I won't let you get away with this damned monsters...
  11. Jeremiah went to respond, but more company arrived. Such information couldn't end up on their ears, "I can only hope it remains that way. You seem serious about what you're saying, so we'll worry about that later." Jeremiah looked at Alriana once more, "I was not clear enough. You, specifically, may not be directly involved in what I speak of, but that is what you were created for. I will apologize for the assumption, but not anything else. We'll continue this later." Just remain focused on what matters now... Clearly what you know and what you've seen isn't going to sway him, so either trust him, or deal with her now. You know what you'll choose, so just move on. If she does turn, then you'll have to do what you always have, whether or not his feelings remain. Renais really had changed in the month since they'd last spoken. Her attire, and demeanor were almost entirely different, "So your priorities have changed, that's--" Jeremiah's head tilted as he watched a Kitsune glomp Renais from behind, her hair was snow white, and she had five tails. Two less than Tamarinne... What's a Kitsune of this degree doing here? Even she seemed to know who he was, and was shockingly friendly, then it became clear why, "Partner? ...You know Aegean?" Jeremiah looked between the pair, before looking to the mermaid staring into the storm. She'd grown tall, much like Mahalia and her father were, her dreadlocks were longer, and she simply didn't look much like the small girl that he remembered from ten years ago. The shining necklace around her neck, and the look on her face, however, painted her to be the exact same Aegean from back then. He looked at her before a gentle smile crept across his face, "Even ten years on, you still carry your mother's stare, Aegean. Nothing to say?"
  12. Jeremiah's eyes only left Alriana for slight moments, but from how Versaris was acting, what he was saying, perhaps it was unwarranted. Perhaps. "So it was a request from Iseria, then. I ask because I wasn't made aware of your mission at any point. I admit that I was out in the field, and finding me is a difficult task, but you managed to reach me rather easily, and you're still a novice compared to other operatives. The missing envoy is certainly a massive concern; I was aware that Glacies would be sending an envoy given all that's happened, and long expected them to have arrived by now. But if you were tasked to deal with this, they haven't, and that's a major concern. Glacies is known to have a number of routes through Islexia that those in charged have failed to track down, but perhaps that's changed..." Jeremiah sighed, even completing a mission found him in the center of another one. Jeremiah shook his head, "They must have been one of their leaders... the Underground isn't particularly known for mages of a caliber to do this to you. There are a handful though... The White Reaper comes to mind, if he weren't so capable of fleeing, he'd have been gutted many times over already." The name of the healer brought a faint smile to his face, but Versaris's next sentence saw the smile lessen. "...Girlfriend? In love with?" Jeremiah paused for a moment, trying to figure how best to lead into this one. "...You couldn't possibly be aware of things. Yet," Jeremiah looked into Versaris's eyes for a long moment, the longest moment his eyes left Alriana, "I can't look into your eyes and not see a man more convinced of his words. I need you to understand, Versaris, you are looking at a being that was created to kill people like you and I. Has killed people like you and I, and I don't mean intelligence, simply Lufirians, civilians, elderly, children, irrelevant." His eyes returned to Alriana, a dispassionate, but chilling glare in his eyes, "...Your speech pattern changed. Yes, I am aware of Grelbiria, and no, I would not be informing you of anything regarding her. Something tells me you would not share my objective in finding her." Jeremiah then sighed, a hand to his forehead, "...Somehow I know you're telling the truth about him buying you too many things." That might be yet another thing we share in common... Her name had been mentioned, and he'd seen her out of the corner of his eye, but she'd finally decided to speak up. Jeremiah turned to face her, "I see that things have changed quite a bit for you, Miss Silvavolke. I remember speaking with a guarded woman who almost didn't spare me a moment of her time, but now you're the one initiating. I do believe you already know the answer to that question: I did say that your sister was somewhere in Islexia last I'd heard, and you've been here longer than I have. Have you found her?"
  13. Jeremiah flinched a moment as Versaris turned, and let out a phrase he hadn't heard it much too long, but also came from a person he perhaps hadn't really expected it from. It's had been a little bit since seeing his student, and somehow--despite the evidence of serious damage, and exhaustion--he seemed to be more at peace, freer as evidenced by the slip. There would be enough time to worry about that, Jeremiah's eyes firmly locked onto Alriana, "So then I assume that the surges of magic that I kept feeling were from whoever did this to you? It does seem like you've overdone things." Then his green eyes turned to Versaris, "Introduce me? To her? I'm afraid that's not really necessary; I'm well aware of the creations, much more than you can possibly know. Which is why I wonder why she is here." The tone of Versaris's voice regarding the creation was genuine, and to his surprise, it spoke with him echoing Versaris's slip of the tongue. If nothing else, this was one of the higher functioning ones. Jeremiah shook his head, "No, I'm not Versaris's father, not by blood anyway. I'm his teacher, and his boss. Though, I suppose with my method of teaching, and Certificus's disposition, I would seem much more like Versaris's father." His eyes narrowed as Versaris moved the conversation forward, "Well, I already spoke with the Hozt child. You were correct in your assessment on that front, and if my ring and necklace are any indication... I imagine that Aegean is nearby as well. Though, two things have risen to the forefront and I believe those should be dealt with first... My earlier question, and... Versaris, who handed you this mission?"
  14. "Yes, we should move on, Lucretia, I--" Jeremiah paused as he was suddenly approached, and turned to Tanya with a raised eyebrow, "A Maldoche? Here? That'll be an interesting explanation. As for why I'm here, I just explained--I was supposed to arrive to speak with Versaris about several things, and I was here to deal with the Underground for their involvement in attacks on operatives, amongst other things." Though, finally, speaking with Tanya gave Jeremiah the answer that he was searching for, "Other side, you said? Then that's where I need to be. Thank you for that, Miss Maldoche, we'll talk later." On his way up the stairs, Jeremiah turned once more to Miredy, "Oh, right, Miss Miredy. Is Jane alright?" The small child in Miredy's warm grasp squirmed a bit as she heard her name. She'd covered her ears when the battle started to pick up. From the first attack by the swordsmen, and Miredy's almost nonchalant response, for the first time in a long while, she felt safe. She turned her head to look at Jeremiah, before clinging back to Miredy. A quick and quiet nod signaled her well being. Jeremiah sighed, and then smiled, "If I could entrust you to watch over her for a while longer, Miredy. I have business to attend to." Jeremiah made his way into the main building, and amidst the bodies, and the carnage, there was Alvira, embracing a taller tiger. A touching sight knowing where the dragon had been what felt like moments ago; fighting for her life against her captors. Breaking up their moment seemed callous, so Jeremiah looked onwards to see what he could find. His necklace, and ring were both shimmering now, further confirming that someone with an item that could resonate with them was also present; which could have only meant one thing. However, before that could occur, Jeremiah caught something out of the corner of his eye. It was Versaris, but he was in the grasp of something that couldn't have possibly been here, shouldn't have been here. He slipped over quietly, hand still grasping the hilt of his white blade, "...I know not how or why one of you is here, but I suggest you release Versaris in this instant before it is done for you."
  15. Jeremiah turned to Lucretia, tilting his head every so slight as the... staff wielding person... reformed. "...I'd have an answer for you if I had one for myself. Unfortunately, that's not a monster that I've encountered before." Then someone approached him, Jeremiah's eyes narrowed for a moment, because he knew what he was feeling from the woman, but she was speaking to him. A revenant shouldn't have been able to do that, much less be this far away from the sands. "My reasoning for being here was to deal with the underground, personally, however, it seems like my mission here happened to bring me to my other objective as well. My name is Jeremiah Noire, and I am the head of Lufirian Intelligence, Royal Advisor to Queen Hildagarde of Lufiria, and a Celestial Knight. That objective would be to find Versaris, and inquire about his mission, as well as several other tasks."
  16. With the defeat of the final thieves, the compound finally fell quiet, save for the heavy breathes of those who had come out on top. The Caravan realizing that no one would be making it to them turned tail and ran as fast as they possibly could; there was no reason to hold out hope, and risk their lives. Jeremiah moved to the end of the dock, and clicked his tongue, "Bastards. They may have left empty handed, but the fact that they still have hands is infuriating." He sighed, and then turned to the group, his green jacket flowing behind him, "I have to hand it to you all; you've handled this rather well. I have to assume that you're the Iron Tigers, or at least, associated with Alvira, yes? If that is the case, then I would like to speak with your commander. It would behoove us all to at least all meet up; I am assuming that you have other members further inside as well."
  17. Given that the map is effectively over, the players have elected to speed through the remaining turns. Cin, Lani, and Ullr all take one kill of the Priest, and two Thieves at the top. Also acquiring all of their items (Angelic Robe, Instructors' Manual, Barrier, and Pegasus Feather). All three of the above reach their respective next level! Cin to level 11: 35 26 22 83 29 17 50 95 +HP, Str, Mag, Spd, Lck! Lani to level 11: 32 67 33 14 1 61 60 92 +HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def! Ullr to level 10: 37 37 63 69 30 25 23 7 +HP, Str, Spd, Def, Res! Syndra will take both kills on the bottom two thieves. Syndra reaches level 8! 23 53 38 14 32 48 80 3 +HP, Mag, Skl, Spd, Res! Lucretia heals Ren for 16 getting her back up to full HP! Lucy gains 18 EXP and +3 staff EXP! Ren then heals Miria for 15! Ren gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP And Syta heals Lani for 1! Syta gains 6 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP! The Top Right Chest contains a Nosferatu Tome! MAP CLEARED! Ren is the lowest level dedicated healer, so she will take after action healing EXP! Heals Aegean for 2! Heals Alvira for 15! Heals Renais for 2! Heals Miria for 11! Heals Aly for 1! Heals Nyx for 15! Heals Syndra for 15! Heals Cinead for 8! Heals Ullr for 15 (Halved to 7 lmao) Heals Versaris for 15! Heals Syta for 15! Heals Marigold for 1! Heals Kise for 16! Ren gains +26 Staff EXP, and gains 131 EXP total! Ren reaches Level 9, and C rank staves! 2 42 3 15 91 4 92 40 +HP, Mag, Skl, Lck!
  18. ENEMY PHASE TURN 9! With their commanders gone, and their numbers thinning, the remaining underground members were little more than chickens with their heads cut off. What remained had only one hope: find some way to reach the caravan that should be waiting for them outside. That was their only hope now. The priest looked around, seeing their escape cutoff from every direction, and threw his staff to the ground, and raised his hands. Death was always on the cards, but at least in this case, he could go out on his own terms. There was no way he was slipping by this group, and there was a marginally higher chance of them letting him free. He had to take it. Priest 4 appears to surrender! The looters had other idea, trying to skirt around, and hoping that their evasive maneuvers would be enough to get them through this. PLAYER PHASE TURN 10! (You have this turn and next for Mastery, so we can basically call it cleared at this point)
  19. Miria engages Shaman 5 with the flaming Wind Edge! [74, 24] The first blade hits the shaman for 15 damage! Shaman 5 counters with a new dark spell! [3, 1] The darkness pulled at Miria, but unless of trying to crush her, it began to cause her armor to slowly lose its sheen, and start to crack. Miria pulled herself away, knowing that if that continued, she'd be finished in an instant. 24 damage! Miria's Defense and Res have both been lowered by -2 for two turns! Miria finishes knowing that she can't let that spell happen again! [67, 26] Miria launches another blade of wind to finish the man off! 15 damage! Shaman 5 felled! Miria gains 30 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! Nyx opens her chest, and finds a Secret Book inside! Syndra opens her chest, and finds a Wyvern Band inside! Aegean silences Priest 3! [90, 5] Priest 3 wasn't ever on the map, we don't have any proof that he was here. Aegean sent it all to another realm. Critical! 84 damage! Aegean gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! Aegean reaches level 9! 5 54 86 41 37 10 20 61 +HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def Tanya finishes the job against Cav 6! [16, 52] One more quick thrust, and Cav 6 was finished. 20 damage! Cav 6 felled! Tanya gains 38 EXP, and +2 Lance EXP! Renais uses Staff Technician and heals Gean! Renais heals Gean for 18 HP! Renais gains 19 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! Syta heals Miredy for 5 HP! Syta gains 7 EXP, and +2 Weapon EXP! Miredy rushes forward, and coils Myrm 1! Snake's Embrace activates, +3 Mt and +15 hit! [49, 75] Miredy squeezes tight, and then looses a bolt of lightning, gripping the man tighter, until she was sure that the man had fallen unconscious! 24 damage! Myrm 1 is felled! Miredy gains 26 EXP, and +2 Thunder EXP! Lucy heals Ren(?) for 20 HP! Lucy gains 20 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! Lucretia reaches level 9! 15 7 3 73 25 25 50 63 +HP, Str, Mag, Def! Marigold ties a message to her poleaxe and swings it at Cav 5! [28, 53] Marigold made sure that her message came through loud and clear, by taking the rider, horse, and also a good bit of the stairs with her swing. 35 damage! Cav 5 is extremely felled! Marigold gains 30 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! Cinead goes to slap Monk 2! [87, 50], [46, 24] Cinead first backhands the monk, but before the man could fall to the ground, Cinead grabbed the scruff of the man's neck, and slapped him to the other side--out of their way--instead. 36 damage! Monk 2 felled! Cin gains 22 EXP, and +3 brawling EXP! Lani swings on Mage 5! [35, 36] Do I need to recount what happens here? Thunk. He died! 26 damage! Mage 5 felled! Lani gains 26 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! Aly vents her anger on thief 3! [68, 3] Aly threw her dagger so hard, that the dagger carried the thief to the wall, and pinned her there. There was no illusion as to whether they were still alive or not, but there they hung. Critical! 69 damage! Aly gains 18 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! Jeremiah moved onto the pad where a group of clouded, and humans seemed to be finishing their cleanup of the Underground. There were some minor injuries, but there looked to be plenty of healers about. He was more than content to let them continue their work, there would likely be more to do further inside. Jeremiah to 4, 25!
  20. Walking through the streets of the city, fortunately untouched by the conflict, was both relieving and nostalgic at the same time. They stopped in at the "Tree of Life," hopefully they didn't have anyone on staff that would recognize her immediately, but she knew that she stood out rather glaringly. They reached a table that was almost... perfectly setup for all of them, exact number of seats and menus, and it sounded like they had the entire restaurant to themselves. That thought in the back of Alouette's head grew louder at all of the coincidences, but that could wait until they sat down. Alouette adjusted her harness a little, before plopping herself down in one of the chairs, leaning back with a sigh, "As I said before... This is not how I expected to see you again, Miss Hart. However... I can't help but notice that things have been a bit... too streamlined. The fact that it sounded... like you were expecting all of us, that this restaurant was already set for us; you couldn't have done that in the rush... were you prepared for our arrival? Or is that just me... being both a bit spent, and on guard?"
  21. ENEMY PHASE TURN 8! Cyro was reeling from Alriana's attack, but after a moment, he welled up his strength. This battle wasn't over yet. Not yet! Cyro switches to Arcthunder and engages Versaris at range! [10, 84] [73] Cyro's magic flared, and with one well placed lightning bolt, Versaris was blasted backwards, no ambiguity on whether or not the man remained conscious as he hit the ground with a loud thud. 34 damage! Versaris is downed! "See!? Worthless material yet to be salvaged! I'll put all of you in your rightful place!" "What the fuck?!" The man exclaimed as the Kitsune literally vanished from his grasp. Cyro was getting tag teamed by two of the attackers, and two of the others dealt with their support handily. He grimaced, and then, Cyro fought back, electrifying the area with a powerful blast that silenced the taunting swordsman. He had to follow that up, he charged past the priest, and into the open channel, fighting Aegean open, "You'll have to do..." Hero attacks Aegean! [80, 78] The man's blade fell perfectly, the woman was finished, there was nothing more that he would have to do--except when his blade connected, there was a flash of light from the necklace around her neck. He felt his blade have more resistance against the clouded, and when he finished, he could tell that it wasn't over... Aegean's Bond Necklace activates! Lessening damage from 22 to 17! Monk 2 carries on the fight against Cinead! [30, 98] Monk 2 adds his light to the flames around Cinead, dealing 13 damage! Mage 5 aims to follow up at close range! [72, 66] But even at point blank range, his wild bolt does not find the very large target! Miss! Cinead tilts his head, and punches anyway! [54, 41] Cinead slaps the shit out of Mage 5, but he's still standing! 17 damage! Cinead gains 8 EXP, and +1 brawling EXP! Myrm 1 engages Ren! [82, 20], and [41, 14] The man approached, and unlike the others, his sword was quick, fast, and deadly. The first slice was clean, almost cleaner than he'd expected or intended, and the 2nd... the cleric seemed to... melt away? "...What the hell??" The man staggered back as he expected the cleric to die, not to... start turning into a pile of goo? Pink-ish goo? 28 damage! Ren is downed! Cav 6 engages Tanya! [5, 96] The man's silver lance, punched right through Tanya's guard dealing 7 damage! Tanya counters! [86, 17], [38, 17] Tanya's first attack is narrowly dodged, but a quick followup achieved what the first could not! 20 damage! Tanya gains 14 EXP, and +1 Lance EXP! Cav 5 throws a Javelin at Miria! [86, 72] The javelin fell short, must not have been holding it correctly, or something. Miss! Miria counters [38, 19], [74, 14] Miria's flame empowered gusts both connected, but the rider was barely able to hang on! 26 damage! Miria gains 8 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! In the midst of the struggle, footsteps appeared from elsewhere. Luthier returned into the room from which he left, to see Cyro blast the elf to the ground, and one of their men nearly deal with the mermaid from earlier. "Cyro! It is... time for us to go now. Come!" "What!? But I'm, winning! We'll kill them all and take back what's ours!" Cyro caught himself, he'd never talked back to Luthier before. Perhaps the adrenaline from his fight with whoever this elf was had sent him over the edge. "Grrrr... Fine, fine! We're leaving! Landon, with me!" Luthier raised an eyebrow, "Ha. Perhaps... there's more inside of you... But we can deal with that later. Is he, Landon then? Yes, I think you too can be salvaged. We cut our losses for now... if he's here, then there is nothing that can be done. We've lost ground here, but it can be reclaimed in the future." "Wha-- Sir?" "Rejoice, Landon. Cyro thinks well of your work, and so, we will all live today..." Luthier shot the group a look, but didn't say anything more, before all three of them together vanished from sight. Luthier, Cyro, and the Hero, now named Landon, have all retreated from the map!
  22. Ren heals Tanya for 10 HP, and Lucretia heals Lani for 25 with her Mend staff! Ren gains 10 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP, while Lucretia gains 23 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! Tasha engages Fighter 6 with a roar! [57], [81, 32] Tasha's first strike carves into the man like any ol axe might have! 23 damage! Fighter 6 counters! [99, 100] Fighter 6 swung as hard as he could out of genuine fear. Unfortunately, fear does not guarantee hits, and thus, his attack falls harmlessly wide. Tasha doesn't even question it. [53], [81, 17] She crams the monster carver into the man's mouth with her strike, silencing him one and for all! 23 damage! Fighter 6 felled! Tasha gains 22 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP! Lead by Example+ activates! Aegean practically warps in front of Soldier 4. [72, 26] There's really nothing more to say about all of these criticals man. He died, gruesomely, her axe bisected him, idk, it hurt alright? Critical! 87 damage! Aegean gained 30 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! "Seems like things are done down here... Time to move forward." Jeremiah chuckled at Miredy's almost blasé reaction to Alvira's explosion of emotions. She was an odd one. Jeremiah to 6, 21! "Ghhahh! Grrrhhh... You, damn... Worthless... You're nothing! Nothing at all! You've never been more than goods, and I'll prove it!" Cyro charged a bolt of lightning, but Versaris was deft enough to get out of the way, and force him open. "F... Fuck... No, you can't possibly... Did Luthier truly run and leave us here, to...?" Out of the corner of his eye, but loud and clear, came the voice of Alriana, and a shimmering object racing towards him! [3, 25] Cyro didn't have the time to move, as his body was wrenched backwards by the thrown dagger, almost as if it were aided by the voice of its thrower. The blade embedded itself as just it had against his leader. Critical! 39 damage! Cyro's first bar is broken! Alriana gains 100 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! Aly reaches level 12! 25 21 78 36 20 5 42 8 +HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, and Res
  23. Renais rescues Mikoto using the Rescue staff! Renais gains 40 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! Renais reaches level 10! 25 30 13 2 8 31 32 13 (Christ Renais, what the fuck) +HP, Mag, Skl, Speed, Luck, Res Marigold swings into Krauser! [29, 76] Her axe connects again, for 14 damage! Krauser barely pays her any mind, focused on Lani, but he swings wildly at her attack! [76, 7] Marigold was able to slink back into the shadows to avoid the mindless attack! Miss! Marigold gains 20 EXP, and +1 Axe EXP! Syta's Distorted Invocation fades, and halves her stats, but she still finds the energy to heal Lani for 9 HP! Syta gains 10 EXP, and +2 Weapon EXP! Alvira engages Shaman 4! [45, 39] Alvira strikes hard with her ice block for 19 damage! -1 HP Shaman 4 counters! [75, 28] The darkness squeezes and tries to crush Alvira dealing 11 damage! Mercurial Curse activates! Alvira finishes! [33, 36] Alvira pushes through the darkness, and slams one more block of ice into the man, rendering him unconscious! 19 damage! Shaman 4 felled! Alvira gains 30 EXP! Sari engages Cyro! [22, 98] Sari's first strike lands well, dealing 16 damage! Cyro counters! [88, 23] The man's magic surge, but Versaris's swift movements up close allow him to dodge! Miss! Sari finishes! [52, 46] Sari's second slash nearly knocks down Cyro, but the man remains standing! Versaris gains 25 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! Versaris reaches level 13 61 48 68 35 71 97 28 30 +Skl, Spd, Def, Res! Ullr goes to punch fighter 8! [63, 83], [13, 29] Ullr brushes the man's Monster Carver aside, and rockets two punches one into the man's stomach, the other a jaw breaking uppercut, that left the man limp. 36 damage! Fighter 8 felled! Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP! Miria engages Cav 4, but not before activating Afterburner! +3 to attack, for three turns! [72, 4] Miria combined her gust of wind with a burst of flame, sending it right at Cavalier 4. When vision cleared, it wasn't clear if there had been a man atop that horse a moment ago. Critical! 42 damage! Cav 4 felled! Miria gains 26 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! Lani continues her assault on Krauser! [84, 23] Her greatsword connects again, leaving a brutal gash on the man's body, but he refuses to stay down! 11 damage! Krauser counters! [4, 83] His chakram slams into Lani, this time nearly taking her off balance! 17 damage! Lani gains 16 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP! Cin lets his fist flare, as he charges in on the opening left by Lani's strike! [96, 47], [67, 23] Cin's fists flared, and he swung with all of his might, all of his fury. The first staggered the massive man, and then Cin punched as hard as he could center mass. It was only then that Krauser's eyes left Lani, staring at the man who started shouting at him, the flames growing higher and higher. He lurched again, and then, Krauser pushed Cinead aside, and rushed for Lani, except, his steps were slow, sluggish, his body wasn't responding in the way he knew it could. Eyes grew heavy, all feeling became lost in his legs, only momentum carrying him forward, in a last desperate attempt, Krauser swung at Cinead, and then at Lani, except... neither were close, neither punch had any force. Instead, Krauser hit the ground. "I... lose... but I feared... nothing... lost nothi--" His words trailed away before he could finish anything. Krauser felled! Cinead gains 81 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP! Cinead reaches level 10! 80 35 6 43 25 73 87 98 +Hp, Str, Mag, Spd! Tanya engages Cav 3! Tanya can neither miss nor crit, so no numbers will be rolled for her! 21 damage! Cav 3 tries to strike back! [29, 93] The blade of wind connects, dealing 9 damage! Tanya finishes, dealing 21 damage! Cav 3 felled! Tanya gains 38 EXP, and +3 Lance EXP! Tanya reaches level 7! 32 5 29 98 2 58 29 96 +HP, Str, Spd, Def!
  24. ENEMY PHASE TURN 7! Cyro balked at the woman's threat. "Your girlbeast is parts for weapons and armor! I'm afraid for you my wounds have healed, and I won't make the same mistake twice-- try me and I shall make sure that you don't get back up, feline." The man holding Kise could only blink at the Kitsune shifted from crazed, to... crazed in a different sort of fashion as a pink haired woman appeared to shout at them along with an axe wielding clouded. The sub-commander was engaged in barbs with the gun-touting feline, "Tch. I'm moving on ahead, sub-commander. Be well. I imagine that the Commander won't be too far behind. We'll get out of this yet." The man took a wad of cloth, and nearly punched it into Kise's yapping jaws, "And you can shut up!" "You're going to regret what you're about to do once they get a tome in my hHhnghnrrhgh!!" "A beautiful sound. You two, slow them down!" I will enjoy extracting your essence the most when this is all over, petulant child. Elsewhere in the compound, a group of wagons, and riders were slowly arriving. "Come on! Where the hell is the caravan?! They needed to be here yesterday; these beasts are proving more difficult than was expected. Tell everyone to gather what they can, and that we're getting the hell out of here! Clear the pad for the prisoners! Then we move!" The sword wielding man turned to the riders who were just now arriving, "There you fucking are. You all can join me in clearing our path; we're to grab what we can, and then flee, this place is a lost cause. However, that doesn't mean we can't gut more of the half-breeds for attempting! With me!" Krauser took Lani's blows, almost grinning the whole time. He felt the pain, but these strikes felt proper, right. This was an opponent he could fight. Not one that he needed to fear like Luthier or Cyro. The feline stood to his attack, and then called for him come again. Krauser grinned, "You're... strong. A challenge... I will win, I will crush you... You made... him do this... But... I don't care anymore... I want to fight, I want to crush..." Krauser looked at Lani with a manic look in his eyes, "I want to kill you." Krauser began to charge forward, when he felt healing light radiate across his body. Krauser turned, "No! This battle! THIS PREY IS MINE! MINE ALONE!" The behemoth turned, and slammed the healer away, and in the same motion charged for Lani, "I will have no regrets!" Krauser throws an Steel Chakram! [15, 95] He throws the Chakram, and it connects again nearly breaking Lani's guard! 16 damage! Lani grits her teeth, and strikes back! [78, 29], [91, 11] Lani's first strike unbalanced, the man, and with a floor breaking stomp, she pulled her greatsword back around with the chain, and launched the man with every bit of power that she could muster, halting him in his tracks. Slowly, the man rose to his feet again, "You... are mine..." Critical! Combined for 52 damage! First HP bar broken! Lani gains 81 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! Lani reaches level 10! 45 8 43 78 70 30 62 79 +HP, Str, Def! Fighter 6 throws a Hand Axe at Versaris! Does he know? I don't think he does. 0 chance to hit! Cav 4 engages Ren with his Javelin! [71, 76] The Javelin pierces the cleric's body for 13 damage! PLAYER PHASE TURN 8! Update: Enemy's Caravan has arrived! Some Enemies will prioritize fleeing towards the Caravan!
  25. Nyx engages Archer 2! [82, 78] Her arrow nails the man through the cracks in the wall for 21 damage! Archer 2 notches a counter! [16, 92] Archer 2's arrow connects, nearly knocking Nyx off her feet! 11 damage! Nyx finishes the combat! [40, 76] The second arrow finishes the job, taking the air out of the man's body! 21 damage! Archer 2 felled! Nyx gains 30 EXP, and +3 Bow EXP! Lucretia heals Miria using her Mend staff, and heals 14 HP! Lucretia gains 17 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! Versaris slaps a Mage! He died. [34, 87] He dead. 28 damage! Mage 6 felled! Versaris gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! Syta? Heals Lani for all of her missing HP (19 HP) Syta gains 15 EXP, and +2 Weapon EXP! In the dark of the night, Syndra attacks Archer 6 with Flux! [84, 78] The dark magic, clutches at the archer, but he hangs on! 17 damage! Archer 6 returns the favor! [67, 68] The man fires an arrow, and for a moment it seems like it was going to crash into the wall, but ricochets just enough that it manages to connect! 17 damage! Syndra finishes! [10, 1] [48] Syndra found herself infuriated by the luck of the archer, and reached for greater power within herself. The sphere of gravity crushing the man, leaving what was supposed to be a man, but was something rather unrecognizable. Critical! 51 damage! Archer 6 felled! Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +3 Dark EXP! Renais calls for all of her magic to get Aly back up! Renais uses her Mend, and her healing bonus to perfectly heal Aly to full! (36 HP!) Renais gains 28 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! Ullr throws a Chakram at Bow Armor 2! [84, 13] Ullr only needed the one; it clattered into the man, causing him to stagger, and then eventually, collapse from the repeated beating. 13 damage! Bow Armor 2 felled! Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP! Alvira engages Fighter 7 with hatred, and malice, and also regular Ice! For this fight, Alvira gains crit boost! +15 Crit! [59, 5] Alvira conjures ice, and with all of her being, she launches the ice into the man, flinging him into the wall, and she simply carried the ice, and continued to push, growing the block into a large chunk, and simply... crushing the man until he was no more. Critical. 72 damage! Fighter 7 deleted! Alvira gains 34 EXP! Alvira reaches level 9! 33 76 38 4 22 7 63 3 +HP, Mag, Skl, Spd, Luck, Res! Ferid walked up, slowly, and downsmashed the door, removing it off its hinges without much difficulty. Jeremiah moves to 7, 16 and switches to the Astranagant. "I gave you a chance to run. Instead you try to attack a woman harboring a child. I should have simply followed through." Jeremiah turned over his shoulder as he heard Alvira's roars of fury, and the brutal smashing of ice. Jeremiah drew the white blade, "You're lucky that it's me handling you, and not her." [38, 11], [20] Astra Activates, and Critical! A series of strikes fell instantly on the man, almost blowing him backwards, not that he knew what had happened, nor could he. 84 damage! Myrm 2 felled!
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