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Re: The weirdo.

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Everything posted by Re: The weirdo.

  1. What's this status thing even for this is a forum not facebook

  2. oh shit you right. and yeah i'm pretty sure that sandwich thing is true, my old history teacher said that, and he was pretty reliable.
  3. Genealogy CH5's music MAKES the tone, but i'd have to say that its In the name of bern, From FE6, because, well, for one, it really sets the tone for a good boss battle, and also, Listen to this from 5 minutes in, and Fe6 just becomes way fucking cooler because of it
  4. Huh. uh... I like the name Princip for some reason, even while i am aware of the guy who effectively started the second world war who had it as his last name. (Gavrilo Princip) Caroline sounds nice too, and can be shortened to Carol for christmas jokes and such.
  5. As in, team B style fates, what with rampant fanservice and atrocious story, with endless and (personally) obnoxious waifu pandering. They might well stick with pair up, they don't seem to have infinite durability weapons fortunately, hell, they might even split the package up, and what we've seen is only the "prologue". I don't mean to be a pessimist, just a personal reality check, since fates sold, and with heroes borrowing many fates-isms, with VERY waifu-y characters, gimmicky dialogue, and "mixed" map design, from what I've played of it, and both games receiving massive reception from many crowds, especially a more casual market, there is a very valid reason for IS to stick to a sort of fates-y design in three houses, and there isn't really a whole lot of reason to not, either, if they were to improve upon the game play. Those are my thoughts, and i don't hate fates or anything, on the contrary, I'm hugely enjoying my current lunatic conquest run, I'd just rather three houses were something different from it. Anything else... no, thats basically all I have to say.
  6. i'd like to if i got the chance, but unfortunately, i've never been cold-called. :(
  7. at the moment, you should probably be focusing on the gameplay, not ludo-narrative dissonance. the brigands are boring to fight, they should be made more interesting. this chapter, i think the steel axe brigand by the south bridge should have a droppable hand axe. this would make him a bit harder to take down, and would provide a nice reward. some other enemies should have hand axes too, but don't go overboard. maybe 2 or 3 overall for this map. gonna play a bit more later
  8. got it i'll find my clean of that then Edit; first impressions of chapter 1 IMMEDIATELY the custom portraits make the game so much better, so props for that, even if storch-mc-not-a-lord looks a pretty janky, but solid work on the portraits overall, they look fairly good, if clearly spliced for some. The writing seems decent, though the lifestyles given of the people in the opening exposition dump seems a little arbitrary, and arckady seems like some kind of neo-anarchist, (lol) "when the rich collect taxes, they're made lords, but when the poor do it, we're thieves!" also, holy shit the rich girl village dialogue, thats great. now, onto the map of chapter 1 overall, i'd like to say its decent, with the one wide corridors being widened, but my main issue is that all the villages are too spread out, and its seems unrealistic to get them all within the time frame alotted (as in before the halberdier escape incentive) which is kinda annoying. i would prefer if there were fewer villages, and they were more on the beaten path, that and the enemy reinforcements aren't really telegraphed, are my main issues with the map, but otherwise its not a bad start, like i would have said the original version of this map was. i'd give this chapter a pass, but still needs some fine tuning on the design front CHAPTER 2 okay, so the map concept is interesting, what with racing to take out the brigands before they reach the caravans, but it becomes very easy with the torch, but kind of unfair without it, as this fog of war map doesn't really allow you to take time to figure out your surroundings, because the enemy is already on you and you have no space to be creative or tactical, you just send the commie down southwest with the archer, dude, have the thief, not-a-lord, and baby mage rush the bridge, and use the flier, who now has a really cool and unique personal skill, so props for that, and send her wherever she's needed, because this map just doesn't have ANY checks for her, so its a bit easy. also, the enemies are really frail so most skills feel pointless at this point since you can just kill them before they threaten you, but still, its fine so far. nothing grievous yet oh, and the convo at the end of ch2 is broken portraitwise for some reason so check that out if you can. this chapter is a little too easy, and maybe even a bit boring, but its not ruinous, maybe reduce the number of enemies, make 'em a little tougher? i dunno, thats what seems like it would be fun to me. oh and @Lowen have a look i did some reviews
  9. dropbox doesn't like me very much, it just says "the folder 'vision quest...' does not exist" have you uploaded it properly or am i just screwed? @Lowen
  10. I guess its worth my time to check this out again isn't it? gonna give it a go at some point and will trickle feedback edit; @Lowen shit the downloads busted what do
  11. Steel katana- Steel pole Silver shuriken- Faster than Chakram- he looked Dual katana- Dual wielding Dual shuriken- is a pitfall someone make this a thing please that would be godlike
  12. holy shit your gonna get bored of this, but props anyway! I really like snivys design, he's just so smug I love it.
  13. I'd appreciate maybe a "retro mode" where the animations are done between HD sprites as opposed to models, as GBA animations just look gorgeous, though thats certainly a pipe dream
  14. lol no he doesn't fall off, especially on normal. He doesn't need to be replaced by anyone, there are enough slots for all 3, since they're all good units, with heath perhaps competing the most thanks to duff-ish bases
  15. So if you know fire emblem, you'll know that people like to argue about who's good, and who's not. And then they put them on spots on a power ranking to directly compare how good they are with other units. And most of them suck for some reason. I noticed this because I was bored and wanted to see what people though of one of my favourite units in conquest, Beruka, so I looked up "fire emblem conquest tier list, and most of them have some REAL problems. No-one can agree whether or not Charlotte is A- or F tier, and Beruka has NO consensus whatsoever from what I've seen, even on her standalone viability, let alone her spot on a tier list. Personally I'd argue that she's pretty good, maybe A- tier, but its annoying seeing how disparate all the different takes are on units, and how so many of them fall into "quote-unquote" pitfalls. Hell, some people even think that bloody XANDER is bad, because he's too slow(which is a genuine flaw, but my issue is that that flaw is so easily accounted for with both of the speedwings having his name on them, alongside the fact that he has such amazing stats in general and a mount). But then if the tier list is fine, then the comments below it are usually atrocious messes of fallacious arguments and simple contrarians, with (outside of serenes anyways) a lack of scientific argumentation, such that opinions are set aside for the time, and being a bit of a robot, this REALLY ticks me off sometimes. Even then, I think that tier lists are a flawed concept, since realistically, you don't get to "switch characters" like in a fighting game, you invest into a unit, and whether or not they turn out being useful is completely relative to how smart you are with mechanics, meaning that if you use X, you likely won't use Y, and if so, does Y become worse? or are they just as viable for investment as X? Its too subjective to directly compare units like saying "Beruka up, (X counterpoint)" "No because (Y countercounterpoint)" because it all depends on so many different factors, and of course I know about efficiency, but even then, there is a huge amount of disagreement within efficiency alone. Like what would you rate Effie? She's such a weird unit, she starts out with high bulk, strength, but low move and speed, but if you early promote her (GK not Gen) She's immortal in ch10, but that master seal could be used later and for a different unit, and you'd have more cash for forges, or weapons, or SO many things, and of course, the result of effie is that she's really strong, early, and invaluable in that, but the way we got here is so grey and messy that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to say that "effie is naturally good and deserves a good tiering" because there are so many different factors that make her good, and flaws that she damn well has to account for. I'm definitely rambling, but I'd like to say that people should still assign some kind of usefulness that can be attributed to that unit, but its annoying nonetheless to see such a subjective, arbitrary value, be compared directly as if it were even feasible with all the important and small factors that come in to create that unit. God this is pretentious, have a nice day, and use Beruka next Run, she's strong.
  16. just say the dumbest thing you can think of cause i'm bored.
  17. i feel mature, and i'm <18 years old, but that doesn't mean i feel like i'm completely done with growing up. to phrase it better, i feel like i could take on the world already, but i think there's still way more room for me to grow as a person, like i think of most people, rather judgementally. its ass'o'clock for me, jesus. i'm a mess.
  18. there's a lot for me that distinguishes a friend from an acquaintance, there's the thing with being completely comfortable saying the most wack things in front of them, like OP mentions, but there's other things too. for me a friend is a person i can comfortably talk about otherwise mundane interests with, such as just nerding out over video games, or what music i like, without the conversation feeling stilted, being able to flagrantly make fun of them for the sake of comedy without feeling like a complete dick afterwards, and just being able to laugh it off, and most importantly for me, being willing to listen to me bitching about something pointless when i get neurotic, because that helps getting me back up out of a slump a lot. i mean, all that considered, those are large qualifiers, but i do tend to consider people friends after just a conversations or 2 really, but i suppose that might just be the naivete of youth, as OP mentions. holy shit i need to sleep
  19. ? what are you doing then looking at something that you define as clickbait? i genuinely was in such an awful mood as i wrote this post, so there's no dishonesty there.
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