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  1. I'm trying to get an AI set up where they don't attack an NPC that is heavily guarded. He's Merlinus as a civilian map sprite that you have to reach and talk to to end the chapter. I'm trying to get the don't attack target AI to work but they keep running at him first. The AI helpers in event assembler show: #define DoNotAttack_firstTarget 0x07 #define defineFirstTarget(characterID) "PUSH; ORG 0xB979E8; WORD characterID; POP" So in my code I have: Opening_event: defineFirstTarget(0x28) // Merlinus Is there a specific place I need to put this so that it works better? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So I figured it out. Letting it play through for a while, they actually do not attack Merlinus, they just pursue him. So they run after him, and right up next to him, but don't attack. Very interesting, just thought I'd share.
  2. Hi, noob hacker here way late to the party. I have a question about conditionals and event IDs. Basically, I want units to keep spawning until a character dies, so I set a death quote ID (0x3C) and used the code: TURN 0 Ref_1 [1, 20] 0 0 Ref_1: IFEF 0x01 0x3C LOU1 Reinforce_1 ENUN ELSE 0x02 ENIF 0x01 ENIF 0x02 ENDA It works fine when I play straight through. I kill the guy and they stop spawning. But when I suspend the game, then resume the chapter they begin spawning again even though he is dead. I imagine the game does not save the event ID and is reset. Any way around this issue, because I love the idea and don't want to give it up.
  3. Hi, I'm brand new to this, and extremely late to the party but I have a question that I can't seem to find answered in this thread or any tutorial. For the part on the tiled map inserter that asks for the "Write Map Change Pointer to?:" I have no idea what to put. Using the info page on (http://markyjoe.com/Tutorials/Tiled_Tutorial/Tile Changes Information.html) MarkyJoe's tutorial and I see that there are several map change pointers. How do I decide what is the one to use? Basically, I want a town to look ruined after I visit it. I'm using tileset 1C1D1E1F - do I have to find a map in game where that tileset is used and there is the possibility of a village being destroyed? Figured it out.
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