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Everything posted by Scoot

  1. I think I'm going to save my tickets for the summer banner. Hoping for ruler Martha because I don't have any extra classes yet (besides Mash of course) I wish they'd let you pull ten at a time if you had enough tickets.
  2. I have the strangest luck with this game. I got Legendary Hector (Lector? Legtor?) with only 20 or so orbs, but Azura has been evading me since the very beginning.
  3. I managed to snag Nito and Lancelot, but I used up all my quartz and tickets. Guess it's time to start saving up again!
  4. If we're doing friend codes mine is 999,540,146
  5. I've got other archers don't worry. Tesla at level 80-something, David is at max but with no grails, and Atalante, Emiya and Nobu aren't far behind.
  6. I do have her, but she's only at 1st or 2nd ascension. (David's been my go-to 3 star archer) Don't know if I'm going to bother raising her more for such a niche, and I've got plenty of support Euryales. I should be fine then. Sounds like all the horror stories about the Gawain fight have been exaggerated. Mash and her skills are at max level, and best dinosaur boi Cu Alter is ready to go. Thanks to you both!
  7. So, Camelot starts soon. (Figured this would be a good opportunity to weasel myself into the conversation) Is it really as brutal as everyone says?
  8. A character who is completely unremarkable and inoffensive but everyone irrationally hates them. A priest who is deeply devoted to his faith but is also crude, foul-mouthed and violent. A character who acts suspicious all the time and everyone thinks they're an enemy spy. Whatever they're doing when sneaking around always turns out to be completely innocent. An armor knight who doesn't talk much and will sneak out of their suit of armor and leave it as a decoy, but people still think they're talking to that character.
  9. Can't say I'm not a bit disappointed in the lack of dudes here. (Although FEH is leagues ahead of other gatcha-type games when it comes to summer manservice. I'm looking at you, Fate/Grand Order) Might go for Innes or Tana, but I'm also interested in Noire and her coconut bow that can fire in spurts, if she shoots ya, it's gonna hurt.
  10. I've always thought Azura and Silas were good choices, considering their roles and connection to Corrin. Also I've seen people suggest Scarlet, and I probably would've paired F!Corrin with her in one of my runs if I'd had the option.
  11. I'm going to echo (heh) what most everybody's been saying, though Jeanne and Octoling are the one's I'd like the most. Also, Big Boss or Liquid as an echo for Snake. On the subject of Xenoblade, if they did add Rex as a new fighter I could see Addam being his echo.
  12. Snake? Snake? SNAAAKE!!! ...And Ridley, and Daisy, and Leaf/Female Pokemon trainer. Holy mother of hype. This looks badass. I hope there's going to be a story mode this time. I'd still like to see a few more newcomers. Pls gib me Golden Sun.
  13. Looks interesting so far! Sure, it's your typical FE fare but the gameplay seems to be going in some new directions. More thoughts: Edelgard is pretty. Reminds me of a Micaiah/F!Robin hybrid Grizzled Old Man could be the game's Jagen, or maybe a villain Dimitri has 90's boy band hair Looks like the Gaiden/Echoes magic and skill system is back to some degree I'm a sucker for character customization so the avatar returning is fine by me That automaton thing looks really cool. Could it be some kind of raid battle?
  14. Maybe 45 to 60-ish? It's entirely possible that he just looks a lot older, seeing as the stress of running a country (not to mention being possessed) can age someone pretty quickly. My personal theory is that Garon's body is practically dead and Anankos or whatever is keeping it alive as a vessel, but only at the bare minimum. So he's basically just slowly decomposing, which is why he looks so crusty.
  15. Naesala bears an uncanny resemblance to Lancer (F/SN). Salem and Kakyoin (JJBA) must go to the same hairdresser.
  16. There are a ton of MMOs on Steam. Plenty of 'em are free to play, if that's what you're looking for. I went through an MMO phase a few years ago; some of the ones I've played are Aura Kingdom, Mabinogi, Spiral Knights and WAKFU
  17. I think I saw an in-game notification call Feh "she," but I don't remember which one.
  18. Want to say: "This reminds me of the older games" "I really like the character designs" Don't want to say: "Oh, another game in the Fates/Awakening universe..." Expect to say: "I'll probably buy it anyway"
  19. If you want to include a "face" slot, then the stone mask from JJBA could work. Turns whoever wears it into an superpowered immortal vampire, although that does include a weakness to sunlight. And you only have to put it on once, leaving room for another face item after the mask takes its effect.
  20. A refresher-type character, but instead of being a bard or dancer they're a stand-up comic.
  21. I've been calling Legendary Ryoma "Skyoma" Also "Lilywood" for Valentine's Eliwood because his weapon is based on a lily.
  22. Super Mario RPG: I really wanted to like this one because I love the Paper Mario and M&L games. I bought it on the Wii's virtual console a few years back and just couldn't get into it. The Last Story: Bought this after playing Xenoblade because all of the online reviews said it was even better. I was so sure I'd like it that I got the special edition. (hey, it was only $5 more on Amazon)Turned out to be a total dud with boring characters and a confusing battle system.
  23. @Kirokan I found a game script, but if you just want the dialogue:
  24. Scoot

    It is me

    Ayup. Right now I'm watching the Mayro and Luogi playthrough. I'm hooked on the brothers. No prob! It took me a minute to figure out what you were getting at with the song.
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