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  1. While I underatand what you mean, and you are right, Falchion is his most iconic weapon... it would be really really boring. We have 6 characters with Falchion, and one character with a sword that acts like Falchion. A Rapier is another sword that is iconic to lords, and frankly it would be more useful.
  2. Everyone expects him to have the Falchion again, but we already have so many of those, It would be nice to have something a little different, Here's the idea I liked. Weapon: Lodestar's Rapier: 16mt, Effective against Cavalry and Armored units Assist: Special: A: B: Anri's Blessing: (Locked) If unit initiates combat and foe is Cavalry or Armored, Unit is considered Colorless for damage calculation. C: Speed Tactic Not sure if this would be considered too much, but i'd really like something like this, and it would make him drastically different from the Marth I already have built.
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