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Everything posted by Timlugia

  1. I remember some of said tech was opposed by Rhea herself, while others were by other church leaders such as cardinals. Also does anyone know why the cooking book was banned? Is there some secret message I didn't pick up? ----------- Just rechecked the Church library after reading a post on Reddit Turned out that Church indeed claimed Emperors traced their lineage to Seiros, making the story from the banned book even more likely.
  2. The only time I know you could have all three is in Smash...🤣 Honestly, I don't understand why you can't get Amyr and Sword of Seiros in Silver Snow/Verdant Wind after killing Edelgard. While one could argue Amyr might be bound to Edelgard, Sword of Seiros isn't, and wouldn't church want to recover it since it's one of their most sacred artifacts? Shouldn't it at least be given back to Rhea after we rescued her? I have seen theory that suggest Sword of Seiros was supposedly Rhea's unique weapon as a playable character in these two routes, but removed when she was removed from roster as well.
  3. The one I hated the most is chapter 3, unending reinforcement + Kaga style trap levers...
  4. Isn't cutscene alone more than 45 minutes? So you beat each level within 30 minutes? ======= Went back to my base game save, and realized that nether east side on Monastery nor west annex of Cathedral was unlock, there is still this weird tree in the middle of road next to graveyard. I thought Ashen Wolves would move into the east wing dorms, but instead they mostly stayed in Abyss, leaving east wing still unused. Maybe it's a hint there still room for future expansion? As far as we know neither IniSys nor Koei announce anything beyond this update so far.
  5. Took me 8 hours on normal, hard I got stuck on chapter 3 with golem reinforcement for 2 hours so I gave up for now.
  6. Seteth also banned a few books that were too close to the truth, like depiction of Immaculate One (despite she's already on all church mural and flags, not sure what's the point of censorship here). Seteth also only officially joined church a few years ago, means the book was allowed in the past long before Another thing is this drama was part of imperial marriage feast of Lycanon III, during the time empire was very close to the church. In fact Rhea might have been personally preset there. I wonder if church would allow such display if they considered it non-hisotrical or even falsely depicting Seiros
  7. One of the banned book "The Feast of Decadence" also caught my interest: It described Imperial feasts to celebrate victory of Nemesis, on one page it described an opera showing Emperor Wilhelm pulled Saint Seiros into close embrace... Maybe the imperial line was a real blood line rather than simple blood transfusion? How many mortal men have Rhea developed a relationship with? and maybe Jeralt was also one?
  8. Rhea stated that Byleth was a stillborn (dead on delivery) in Silver Snow cutscene Rampage, but that wasn't what Jeralt was questioning: infant mortality rate in those days were 1 in 3, (while Maternal death was 1 in 10) and It was kind expected that could happen. Even my grandparents had siblings died at birth and this was in 20th century already. What Jeralt was questioning was how Byleth has no heartbeat and wonder what Rhea did to Byleth, which was answered early by the DLC (rather than in the end of Silver Snow). It's also the reason he set the fire, and warn Byleth to guard against Rhea. DLC is now making all these "discovery" far less powerful since Byleth already know most of it 5 chapters ahead. Jeralt (in his diary):" But no heartbeat!" Byleth(post DLC): "Rhea already told me it's because she implanted Sitri's heart to save me" As for why his implanted heart has no beat, that I don't know, maybe it works like a left ventricular assist device, by pushing blood flow constantly thus having no heartbeat or measurable blood pressure.
  9. ============== It's actually not mole man we were talking about here, it her father the late emperor we are talking about. Edelgard claim her "truth" about crests and Nemesis were passed down from the emperor all the way back to John Wilhelm. There was always debate about if TWISTD somehow infiltrated imperial court and mislead this secret history, since her version is completely different than all other sources.
  10. It probably is from story writing perspective (you need a foundation/anchor base on to write other routes) But I was just explaining why I feel DLC is helping people justifying to support Rhea in Black Eagle path since it removed a few "gripe" Byleth/Jeralt had with Rhea in part one (particular around Byleth's birth and death of Sitri) , and they clearly bounds better after DLC.
  11. In the same vein, it seems to me DLC shows much more sympathetic light to Rhea than original part one Instead of that mysterious or even plot planning Rhea we had from base game, DLC Rhea is much more caring, and have far more close interaction with Byleth From Black Eagle perspective, DLC Byleth might be one justifying Silver Snow path. I can see DLC Byleth siding with Rhea after she's being more open about their past.
  12. Cindered Shadows sets in chapter 5 of main story. But as other said, it's high against you starting with CS, you would need some basic understanding of the main story to get CS. CS is also much harder than main game, even seasoned FE players are challenged.
  13. Actually it takes places at chapter 5, right after Byleth got SotC Rhea made it very clear the attack on Holy Mausoleum was just previous month, and in main game there was one week of no activity in this month. My current main game save is at part 2, so I don't know if they made any change to dialouge but wouldn't DLC cause major continually conflict/retcon somehow?
  14. I remember there was a debate about Edelgard claimed the secret history was an oral tradition by emperors, people were arguing if TWISTD has twisted this traditional. The new fragment seem to suggest that TWISTD misinformation operations were much earlier than previous thought, thus they might also be the reason behind imperial secret being different than church’s
  15. And in Silver Snow ending Blyeth was riding on an automobile like device.
  16. We simply don't know, historically each mainline Fire Emblem gets two waves of DLC, plus all the recently publicity from TGA and Smash would be logical to push on. On the other hand, IniSys and Koei is totally quiet about their future plan following this wave.... Also it's really strange to me that Heroes weren't doing more Three Houses characters, since the first wave we only got a holiday Sothis.
  17. Ha, I am not going that far in my theories, but I am going down the same route that revealing character background. I am assuming the DLC would give more insight about Sothis and TWISTD, considering Ashen Wolves were somehow named after her as well. As for shared universe, I wouldn't be surprised Three Houses turned out later to be in the same universe with Archanea but a later date (due to more advanced society). We have all these green hair manaketes running the governments, item makes reference to Archanea and also Nowi in Awakening talked about she was born in the other land where more manakets still live...
  18. Consider how big the plot twist was in the main game, do you think there would be a major plot twist in the DLC? And what would be your theories?
  19. I think that way intentionally as an irony, three people sharing the same goal but couldn't agree on the methods, ended up as a bloodbath. Even Rhea's eventual plan was to move away from the current social order once Sothis took the throne, which Rhea believes was the answer to every problem and she was just an interim ruler for Sothis. As for golden route, my answer is also a NO. It takes away the central conflict and theme of the game, it's against everything the game trying to portrait . It would be a very weak story, or require a completely rewrite that's way above the scope of a single route.
  20. Saint Seiros: randomly in one of three forms: use magic attack as Rhea, use sword and brawl as Seiros, and as Immaculate One.
  21. Not sure why it isn't an option on the poll, but Three Houses universe left so much room for further expansion, especially after they spent so much effort on building it. There are also so many unanswered lore question we have from Three Houses. - War of Nabatean and Agarthans - War of Heroes (Saints vs Nemesis and 10 Elites) - War of Eagle and Lion ( Independence of Kingdom) - Almyra invasion (forming of Officer's Academy, built of Fodlan's Locket) - Dagda invasion and imperial conquest of Brigid. - Rhea and Jeralt, and on Duscar Tragedy (basically direct prequel to Three Houses) And concurrent/sequel to Three Houses, they could develop story based on Almyra or Dagda. Especially that Dagda Empire was completely quiet during war phase, makes one wonder why they didn't take the opportunity to seek revenge.... It doesn't need to be the very next Fire Emblem game, but I really hope they will come back to Fodlan in the future to expend it's lore.
  22. Also people seems to ignore the context that Ingrid (and others) didn't have first hand/fourth wall breaking information like players do All they heard was distorted accounted from witness and survivors, with governmental propaganda. Ingrid was also very young when it happened, so she likely heard it only from her parents. One really shouldn't judge their reaction using information not available to them.
  23. I feel Sothis is kind of a joke, by the context and she's named "???" despite Byleth knew who she is. Or asking you put the ring on yourself. And I still don't know how she's even existing or coming back to Byleth in Crimson Flower, especially if you killed all her family. Rhea one is very Greek mythological inspired ending, with strong theme of fate and irony, like how she basically admit it's an incest. but it also completes her story and character arc, if they can overlook their blood relationship, it's kind sweet that they accepted each other for what they really are.
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